Diary of a Knowledge Broker by Steve Bosserman

Independent investigation of the truth; collaboration for social justice

Independent investigation of the truth; collaboration for social justice

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Communication Agents:


August 25, 2005


Welcome to my blogsite, Diary of a Knowledge Broker. It is often by quite circuitous and coincidental routes people find one another: the results of Googling, an email reference, a URL embedded in another article or posted on a website. Whatever the case, I am glad you are here. Feel encouraged through the postings on this site to find your voice, ask yourself the next right question to further your individual search for what is true, and witness to the truth as you experience it so that others may have the opportunity to benefit from what you now know. This blog is as good as you and others respond with comments on this site or positive action in your lives. Participation, regardless of means, is the central theme!

I, too, am glad to be here. This is perhaps as unexpected an occasion for me as it is for you. This past June, I attended the Open Culture conference in Milan, Italy. As with most conferences, I go because someone else is there I want to meet. The person who invited me was Andrius Kulikauskas, founder of Minciu Sodas a social networking organization based in Lithuania. He and I knew one another from email exchanges, but had not met in person. This conference gave us a face-to-face convening point.

As in all social situations, having the opportunity to talk with one person may have been a compelling reason for going in the first place; but once there one meets so many others. One of these was Robin Good. You see Robin's picture in the top, left-hand corner of the Communication Agents homepage. If you click it you will be led to Robin's various websites starting with MasterNewMedia and moving to others such as Kolabora and MasterViews.

It is quickly obvious that Robin is heavily involved in Information Communication Technology (ICT). His passion for these technologies and associated tools is borne out in his presentations on the subject. Robin gave one of them entitled, "The Long Tail," based on the work of Chris Anderson, at the Open Culture conference. His content knowledge, hands-on experience, and overt passion concerning what ICT is and how it functions triggered my excitement about the impact advances in ICT would have on people, especially in their relationships to one another in their personal development, their work, and their communities. As Robin and I discovered what the other was doing, the complementary aspects of our work became obvious. The result was an invitation to join the ranks of Communication Agents, to which I accepted. And that brings me here. My heartfelt thanks to Robin for making this opportunity possible—this a precious gift, indeed!

I describe myself as a "knowledge broker." With the pervasiveness of ICT capabilities, the roles we play in our work and relationships to one another are a complex mix of saying our truths, aggregating these diverse points of truth into recognizable frameworks of patterns, and putting theories into action we believe will influence the patterns we see and experience. Knowledge brokers move easily and freely among these three roles depending upon the current circumstances in which they find themselves. My fellow communication agents—Sepp, Chris, Tom, Rinaldo, Ivan, Emma, and Robin—are excellent examples of knowledge brokers. The content of their posts pertains to topics of vital interest to each of us. Their perspectives span the full breadth of a knowledge broker's world and speak about truth, patterns, or action. Please invite them into your mind and heart and give them a read.

Regardless of what brings us to this point, I am looking forward to our interactions, knowing your truth, and seeing where this leads us!

Steve Bosserman


posted by Steve Bosserman on Thursday August 25 2005
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

URL of this article:





Readers' Comments

Hi Steve,

I know I am a bit late here but let me say a heartfelt "welcome" to you in this project of Information Communication Technology made possible by Robin Good.

Thank you for your introductory post which mentions all the rest of us, and thank you especially for bringing a new perspective to our work as knowledge brokers.

Your area of particular knowledge and concern

...the third and final stage in the transition from the Industrial to the Knowledge Era: when production requires no people anywhere and everyone is displaced from making things.

ties in very much with two areas of interest of mine in the communication agents project, new energy technologies and alternatives to the current economic system.

While I don't have nearly enough time to dedicate to these areas, I am happy to see that you will be bringing us some news and more food for thought in this important area of human transformation.

Posted by: Sepp Hasslberger on October 4, 2005 08:43 AM


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