Michael Forrest Is In Jail For Making And Selling Electromedicine Devices
From: "Peter Walker"
Date: Thu Nov 17, 2005 5:27 pm
Subject: Update on the Michael Forrest Case!Hi, Some of you will remember the case of Michael Forrest, the maker of various electronic health devices who was put in jail for selling such units.
In January 2005, we started a campaign to organize support and funds to help Michael Forrest. We managed to get people like Tim Bolen (www.bolenreport.net), Dr. Steven Haltiwanger (both recently featured on the Coast to Coast radio show), Jim Turner (lawyer) and others involved in this case which really helped to organize a good defense.
Donations to the "Michael Forrest Defense Fund" were organized by Peter Walker on the Rife Forum (www.rifeforum.com) and almost $5000 was raised that way. Several thousand dollars in further funds were obtained from similar manufacturers who themselves had an interest in finding a solution in order to help protect themselves from similar actions.
Michael Forrest's sentencing hearing will be on December 8th, 2005. Our efforts so far have managed to change the case in such a way that the outcome should have no negative effect on the industry (as may otherwise have been the case). With a little luck we will be able to greatly reduce the sentence.
If anyone out there has the "Black Box", made by Michael Forrest, we urgently need your help providing a written testimonial about this unit. We also need more funds to complete the job and ask those interested in protecting the rights of manufactures, to sell us such devices, to make a donation. We wish to thank all those who have contributed so far and assure you that the money is being spent wisely.
For more detailed information on the progression of this case and to learn where to send your testimonials and donations, please look at the following link: http://www.rifeforum.com/forrest/
Peter Walker and Cindy Charlebois
On behalf of the Michael Forrest Defense Group
------------------------------------------------------------There is more at stake than just his personal freedom. This case may set a dangerous precedent making it more difficult to purchase Rife and/or other machines such as the Beck and the Hulda Clark devices in the future, something which affects many of us.
Chris Gupta
----------------------Michael is the creator of "Jaguar Enterprises", and made and sold
Electromedicine Devices. See his website: http://www.excel.net/~jaguar/ (no longer working) He was arrested September 26, 2004 and has been in jail since then. I called and talked with Brian Mullins (Michael's attorney) Wednesday 1/5/2005.
Michael was arrested for:
1) Selling medical devices not approved by the FDA
2) Exaggerating their effectiveness (a federal criminal offense)
His trial is scheduled for May 2nd, 2005.
The judge scheduled for this case is Rudolph Randa.Michael and Brian are looking for anyone who has bought and used his products and had success. Please send your written testimony to both Michael Forrest and attorney Brian Mullins.
Michael and Brian are also looking for an expert witness to verify claims; if you'd like to offer, please let me know and I'll forward the information to Michael and Brian.
Michael is currently defended by:
Brian Mullins, Federal Defender Services of Wisconsin, Inc.
517 E. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 182 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
Telephone (414) 221-9900
Fax (414) 221-9901
http://www.fdswi.org/Michael's address:
Michael Forrest
Dodge County Detention
216 W. Center St.
Juneau, WI 53039If you write him and would like a reply, please send a self-addressed envelope with stamp and paper. Also, if anyone wants to send him any books they have to be new books and sent from a bookstore. There was a package containing books and a package containing cassette tapes from two clients of his that had to be returned to them because it wasn't directly from a bookstore. The only things he can receive directly from people are letters, cards, & pictures. If anybody wants to send him money, it could be sent directly to him in a MONEY ORDER. Michael said that the FDA agents that arrested him kept the $265 he had in his wallet instead of forwarding it there to be put in an account for him.
Also, the Rife Forum people are collecting money for his legal defense. Go here for more information.
Or here, at the top right of the page, to donate:
Please forward this to anyone interested.
Thank you.Cindy
posted by Chris Gupta on Friday November 18 2005
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