Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
January 17, 2005

Yeast Organisms And Prostatitis

..."Yeast overgrowths are promoted by several factors, one of which is antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics kill off beneficial bacteria as well as pathogens. Ordinarily, bacteria and yeasts live together in competition and the yeasts are excluded or kept to an insignificant level. When the bacteria are killed, this competition is destroyed, yeasts can invade or expand, and they often do. Once established, an intestinal yeast overgrowth might perpetuate itself, and the patient might suffer in any of very many ways from the consequences of toxic metabolites being carried in the blood stream all over the body. In principal, the prostate could be affected in this way, and prostatitis could result...

...Dr. Feliciano reports that he "frequently" sees yeasts in the expressed prostatic fluid of patients who have had several weeks of antibiotic therapy. When Brad Hennenfent visited Dr. Feliciano in Manila for a couple of weeks, he verified this statement by his own observations of yeasts in the prostatic fluid. Thus, it appears that mainstream urology has been negligent, to a great extent, of prostatic yeasts."...

So what else is new?

One should seriously consider replenishing their gut bacteria, a great way to do it as per:

Cultured Cabbage Juice - Make the Best Lactobacteria

Note: Frequently the PSA can also be affected with prostate infections but in general this is a poor indicator for prostate cancer. See:

PSA Screening Test for Prostate Cancer - Another Scam?

Also be aware, prostate infections are notoriously slow to remove. Mainstream magic bullets are seldom the answer but could cause many other complications that maintain one as a perpetual patient...

For better tests see:

The AMAS Test For Early Detection and Monitoring of Cancer

Simple Test may Detect Breast Cancers

A great alternative is Thermo Therapy for prostate & hemorrhoid problems. This has the potential to reduce up to 80% related surgeries...

Chris Gupta

Yeast organisms and Prostatitis

One prostatitis patient, John Garst, has written a short essay on the role yeast can play in prostatitis: Many of the patients who correspond here report having had partial relief of symptoms from antifungal therapy. I am one of those, and over the years I experimented with going on and off Nystatin a sufficient number of times to convince me that this was a real effect, not an accident or a placebo effect.

For many years, I thought that I probably suffered from a "yeast hypersensitivity syndrome" that was described by Dr. C. Orrin Truss 25-30 years ago. The hypothesis is that people can become sensitized to metabolic products of intestinal yeasts (perhaps to acetaldehyde, in particular).

Yeast overgrowths are promoted by several factors, one of which is antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics kill off beneficial bacteria as well as pathogens. Ordinarily, bacteria and yeasts live together in competition and the yeasts are excluded or kept to an insignificant level. When the bacteria are killed, this competition is destroyed, yeasts can invade or expand, and they often do. Once established, an intestinal yeast overgrowth might perpetuate itself, and the patient might suffer in any of very many ways from the consequences of toxic metabolites being carried in the blood stream all over the body. In principal, the prostate could be affected in this way, and prostatitis could result.

As far as I know, every effort to substantiate Truss' hypothesis in controlled scientific experiments has failed. Several professional medical bodies have issued statements to the effect that it is "unproved." Therefore it enjoys a poor reputation in mainstream medicine. Mainstream urology, it appears to turn out, isn't all that clean, either, though. Several urologists have told me that yeast infections of the prostate, though possible, are extremely rare, and this appears to be the mainstream view.

Yet, Dr. Feliciano reports that he "frequently" sees yeasts in the expressed prostatic fluid of patients who have had several weeks of antibiotic therapy. When Brad Hennenfent visited Dr. Feliciano in Manila for a couple of weeks, he verified this statement by his own observations of yeasts in the prostatic fluid. Thus, it appears that mainstream urology has been negligent, to a great extent, of prostatic yeasts.

Dr. Feliciano ends his therapy by administering antifungals (Sporanox or Diflucan) whether or not yeasts are seen in the EPS. Evidently, he believes that there are frequent false negative results in both microscopic examinations of Gram stains and yeast cultures. I completely agree, based on my own personal experience.

For years, I have had yeast balanitis, inflammation of the head of the penis by yeast infection. This correlated remarkably with my prostatitis symptoms, so I thought there must be a connection. Despite my urging, until recently my urologists have not associated this with my prostatitis. They have seen it as a separate problem.

