ADA Caves In - FDA Under Fire For Protecting Mercury Fillings
"Gone is the old ADA braggadocio about the Food & Drug Administration finding mercury fillings to be safe. Gone is the time-worn assurance to its members that the good old ADA will take care of any problems those "anti-amalgamists" are stirring up. Instead, the ADA meekly advises its members that warnings are likely, and a ban is conceivable."
This all too transparent shell game is continually used to disregard solid toxicology science.
Here among many is a perfect example, another is Fluoride, that is the raison d'ĂȘtre for the existence of most regulatory bodies. They are primarily created as industry shields under the pretense of protecting the constituents. Essentially these pseudo bodies are next to useless other than providing token lip service while they are essentially created and needed to protect the industry... The industry love's bureaucracy while providing lip service against it, essentially conning the masses to clamour for more and more government - A perfect scam!
Listen to Attorney Charlie Brown's half hour interview with Dr. Stan Monteith who took on this this rogue agency is here.
Chris Gupta-----------------
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: ADA warns members: Trouble ahead for mercury fillings
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 16:27:40 -0500
From: FACT <>
Read the fine print, the ADA sees that the FDA is no longer able to pretend amalgam fillings are safe. The end is in sight for mercury fillings!!Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H) President, Gordon Research Institute
From: Terry J. Lee D.D.S. Ph. 480-545-8237
ADA warns members: Trouble ahead for mercury fillings.
The American Dental Association sends out an ADA Update to its members only, but of course we have several Fifth Columnists who wheel it on to us.
Gone is the old ADA braggadocio about the Food & Drug Administration finding mercury fillings to be safe. Gone is the time-worn assurance to its members that the good old ADA will take care of any problems those "anti-amalgamists" are stirring up. Instead, the ADA meekly advises its members that warnings are likely, and a ban is conceivable.
Below is their entire message on this issue. Note the quotations ? again, folks, this is straight from the American Dental Association:
We don't know the direction the FDA will take," FDA could issue "a mandatory brochure or even limited warnings," FDA could even issue "a ban," though "we don't expect the latter."
Charlie Brown 7/8/07 Note our new address & ph # Charles G. Brown, National Counsel Consumers for Dental Choice 316 F St., N.E., Suite 210, Washington, DC 20002 Ph. 202.544-6333; fax 544-6331,
Paragraph from ADA Update, July 1, 2007 The FDA has been contemplating regulatory action for several years to reclassify dental amalgam as either a class 2 or 3 material. (Components of encapsulated amalgam currently are classified separately.) The ADA has supported classifying dental amalgam as a Class 2 device in the past. We expect the FDA will issue an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) this summer, seeking input from interested parties. An ANPR is the beginning of the regulatory process. After consideration of input generated by the ANPR, the FDA will likely issue a notice of proposed rulemaking, setting forth a specific proposal for public comment. Only after that would a new regulation be issued. At this point, we don't know the direction the FDA will take. The agency could simply reclassify amalgam as a Class 2 material, adding special controls to its use, such as a mandatory brochure or even limited warnings, or classify it as a Class 3 material, which could result in a ban. We don't expect the latter. We're closely monitoring these developments and of course will offer appropriate advocacy comments and develop strategies for addressing the ANPR. We'll also keep you updated as this process plays out."
posted by Chris Gupta on Wednesday August 1 2007
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