Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
March 05, 2004

Health and Nutrition

..."even in this new millennium, a survey shows 42 percent of Americans still do not consume enough vitamin C to prevent signs of scurvy (easy skin bruising, bleeding gums, fluid on the lungs, bleeding and swelling at the back of the eyes)...

...The consumption of 300 milligrams of vitamin C per day would reduce the risk of sight-threatening cataracts by 77-83 percent....

...vitamin C will reduce blood pressure equally as well as anti-hypertensive drugs, without the side effects and costs."...

I have embellished this post from Bill Sardi with useful links, Bill literally blows the medical drug paradigm out of the window and shows why the pharma and their cronies are scared stiff of nutritional solutions to disease. Not only are they generally non toxic, cheap and easily accessible to all, in many instances don't even require the use of their henchmen, the sold out medical practitioners, of the whole contrived sickness care industry pretentiously promoted as the health care industry...

Chris Gupta

Health and Nutrition

It's what Ponce de Leon searched for in his pursuit of the fountain of youth. It's what Job in the Bible needed. It's what would have prevented the Black Plague. It's what maintains eyesight, keeps the heart pumping, fights disease-causing organisms, lengthens the life span, repairs DNA, helps red blood cells carry oxygen, normalizes hormone levels, and facilitates normal brain function. It's vitamins.

Not discovered till the late 1800s, when researchers became aware that certain as-yet-unknown factors in food were preventing disease, vitamins have yet to achieve their full potential in the maintenance of human health. The limes on board ships prevented scurvy, but doctors didn't know why, till Svent Gyorgi, a Romanian researcher, discovered vitamin C in the 1930s. Gyorgi's discovery has not been fully applied to the maintenance of human health, and even in this new millennium, a survey shows 42 percent of Americans still do not consume enough vitamin C to prevent signs of scurvy (easy skin bruising, bleeding gums, fluid on the lungs, bleeding and swelling at the back of the eyes). Later, in the 1970s and 1980s, Nobel-prize winner Linus Pauling showed that vitamin C lengthened the lifespan of cancer patients, something that has yet to accomplished with conventional anti-cancer therapy. Dr. Pauling's work was discredited in favor of drugs.

The consumption of 300 milligrams of vitamin C per day would reduce the risk of sight-threatening cataracts by 77-83 percent. But most people are told they will get all the vitamin C they need from a good diet. You would have to consume 6 oranges a day to get 300 milligrams of vitamin C. Vitamin C tablets are called for here. Another recent study shows that 500 milligrams of vitamin C will reduce blood pressure equally as well as anti-hypertensive drugs, without the side effects and costs. When this was announced, the drug companies manipulated the news media and got a researcher to write a misleadingly report that vitamin C thickened the carotid arteries in the neck, as if vitamin C were creating a blockage of some sort. In fact, vitamin C was building collagen and strengthening the blood vessel wall, preventing a bulging we call aneurysms. How much vitamin C should you take on a daily basis? 500 milligrams at a minimum, and maybe 2000 milligrams for optimal nutrition.

Casimir Funk, a Polish-born researcher, went on to coin the term "vitamins," and described B vitamins in the 1930s. His work revealed remarkable, even magic-like effects, from the use of B vitamins in animals. In his 1922 book, The Vitamines, he shows the picture of chicks at 7 weeks of age, about the size of a man's fist, who were fed a normal diet. Pictured next to them were chicks fed a normal diet plus B vitamins ---- they were huge, about the size of a bastketball! These vitamins could control growth. They were removed from foods when man began to polish rice and produce white flour. Mankind had to suffer epidemics of pellagra, beri beri, and pernicious anemia before foods were fortified with B vitamins. Still today, a third of American older adults suffer shortages of vitamin B12, and many needlessly suffer with symptoms of short-term memory loss, sore tongue, and numb, tingling or burning feet. Many fertile women experience shortages of folic acid, a B vitamin, and give birth to mal-formed babies. All of this is preventable, if the public were told the true story about vitamins.

Pharmaceutical companies continue to promote their statin drugs to reduce cholesterol, but none yet work as well and as cheaply as niacin, vitamin B3. Doctors continually hear from patients who complain of chronic fatigue, but few physicians recommend vitamin B5, pantothenic acid, along with vitamin C, which boost adrenal gland function. Royal jelly from the honey bee is rich in vitamin B5 and is known to boost energy levels and immunity.

If you think modern man has progressed, think again. Modern man is de-volving, not evolving. Here is a comparison of the daily vitamin intake of humans prior to the age of agriculture, a few thousand years ago, and modern man.

Modern Man
Vitamin C 109mg
Vitamin E 10mg
Vitamin A 1170 units
Folic acid 205mcg

Man before agriculture
Vitamin 604mg
Vitamin 32.8mg
Vitamin 870 units
Folic acid 357mcg

See also: Re: Vegetarianism & Milk Consumption


posted by Chris Gupta on Friday March 5 2004
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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Readers' Comments

I am taking 1,000 Vit C and a B-50 daily and took CoQ10 for a couple of weeks and had a lot of achy-pain in my few molars I have left which are healily amalgam (mercury) filled. I quit the CoQ10 and the problem went away but I have since experienced a tremendous hair loss, very thin now.
so, I looked on the internet and CoQ10 has been claimed to chelate calcium, has anyone heard of this. Usually chelators work on all metals and if you have any amalgam fillings, you would not want to take a chelator until the fillings were removed as it would bring the mercury out of the fillings into your blood stream, and then into your tissues, brain included.
I plan to continue taking CoQ10 as soon as I can get the mercury filled teeth taken care of. Has anyone else experienced this problem? CoQ10 as a chelator?

Posted by: Larry on March 20, 2004 02:28 PM


I am taking 1,000 Vit C and a B-50 daily and took CoQ10 for a couple of weeks and had a lot of achy-pain in my few molars I have left which are healily amalgam (mercury) filled. I quit the CoQ10 and the problem went away but I have since experienced a tremendous hair loss, very thin now.
so, I looked on the internet and CoQ10 has been claimed to chelate calcium, has anyone heard of this. Usually chelators work on all metals and if you have any amalgam fillings, you would not want to take a chelator until the fillings were removed as it would bring the mercury out of the fillings into your blood stream, and then into your tissues, brain included.
I plan to continue taking CoQ10 as soon as I can get the mercury filled teeth taken care of. Has anyone else experienced this problem? CoQ10 as a chelator?

Posted by: kathleen sisco on October 31, 2005 03:54 PM


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