Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
December 10, 2006

Why Genetically Modifying (GM) Food Products Are A No No

"In every FDA decision involving genetically modified foods, those making the decision were either former or future employees of the genetic-engineering companies. To determine the safety of these foods, the FDA typically just takes the word of the company.

Further, the FDA has increased the allowable residue of Roundup on crops by 330%. So Monsanto can make genetically engineered crops resistant to their toxic chemicals and sell more chemical as well as seeds. You get to eat both the genetically altered "food" and the added chemicals. What a scheme. Monsanto is making a killing on these seeds and chemicals.

These corporations have lots of products for you in the pipeline. Here are just a few: Aluminum tolerance in papaya, tobacco, rice, and corn (so they can grow the plants in soil contaminated with aluminum). Growth-enhanced farm-raised salmon. Monosexed fish. Altering carnivorous fish to starch-based digestion. Antifreeze gene in warm-water fish to raise them in cold climates.

Do you really want to eat plants resistant to aluminum? I don't think your brain would like that!

How about fish with antifreeze?

And, if these companies have their way, their products will be labeled as organic if grown without the addition of chemicals."

See also: The Earth is flat, pigs were invented by Monsanto, and genetically modified organisms are safe. Right.

Inge's Added Comment:

"GENETIC ENGINEERING of OUR FOOD - a growing treat to your health:
This is a burning issue, the significance of which most people seem blissfully and trustingly unaware. The future of FOOD (through genetic engineering - leading to patents, ownership, and complete control ownership of seeds and thus the food supply by Corporations is one if THE most important issues facing the survival of mankind and the biological environment.

But even worse, many of these foods have been clearly shown to destroy health, - and are definitely an overwhelming threat to the genetic integrity of natural plants through pollen transfer, etc - a fact that is carefully covered up by a "silent main media" and the steady stream of government/corporate/academic misinformation and pseudoscience.

Jeffrey Smith is one of the most informed whistleblowers on the issue of genetic engineering - and his book SEEDS of DECEPTION is a trail-blazer - the most detailed and documented expose of the dangers, deceit, and "control-agenda" surrounding the genetic- engineering debacle.

It is important that we inform ourselves NOW - and then decide how to reverse this disastrous agenda - because the SEED-FOOD-SUPPLY-TAKEOVER Agenda is already very well advanced, with government complicity and promotion. "

Here is a Good Summary on the potential harm from GM....

Some audios to supplement this post are here.

Chris Gupta

Why You Should Avoid These "Healthy" Foods

It's no secret that organic foods are gaining in popularity. Even the corporate behemoth Wal-Mart is making big news with its new organic products. But have you ever thought about the reason organics are becoming so popular?

Obviously, the word is getting out about pesticides and herbicides. The American people have said enough is enough and demanded cleaner, healthier foods. But the problem is much greater than just pesticides and herbicides.

The Big Chemical companies and Big Agriculture companies have joined together to genetically modify plants to be disease and insect resistant.

Genetic modification means the insertion of genes into an organism. Genes are the hard drive of a cell's computer. They tell your cells what to do, and what compounds to manufacture.

There are some very good purposes to genetic engineering (GE). For example, scientists inserted the human gene to make insulin into a bacterium. Now we have a ready and reliable source of human insulin that we simply harvest by growing the bacteria.

But when it comes to genetically modifying food products, it's a different story. I've told you in the past about genetically modified foods and the health trouble some of them cause. Now we're finding out that ALL genetically modified foods are potentially hazardous to your health.

For instance, the chemical company Monsanto took a gene from a plant that makes the pesticide Bacillus thuringiensis toxin ­ or Bt ­ to protect itself. The company then stuck this gene into corn. So now, most corn sold in the U.S. has this gene in it. While this means most corn crops can ward off predatory insects, it also means we are all eating genetically modified corn.

What's wrong with that? Consider this: A recent study found that people in the Philippines now have antibodies to Bt toxin in their blood. That means they must be eating Bt. Connect the dots!

Researchers also have tested people who eat genetically engineered foods. In the participants, they found Roundup Ready and Bt genes, along with ampicillin–resistant marker genes in human gut bacteria. Roundup Ready is the gene inserted into soy to make those plants more resistant to Monsanto's herbicide Roundup. This is extremely frightening. That means your gut bacteria pick up the genes intact.

The researchers even found that these people had a resistance marker for the antibiotic ampicillin. Why ampicillin resistance? Monsanto doesn't know if the genes they shoot into their targets actually take hold. So they also insert carrier marker genes, which are easy to measure. It's quite easy to measure ampicillin resistance-marker genes compared to Bt. So they inject the plant seed with the gene for Bt together with the gene for ampicillin resistance.

