Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
January 03, 2005

The Collapse Of Conventional Medicine Now Underway!

The astute predictions made by Bill Sardi in the past are beginning to take root. See also: Orthomolecular Solutions to Heart Disease - Share The Wealth

Chris Gupta

The collapse of western medicine was reported by this writer first in 2002, and with the recall or pending withdrawal of anti-inflammatory drugs like Vioxx, Celebrex, Bextra, public confidence in modern medicine has been shaken. But what you have heard or read is just the tip of the iceberg. More drugs are soon to be removed. The failure of conventional medicine to adopt natural medicines has not only been costly from a financial standpoint, it has cost hundreds of thousands of lives, far more than the Sumatra earthquake/tsunami you have heard about in the news media recently.



Predicted collapse of conventional medicine now underway - one vitamin could save Medicare from bankruptcy.

By Bill Sardi

Two years ago this writer authored an e-book entitled The Collapse of Conventional Medicine in the wake of reports which indicated estrogen replacement therapy, arthroscopic knee surgery, prostate cancer surgery, bone marrow transplantation and radical mastectomy for breast cancer were worthless and possibly problematic treatments.

We are now witnessing another round of news reports centered on the failure of prescription drugs. Anti-inflammatory drugs (Vioxx, Bextra, Celebrex) have come into question with the realization they increase the risk of dying from heart disease. To make matters worse, arthritic patients who experience pain are likely to switch back to ibuprofen and aspirin, medicines that increase the risk of gastrointestinal hemorrhage that kills an estimated 16,000 people annually. Alternatives such as fish oil, curcumin from turmeric, oral hyaluronic acid, SAMe, bromelain from pineapple, should be utilized as safer alternatives, but are rarely prescribed by doctors.

The unsafe drugs you are hearing about in news reports are just the tip of the iceberg. Ralph Nader's Public Citizen organization is calling for 181 drugs to be removed from the marketplace because of a lack of safety or ineffectiveness. The safety system for new drugs is flawed. An estimated 30,000-40,000 lives were lost before the FDA begrudgingly took action to recall Vioxx. Britain recalled Rezulin, an anti-diabetic drug, in 1997 but it took three years for it to be removed from the marketplace in the US. You and your loved ones are at avoidable mortal risk when taking FDA approved drugs.

Amidst the chaos, a drug company airs a television ad saying "the FDA has confidence in Crestor," a cholesterol-lowering statin drug, but the FDA says the ad is "false and misleading." Public Citizen is calling for this drug to be recalled because of an increased risk for kidney failure. In reality, all statin drugs should be removed from the marketplace because they potentially increase the risk for liver and kidney disease, mental depression, cancer and heart failure.

To make matters worse, a front-page report in the Los Angeles Times reveals that Crestor was approved upon the recommendation of researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), most who were paid consultants to the drug company. One NIH doctor was interviewed on television wearing a white coat with the emblem of the NIH without revealing he was a paid consultant to the company that makes Crestor. The NIH has invoked a partial ban on outside income. Astonishingly, 200 NIH scientists have submitted a letter of appeal, saying a permanent ban on outside income will make them "second-class citizens in the scientific community." The referees see nothing wrong with being bought off! [Los Angeles Times Dec. 22, 2004]

If doctors do not express their outrage over being misled about the safety of drugs, they will be considered as conspiring partners with the FDA, the NIH and the drug companies. A crisis looms in physician credibility.

How will doctors respond when they find that, since 1992, they have been misled about vitamin C? Doctors were told by NIH researchers that high-dose vitamin C (beyond 200 milligrams per day) is excreted and produces "expensive urine." A newly published report reveals earlier studies were flawed if not intentionally designed to fail, and oral-dose vitamin C can achieve blood concentrations three times greater than previously thought possible. [Annals Internal Medicine 140:533-7, 2004]

More and more Americans are searching for alternatives. If 100 million Americans who have low vitamin C consumption would take vitamin C pills, mortality rates would drop suddenly in the US. A confirming report, a review of nine different studies, indicates adults who regularly take vitamin C pills providing greater than 700 milligrams per day will experience a 25% drop in their risk for coronary heart disease, the nation's number one killer. [American Journal Clinical Nutrition 80: 1508-20, 2004] Compare that to statin cholesterol drugs which only reduce mortality rates by 0.4%! [Journal American Medical Assn 288: 2998-307, 2002] The best diet, 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, will only provide 200 milligrams of vitamin C and has not been shown to reduce mortality rates from cancer or heart disease.

America is on the precipice of a great change. With prescription medicines in question, if the truth about natural medicines gets into public view, and the public begins to experience health benefits, there will be no turning back. Medicare ran an $87 billion deficit in 2004 and had to draw money out of the general fund. This entire deficit could be eradicated if the public took just one 1000-milligram vitamin C pill on a daily basis.

Copyright 2004 Bill Sardi, Knowledge of Health, Inc.

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posted by Chris Gupta on Monday January 3 2005
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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Readers' Comments

I am totally delighted and awed by your efforts to save the humanity from the crutches of Modern Medicine which claims to be scientific but only 25% of the diagnosis has any diagnostic corelation and the rest belong to the so-called scientific (educated) guesswork.

Please read my story on "My Battle with Candida" on


Ravi Sahay, Speaker
Health & Wellbeing
9176 Danby Court, San Diego, CA 92129

tel: 858-484-9317

Posted by: Ravi Sahay on January 5, 2005 11:29 PM


My general practitioner in Australia practises nutritional and environmental medicine and I have been guided by him into the realisation that I can actually HEAL my body by bringing its chemistry back into the normal range with Vitamins, Minerals and other complementary therapies now at 61 feel better than I did at 45.

Posted by: Carmel Dahl on December 7, 2005 07:34 PM


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