February 03, 2004
Otto Warburg - Cancer and Oxygen
Here is the orginal conection between Cancer and Oxygen, that is poo pood by the mainstream as it runs amok to their agenda...
Chris Gupta
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1931
Presentation Speech by Professor E. Hammarsten, member of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine of the Royal Caroline Institute
Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen.
The discovery for which the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine is to be awarded today concerns intracellular combustion: that fundamental vital process by which substances directly supplied to cells or stored in them are broken down into simpler components while using up oxygen. It is by this process that the energy required for other vital processes is made available to the cells in a form capable of immediate utilization.
Many famous names and many discoveries have been associated with research on this vital process, while, before natural philosophical thought was limited by the demands of accurate measurement, it was a fertile field for speculation. The life work of many savants finds a place in the volume of which Otto Warburg has written - for the time being - the last pages. The first were written by John Mayow in 1670, then less than 30 years of age, whose observations on the power of saltpetre to set fire to organic substances led him to the view that certain igneo-aer al particles existed in saltpetre, in the air, and also in organic substances. He inferred that the significance and function of respiration was to bring these particles into the body, and so make combustion therein possible. It is clear that Mayow's igneo-aerial particles correspond with oxygen, which had not yet been discovered. Some thirty years later the ill-famed phlogiston theory of combustion was born, and spread like an epidemic throughout the scientific world, causing the seeking for truth to be diverted from its proper course that had been opened by Mayow's discovery, which had, if one may use a somewhat dubious expression, been made before its time and had received little attention. Comprehension of the mechanism of combustion was thus, quite foolishly as it might seem, delayed for more than a century. Return to the proper path had to await the discovery by Lavoisier of the real nature of the process in connection with the final discovery and isolation of oxygen in the hands of Priestley and Scheele. Otto Warburg's work has met with a kinder fate.
As combustion of foodstuffs outside the body in the presence of atmospheric oxygen occurs only at high temperatures, it must be assumed that during combustion in living cells, something happens that alters the rather inert air-oxygen, or the foodstuff, or perhaps both so that they can react with each other. Fully conscious of the insuperable difficulties of explaining at present the innermost mechanism by which this inertness was overcome, Warburg decided to investigate the nature of the mysterious substance that acts as the primus motor in intracellular combustion. Nature often seems to use methods that appear to be indirect and less «natural» than those we should have devised, and such was the case here. It was not possible to isolate the active substance, the catalyst, or respiratory ferment as Warburg called it, by ordinary chemical methods, because it forms less than about a millionth of the weight of the cells to which it is firmly bound, while it is easily destroyed by procedures which might be used for liberating it. So, just as in modern atomic research, indirect methods had to be used.
It had been known, since the days of Davy and Berzelius, that many metals possess the power of initiating or accelerating various reactions, including combustion. Starting from the possibility that had indeed been envisaged earlier, Warburg assumed that intracellular combustion might also be regarded as being due to catalysis by metals, i.e. that it might be initiated by some metallic compound. Definite proof that he was on the track of this well-hidden secret of Nature was obtained by the use of exact measurements of combustion in living cells or, as Warburg calls it, cell respiration. The quantitatively measured variations in the process of combustion under different conditions threw light on the nature of the respiratory ferment. Its tendency to enter into compounds with substances which combine with iron showed that it is itself an iron compound, and that its effects are due to iron. The correspondence between the effects of light on cellular combustion inhibited by carbon monoxide and on carbon-monoxide compounds of certain pigments closely related to blood pigments led, with the aid of a detailed mathematical analysis to the conclusion that the respiratory ferment is a red pigment containing iron, and that it is closely related to our own blood pigment. This was the first demonstration of an effective catalyst, a ferment, in the living organism, and this identification is the more important because it throws light on a process of general significance in the maintenance of life.
Professor Warburg. From the start, your research has been focussed on problems of central importance. Your bold ideas, but above all, your keen intelligence and rare perfection in the art of exact measurement have won for you exceptional successes, and for the science of biology some of its most valuable material.