I believe that I have had yeast prostatis and that it has been carried from the prostate to the glans penis in urine or semen, where it has "cultured" under the foreskin and presented as balanitis. Thus, I think that I've got a better culture medium than the laboratories, who have never found yeast in any of my specimens! As far as I know, yeast prostatitis can involve the same kinds of symptoms as bacterial prostatitis. However, I remember from back in 1965, when I first got prostatitis, an interesting sequence of events. (1) Several months of a "ping-pong" external yeast infection shared with my wife. (2) Onset of prostatitis symptoms (pain) and balanitis. (3) Bacteria found in EPS. (4) Antibiotic therapy. (5) Bacteria disappear from EPS, but pain continues. (6) More antibiotic therapy. (7) Eventual surgery (modified TUR) (no cure). Etc What I remember, in particular, is that the first round of antibiotics, which cleared my EPS of bacteria, also resulted in a "change in the nature of my pain". I told my urologist this, but of course, it meant nothing to him. What it now means to me is that the nature of my infection had changed, probably from bacteria (or a combination of bacteria and yeast) to yeast.

Later, in 1985, following stricture surgery, I had similar experiences. Antibiotics were administered as a matter of course with the surgery. At the time when I should have been healed, my pain approached the "thoughts-of-suicide" level. Eventually, I took an antifungal (at my own suggestion, not my uro's or his consultant infectious disease expert's - I had heard of Truss' theory) and my pain was greatly alleviated.

Therefore I now believe, contrary to many urologists, that prostatic yeast infections are common. What are yeasts? How do they differ from bacteria? Well, someone else, with more expertise, ought to answer that. All I can say is that they are one-celled fungi. Some of them are ubiquitous. One of the most common pathogenic yeasts is Candida albicans, which is often responsible women's vaginal yeast infections. Yeast thrive on sugars. Diabetics and immunocompromised people tend to have trouble with yeast infections.

Here is food for thought, a hypothesis based on the above: "Antibiotic therapy causes prostatitis." Most of us get antibiotics for various conditions that have nothing to do with the prostate (sinus or chest infections, preventive antibiotics accompanying surgery, infected wounds, etc.) This allows yeasts to proliferate (where they are) and sometimes to invade (where they were not). Sometimes they invade the prostate. Somehow this "opens the door" for bacteria (the bacterial infection is secondary here, backwards from the usual scenario in which bacteria are followed by yeasts. The bacteria take over and the yeasts are suppressed to a low level.

When the bacteria are eradicated by antibiotics, the yeasts emerge again and have to be treated separately. If there is anything novel here, it is in the supposition that the primary infection of the prostate can be a yeast infection, with a secondary bacterial infection following and taking over.

This information is forwarded to you by the Prostatitis Foundation. We do not provide medical advice. We distribute literature and information relevant to prostatitis. While we encourage all research we do not endorse any doctor, medicine or treatment protocol. Consult with your own physician.

© 2002 The Prostatitis Foundation

See also:

Boron and Prostate

Enlarged Prostate (BPH)

Kidney Stones, Bladder Infection & Prostate Enlargement

The 10 most useless operations

Do Biopsy Potentiate Cancer?


posted by Chris Gupta on Monday January 17 2005
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

URL of this article:



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Readers' Comments

Appreciated the yeast article and especially the cultured cabbage. I guess this helps balance the pH. I really think yeast is a major player in health issues today that is stil widely ignored and swept under the rug.

Posted by: mitch on May 9, 2007 01:02 PM


While researching and seeding search engines for my new site on "Balanitis and how to clear yourself naturally from this dis-ease". I found this site. I will be linking back to here as this states clearly what I found on my own. I experienced 8 years of discomfort - pain - ED (erectile dysfunction) - shame - to my wife believing I had become allergic to her body fluids to her leaving me after 7 years of living with this dis-ease. I no longer suffer in silence. I am clear of Balanitis and what causes it. I wish I had found this site 3 1/2 years ago!

Posted by: Richard M. on July 30, 2008 11:14 AM


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