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October 14, 2004

'Atrocities Performed upon Women in the Name of Science' by Dr John R Christopher


There is an ever increasing number of hysterectomies performed in the United States daily. It is almost standard procedure that a woman undergo the surgical removal of her uterus and ovaries when she reaches menopause. The hysterectomy was originally performed upon women to cure them of hysteria. So the word for the operation was not uterectomy or ovariectomy, but hysterectomy. Truly a male chauvinist term.

The reasons for hysterectomy vary. Some women develop a prolapsed condition of the abdominal organs and pressure is put on other organs. This occurs when vaginal muscle tone is lost from heavy manual labor or long and hard childbirths. Other women develop painful or profuse menstruation. Some women suffer from cancer of the uterus, cervix, etc. Others develop fibroid tumors, severe anemia from bleeding of the uterus, adenomyosis, which is that the lining of the uterine cavity has penetrated the wall of the uterus. The latter is a disease developed by women who have often had several childbirths by Caesarian section. Endometriosis is a similar disorder in which the lining of the uterine cavity, the endometrium, is found in other places beside the uterine cavity. The disease can infiltrate the ovaries and nearby organs as well. Surgeons can eradicate the disease by removal of the uterus, or the uterus and ovaries. Hormone therapy is also available, but the side effects may be uncomfortable. There is also the possibility of removal of most of the endometrium in order to give the woman a few more years of childbearing. The disease quite frequently reoccurs. Pelvic inflammatory disease, sometimes caused by venereal disease, is surgically "cured" by the removal of the uterus, tubes, and ovaries. If a woman has ovarian cysts necessitating the removal of the ovaries, the uterus is also removed because, according to surgeons, the uterus is now a "functionless" organ. Hernias of the bladder and the rectum into the vaginal canal is also reason to perform a hysterectomy. (In all of the above cases, the uterus has been neglected and suffers from malnutrition.)

Dr. Bieler, in his book, Food is Your Best Medicine, suggests that one of the causes of cancer of the uterus results from eating the wrong types of foods.


An overabundance of animal protein in the diet is difficult for the body to handle (as is an overabundance of starches) and the putrefied wastes are eliminated monthly through the uterus. This is akin to using the uterus as a garbage filter. After about 25 years, the uterus simply has been disintegrated beyond repair. As if the above operations and reasons for their performance don't sound horrible enough, some women choose to have their organs removed as a measure of sterility or as a future precaution against uterine cancer.

One in every two women will have a hysterectomy by the time they are 65. Most women are easily talked into these operations by the doctor as a salesperson. Why bother with having more children? Why bother with menstruation problems? Mendelsohn cites examples of hysterectomies performed on poor patients in charity hospitals. While the woman is in labor, a doctor will say, "You really don't want any more children, do you?" And convince her to undergo a hysterectomy.

A great contributor to female reproductive disorders is the indiscriminate use of inorganic estrogen. There are warnings printed in the drug company advertisements about the possibilities of developing endometrial cancer from their ingestion. This is the popular "Pill" that women have been using for decades to prevent pregnancy.

There is neither time nor space here to discuss all the heartbreaking stories of the gullible women who have ruined their lives by trusting an ignorant or diabolical surgeon without even obtaining the proverbial second opinion. Let us recommend several of our natural herbal aids in this space.

First of all, many diseases, including female reproductive organ disorders originate because the bowel and the blood stream are filthy. The first task is to clean those up and keep them clean. The Lower Bowel Formula and the Red Clover Combination can accomplish this. The diet must adhere as closely as possible to the mucusless diet, and plenty of distilled water should be used. Fresh air, rest, exercise, and sunshine, along with a healthy mental attitude are necessary. The Female Corrective Formula consisting of golden seal root, blessed thistle, cayenne, cramp bark, false unicorn root, ginger, red raspberry leaves, squaw vine, and uva ursi is recommended (at least 2 capsules morning and evening or three times a day --- as a tea if you prefer). Red raspberry leaf tea has always helped strengthen the reproductive system. The next formula (and it can be taken together with the female formula) is the hormone and estrogen formula containing black cohosh, sarsaparilla, ginseng, licorice, false unicorn, blessed thistle, and squaw vine. This herbal formula will supply the necessary hormones and estrogens missing in today's processed foods. These two formulas will rebuild the uterus, the ovaries and the fallopian tubes. For strengthening the organs which have been prolapsed, the slant board routine can be used along with the Slant Board Combination of herbs. (#25 in Dr. Christopher's Three Day Cleansing Program and the Mucusless Diet.)