I take the liberty of mentioning those two of your discoveries, which seem to be of the greatest value.
The medical world expects great things from your experiments on cancer and other tumours, experiments which seem already to be sufficiently far advanced to be able to furnish an explanation for at least one cause of the destructive and unlimited growth of these tumours.
Your discovery about the nature and effect of the ferment of respiration, which the Caroline Institute is rewarding this year with Alfred Nobel's Prize for Physiology or Medicine, has added a link of brilliant achievement to the chain that binds for all time, John Mayow (England), Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (France), and Otto Warburg (Germany). On behalf of the Caroline Institute I invite you to accept the prize from the hands of our King.
From Nobel Lectures, Physiology or Medicine 1922-1941, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam
Last modified June 27, 2003 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation
Copyright© 2003 The Nobel Foundation
posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday February 3 2004
updated on Saturday September 24 2005
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Readers' Comments
I have been reading and studying anything on water and all the different types. I am interested in the water energizing machine LWM Electron 4 that has something to do with John Ellis and Crystal Clear. Has anybody out there got one and can tell me about it and answer some of my questions? danceflower2002@yahoo.com Thank you for your help.
Posted by: Ed on February 4, 2004 07:38 PM
Interested in your site
Posted by: mary wise on March 21, 2004 08:38 PM
I have been reading and studying anything on water and all the different types. I am interested in the water energizing machine LWM Electron 4 that has something to do with John Ellis and Crystal Clear. Has anybody out there got one and can tell me about it and answer some of my questions? danceflower2002@yahoo.com Thank you for your help.
Posted by: Ada Mendez on March 25, 2004 03:23 PM
Ada, I have been experimenting with Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT), as described in my bio., and will be writing in detail on how to do this your self. Meanwhile I recommend the following web site:
Posted by: Chris Gupta on March 25, 2004 08:16 PM
I have been reading and studying anything on water and all the different types. I am interested in the water energizing machine LWM Electron 4 that has something to do with John Ellis and Crystal Clear. Has anybody out there got one and can tell me about it and answer some of my questions? danceflower2002@yahoo.com Thank you for your help.
Posted by: Lynda Brownsey on April 26, 2004 07:01 AM
have u ever found the way to increase the oxygen in ur environtment?
or where to find the oxygen therapy?
maybe me n my cousin can help
Posted by: Rosa on May 16, 2004 02:56 PM
I have been reading and studying anything on water and all the different types. I am interested in the water energizing machine LWM Electron 4 that has something to do with John Ellis and Crystal Clear. Has anybody out there got one and can tell me about it and answer some of my questions? danceflower2002@yahoo.com Thank you for your help.
Posted by: Dan VanBlaircom on June 3, 2004 03:16 PM
I have been reading and studying anything on water and all the different types. I am interested in the water energizing machine LWM Electron 4 that has something to do with John Ellis and Crystal Clear. Has anybody out there got one and can tell me about it and answer some of my questions? danceflower2002@yahoo.com Thank you for your help.
Posted by: Jayne Baer on July 5, 2004 04:09 PM
I have been reading and studying anything on water and all the different types. I am interested in the water energizing machine LWM Electron 4 that has something to do with John Ellis and Crystal Clear. Has anybody out there got one and can tell me about it and answer some of my questions? danceflower2002@yahoo.com Thank you for your help.
Posted by: Casey Tench on December 17, 2004 10:15 AM
Casey, it is a matter of degree. Oxygen is a very strong oxidizer and
poisonous to all cells but it is more to the cancer cells. Normal cells have
a better defense against it as they are designed to use it. The body
regulates its pH very tightly and will not tolerate too high or too low pH.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on December 17, 2004 08:22 PM
I have been reading and studying anything on water and all the different types. I am interested in the water energizing machine LWM Electron 4 that has something to do with John Ellis and Crystal Clear. Has anybody out there got one and can tell me about it and answer some of my questions? danceflower2002@yahoo.com Thank you for your help.
