July 29, 2003
Here is more icing on the cake to drum up all the business for all those drugs and surgeries.
Chris Gupta
1. Lowering your blood cholesterol levels will prevent heart disease.
Science has never been able to link cholesterol with heart disease. Population studies show that many groups with high levels of heart disease don't have high levels of blood fats. Careful examination of the studies supposedly demonstrating that cholesterol-lowering drugs work show as they fail to translate into a significant number of lives saved (WDDTY, the book).
2. Screening for cancer can catch it early and save lives.
Mammograms, cervical cancer screening and the latest PSA screening have never been shown to save live s. All screening tests are highly inaccurate. The latest study of the PSA test shows screened men are more likely to die (see p 10) .
3. The mercury in your fillings is permanently locked in and therefore harmless.
Numerous studies in animals and humans demonstrate that mercury particles and vapour's are a timed-release poison, which migrate to various parts of the body, including the brain, and cross the placenta in pregnant women. We still don't know the extent of the damage (The Dental Handbook).
4. Fluoridating the water and dental products is good for your teeth and stops tooth decay in children.
Rather than strengthening bone tissue, fluoride causes osteoporosis. New evidence shows fluoride can also damage the central nervous system, causing brain dysfunction, lower IQ and possibly even Alzheimers disease (WDDTY vol 3 no 9 and vol 9 no 3).
5. Vaccination has conquered infectious disease.
Careful examination of polio and smallpox casualties shows that the disease had a higher incidence in many areas that were highly vaccinated. The incidence of all infectious diseases were plummeting long before the onset of vaccination, which took the credit (WDDTY, the book).
6. Women need hormone replacement after the menopause to protect them from osteoporosis and heart disease.
All the major studies supposedly demonstrating a survival benefit with HRT have been criticised as biased or flawed. Virtually every major study of HRT also shows it causes at least a 30 per cent increase in breast cancer (The Guide to Menopause).
7. Modern drugs have conquered many diseases.
The only drug capable of curing anything is antibiotics. No other drug out there cures it simply suppresses symptoms, usually at the risk of causing a load of other ones (WDDTY, the book).
8. Routine X-rays aren't dangerous.
The UK National Academy of Science believes that x-rays could be responsible for 4 per cent of leukaemias and up to 8 per cent of all other cancers (WDDTY vol 4 no 6).
9. Mental health has nothing to do with diet.
Work in Princeton and now the UK shows links with schizophrenia and depression and allergies or nutritional deficiencies. Virtually every case of depression seen by the Institute of Optimum Nutrition relates to an allergy to wheat (The Guide to Mental Health).
10. Cancer survival statistics are improving, thanks to chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy has an all over cure rate of at best 9 per cent, usually for rare cancers. It doesn't affect in any way the solid tumours which make up some 90 per cent of all cancers (The Cancer Handbook).
posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday July 29 2003
updated on Saturday September 24 2005
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Readers' Comments
I wish more people would read this. I know from personal experience that all of this is true.
Posted by: Gary on August 21, 2003 02:03 AM
Absolutely Gary! In fact I wish all of our student nurses and doctors would read a copy of this before they entered those high churches of the pharmaceutical industries that we euphemistically call "our" medical training establishments.
Posted by: Gordon on August 21, 2003 02:22 AM
Number 7 is only true in a pecentage of the cases. Many infections return after the use of antibiotics and often return with a vengence, with hard to kill strains of pathogen or the pathogens remain at a low level creating low level chronic disease, for instance as is found in people who carry strep and are susceptible to repeat infections, or chronic Urinary Tract Infection, or recurring abscesses, or recurrent sinus infection, ear infection, etc etc etc. treated time and again, repressed, but never cured.
The only time an infection is cured is when the predispostion to the disease is also removed. Eliminating the infective agent will not remove the disease. Only by a shift in the autoimmune system to identify and conquer the infectous agent is a true cure obtained.
Through the use and acceptance of antibiotics over the years we have learned and adopted a lower standard as to what a cure is in the area of infection. This negative pardigm shift is even rampant even amongst many alternative health experts.
Posted by: Ed Kapturasky on August 21, 2003 03:38 AM
I think dr. clark is a godsend. There are others also, Bob Beck and the like. ( www.toolsforhealing.com) Thank you Dr. clark- you are the best. God bless you, knowing the battle you are about to fight with the Govt. Its a sad thing that freedom is being taken away from us piece by piece, if the world does not come to your beliefs, the darker the days will become. May whatever good force that is out there help us as a race, not as a country, or border, but as one people.. working together to be a world free of suffering.. needless suffering. Bless you all, espically the ones harbouring the machine, the great pharmaceutical machine. You have been brainwashed, and need help more than any others.
Posted by: Nick on August 21, 2003 04:19 AM
Is it possible you may sending this info in spanish?
Do you have either any part of this site or other related sites in spanish?
