Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
April 05, 2006

Super Disinfectant Spray Using Peroxide & Vinegar

"Alfalfa sprouts may be dangerous to your health"*

At 12:32 PM 05/04/2006, you wrote:
Dear Chris,  is this mere propaganda.  I have grown and eaten alfalfa sprouts for many years.  Thank you,   Iris

"Yes this is true, contrary to what most believe, vegetables, as a rule, carry far more E. Coli and salmonella than do meat and milk products particularly organic raw milk.

See table in: Health Canada Vs Unpasteurized Milk

See also: Wrinkled alfalfa seeds harbor more aerobic bacteria and are more difficult to sanitize than smooth seeds.

Personally, I don't get too paranoid about this as I prefer raw over cooked. External bacteria can be dealt with by washing with peroxide and vinegar sprays as discussed below.

Chris Gupta

"You can use vinegar and hydrogen peroxide to disinfect your kitchen counters, produce and even your cutting boards. All you need is three percent hydrogen peroxide, the type you buy at the drug store, vinegar (white or apple cider), and two clean sprayers, like the kind you use to mist plants. Fill each sprayer separately, one with peroxide and the other with vinegar (don't mix them together in one bottle - that makes peracetic acid, which isn't safe and can give you a bad chemical burn). Spritz the item you want to disinfect, first with hydrogen peroxide and then with vinegar, then rinse off under running water. University tests show that this technique killed more potentially lethal bacteria, including Salmonella, Shigella, and even E. coli, than chlorine bleach or any commercially available kitchen cleaner."

For more detailed information, see Judy Stouffer's article:

Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide as Disinfectants


There won't be any lingering taste of hydrogen peroxide or vinegar, and neither is toxic to you even if a small amount were to remain on the produce.

Another idea is to keep your toothbrush in a glass of hydrogen peroxide in between brushings.

If you'd like to learn more about hydrogen peroxide and health, I would recommend the book "Hydrogen Peroxide, medical miracle".
See also:

Cold remedies that really work.- update <

*Subject: Alfalfa sprouts may be dangerous to your health

Alfalfa sprouts are one of the most dangerous foods anyone can put in his or her pouty little protuberance.  (See quote below from the website)

"A recent study conducted by the California Department of Health Services and the Centers for Disease Control discovered that more than half of food-borne illnesses are related to alfalfa and clover sprouts. For instance, sprouts, often touted as a health food, were the cause of over 600 instances of illness and at least two deaths in California alone. In addition, more than 20,000 cases of food-borne illnesses go unreported because doctors may not realize that sprouts were the cause. The main sources of these illnesses were E. Coli 0157 and salmonella, common causes of many food-borne illnesses. Experts believe that sprout seeds become contaminated through fertilization, contaminated irrigation water, and exposure to livestock.

As sprouts are frequently eaten raw on sandwiches and salads, disease causing bacteria remain unharmed. To prevent further outbreaks, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends cooking sprouts to eliminate bacteria. The FDA notes that washing sprouts does not kill dangerous bacteria.

Food-borne illnesses of this sort are particularly dangerous to the elderly, the very young, those with weakened immune systems, and pregnant women."


posted by Chris Gupta on Wednesday April 5 2006
updated on Thursday February 22 2007

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Readers' Comments

The "health warning" about unsafe sprouts from is 4 years old. Why is it rehashed here?

Peaople should not be scared away from growing their own sprouts.

It is the old myth: bacteria kill. Read 'The Dream and Lie of Louis pasteur by R.B.Pearson'


Posted by: Barbara on April 6, 2006 04:56 AM


At 08:51 PM 06/04/2006, V wrote:
Hi Chris,

Those bacteria are beneficial to the human system and need not be sanitized. they are not there by mistake. Read the book We want To Live by Aajonus Vonderplantitz and your whole perspective on the microbes of the world will change. Its time the genocide of the microbe world must end, they are out friends and not to me mass eradicated. the war against germs is the root concept that supports the medical establishment and once that is pulled out the whole thing will collapse. So no point in us alternative health people promoting the very concept that supports them. tell the truth, most microbes are beneficial, we need them to live, so stop killing them. And kill the allopathic giant drug cartel that actually kills over 750,000 people every year.

Posted by: Chris Gupta on April 7, 2006 11:20 PM


I can't believe this is even a debate. Does not everyone understand vegetables are grown in the open, unsanitized, in the fungus, bacteria, virus laden soil of Mother Nature. The only problem with bean sprouts would be growing them in polluted indoor or outdoor air without a filter cover to keep the dust mites, and other toxins off. Without the benefit of Mother Nature's own sunlight and natural healthy bacteria-virus taking care of the harmful ones, yes I could see where we would need to "kill" everything before we ingest it.

However, stop and think for a minute. My grandparents lived to be almost a hundred. Their food came primarily from the garden and what they butchered themselves. The only rinse my vegetables get before they pass the teeth is the dirt washed off under the garden hose or in the kitchen sink. I do love those fresh veggies straight off the vine. My mouth thinks they are great. All that compost and manure they were grown in with all those creepy crawly things? Delicious! The veggies not the compost!

Posted by: Barb on April 8, 2006 10:01 AM


It seems that both sides are correct. Sprouts *are* dangerous to health because of bacteria. However, once disinfected there is no problem. This is because bacteria thrive in the warm, moist environment when sprouting and can concentrate to immense levels. Most of the dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli are found in small quantities on the seeds. It is best to disinfect the seeds first and then start sprouting. All this fuss over such a wonderful food source!

Posted by: Jay on November 29, 2008 05:01 AM


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