Posted by: ROSEANNE on May 25, 2005 11:10 PM
Why is it that Cancer Associations, still today, ask for donations to help discover the origin of cancer when Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1931 for pointing the way to prevent and to cure cancer by illustrating how cancer can get a hold in our bodies even though it is without oxygen or anaerobic?
Posted by: Manfred Heidinger on August 3, 2005 11:33 PM
Dear friends :cancer cells get anaerobic !!! Great theory.Simple,elegant and pragmatic. Too simple for the stablishment to accept or even consider it. No expensive and toxic chemotherapy implied. So, no good busisness,so no good science. Until that stupidty wanes,many people will die.
all best wishes,
Bernardo Mora,Msc.D.
Posted by: Bernardo Mora,Msc.D. on October 1, 2005 04:58 PM
I have been reading and studying anything on water and all the different types. I am interested in the water energizing machine LWM Electron 4 that has something to do with John Ellis and Crystal Clear. Has anybody out there got one and can tell me about it and answer some of my questions? danceflower2002@yahoo.com Thank you for your help.
Posted by: EFE on July 25, 2006 03:56 PM
I have been reading and studying anything on water and all the different types. I am interested in the water energizing machine LWM Electron 4 that has something to do with John Ellis and Crystal Clear. Has anybody out there got one and can tell me about it and answer some of my questions? danceflower2002@yahoo.com Thank you for your help.
Posted by: Stephen Rogers on November 3, 2006 11:37 AM
I wish to edit the first entry that I made today or at least to review it.
Posted by: Stephen Rogers on November 3, 2006 10:35 PM
I have been reading and studying anything on water and all the different types. I am interested in the water energizing machine LWM Electron 4 that has something to do with John Ellis and Crystal Clear. Has anybody out there got one and can tell me about it and answer some of my questions? danceflower2002@yahoo.com Thank you for your help.
Posted by: Lynn Howdeshell on August 23, 2007 11:51 PM
I have been reading and studying anything on water and all the different types. I am interested in the water energizing machine LWM Electron 4 that has something to do with John Ellis and Crystal Clear. Has anybody out there got one and can tell me about it and answer some of my questions? danceflower2002@yahoo.com Thank you for your help.
Posted by: Linda J. Dugan on October 23, 2007 05:04 PM
I would like to comment on the findings of Dr. John Sarno. He has found that chronic pain is caused by mild oxygen deprivation. These deprivations are caused negative by emotional issues.
Now let is look at Dr. Ryke Hamer's discovery that cancer is caused by an emotional shock of some kind. The kind of emotional trauma corresponds to the type of cancer.
Both authors believe the disease begins in the brain, as a from of self protection, but if the trauma is not resolved chronic pain or even cancer can result.
Both use psychotherapy to treat the conditions and both claim high cure rates.
Perhaps h2o2 can cure cancer, but if the emotional issues are not addressed other cancers can emerge.
Posted by: stephen on November 20, 2007 05:17 PM
Oxygen? Simple! DEEP BREATHING EXERCISES using a Spyrometer. Breathing's not complicated. People complicate nature's processes with low level bull crap. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer almost two years ago and I'm alive and doing well without any formal treatment yet. Ohhhhhh, the doctors are amazed. How did I do it? High PH, lots of greens, NO SUGAR, a little salmon and a few supplements. BUT, that's too simple! Really? OK...
I went fly fishing this morning, helped my son repair his porch today, did some errands, went for a walk and I've been up since six o'clock this morning and now it's about eleven P.M.
Good night, all.
P.S. I'm 70 years of age, look 70, and feel like I'm 40.
Posted by: joe on August 15, 2008 11:14 PM
wow Joe. that's amazing. i'm happy for you. i hope you live long. to all who have cancer, DON'T DO CHEMO. TURN NATURAL. AND PRAY. i'll pray for all of you.
Posted by: anna on August 16, 2008 01:11 AM
We have the reports! one man is one of 8 people in a multibillion cancer study. We have the reports showing how otto warbug was right Cancer cells can't survive in a high blood oxygen environment! We have 100's of cases including an m.d. that taught at the ucla medcenter testing blood flow!!
