Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
January 28, 2006

Pentagon Plans To Fight The Net

Think it's only the Chinese and such who want to control free flow of information? Well think again!

See also:
Google in China bids farewell to its high ideals. 2006 Jan 25 (Cached)

Chris Gupta

Its amazing how they couch this stuff.   We are so naive when it comes to understanding what they are laying the groundwork for.   They are getting it ready for dissidents.   Remember the law/executive order signed by the President about must be three weeks ago that made it illegal (felony) for anyone to do emails without their real names and to send "annoying" subjects?   Annoying wasn't defined, so here we are with everything being put in place.  Its really amazing to watch the brilliance of their plan and our reaction which is non existent.  

Good luck all.

US plans to 'fight the net' revealed

By Adam Brookes
BBC Pentagon correspondent 

A newly declassified document gives a fascinating glimpse into the US military's plans for "information operations" - from psychological operations, to attacks on hostile computer networks.

Bloggers beware.

As the world turns networked, the Pentagon is calculating the military opportunities that computer networks, wireless technologies and the modern media offer.

From influencing public opinion through new media to designing "computer network attack" weapons, the US military is learning to fight an electronic war.

The declassified document is called "Information Operations Roadmap". It was obtained by the National Security Archive at George Washington University using the Freedom of Information Act.

Officials in the Pentagon wrote it in 2003. The Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, signed it.

Information Operations Roadmap is here

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The "roadmap" calls for a far-reaching overhaul of the military's ability to conduct information operations and electronic warfare. And, in some detail, it makes recommendations for how the US armed forces should think about this new, virtual warfare.

The document says that information is "critical to military success". Computer and telecommunications networks are of vital operational importance.


The operations described in the document include a surprising range of military activities: public affairs officers who brief journalists, psychological operations troops who try to manipulate the thoughts and beliefs of an enemy, computer network attack specialists who seek to destroy enemy networks.

All these are engaged in information operations.

Perhaps the most startling aspect of the roadmap is its acknowledgement that information put out as part of the military's psychological operations, or Psyops, is finding its way onto the computer and television screens of ordinary Americans.

"Information intended for foreign audiences, including public diplomacy and Psyops, is increasingly consumed by our domestic audience," it reads.

"Psyops messages will often be replayed by the news media for much larger audiences, including the American public," it goes on.

The document's authors acknowledge that American news media should not unwittingly broadcast military propaganda. "Specific boundaries should be established," they write. But they don't seem to explain how.

"In this day and age it is impossible to prevent stories that are fed abroad as part of psychological operations propaganda from blowing back into the United States - even though they were directed abroad," says Kristin Adair of the National Security Archive.

Credibility problem

Public awareness of the US military's information operations is low, but it's growing - thanks to some operational clumsiness.

When it describes plans for electronic warfare, or EW, the document takes on an extraordinary tone. It seems to see the internet as being equivalent to an enemy weapons system
Late last year, it emerged that the Pentagon had paid a private company, the Lincoln Group, to plant hundreds of stories in Iraqi newspapers. The stories - all supportive of US policy - were written by military personnel and then placed in Iraqi publications.

And websites that appeared to be information sites on the politics of Africa and the Balkans were found to be run by the Pentagon.

But the true extent of the Pentagon's information operations, how they work, who they're aimed at, and at what point they turn from informing the public to influencing populations, is far from clear.

The roadmap, however, gives a flavour of what the US military is up to - and the grand scale on which it's thinking.

It reveals that Psyops personnel "support" the American government's international broadcasting. It singles out TV Marti - a station which broadcasts to Cuba - as receiving such support.

It recommends that a global website be established that supports America's strategic objectives. But no American diplomats here, thank you. The website would use content from "third parties with greater credibility to foreign audiences than US officials".

It also recommends that Psyops personnel should consider a range of technologies to disseminate propaganda in enemy territory: unmanned aerial vehicles, "miniaturized, scatterable public address systems", wireless devices, cellular phones and the internet.

'Fight the net'

When it describes plans for electronic warfare, or EW, the document takes on an extraordinary tone.

It seems to see the internet as being equivalent to an enemy weapons system.

"Strategy should be based on the premise that the Department [of Defense] will 'fight the net' as it would an enemy weapons system," it reads.

The slogan "fight the net" appears several times throughout the roadmap.

The authors warn that US networks are very vulnerable to attack by hackers, enemies seeking to disable them, or spies looking for intelligence.

"Networks are growing faster than we can defend them... Attack sophistication is increasing... Number of events is increasing."

US digital ambition

And, in a grand finale, the document recommends that the United States should seek the ability to "provide maximum control of the entire electromagnetic spectrum".

