Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
June 23, 2005

It's Time To Take Action to STOP the advancement of CODEX ...

...."The FDA and its Big Pharma backers have never liked DSHEA because these products and the related natural healing arts services often related to them are putting the allopathic drug/surgical/chemical medical industry to shame.

In my book, Death by Modern Medicine, using the allopathic medical industry's own official reports, I document how 784,000 people die every year in the American medical system while following doctors' orders in a highly-regulated allopathic system. The proof that dietary supplements and the practitioners who promote them are safe and work as expected is evidenced everywhere. Studies conducted all over the world have shown that supplements are actually safer than food and there is simply no hard evidence to show there is ANY risk factor worthy of discussion, much less needing universal "risk assessment".

Yet, the U.S. Delegation, along with its Big Pharma backers are bound and determined that Codex force "risk analysis assessments" upon the American dietary supplement industry so they can bypass the expressed will of the American people.

The REAL reason for promotion of "risk assessment" is based on two agendas. First, to be able to strip the over-the-counter marketplace of everything but low quality, low dose-level products that won't do much to support or improve health. Second, to set up the framework to allow Big Pharma to take over the supplement market as a new form of drugs where prices can be jacked up outrageously and doled out by doctors for a fee.

UNDERSTAND THIS: If you do not ACT NOW, you and everyone you love, will be condemned to living under an international law that denies your basic right to maintain your health. WITHOUT HEALTH, YOU HAVE NO FREEDOM!"....

Greetings TCN readers and/or otherwise:

I urge EVERYONE to take action on this immediately. Please scroll down to the websites listed below and go from there. As of this date, the PTB are not listening to we-the-people. It's all about advancing their evil agenda of GREED, CORRUPTION, DEPOPULATION etc. with the intent of forcing we-the-people to take prescription drugs that are literally designed to kill people. Together, we can put a STOP to this NOW!!!!

Enjoy this day!

Tom J. Kennedy


By Dr. Carolyn Dean

June 19, 2005

The U.S. Delegation to Codex has just issued a formal written statement to the Codex Alimentarius Commission that the United States, during the July 4-9, 2005, meeting in Rome, will support compulsory rules created by this international organization directly overruling U.S. law regarding access to vitamins.

The U.S. law that is about to be vanquished is the Dietary Supplement, Health and Education Act of 1994. Codex is a joint venture between the United Nation's World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization. (WHO/FAO) The World Trade Organization (WTO) has already stated that it will enforce Codex "guidelines" as the world standard for trade in dietary supplements. This will mean that gradually, pill-by-pill, our access to the dietary supplements we depend on will disappear.

For those not familiar with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, it was passed because 2.5 million ordinary citizens wanted to make sure dietary supplements such as herbs, vitamins, minerals and other food-based supplements could stay on the over-the-counter market. Movement to create this law, known as DSHEA, started when a 1992 FDA task force published a report announcing the FDA's desire to remove these products from the shelves as they represented a "disincentive for patented drug research".

Immediately following this announcement, millions of Americans learned about how famed vitamin doctor, Jonathan Wright's patient-filled medical office was raided the same month by nearly two-dozen gun-toting, flak-jacketed FDA agents in the name of regulating supplements. Battering down an unlocked office door, these agents, backed by burly sheriff's department deputies, lined up staff and patients against the wall, pulled IVs from patients arms in middle of treatments, confiscated patient records, took the hard drive from the office computer all because Dr. Jonathan Wright was using nutritional supplements to heal very sick people who could not get help from standard allopathic medical care.

As the story developed, it turned out that this Gestapo-style raid was standard operating procedure for the FDA and as the general public became aware of just how many doctors' offices, manufacturing companies, distributors and health food stores had been assaulted by similar raids, the horror of all this forged a mighty health freedom army that resulted in unanimous passage of DSHEA.

The idea of the law was two-fold:

1. DSHEA was to make a clear distinction between FOOD, which is considered generally safe and did not need to have permission from the FDA to be allowed on the market and DRUGS, which are generally toxic, potentially deadly and in need of lengthy evaluation before they were available to the public under prescription from a doctor.

2. DSHEA provides the FDA with plenty of legal authority to remove herbs or dietary supplements from the market providing the agency has plenty of REAL evidence of REAL harm to the public. The FDA also has the authority to limit the amount of a supplement to low levels IF the agency has plenty of REAL evidence to prove higher levels ARE ACTUALLY dangerous.

