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October 21, 2006

Bono and Bush Party without Koch: AIDS Industry Makes a Mockery of Medical Science


In his recent article "When Bono Met Bush" Chris Daley writes:

"Bono — front man for the supergroup U2 and self-appointed spokesman for AIDS and Africa — door-stopped President George W Bush at Chicago airport last Friday to give him a piece of his mind. Irritated that he should have to wait while the President's plane took off, Bono marched onto the runway huffing that he would like to have a few words with Bush, as if the President were an unruly neighbour blocking his driveway. After 10 minutes onboard Airforce One, the Irish musician emerged grinning and shaking hands with Bush as if the two were old poker buddies. 'This is the President who has treated a million AIDS patients,' he trumpeted boldly to the waiting media scrum."

Now, while we may expect rock stars and American Presidents to be stupid, it is less understandable in the case of the AIDS industry.

Bono is willing to forgive George for causing approximately 655 000 deaths in Iraq because George is just 'such a great guy' when it comes to AIDS. No doubt Bono, like many others, takes Bush and the medical industry at their word concerning the benefits of HIV and AIDS drugs as well as the link between HIV and AIDS itself.

However, if drug-promoting rock stars would consider doing a little research into these matters they'd discover that HIV-AIDS drugs do not cure people but kill them. They'd learn that the HIV test itself is a fraud and that the link between HIV and AIDS was never proved, 'HIV' failing, as it does, to even comply to the traditional medical standard used to define an infectious disease: Koch's Postulates.

Emma Holister

Read the following articles on the escalating fight against the HIV fraud.

Court rules HIV not proven to cause 'AIDS'

by Paul King

And in Australia . . .

Man to challenge existence of HIV in court

"An HIV positive man convicted of endangering the lives of three former partners through unprotected sex is appealing against his conviction, claiming the HIV virus does not really exist."
See also. . .

Accused denies existence of HIV

by Jeremy Roberts,20867,20646408-5006787,00.html

Finally, if the prospect of doing lots of technical reading on HIV and AIDS is a bit daunting, an enjoyable way to introduce yourself to many of the main arguments is to read Stephen Davis' courtroom drama 'Wrongful Death - The AIDS Trial.' It is a good read and offers hundreds of referrences.

Below is a list of facts from The AIDS Trial website that clears up confusion about the HIV test.

If you have been diagnosed as HIV-Positive because of a blood test (ELISA and/or Western Blot), there are seven very important things you need to know:

1. The HIV blood test does NOT test for the presence of the HIV virus itself. To be called HIV-Positive does NOT mean you have HIV. The test is looking for HIV ANTIBODIES in your blood, so if anything, you are HIV-ANTIBODY-Positive. With virtually any other disease, if you have the ANTIBODIES , it means you are IMMUNE from that disease.

2. There are over fifty (50) scientific studies proving that there are more than seventy (70) things in a human body OTHER THAN HIV that can cause an HIV blood test to react positively. These are called "false positives," and they include having a flu shot or other vaccinations prior to taking the HIV blood test, pregnancy, generalized warts, and so on. Frankly, the chances of you being a "true positive" are very slim.

3. The proteins used in the HIV blood test kit have NOT been proven to be unique or specific to HIV itself. In fact, every single protein in the test kit has been proven to belong to some other virus or microbe in your body as well. Therefore a "positive" HIV blood test can NOT be said to be specific for HIV at all.

4. You are NOT considered to be HIV Positive until your first ELISA test is confirmed by a Western Blot test. However, the Western Blot test uses the exact same proteins as the ELISA test and is therefore subject to the same 70 factors that cause false positives and the same criticism that those proteins have NOT been proven to be unique and specific to HIV.

5. The Western Blot test has not one but TEN (10) different ways it can be interpreted, depending on who does the testing, whose criteria are used to judge the test results, and where you live in the world. In other words, you might have tested Positive where you are today, but you could go to another country, or another city, or even another laboratory and NOT be positive there.

6. All the studies prove that HIV fails every scientific test to be the cause of AIDS. (See The AIDS Trial, with more than 900 references offered as proof.) In other words, even if you are a "true" HIV-Positive, you are NOT going automatically get AIDS and die, unless you begin taking the HIV medications.

7. The HIV medications can kill you, and you are being lied to about them as well. The AIDS Establishment has admitted that more HIV-Positives are dying from liver failure from the drugs than anything else. For example, if you go to, you will see grotesque pictures of men (one in a diaper), with the caption, "HIV (not fabulous)." Anyone reading that website would think that HIV did this to these men - the sunken face, the humps on the back and neck, the distended abdomen - called "lipodystrophy." The truth is that lipodystrophy is NOT a symptom of HIV or AIDS, but a well-documented side-effect of the HIV drugs you will be strongly urged to take. There are thousands of other HIV-Positives living healthy and happy lives who say no to HIV drugs.

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Emma Holister

A new study has just been published in Lancet Magazine (which belongs to the AIDS Establishment) proving that the drugs known as HAART (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy) do NOT result "in a decrease in mortality." In other words, they do NOT save lives, and they do NOT let you live any longer. All they do is make you miserable while you're waiting to die from them.

Here is a list of more than sixty (60) scientific studies, articles, research reports, etc. you can read for yourself to verify everything that has been said so far on this website, and to decide for yourself whether or not you are truly HIV-Positive and what that actually might mean.

Koch's postulates:

The organism must be found in all animals suffering from the disease, but not in healthy animals.

The organism must be isolated from a diseased animal and grown in pure culture.

The cultured organism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy animal.

The organism must be reisolated from the experimentally infected animal.

Related sites:

Help for HIV

Living without HIV drugs


mandato da Emma Holister il Saturday October 21 2006
aggiornato il Wednesday November 8 2006

URL of this article:


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Readers' Comments

HIV ON HINDSINGHT The HIV disease that has been made out to be what it is today reflects the rot in science and the rise of blind dogma above the established Koch Postulates in virology that first require the isolation of a virus in accordance with those postulates. It represents the power of the AIDS Posse. This Posse has an unquestioning loyalty to the dogma that rests in the belief of a new virus that causes a disease of the immune system while that virus has not been isolated for the last 26 years and in tests that test for proteins that are specific to the virus but scientific studies prove that these proteins are common in a very wide range of conditions and diseaes other than HIV, such as malaria, flu, EBV and even pregnancy. These are indeed an amazing group of scientists and medical practitioners. BELDEU SINGH

Posted by: Beldeu Singh on February 10, 2007 11:56 PM


HIV ON HINDSINGHT The HIV disease that has been made out to be what it is today reflects the rot in science and the rise of blind dogma above the established Koch Postulates in virology that first require the isolation of a virus in accordance with those postulates. It represents the power of the AIDS Posse. This Posse has an unquestioning loyalty to the dogma that rests in the belief of a new virus that causes a disease of the immune system while that virus has not been isolated for the last 26 years and in tests that test for proteins that are specific to the virus but scientific studies prove that these proteins are common in a very wide range of conditions and diseaes other than HIV, such as malaria, flu, EBV and even pregnancy. These are indeed an amazing group of scientists and medical practitioners. BELDEU SINGH

Posted by: EG on April 8, 2007 12:41 AM


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