US forces should be able to "disrupt or destroy the full spectrum of globally emerging communications systems, sensors, and weapons systems dependent on the electromagnetic spectrum".

Consider that for a moment.

The US military seeks the capability to knock out every telephone, every networked computer, every radar system on the planet.

Are these plans the pipe dreams of self-aggrandising bureaucrats? Or are they real?

The fact that the "Information Operations Roadmap" is approved by the Secretary of Defense suggests that these plans are taken very seriously indeed in the Pentagon.

And that the scale and grandeur of the digital revolution is matched only by the US military's ambitions for it.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Here are PDF copies of the documents filed on Jan. 18 by Justice Department attorneys in Gonzales v. Google, Inc.: Motion to Compel, Declaration of Joel McElvain, and Declaration of Philip Stark.
Over at SearchEngineWatch, Danny Sullivan has an extensive and much-updated post about news that the Justice Department demanded search records data from Google....


Think the Internet Will Always be Open?

You think the Internet will always be the great freewheeling information superhighway you've grown to love?

Well, think again.

Media giants want to privatize our Internet. (Read more...)


Update: Earlier today, I asked a Justice Department spokesperson which search engines other than Google received requests to provide search records. The answer: Yahoo, AOL, and MSN were also asked to supply search records information, and all complied. Google did not, and that is why the DoJ asked a federal judge on Wednesday to order the company to do so.
Another fact to consider as you sift through news coverage: Justice is not requesting this data in the course of a criminal investigation, but in order to defend its argument that the Child Online Protection Act is constitutionally sound.
It seems apparent that Google objected to the request not for privacy reasons, but on grounds that the request was too broad and burdensome. Privacy advocates I spoke to today, including attorney Sherwin Siy at EPIC, say while the DoJ's request would not identify individual users, the scope and nature of this request sets a troubling precedent. Today, they argue, only search strings and urls; tomorrow, perhaps, the IP addresses of all users who typed in "Osama Bin Laden."

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posted by Chris Gupta on Saturday January 28 2006
updated on Monday January 30 2006

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Readers' Comments

Perhaps a review of the history of the internet is in order.

The internet was created in the late 60's by The Pentagon (Defense Advanced Research and Planning Agency) for The Pentagon under directives President Eisenhower signed. It was designed to survive a full nuclear war. Universities and industry were added only to the extent needed by the military till Reagan declared the Supercomputer Initiative, networking university and industry supercomputers.

Since 1993, when Cantor and Seigal unleashed the first spams, we have had a disruptive war on the internet. It isn't just the commercial spam. There are also "psywar"-like spams put out by the occasional very disturbed person or groups of people which have unhinged others. e.g. the "Suicide Cannibal Cult" spam of 1993, after which I worked to help some victims pull themselves together. The perpetrators were found, and had their accounts withdrawn. This was not the first, nor the last hate-centric spam. Religious groups (or members there of) are notorious for this.

And this does not include various group delusions regarding events having no physical basis in this world. Even group suicides and mass murders have been facilitated by the internet. (Columbine, etc.)

Clearly, the military has no corner on the psywar arena.

> Its amazing how they couch this stuff. We are so naive when
> it comes to understanding what they are laying the groundwork
> for. They are getting it ready for dissidents. Remember the law/executive order signed by the
> President about must be three weeks ago that made it illegal (felony) for
> anyone to do emails without their real names and to send

That is not what the legislation said. It said "identity". It did NOT say "real name". Over 15 years of common usage and 30 years of military usage has established "identity" to mean your e-mail account, NOT your real name.

Furthermore, the original military funded Delphi study simulating what internet usage might be like before it was widespread, recognized and championed the need for separating real names from identities. This too, has been accepted by over 15 years of common use and numerous publications and radio shows warning people NOT to use their real name as an identity on the internet.

And there is the word "intent".

Beyond the law itself, is Supreme Court case law supporting the right of free speech, anonymity, and the right to be annoying about it.

Indeed, Congress is known for passing the occasional unworkable or unconstitutional laws that are struck down by the courts. This includes the infamous internet decency act of the mid 90s.

This is a strength, not a weakness. It allows our reach to exceed our grasp, allows the making of mistakes by which we learn to do better.

Something so long granted can not be as arbitrarily withdrawn as one may think. It is still for the courts and juries to interpret the law, to establish case law clarifying the practical application of the law to the real world. That is the beauty of a judicial system relying upon a jury of one's peers.

Contention is at times necessary for progress to occur.

-J- (
CAUTION: I'm no lawyer, I only tell computers what to do. Nothing in this document should be construed as medical advice. My opinions are subject to the availability of information. I learn new things each day, and so may change my opinions.

Posted by: Javilk on February 4, 2006 10:50 PM


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