The FDA and its Big Pharma backers have never liked DSHEA because these products and the related natural healing arts services often related to them are putting the allopathic drug/surgical/chemical medical industry to shame.

In my book, Death by Modern Medicine, using the allopathic medical industry's own official reports, I document how 784,000 people die every year in the American medical system while following doctors' orders in a highly-regulated allopathic system. The proof that dietary supplements and the practitioners who promote them are safe and work as expected is evidenced everywhere. Studies conducted all over the world have shown that supplements are actually safer than food and there is simply no hard evidence to show there is ANY risk factor worthy of discussion, much less needing universal "risk assessment".

Yet, the U.S. Delegation, along with its Big Pharma backers are bound and determined that Codex force "risk analysis assessments" upon the American dietary supplement industry so they can bypass the expressed will of the American people.

The REAL reason for promotion of "risk assessment" is based on two agendas. First, to be able to strip the over-the-counter marketplace of everything but low quality, low dose-level products that won't do much to support or improve health. Second, to set up the framework to allow Big Pharma to take over the supplement market as a new form of drugs where prices can be jacked up outrageously and doled out by doctors for a fee.

UNDERSTAND THIS: If you do not ACT NOW, you and everyone you love, will be condemned to living under an international law that denies your basic right to maintain your health. WITHOUT HEALTH, YOU HAVE NO FREEDOM!



Dr. Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor, naturopathic doctor, herbalist, acupuncturist, nutritionist, as well as a powerful health activist fighting for health freedom as president of Friends of Freedom International. Dr. Dean is the author of over a dozen health books, the latest of which is "Death By Modern Medicine”.

Web Site:

Related Article:
Codex Alimentaris Ends US Supplements in June 2005

© 2005 - Dr. Carolyn Dean - All Rights Reserved

Readers are also invited to read Dr. Gary North's take on the Codex Alimentaris:

Readers are also invited to familiarize themselves with IAHF (International Advocates for Health Freedom).

The International Advocates for Health Freedom is a catalytic entity designed to foster networking between health freedom activists world wide in order to foster opposition to the elements of coercion: the UN's International Council of Drug Regulating Authorities, and all regulating bodies falling under its auspices including the FDA, TGA, HPB, MCA, MCC etc.

The founder of IAHF, John Hammell, has been fighting professionally for health freedom for 10 years, and first got involved with alternative medicine after recovering from a life threatening illness in 1980 via a suppressed alternative treatment mode (orthomolecular medicine) after mainstream methods almost killed him. His personal belief is that herbs and other dietary supplements are gifts to us all from our Creator. As such, he believes it to be highly immoral for anyone to try to restrict their availability or to do anything which would hamper consumer access. For more of an insight on John Hammell read his articles Why I Fight for Health Freedom and Urgent Appeal From An Orthomolecular Psychiatric Survivor: Vitamin Access Threatened Globally.....

IAHF staunchly opposes all "harmonizing" language which the multinational corporations are trying to insert into legislation world wide in their effort to enslave us via world government. IAHF believes strongly in individual liberty as espoused by the US Constitution, the Libertarian Party, and by the International Societies of Individual Liberty (ISIL). Central to our philosophy is that the elements of coercion have no right whatsoever to tell us what substances we can ingest into our bodies, as they belong to US, not the statists. IAHF is currently working with health freedom fighters located in America, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Malaysia, S. Africa, and Zimbabwe. IAHF does not discriminate against anyone on a basis of religion, politics, race, or gender - if you are a health freedom fighter, you are one of us!

For Health Freedom,
John C. Hammell, President
International Advocates for Health Freedom
556 Boundary Bay Road
Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA
800-333-2553 N.America
360-945-0352 World


posted by Chris Gupta on Thursday June 23 2005
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

URL of this article:



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Readers' Comments

I understand that we accepted the Codex as a rider on the CAFTA treaty. If that is true that was the real motivation financially for passing CAFTA. And since legislators admittedly don't read all the bills up for passage they are doubly culpable. This motivation might be explained (after reseach to see if there was a rider on CAFTA) in letters to the editor and to Free Speech TV and calls to c-span. More of the power grab under the guise of protecting the people who are too ignorant to know what makes them feel healthier. Get the word out. As I understand it from another website the Codex takes effect here Jan.1,2010. I don't know because I haven't been able to crossreference it yet.

Posted by: Chandi Rodriguez on August 2, 2005 11:08 AM


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