Posted by: JOHN ELLIS on May 3, 2009 02:33 AM
This works! Cancer cells can't survive in a high blood oxygen environment; "light" water (washington Post article that describes our world wide patents)!! We have 100's of reports on file that anyone can understand! Call us!!
Posted by: john ellis on May 3, 2009 02:45 AM
I want to call but you did not post your phone number.
Posted by: Teil Plont on May 22, 2009 09:09 AM
how do i call john ellis
my friend says he knows you
clayton c.,tn.
i have cancer
need help
Posted by: elaine russom on May 23, 2009 05:41 PM
I believe it is all true - that if you stop drinking bottled water and soda (both of which are very acidic) and find some water that has higher alkalinity, cancers will not be able to thrive in the new environment. Weight loss will occur. I think the acidity oxidizes our cells and reduces their ability to take care of themselves, and the results are various forms of cancer.
Posted by: mark clausen on May 28, 2009 01:37 PM
Hi Everyone! My grandmother died of breast cancer. I personally found lumps in my breasts 3 different times within 8 years. Worked with an alternative doctor and found the cause of my lumps and will never have any future lumps again! Thank god they were all benign. Of all of you reading this, find the cause and work with that information. I believe that cancer is emotional, too! Read "The Journey" by Brandon Bays. Plus, the work of "Total Biology" has worked so well for people with their diseases. www.totalbiology.ca
My son and I have had enough health problems, I have decided to become a Holistic Nutritionist and add Total Biology to my practice. I am very passionate about health and lifestyle. Everyone only has one life and should take it very seriously. If you do not have your health, how can you enjoy your life.
Posted by: S. Kim Adams on May 29, 2009 12:17 PM
Read the Washington Post article (we are allowed to quote)at johnellis.com
Quote: "the curative power results in the "movements" of water between two metal tanks".(100's of times/gal, not ONCE!)Worldwide patents. This breaks down the hydrogen bonds for better blood flow and easy passage through a membrane.Tests by a UCLA M.D. confirmed the W.P. results (10,000 sick people/day).
Posted by: John Ellis on June 30, 2009 03:22 PM
I agee that oxygen in the blood stream is vital. "Where there is oxygen; there is no death." I also know it is vital to appropriately detox an ill body to prepare for the healing process.
I have found that 100 essential oils provide oxygen to the blood via skin, as in herbal massages or droplets in water, ingested. Only peppermint should be ingested.
Also many years ago my Homeopathic doctor suggested to take two drops of peppermint oil with two drops of oregano oil in a 1/2 glass of distilled water, daily.
No illnesses for the past 25 years. Only a suggestion.
My love was diagnosed with CLL. Chemo and other CLL prescibed drugs had very little positive affect for two years. He was dying with pnuemonia, in the hospital for 19 days, minister came to deliver his last rights.
He did not want to die or leave our 15 yr old son without him.
When he came out of the hospital, I came to see him from Florida, with ALL my herbals. I stayed 30 days
With his permission, I prayed, prepared living foods for his meals, after herbal massages, mud baths, Anti-C, peppermint oil, Swedish Bitters, lots of spirulina, appropriate anti CLL suppliments, fun things to do, yoga, emotional support, and much love. His Life Spirit came alive!
Now his vitals (hemoglobin, platletts, red blood cells, white blood cells, are adjusting into their nomal positions. Thank God!
He has found out that meditation and yoga have help to mantain his general well being. Hope you discover yours as well. Peace and Blessings.
Posted by: Evelyn W Morrison on September 2, 2009 04:30 PM
I don't know if that will help but there is a FOOD GRADE hydrogen peroxide (not the cleaning one) which is supposed to release oxygen.
