Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
February 14, 2007

North American Union - RAW MILK ACTION ALERT

Dee makes an important observation and is a good intro to a larger global picture. Also see Inge's note after the alert.

Eventually the North American Union may very well even devalue our currencies should the proposed Amaro come to pass. See:

Analysts: Dollar Collapse Would Result in 'Amero'

The Utah bill in nothing more than a monopoly and is hardly of benefit to the consumers but certainly has many ramifications whether intentional or not.

Chris Gupta

Hi Everyone,

May I please add to Sally Fallon's important message, forwarded by Ann Denny and appended below, with the following information:

It is imperative that Canadians and Mexicans be particularly aware of why it is important that we assist our neighbours to defeat this bill. If we do, we might be able to short-circuit a draconian extension of the Utah bill into our own territory.

Why is it of concern? If you are not aware of the multifarious threats to good, pure, nutritious food and natural health care through the so-called Security and Prosperity Partnership, you need to get up to speed right away. This secretive blending of our three nations is using legislation brought forward in individual states and provinces and countries, to create international standards and make them mandatory throught the SPP, a.k.a. "NAFTA on Steroids".

So what becomes law in Utah may indeed trickle up, through the free trade mechanisms established by NAFTA and its brain child, the SPP, and affect ALL OF US... because what they are PURPORTING TO DO is to create "fair and free trade practices on a level playing field".... but it's for multnational corporations, not for consumers.

We as Canadians need to be particularly aware of what happens within the three-nation area, because under this forced, and covertly accomplished harmonization, happening without Congressional or Parliamentary oversight through UNELECTED bodies owing loyalty to trade, not to us, ANY draconian law can be brought into all three countries, regardless of origin. All that is needed is that this shadowy committee decides it's desirable. The legal mechanisms are all there. An FOIA request to the FDA by Congressman Ron Paul yielded many pages of legalese giving the FDA the right to override the USA's own laws in favour of the committee's decisions. This does not bode well for any of us, since we are all three signed up to the same thing.

For more information on why and how this Utah legislation, and in fact all legislation that goes against our freedom, is dangerous to us all, please refer to the following web sites:

Canadians should feel free to butt in on this one, and while you're leaving the suggested message and saying you agree with it, also tell them that as a resident of a signatory nation to the SPP, you do not want this law to be copied in your country through international agreements. Spread the word. Make it a point.

Why? Because one of the reasons they want to take Michael down is because if they can take him down, they have set a precedent making us totally vulnerable to a public relations scam of a law, like Utah's, which makes us choose the lesser evil: "oh well, it's better to have some raw milk than not, even if it comes from the big dairy". This is their habit, to put people between a rock and a hard place and make them give up a little of their freedom in order to save something else. You've heard it before: we are all being asked to "give up a little bit of our liberty for our security", and we all ought to remember the Ben Franklin quote, "Those who give up their liberty for their security deserve neither." Remember, that "something else" being protected always leads to mega profits by multinational corporations and a degradation of our access to real nutrition; from there it is a very short hop to a degradation of our health.

Please take the time to familiarize yourself with this agenda. It has everything to do with why Michael Schmidt was targeted, and everything to do with the court and legislative decisions which are popping up in somewhat obscure locations like Indiana and Utah.

While you're at it, you might also make a call or send an email to your Parliamentarian. They can't stop what they don't know about.

Best regards and best of luck to all,

Dee Nicholson,
National Communications Director,
Freedom in Canadian Health Care or

-------Original Message-------

From: Ann Denny
Date: 13/02/2007 11:48:27 PM

Hi Everyone..
We can help by giving these politicians a call, even from up here in Canada!
(won't they be surprised to hear our Canuck accent on the phone, teehee)


Ann Denny

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) was originally designed to reduce the psychotherapy process from months and years down to minutes and hours. From there it was discovered that astonishing physical healings also occurred. Symptoms faded for everything from Migraine Headaches to Cancer. Complete details are given on the EFT website: It often works where nothing else will.

On 2/13/07, wrote:

(Wednesday, February 14)

Dear Members,

We have just learned about a bill that is being rushed through the Utah legislature and is up for vote in the Utah Senate Wednesday, February 14.

The Bill, HB 311, would allow raw milk to be sold in an offsite store owned by a dairy. (Currently you can purchase raw milk at farms in Utah.) The problem with this bill is that it benefits only one large dairy in Utah and would make it very difficult for other dairies to compete or to sell their milk in stores. (The bill requires that the dairy own 51% of the store, a tremendous financial hurdle for smaller dairies, many of which rent land. This bill will not allow smaller dairies to sell their milk through independent retail outlets, only through one privately owned store.) Although described as a bill that would make raw milk more available in Utah, this bill would ultimately make raw milk much less available and much more expensive by squeezing out smaller producers.

Furthermore, the bill outlaws cow shares. While cow shares are not needed in the state of Utah, the bill sends a very bad message to other states, who may try to follow the example of Utah. PASSAGE OF THIS BILL COULD MAKE IT MUCH MORE DIFFICULT FOR CONSUMERS TO OBTAIN RAW MILK THROUGH COW SHARES IN OTHER STATES.

The fact that this bill is being moved so quickly through the legislature without any apparent opposition, with no published hearings,and with the approval of the dairy industry in Utah, is very suspicious!