This research shows that when you eat the food grown from these genes, the genes are actually leaching out of the genetically modified plant into your body. They enter your gut in free form. Your gut bacteria pick them up. Now bacteria in your gut become resistant to an antibiotic that could save your life, and they can begin making Bt pesticide! You now can die of an ampicillin-resistant infection from your own genetically modified bacteria, even if you never took ampicillin.

Obviously, genetically modified food carries unknown risks we can't even imagine. And the FDA isn't doing anything to stop. In fact, the government agency is promoting it. Here's how:

Most U.S. milk is made with cows treated with genetically engineered bovine growth hormone. The dairy industry claims it's a great way to increase milk production. But this milk has 2-10 times the levels of a hormone called IGF-1. This hormone is linked to prostate, breast, colon, and lung cancers. Animals injected with the hormone suffer terrible teat and infection problems. The result? They need to be fed more antibiotics, which you end up drinking (or eating).

The FDA, instead of stopping the use of the hormone, raised the allowable limit of antibiotics in your milk. So not only are you drinking genetically engineered hormones, but also much higher levels of antibiotics. Imagine what that's going to do to the bacteria in your gut.

In every FDA decision involving genetically modified foods, those making the decision were either former or future employees of the genetic-engineering companies. To determine the safety of these foods, the FDA typically just takes the word of the company.

Further, the FDA has increased the allowable residue of Roundup on crops by 330%. So Monsanto can make genetically engineered crops resistant to their toxic chemicals and sell more chemical as well as seeds. You get to eat both the genetically altered "food" and the added chemicals. What a scheme. Monsanto is making a killing on these seeds and chemicals.

These corporations have lots of products for you in the pipeline. Here are just a few: Aluminum tolerance in papaya, tobacco, rice, and corn (so they can grow the plants in soil contaminated with aluminum). Growth-enhanced farm-raised salmon. Monosexed fish. Altering carnivorous fish to starch-based digestion. Antifreeze gene in warm-water fish to raise them in cold climates.

Do you really want to eat plants resistant to aluminum? I don't think your brain would like that!

How about fish with antifreeze?

And, if these companies have their way, their products will be labeled as organic if grown without the addition of chemicals.

In addition, if your organic cornfield is next to a genetically modified cornfield, their pollen might blow over to your field. Now your corn seeds are also genetically altered. Monsanto can successfully sue you for patent violation of their GMO if you use those seeds next year, even though you grew them. It's already happened.

What can you do? First, read Seeds of Deception by Jeffrey Smith, and see his video. He's done an awesome job of uncovering corporate deceit and the imminent horrific danger of genetically modified organisms. It's available at 641-209-1765 or online here. In it you will learn that these seeds are like a Pandora's Box. DNA is self-replicating and spreads. Already, escaping pollen from GMO plants have contaminated wild grasses and plants. And will likely infect every crop in the country before long. You just thought you were eating organic.

Second, please immediately call your elected officials. Demand that all genetically altered foods be labeled. You have the absolute right to know if you are eating a God-made food or a "Frankenfood." Industry has successfully resisted labeling these products. Labeling must be on both whole foods and processed foods.

Buy organic only, especially soy and corn products. I won't eat any corn or soy (tofu) in restaurants if I'm not certain it's organic.

I have always told you that prevention is the best way to beat disease. There's no way to know what your exposure to these foods could do to you in the short or long run. But I am convinced that these Frankenfoods could be the ultimate undoing of your health.

Extracted from: Dec. 2006 Second Opinion Newsletter


posted by Chris Gupta on Sunday December 10 2006
updated on Thursday March 29 2007

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Readers' Comments

Where can I buy unadulterated pure, non hybrid, not genetically modified corn and oat seed that I can replant from the precious years harvest? Also garden vegetable seeds. Thanks, Barth Stoner

Posted by: Jason on December 11, 2006 12:15 AM


I represent a residential developing company y Costa Rica, Centralamerica. We plan to design a Tropical Rain Forest Hotel. One of the ideas would be to have self sustained electrical power, specially solar. An ecological friendly development. Please let me know if this technology is available to any customer.


Posted by: John Samphier on January 15, 2007 03:13 PM


Where can I buy unadulterated pure, non hybrid, not genetically modified corn and oat seed that I can replant from the precious years harvest? Also garden vegetable seeds. Thanks, Barth Stoner

Posted by: Barth Stoner on May 12, 2007 12:45 PM


I'm sure these companies win fair cases from time to time, and of course there will be dishonest farmers who would steal the GM seeds, but with the research I have done and the accurate facts in this article, aaaaall these reasons are already enough to hate big corporations like this. Not socially responsible and not concerned for people's health. Very greedy and very power hungry indeed, to be spreading their methods to other countries and misinforming people about the risks of GM food. I think we are witnessing the biggest human feeding experiment in history. Let's see what happens in 20 or 30 years.....

Posted by: Shoana on May 19, 2010 12:14 PM


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