Do some research on the internet
Posted by: bederete on December 14, 2010 09:03 AM
Warburg Theory of Cancer and Ferromagnetic Theory of Cancer. Warburg's theory that cancer starts from irreversible injury to cellular respiration eventually fell out of favor amid research pointing to genomic mutations as the cause of uncontrolled cell growth. Ferromagnetic Theory-2006 of Cancer (Iron Conception) [clinical and molecular biological aspects]: 1) Any human cell is a society of dia-, para-, superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles. 2) Any onco-pathology and ALS work by intracellular superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles. Intracellular molecules FeO;Fe2O3;Fe3O4 'create' intracellular superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles. These nanoparticles are able chaotically distort DNA / shift chromosomes by local magnetic fields. 3) Non-complicated anti-iron methods of the Old Testament can beat Cancer and ALS (intracellular superpara-ferri-ferromagnetic infections). Cancer patients-2012 must receive anti-cancer anti-iron intratumoral injections [sulfur (2) + olive oil (98)] by ceramic needles. These intratumoral injections will initiate harmless infiltrations (deposits of cells that die; harmless necroses). Accurate anti-iron slow blood loss (even 75) [hemoglobin control] and anti-iron goat's milk diet will neutralize any micro-metastases
Posted by: Vadim Shapoval on March 21, 2012 11:09 AM
Warburg, Greenstein and Ferromagnetic Theory of Cancer. Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883-1970), German biochemist, Nobel laureate, investigated the metabolism of tumors and the respiration of cells, particularly cancer cells. "Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar." -- Dr. Otto H. Warburg. Warburg's hypothesis: cancer should be interpreted as a type of mitochondrial disease. Many researchers argued Warburg's findings really identified the effects, and not the causes, of cancer since no mitochondrial defects could be found that were consistently associated with malignant transformation in cancers. "For some odd reason, cancer research has been the graveyard of many a scientific reputation." -- Jesse Philip Greenstein (1902-1959), Chief of Laboratory of Biochemistry, NCI, Bethesda, author of the book 'Biochemistry of Cancer'. Otto H. Warburg and Jesse P. Greenstein didn't take into consideration Biophysics of Cancer. Magnetically, any human cell is a society of dia-, para-, superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles. Diamagnetic and paramagnetic nanoparticles are harmless nanoparticles. Superparamagnetic, ferrimagnetic and ferromagnetic nanoparticles are harmful nanoparticles. Cancer cells are cells with NUMEROUS harmful nanoparticles. Normal cells are cells with NON-NUMEROUS harmful nanoparticles. Usually, intracellular molecules FeO;Fe2O3;Fe3O4 'create' harmful intracellular nanoparticles. Crystalline onco-viruses (with a DNA or RNA) and chemical carcinogenic nanoparticles (asbestos, 3,4-benzpyrene, aflatoxins, iron, nickel, cobalt, etc.) are ready natural harmful nanoparticles. Cytochromes are enzymes that contain iron in the form of a heme in their active site. They are involved with the transport of electrons during cellular respiration. Energy-rich glucose is broken down in the mitochondria, which are the 'furnaces' for the cells. Cytochromes involved in the respiratory chain are located in the wall of the mitochondria. Intracellular harmful nanoparticles: 1) can chaotically distort DNA / shift chromosomes by local magnetic fields; 2) attract intracellular molecules and nanoparticles; acquire excellent camouflage (mask) for itself; 3) create intracellular deficiency of iron-containing molecules (suppress synthesis of cytochromes / work of mitochondria). Cancer and ALS are intracellular superpara-ferri-ferromagnetic infections. Non-complicated antiiron methods of the Old Testament [slow blood loss; H2S drinking water; goat's milk diet; intratumoral injections (S + olive oil; S + water) by ceramic needles] will beat cancer.