Therefore I am sending this urgent action alert to ALL our members, not just those who live in Utah. It is imperative that this bill be defeated.

We are asking ALL members to please take time out today to place a call to five Utah senators. Their contact information can be found here.

Make your phone call short, polite and to the point, LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING ARGUMENT. Please ask them to vote NO on HB 311, as it benefits only one large, well-funded operation and would be unfair to small farmers in the state; it would also make it more difficult for you to obtain the raw milk that you need. You can tell the senators you call that the current regulations concerning raw milk in Utah are adequate and do not need to be changed.

Thank you ALL for your help in defeating HB 311.

Sally Fallon, President
The Weston A. Price Foundation


Our postal address is
PMB #106-380
4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20016
United States


Added Comment: The Global Puppeteers know what the public doesn't want - but the financial/corporate "one-world government" globalists are determined that we will get it anyway. So they follow a path of secrecy and "stealth" - and integrate everything to their benefit and profit through "regulation" - which bypasses the requirement of parliamentary approval and citizen input. Our leaders lie through their teeth and to our faces while they serve a different and sinister master - selling OUR country out from under our feet without even telling us. In the old days, that would have been called TREASON. Today, apparently it is just politics! and no one seems to be called accountability for this unspeakable fraud. Apparently our constitution and laws can be violated with impunity. The other question, of course, is "Where is the main stream media?" Owned by the same financial/corporate power brokers - and also op-opting in silence and stealth. Brainwashing the public to convince us that "de-possession" is good for us. When the privatization agenda is completed, the global elites will own every resource - including the "human resources" - we are entering into a new era of feudalism and slavery - it is just camouflaged under "smart rhetoric" that tries to make slavery and serfdom sound "good for us". Yes, we are still following down the road behind the pied Piper, even after we know where he is taking us!!!!

inge hanle

Canadian, U.S. and Mexican officials held secretive meeting on integration
Thursday, 08 February 2007
By Kelly Patterson
CanWest News Service

Canadian, U.S. and Mexican politicians discussed using "stealth" to overcome public resistance to the integration of the three countries at a confidential meeting last year, according to documents just released under U.S. Freedom of Information laws.

08/02/07 " Ottawa Citizen" -- -- Top military brass, corporate executives and diplomats also attended the meeting in Banff, Alta., where participants discussed everything from the harmonization of food and drug standards, to common immigration policies, and the pooling of energy resources.

The secret guest list of the North American Forum included then-U.S. secretary of defence Donald Rumsfeld, Canadian Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Rick Hillier, Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day, Pengrowth Corp. CEO James Kinnear and Lockheed Martin executive Ron Covais.

Presentation outlines for the forum acknowledge that the concept of North American integration - which some call a "North American Union" - is unpopular, and note that it might be tough to sell as a concept. "While a vision is appealing, working on the infrastructure might yield more benefit and bring more people on board ('evolution by stealth')," the notes said.

"Evolution by stealth" means using regulatory changes, such as food- and drug-safety benchmarks, which don't require parliamentary approval, to lay the infrastructure for North American integration. This allows for change with little or no public debate, critics say.

Media were excluded from the September forum, and Day, who gave a speech at the event, declined to reveal the contents of his talk. "It was meant as a private meeting," said Melisa Leclerc, a spokeswoman from Day's office, although she conceded he attended "in his capacity as minister for public security."

"It is not encouraging to see the phrase 'evolution by stealth' in reference to important policy debates such as North American integration," said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a Washington-based conservative watchdog group that obtained the documents last week.

But, former finance minister John Manley, who attended the meeting, said the forum was "not part of a nefarious plan to yield sovereignty to the U.S. .... It was just some informed private citizens and government officials having a conversation" on how best to co-operate to ensure their citizens enjoyed a safe and prosperous future.

In fact, he said, Canada comes out stronger than ever from such meetings, which force "some senior American officials to think about Canada for a few days."

However, Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians said the reference to stealth is "a very telling and important statement."

Many of the politicians who attended the forum have been pursuing "integration by stealth" for the past two years, she said, pointing to a little-known but top-priority agreement called the Security and Prosperity Partnership.

The accord, kickstarted by U.S. President George W. Bush, then-prime minister Paul Martin and former Mexican president Vicente Fox at a 2005 meeting in Waco, Texas, is designed to streamline everything from food and drug safety standards to counter-terrorism measures.

Government officials from the three countries are expected to meet in Ottawa later this month. However, Foreign Affairs spokespeople said they did not yet know when it would be held or who would attend.

The partnership's stated goal is to protect North America from security threats such as terrorism and flu pandemics as well as economic threats from new global-market giants such as China.

Many of the accord's measures are not contentious, such as plans to improve water quality, reduce sulphur in fuels, and co-ordinate efforts to fight pandemics and avian flu. But it also covers a host of hot-button issues such as plans to enhance data-sharing on high-risk travellers, revamp safety and environmental regulations, centralize the assessment of new chemicals and rework food safety standards.

Most of the 300 policy recommendations within the accord may not require legislative changes, the Council of Canadians said.

Ottawa Citizen
© CanWest News Service 2007


posted by Chris Gupta on Wednesday February 14 2007
updated on Tuesday March 6 2007

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