The Vaginal Bolus routine (#24) will draw out toxic waste material from the female reproductive area. Many women have gotten rid of cancers, cysts, and tumors in addition to infections and the like through the use of this suppository routine. Just recently, we have heard of two cases of cervical cancer (previously diagnosed) that were completely healed within several weeks. Not a trace of the cancerous material was left upon a follow-up examination. These were two women who didn't want to change their diets, but tried the herbs alone.

We urge women to at least give the alternatives a try instead of succumbing to the scalpel.



The most disgusting fact concerning mastectomy is that many times cancer of the breast in women is misdiagnosed, leaving a patient without a breast or breasts needlessly. The eagerness with which surgeons are willing to remove the breast simply because of a lump discovered has reached epidemic proportions. Many women have found that there was another alternative to the radical mastectomy after the operation was performed upon them. During the last decade mastectomies increased by 50%. Two wives of prominently political men, one, the First Lady, in fact, had their breast removed. They valiantly lived with their sacrifice. It seemed that after they were tops in the news, many women followed suit. We actually heard of a program where women could have their breasts removed before they even developed any sort of disease in them. This is one of the most sadistic and masochistic programs we have ever heard of.

Many modern medical practices have added to the development of cancer of the breast. The Pill, a contraceptive and inorganic estrogen is one. DES, used to dry up milk in nursing mothers, or as a "morning after" pill is another. Unnecessary X-rays is another contributing factor.

When there is any problem with the breast, and this should be noticed early, we use the fomentation of 3 parts mullein and one part lobelia over the affected area. It may be taken internally as well. Many Indian tribes have used a fomentation of poke root externally to draw out the cancer. As with all cancers, they begin in the blood stream and radiate out to other parts of the body where they are manifested. The Red Clover Combination can be used to purify the bloodstream, the nutrient transport system of the body. Cysts and tumors will not grow in an atmosphere where there is enough potassium. Elderberry tincture can be taken for potassium increase along with foods that are high in potassium.


There are three really unnecessary and dangerous procedures executed in childbirth at the operating room. One is the forceps delivery of the baby, the next, the episiotomy, and the third the famous Caesarian section. All three reflect the lack of patience on the part of the medical staff for a simple and natural procedure such as childbirth. We have looked into the irises of some people who are now 35 or 40, and see that the medulla (involving motor nerve function) has been damaged long ago because of a forceps delivery. The baby's head is a delicate thing and can easily be damaged by the use of this steel instrument. Of course, the B&B tincture can be used to help these people with damage to the brain area, as can the BF&C fomentations, but mothers, why subject your baby to such torture?

The episiotomy is an incision made in the perineum so that the mother will not tear and the baby can come out more easily. This operation is standard on 85% of the first time mothers in this country. The reasons given by the surgeons are obsolete. Recent research shows that the perineum does not heal any better than a normal tear. With patience during a birth and proper coaching the mother will not tear. Many of the midwives we know use olive oil or wheat germ oil throughout pregnancy to give the perineum some elasticity. It can also be massaged into the perineum during the birth.

This operation requires a local anesthetic. A slipup could send the needle into the baby's brain. The incision is often a site where infection can set in. The episiotomy takes longer to repair than a small natural tear. Some of the midwives use comfrey poultices or fomentations to decrease the healing time should a tear occur.

Julius Caesar's mother had died during the course of childbirth. The standard Roman practice was to leave the infant in the mother and the infant would die also. Some quick thinker decided to cut open the mother to see if the infant had a chance to live. This was the origin of the Caesarian section. It was originally performed on mothers who had died during delivery. Nowadays it is quickly becoming standard medical practice. Why? For one, it is quicker for the doctor to open up the woman and take the baby rather than waiting for the labor to run its course. Secondly, a Caesarian operation brings in more money. There are many poor excuses that a doctor will make up in order to justify a Caesarian delivery. Not progressing in labor is one of the most ridiculous. Once a woman has had a Caesarian section, her obstetrician will not usually permit her to have a normal vaginal delivery.

A Caesarian section should only be performed if the life of the mother or the child is truly at stake. It is a serious operation involving great risks to the mother and the baby. There are many books available on natural childbirth and pre-natal care. If a mother must have a hospital birth, we suggest that she find a doctor who is not accustomed to performing Caesarian sections on most of his patients.


mandato da Robin Good il Thursday October 14 2004
aggiornato il Sunday September 24 2006

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