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December 3, 2004

Petition to France's President - Natural Health Practitioner Hamer Unjustly Imprisoned


France continues to ignore basic human rights and is guilty once again of the abusive treatment of another alternative medicine practitioner, Dr. Geerd Hamer, imprisoned for his work on the interconnections between the psyche and cancer.

Extracts from Hamer's recent letters:

"The French state has made it impossible for 6 weeks that I speak to a lawyer, thus insuring that I would miss my Dec. 1st chance to appeal and thus keep me in custody at least until March 5th...

...I feel as if this was a tomb, yet my morale is unbroken...

...I feel lucky to receive much mail; people are distressed...

...Please let all know I am moved by the empathy and by the extremely generous donations...

...The French thought they would just grab me, force me to undergo psychiatric evaluation and then put me away, instead there has been enormous reaction from the people in Germany, Austria, Italy... the fact that the press has been silent speaks volumes..."

Help Hamer to Get out of Prison

For full details of this campaign and how to send the petition to Jacques Chirac, click here:

Click here to read Dr Hamer's biography:


mandato da Robin Good il Friday December 3 2004
aggiornato il Wednesday November 8 2006

URL of this article:


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Readers' Comments

Hamer has been freed in February 2006:

a href="" target="_blank"From Zeus News:/a Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer who has been imprisoned in France for more than a year, was freed days ago.
Hamer was sentenced by a French court in absentia for what amounts to medical heresy - the proposal to treat cancer in a different way from conventional medicine - and for writing a book about it, explaining his "new medicine". France then asked Spain to extradite Hamer and the Spanish government agreed. After one and a half years in prison in France, Hamer has now been released.

Posted by: Sepp on October 6, 2006 05:30 AM


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