Many thanks
Posted by: Roberto on August 21, 2003 08:02 PM
Number 7 is only true in a pecentage of the cases. Many infections return after the use of antibiotics and often return with a vengence, with hard to kill strains of pathogen or the pathogens remain at a low level creating low level chronic disease, for instance as is found in people who carry strep and are susceptible to repeat infections, or chronic Urinary Tract Infection, or recurring abscesses, or recurrent sinus infection, ear infection, etc etc etc. treated time and again, repressed, but never cured.
The only time an infection is cured is when the predispostion to the disease is also removed. Eliminating the infective agent will not remove the disease. Only by a shift in the autoimmune system to identify and conquer the infectous agent is a true cure obtained.
Through the use and acceptance of antibiotics over the years we have learned and adopted a lower standard as to what a cure is in the area of infection. This negative pardigm shift is even rampant even amongst many alternative health experts.
Posted by: Katya in New Zealand on August 21, 2003 10:35 PM
Roberto, unfortunately, the site is not available in spanish unless someone wants to translate it.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on August 22, 2003 04:39 AM
Number 7 is only true in a pecentage of the cases. Many infections return after the use of antibiotics and often return with a vengence, with hard to kill strains of pathogen or the pathogens remain at a low level creating low level chronic disease, for instance as is found in people who carry strep and are susceptible to repeat infections, or chronic Urinary Tract Infection, or recurring abscesses, or recurrent sinus infection, ear infection, etc etc etc. treated time and again, repressed, but never cured.
The only time an infection is cured is when the predispostion to the disease is also removed. Eliminating the infective agent will not remove the disease. Only by a shift in the autoimmune system to identify and conquer the infectous agent is a true cure obtained.
Through the use and acceptance of antibiotics over the years we have learned and adopted a lower standard as to what a cure is in the area of infection. This negative pardigm shift is even rampant even amongst many alternative health experts.
Posted by: Jeff Wilhelm on October 2, 2003 02:01 AM
Delighted that you are spreading the word assume I can do the same from your site? Thanks
Posted by: Chris Gupta on October 2, 2003 04:22 AM
This is my first time here and was wondering how often posts are made?
Posted by: Raimi on February 21, 2004 04:31 AM
As the umpire for competing toxic mold investment newsletter claims I know what winning dust mites did decades ago. Though mold charting is no guarantee of success, in the right hands black mold can be very profitable indeed. Whatever you might think of ozone analysis in general, and allergy sinus in particular, this book is the classic work on the subject. Completely updated with the latest information, this universally acclaimed spores classic is the definitive reference on analyzing mildew in stock performance through technical analysis of air purifiers The number one all-time classic of bar charts is sinus infections. Many knowledgeable technicians consider headaches to be the best book on mold symptoms ever written. It is an absolute must for any student of technical analysis.
Posted by: Mold on March 18, 2004 11:22 PM
One huge myth that you overlooked is male circumcision. Female circumcision used to be advocated in the US as recently as the 1950s for the same reasons male circumcision is advocated today. The vast majority of the world enjoys freedom from circumcision.
Posted by: Robert Kennedy on April 28, 2004 06:01 PM
Number 7 is only true in a pecentage of the cases. Many infections return after the use of antibiotics and often return with a vengence, with hard to kill strains of pathogen or the pathogens remain at a low level creating low level chronic disease, for instance as is found in people who carry strep and are susceptible to repeat infections, or chronic Urinary Tract Infection, or recurring abscesses, or recurrent sinus infection, ear infection, etc etc etc. treated time and again, repressed, but never cured.
The only time an infection is cured is when the predispostion to the disease is also removed. Eliminating the infective agent will not remove the disease. Only by a shift in the autoimmune system to identify and conquer the infectous agent is a true cure obtained.
Through the use and acceptance of antibiotics over the years we have learned and adopted a lower standard as to what a cure is in the area of infection. This negative pardigm shift is even rampant even amongst many alternative health experts.
Posted by: Craig Smith on January 22, 2005 03:09 PM
Number 7 is only true in a pecentage of the cases. Many infections return after the use of antibiotics and often return with a vengence, with hard to kill strains of pathogen or the pathogens remain at a low level creating low level chronic disease, for instance as is found in people who carry strep and are susceptible to repeat infections, or chronic Urinary Tract Infection, or recurring abscesses, or recurrent sinus infection, ear infection, etc etc etc. treated time and again, repressed, but never cured.
The only time an infection is cured is when the predispostion to the disease is also removed. Eliminating the infective agent will not remove the disease. Only by a shift in the autoimmune system to identify and conquer the infectous agent is a true cure obtained.
Through the use and acceptance of antibiotics over the years we have learned and adopted a lower standard as to what a cure is in the area of infection. This negative pardigm shift is even rampant even amongst many alternative health experts.
