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October 13, 2004

Nutritional Supplements and Essential Oils by Candida International



Owing to pressure from the pharmaceutical giants, who wish to impede and dominate the supplements market and alternative medicine in general, certain governments are giving in to such financial pressures and are passing laws that prohibit the sale of many supplements and medicinal plants.

It is not only the supplements and plant remedies that are being outlawed but alternative medicine practices altogether. This includes the practice of macrobiotics, which in some countries is labelled as a 'dangerous sect' by certain politicians and members of the press.

It is even illegal in some countries, such as France, to grow and produce your own home remedies.

If you consider these growing legal restrictions to be an infringement on your human rights you may consider looking into the various organisations that are campaigning against this financial dictatorship.

France: (also in English)

Opinions vary as to the use of supplements and remedies. Here is a list of those that are commonly recommended:

Chlorella : Extremely effective for ridding the body of excess toxins such as candida overgrowth, as well as heavy metals. It cleanses and re-establishes a healthy environment in the gut. Spirulina is also very good, however, chlorella is more powerful. Blue green algae also have an excellent reputation for cleansing the body. An important tip when using chlorella is to increase your intake of fresh coriander leaves, for example in salads everyday. This is because the chlorella releases the toxic heavy metals that have been trapped in the organs into the blood stream. The fresh coriander leaves then sweep these out of the blood stream.

Garlic: an extremely powerful antiseptic and very effective in killing parasites. Try to eat it raw every day. It can also be rubbed on the skin to stop itching although it is an irritant and can burn. Making a solution of crushed garlic in water is one way of reducing garlic's tendency to sting.

Non dairy Acidophilus (Bifidus): this is to replace the healthy bacteria in the gut, destroyed by antibiotics. Buy a brand that uses 100% vegi-capsules.

Oreganum essential oil: Anti-parasitic. This essential oil is extremely powerful. For this reason it is best to consult a professional health care provider when using it, as it can burn. One drop added to a teaspoon of aloe vera gel with a few drops of tea tree oil and chamomile essential oil makes an excellent anti-fungal anti-itch cream. But be careful using neat or on irritated skin as oreganum essential oil will make you hit the roof. It can also be taken internally at mealtimes, by putting several drops into a capsule.

Aloe Vera: one tablespoon of aloe vera-drink taken twice daily. Look for a good brand that does not contain additives, flavours or sugar.

Glutamine: this is the substance used by the intestines to repair damaged tissue and is good for healing 'leaky gut'.

Grapefruit seed extract: anti-parasitic.

Vitamin C: this is best in its powder form and is good for killing harmful bacteria and for boosting the immune system. Avoid the tablets containing flavours and citric acid. Certain people cannot tolerate the acidity of most brands of vitamin C.

Vitamin B complex and Magnesium: calm the nerves and relieve depression. They are also often used for healing serious illnesses of the brain as too is linseed oil which contains omega three fatty acids.

Evening Primrose Oil and Borage: sources of gammalinolenic acid. This is a substance that corrects hormonal imbalances.

Pau d'Arco: Anti-parasitic

Olive leaf : Anti-parasitic

Ozonated Water This is made with a water ozonator and can be effective for reducing candida symptoms by neutralising contaminants in the water and in the body when ingested.

Liquid Zeolite Volcanic salts in liquid form that are reputed to be the most effective way to rid the body of heavy metals, dioxines and other harmful pesticides.

Tea tree oil for topical applications: acts as a very powerful antiseptic and boosts the immune system.

Essential oils are not only enjoyable to use but also have very strong therapeutic qualities . The Neal's Yard book 'Natural Health and Body Care' (UK) is a good introduction.


mandato da Robin Good il Wednesday October 13 2004
aggiornato il Sunday September 24 2006

URL of this article:




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