Posted by: Vadim Shapoval on March 26, 2012 12:23 PM
Warburg, Virchow, Suss, Shapoval and Ferromagnetic Theory of Cancer. German scientist Otto H. Warburg argued, cancer should be interpreted as a type of mitochondrial disease. German pathologist Rudolph C. Virchow remarked that no man, even under torture, could define cancer. German cancer researcher Rudolf Suss (R. Suss; V. Kinzel; J. Scribner; Cancer: Experiments and Concepts / Krebs: Experimente und Denkmodelle; Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer, 1970) described oncology as impassable jungle of incomparable facts and ideas; as an ocean of information. Biblical scientist Vadim I. Shapoval argues, cancer and ALS should be interpreted as intracellular superpara-ferri-ferromagnetic infections. Any human cell should be interpreted as a society of dia-, para-, superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles. These nanoparticles have certain local magnetic contacts. Any human organism consists of normal cells (cells with non-numerous superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles) and tumor cells (cells with numerous superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles). Intracellular molecules FeO;Fe2O3;Fe3O4 are the main 'creators' of intracellular superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles that can chaotically distort DNA and shift chromosomes (by local magnetic fields). Cancer is not a genetic disease. Cancer is not disease caused by errors in DNA. Oncologists must beat cancer (an iron disease) by non-complicated anti-iron methods of The Old Testament. Anti-iron intratumoral injections [sulfur (2) + olive oil (98); 36.6C - 39.0C] (by ceramic needles) can suppress tumors and large metastases. Anti-iron accurate slow blood loss (even 75) [hemoglobin control], anti-iron goat's milk diet and anti-iron drinking water containing hydrogen sulfide [many metal ions react with hydrogen sulfide to give the corresponding metal sulfides] can neutralize any micro-metastases. Medical News Today explains molecular biological and clinical aspects of the Ferromagnetic Theory-2006 of Cancer / Carcinogenesis / Oncogenesis / Tumorigenesis (Iron Conception). Cancer researchers and oncologists should read Medical News Today.
Posted by: Vadim Shapoval on April 11, 2012 11:07 AM
Otto Warburg invented wrong theory. Modern Cancer- and ALS-researchers invent wrong theories. Ferromagnetic Theory of Cancer and Ferromagnetic Theory of ALS will eat wrong theories. All forms of ALS are caused by intraneuronal superpara-ferri-ferromagnetic infection. All forms of Cancer are caused by intracellular superpara-ferri-ferromagnetic infection. Any somatic cell (any neuron) should be interpreted as a society of dia-, para-, superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles. Like all cells, somatic cells contain DNA arranged in chromosomes. Neurons have the same organelles as other cells. Normal motor neurons are neurons with non-numerous superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles ('inclusions'). Degenerative motor neurons are neurons with numerous superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles. Intraneuronal molecules FeO;Fe2O3;Fe3O4 are the main 'creators' of intraneuronal superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles that can chaotically distort DNA and shift chromosomes (by local magnetic fields). ALS researchers can suppress ALS (an iron neurodegenerative illness that paralyzes ALS patients) by non-complicated anti-iron methods of The Old Testament. Anti-iron accurate slow blood loss (even 75) [hemoglobin control], anti-iron goat's milk diet and anti-iron drinking water containing hydrogen sulfide can gradually neutralize intraneuronal superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles. Ferromagnetic Theory of ALS will beat ALS. Ferromagnetic Theory of Cancer will beat Cancer.
Posted by: Vadim Shapoval on April 15, 2012 03:10 PM