Posted by: Nelthon on January 22, 2005 10:31 PM
Number 7 is only true in a pecentage of the cases. Many infections return after the use of antibiotics and often return with a vengence, with hard to kill strains of pathogen or the pathogens remain at a low level creating low level chronic disease, for instance as is found in people who carry strep and are susceptible to repeat infections, or chronic Urinary Tract Infection, or recurring abscesses, or recurrent sinus infection, ear infection, etc etc etc. treated time and again, repressed, but never cured.
The only time an infection is cured is when the predispostion to the disease is also removed. Eliminating the infective agent will not remove the disease. Only by a shift in the autoimmune system to identify and conquer the infectous agent is a true cure obtained.
Through the use and acceptance of antibiotics over the years we have learned and adopted a lower standard as to what a cure is in the area of infection. This negative pardigm shift is even rampant even amongst many alternative health experts.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on January 25, 2005 04:00 AM
Number 7 is only true in a pecentage of the cases. Many infections return after the use of antibiotics and often return with a vengence, with hard to kill strains of pathogen or the pathogens remain at a low level creating low level chronic disease, for instance as is found in people who carry strep and are susceptible to repeat infections, or chronic Urinary Tract Infection, or recurring abscesses, or recurrent sinus infection, ear infection, etc etc etc. treated time and again, repressed, but never cured.
The only time an infection is cured is when the predispostion to the disease is also removed. Eliminating the infective agent will not remove the disease. Only by a shift in the autoimmune system to identify and conquer the infectous agent is a true cure obtained.
Through the use and acceptance of antibiotics over the years we have learned and adopted a lower standard as to what a cure is in the area of infection. This negative pardigm shift is even rampant even amongst many alternative health experts.
Posted by: Nelthon on January 26, 2005 02:52 AM
Does the flouride cross the placenta or not?
Posted by: Mohammed zayed on November 1, 2005 02:22 PM
What kind of nonsense is this? You are very brave... or extremely stupid to write these things here, even though you are not using your real name. Anyway, go to school, get educated and then post your opinions.
Posted by: Mauro Peralta on June 8, 2006 03:15 PM
Many of your comments are outright untruths and highly ireesponsible.
Epidemiologic studies have clearly showed a direct correlation between lipid levels and incidence of heart disease (Framingham Study). Numerous double-blinded outcomes studies have shown that lowering lipids SAVES LIVES. I do agree with some of your other statements, however, as the "myths" quoted are overgeneralizations at best.
Posted by: Scott Estes on June 13, 2006 03:08 PM
Number 7 is only true in a pecentage of the cases. Many infections return after the use of antibiotics and often return with a vengence, with hard to kill strains of pathogen or the pathogens remain at a low level creating low level chronic disease, for instance as is found in people who carry strep and are susceptible to repeat infections, or chronic Urinary Tract Infection, or recurring abscesses, or recurrent sinus infection, ear infection, etc etc etc. treated time and again, repressed, but never cured.
The only time an infection is cured is when the predispostion to the disease is also removed. Eliminating the infective agent will not remove the disease. Only by a shift in the autoimmune system to identify and conquer the infectous agent is a true cure obtained.
Through the use and acceptance of antibiotics over the years we have learned and adopted a lower standard as to what a cure is in the area of infection. This negative pardigm shift is even rampant even amongst many alternative health experts.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on June 14, 2006 12:24 AM
Number 7 is only true in a pecentage of the cases. Many infections return after the use of antibiotics and often return with a vengence, with hard to kill strains of pathogen or the pathogens remain at a low level creating low level chronic disease, for instance as is found in people who carry strep and are susceptible to repeat infections, or chronic Urinary Tract Infection, or recurring abscesses, or recurrent sinus infection, ear infection, etc etc etc. treated time and again, repressed, but never cured.
The only time an infection is cured is when the predispostion to the disease is also removed. Eliminating the infective agent will not remove the disease. Only by a shift in the autoimmune system to identify and conquer the infectous agent is a true cure obtained.
Through the use and acceptance of antibiotics over the years we have learned and adopted a lower standard as to what a cure is in the area of infection. This negative pardigm shift is even rampant even amongst many alternative health experts.
Posted by: Arrow on April 3, 2007 01:41 AM
Number 7 is only true in a pecentage of the cases. Many infections return after the use of antibiotics and often return with a vengence, with hard to kill strains of pathogen or the pathogens remain at a low level creating low level chronic disease, for instance as is found in people who carry strep and are susceptible to repeat infections, or chronic Urinary Tract Infection, or recurring abscesses, or recurrent sinus infection, ear infection, etc etc etc. treated time and again, repressed, but never cured.
The only time an infection is cured is when the predispostion to the disease is also removed. Eliminating the infective agent will not remove the disease. Only by a shift in the autoimmune system to identify and conquer the infectous agent is a true cure obtained.
Through the use and acceptance of antibiotics over the years we have learned and adopted a lower standard as to what a cure is in the area of infection. This negative pardigm shift is even rampant even amongst many alternative health experts.
Posted by: JudgeMental on September 27, 2007 01:28 PM

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