Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
March 18, 2004

Health Canada Puts Health at Risk!

To understand how out own governments collude with the Pharma Mafia, at our expense, to squash competition. This eye opening ad from the Friends of Freedom, is must read. The fact that the competition maybe good for our health and pocket book is irrelevant. All that matters is profits and the hell with ethics and their duty to protect us. As usual the ad has been embellished and updated. The original, with testimonials, can be accessed via the title link below.

It is truly sad that one has to pay for an ads and create an independent health newspaper for this information that should be available freely instead it is censored.

Chris Gupta

..."And what about doctors? They are also subjected to fear-mongering. Afraid of appearing "quirky” to their peers, or risking the condemnation of their governing bodies, they prefer to lay low and not recommend preventive food based non-drug medicines to their patients. They have become well paid middleman in a rapidly deteriorating medical system.,,

...It is time to rise up and challenge those who are making the decisions for us - those who pretend to be protecting our health when they are, in fact, protecting the profitability of the pharmaceutical companies and their own interests...

...Do you know, for example, that the government of our "free” nation actually censors our access to information about safe, effective, non-patentable food based medicines? That they are currently spending millions of your health dollars on forcing ads off the radio, and out of magazines and newspapers to prevent you from learning about these highly effective products?"...

Health Canada's Censorship is Putting Your Health at Risk!

Health Canada does not want you to benefit from food based non-drug medicines, so they censor the information available to you. Information that can help you prevent and recover from many of today's devastating diseases, such as arthritis, heart disease and bipolar disorder.

If you really care about your health and the health of your loved ones, you must ask yourself, why?

From coast to coast, something insidious is happening with our health care system. Citizens and health practitioners are being denied the right to choose food based non-drug medicines to help restore the body to wellness. And it's getting worse.

The current Canadian health system is really a disease management system, perpetuated by the huge profits being made by pharmaceutical cartels and related industries. While many drugs undoubtedly help us, such as antibiotics when used sparingly and when needed, others, such as arthritis medications, frequently cause more harm than the disease they are supposed to help. But it doesn't have to be this way.

Throughout our world, various types of medicine coexist in harmony. In Europe, for example, standard (allopathic) and natural (traditional/preventive) medicine go hand-in-hand. Allopathic doctors will often prescribe food based non- drug medicines to help manage or cure diseases - sometimes alone, and some- times along with prescribed drugs. The point is that they have the choice.

The Canadian government, by failing to control a Health Canada bureaucracy that has run amok, is rapidly squashing the right for doctors, other health care practitioners and their patients to choose the means by which disease is treated or prevented. Across Canada, doctors are being scorned, struck from the books, and generally ostracized for standing up for their right to choose the right treatment for YOU!

For examples see:

CPSO Disciplinary Hearing vs. Dr. Jozef Krop

Hearing for Dr. David Derry

An Interview With Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.

There is something wrong here. Very wrong. Someone is profiting greatly from stopping doctors and the public at large from prescribing or using time-proven, safe methods of healing. Pharmaceutical profits are passing hands. There are no prizes for guessing who is receiving part of this profit.

As we have learned more and more about the good that food based non-drug medicines can do, so the pharmaceutical fear-mongering has increased. Not being able to realize huge profits on non-patentable food-based non-drug medicines, the industry has instead set about securing the services of various health specialists to produce "evidence” that food-based non-drug medicines can harm you. The campaign started with the "Vitamin C Scare” and continues on with diatribes against virtually every natural health product that is selling well.

And what about doctors? They are also subjected to fear-mongering. Afraid of appearing "quirky” to their peers, or risking the condemnation of their governing bodies, they prefer to lay low and not recommend preventive food based non-drug medicines to their patients. They have become well paid middleman in a rapidly deteriorating medical system.

We are all victims of the enormous financial success that the drug companies have achieved through marketing patentable drugs, and of the related service and manufacturing industries that "support” today's medical system.

It is time to rise up and challenge those who are making the decisions for us - those who pretend to be protecting our health when they are, in fact, protecting the profitability of the pharmaceutical companies and their own interests.

It is the taxes WE PAY that support the health care system and health insurance plans, and it is our RIGHT to choose the health care that is best for us.

Throughout Canada (and indeed most ailing and aging Western societies), naturopaths, chiropractors, herbalists, homeopaths and other grassroots specialists are fighting for recognition not as devotees of second-rate medicine, but as first line health practitioners. Nationwide, small health supplement companies are fighting government bodies like Health Canada for the right to provide YOU with the food based non-drug medicines you demand (and may have been successfully using for years). One by one, slowly but surely, they are being forced into oblivion… their well-researched products proclaimed as useless or dangerous.

Do you know, for example, that the government of our "free” nation actually censors our access to information about safe, effective, non-patentable food based medicines? That they are currently spending millions of your health dollars on forcing ads off the radio, and out of magazines and newspapers to prevent you from learning about these highly effective products?

You may have seen recent news segments on how three small Canadian companies,
Biomedica Laboratories Inc. Strauss Herb Company Limited and Truehope Nutritional Support Limited have been end- lessly harassed and ordered to stop promoting their safe food-based non-drug medicines for arthritis, heart disease and bipolar disorder.

This is just the beginning. The time to act for your rights is NOW!

You can help by visiting : Friends of freedom and sending the freedom of choice e-protest action letters. Please view: Freedom of Choice in Health ( or The Canadian Coalition for Health Freedom for additional information on how to protect your rights to freedom of choice in health care.

Please contact your local MP by mail or fax and then follow up with a personal visit to discuss your concerns. Use your Postal Code to find out who your local MP is.


posted by Chris Gupta on Thursday March 18 2004
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

URL of this article:



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These articles are brought to you strictly for educational and informational purposes.
Be sure to consult your health practitioner of choice prior to any specific use of any of the non drug device or food based medicinal products referenced herein.



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