Otto Warburg, Aneuploidy Theory of Сancer and Ferromagnetic Theory of Cancer. Otto Warburg ignored the Aneuploidy Theory of Сancer. German pathologist David Hansemann observed (in 1891) asymmetric mitoses in all of the epithelial cancers he examined. This led him to the hypothesis that, "The cell of the malignant tumor is a cell with a certain abnormal chromatin content.". German biologist Theodor Boveri formulated (in 1914) the aneuploidy theory of cancer. But most researchers have dismissed phenomenon aneuploidy as a byproduct of cancer, not the cause. With the rise in the 1970s of the oncogene theory, the idea that aneuploidy was a cause of cancer was left in the dust. American molecular biologist Peter Duesberg revived the aneuploidy theory in 1997. The prevailing oncogene theory ascribes cancer to a handful of single-gene mutations that sends cells into uncontrolled growth. The aneuploidy theory, on the other hand, hypothesizes that cancer arises from a cell with an abnormal number of chromosomes. The duplicated chromosomes contain extra copies of hundreds or thousands of genes. Certain combinations of aneuploid chromosomes throw the cellular machinery into chaos and thus lead to cancerous growth. As a result of aneuploidy, the total DNA content of a cancer cell can rise to more than twice or fall to nearly half that of a normal diploid cell. In 2007, Scientific American published an article 'Chromosomal Chaos and Cancer' by Duesberg. Each cancer is unique. Even if cancers are from the same tissue, and are generated with the same carcinogen, they are never the same. There is always a cytogenetic and a biochemical individuality in every cancer. The Ferromagnetic Theory of Cancer (Theory from The Old Testament): any human cell should be interpreted as a society of dia-, para-, superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles. These nanoparticles have certain local magnetic contacts. Any human organism consists of normal cells (cells with non-numerous superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles) and tumor cells (cells with numerous superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles). Intracellular molecules FeO;Fe2O3;Fe3O4 are the main 'creators' of intracellular superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles that can chaotically distort DNA and shift chromosomes (by local magnetic fields). "Shift chromosomes" means "confuse, displace, interlace, invert, mix, muddle, permute, remove, transfer or/and transpose chromosomes / chromosomal fragments". Cancer is a subtle iron disease (hemochromatosis is an obvious iron disease). Oncologists must beat tumors, large metastases and micro-metastases by non-complicated anti-iron methods of The Old Testament. Tigran H. & V. Shapoval
Posted by: Vadim Shapoval on May 17, 2012 05:37 AM
Warburg, Duesberg and Ferromagnetic Theory of Cancer. The Warburg Theory of Cancer postulates that tumor cells have defects in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. According to Otto Warburg, cancer should be interpreted as a type of mitochondrial disease. Most modern cancer researchers are convinced that cancer results from a handful of genetic mutations. Peter Duesberg argues that carcinogenesis is initiated by a disruption of the chromosomes. Duesberg's Chromosomal (Aneuploidy) Theory of Cancer asserts that cancers exhibit a more flexible and unpredictable karyotype, including not only intact chromosomes from the host, but also partial, truncated and mere stumps of chromosomes. The Ferromagnetic Theory of Cancer asserts that cancer should be interpreted as a subtle iron disease. Cancer can be compared with hemochromatosis. Most people store 2-4 grams of iron while those with iron overload may accumulate 20 or more grams. The majority of people with iron overload don't know they have it because they are symptom-free or the disease's symptoms - fatigue, weight loss, joint pain, early menopause, and loss of libido, don't occur until the 40s or older when they may be attributed to other disorders. Over time, the toxic effects of the excess iron can lead to damaging diseases like diabetes, congestive heart failure, and endocrine system problems. Treatment for hemochromatosis involves removing blood from the body, known as phlebotomy. Cancer can attack people even if they store 2-4 grams of iron. Cancer can destroy the human organism by means of 1 gram of iron. Cancer is a serial killer of cancer theories. Hippocrates gave cancer its name. The Old Testament: cancer is the first-born of death. Any cancer and ALS work by intracellular superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles. These nanoparticles attract free soluble iron, and thus create deficiency of free soluble iron (create mitochondrial problems) within tumor cells. Moreover, these nanoparticles can chaotically create various errors (mistakes) in DNA; can chaotically disrupt chromosomes (by local magnetic fields). Non-complicated accurate anti-iron methods of The Old Testament can quickly beat any cancer and ALS (intracellular superpara-ferri-ferromagnetic infections) and AIDS (slow virus infection).
Posted by: Vadim Shapoval on May 25, 2012 09:50 AM
Otto Warburg - Cancer and Oxygen. Vadim Shapoval - Cancer and Iron. Iron Chelators for Cancer Therapy and Ferromagnetic Theory of Cancer. Observations that rapid neoplastic cell proliferation requires iron have led to the understanding that some iron chelators may be useful against cancer. Researchers endeavor to develop more effective iron chelators for cancer therapy. Chelation is a very effective way to treat heavy-metal poisoning. Since the 1970s, iron chelation therapy (the removal of excess iron from the body with special drugs) has been used as an alternative to regular phlebotomy to treat excess iron stores in people with hemochromatosis. The goal of iron chelation therapy is to prevent iron-mediated injury to cells. Researchers can't beat cancer by iron chelators because: 1) researchers invent ultra-complicated iron chelators; 2) researchers mix anti-cancer iron chelation therapy with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. According to the Ferromagnetic Theory-2006 of Cancer (Iron Conception), any tumor cells are cells with numerous intracellular superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles (any normal cells are cells with non-numerous intracellular superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles). Researchers must beat cancer (a subtle iron disease) by non-complicated iron chelators of The Old Testament: 1) intratumoral injections [sulfur (2) + olive oil (98); 36.6C – 39.0C] (by ceramic needles) [suppression of tumors and large metastases]; 2) accurate slow blood loss (even 75) [hemoglobin control] (neutralization of micro-metastases); 3) goat's milk diet and anti-iron drinking water containing hydrogen sulfide (neutralization of micro-metastases).
Posted by: Vadim Shapoval on June 22, 2012 11:14 AM
Otto Warburg and Somatic Evolution. According to Dr. Otto Warburg, there are prime and secondary causes of diseases. For example, the prime cause of the plague is the plague bacillus, but secondary causes of the plague are filth, rats, and the fleas that transfer the plague bacillus from rats to man. Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. Almost anything can cause cancer. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen (oxidation of sugar) in normal body cells by fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes. Cancer should be interpreted as a type of mitochondrial disease. The multistep process of carcinogenesis is often described as Somatic Evolution. The transition from normal tissue to invasive cancer is a multistep, multipath process in which increasingly malignant cellular populations emerge over time generally coincident with accumulating genomic mutations. According to The Old Testament and The Ferromagnetic Theory of Cancer (Iron Conception), any human cell should be interpreted: 1) as a society of atoms and molecules; 2) as a society of organelles; 3) as a society of dia-, para-, superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles that have certain local magnetic contacts. An atom is the smallest unit of matter. Atoms are the chemical units of cell structure. Atoms form molecules when two or more are bonded together. The human body contains many different organs. Cells also have a set of little organs, called organelles. Cells obey the same laws of chemistry and physics that determine the behavior of nonliving systems. Cancer works by intracellular superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles that can chaotically distort DNA and shift chromosomes by local magnetic fields; can affect intracellular molecules and organelles (mitochondria, lysosomes, etc.). Cancer is intracellular superpara-ferri-ferromagnetic 'infection'. Oncologists must beat cancer by non-complicated anti-iron methods of The Old Testament.
Posted by: Vadim Shapoval on July 14, 2012 10:57 PM
Warburg, DKFZ and Ferromagnetic Theory of Cancer. Otto Warburg was a German physiologist, medical doctor and Nobel laureate. The Warburg Theory of Cancer or 'Warburg hypothesis' postulates that the driver of carcinogenesis is an insufficient cellular respiration caused by insult to mitochondria. DKFZ (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum) is a national cancer research center based in Heidelberg, Germany. According to DKFZ, cancer is a disease that poses enormous challenges to research, because every cancer is different and its course can vary immensely even from one patient to the next. Every year, in Germany more than 450,000 people develop cancer; more than 216,000 people die of cancer. According to the Ferromagnetic Theory of Cancer (Theory from The Old Testament), cancer is a subtle iron disease. Cancer is the abnormal (excessive) accumulation of superparamagnetic, ferrimagnetic and ferromagnetic nano-particles in tumor cells. These nano-particles: 1) create deficiency of intracellular heme iron and non-heme iron in tumor cells; 2) suppress mitochondrial and lysosomal enzymes; 3) weaken and destroy mitochondria and lysosomes ('suicide-bags') in tumor cells; 4) chaotically distort DNA and shift chromosomes by local magnetic fields. That's why Otto Warburg argued, cancer should be interpreted as a type of mitochondrial disease. That's why scientists describe tumor cells as being 'immortal'; cancer as a genetic disease or as chromosomal chaos. DKFZ can beat cancer by non-complicated accurate anti-iron methods of The Old Testament.
Posted by: Vadim Shapoval on September 8, 2012 05:59 PM

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