Free Flu Vaccine - Fails To Reduce Cases: Waste Of Money In Ontario Since 2000
Free flu vaccine fails to reduce cases: study. But that simply has no bearing on these useless and health damaging programs. Must keep those pharma buddies happy at any cost! And of course no one is going to do or say anything so it is business as usual...
'Rates haven't decreased and there's been lots of money spent' For a clearer picture see:
Questions About Avian Flu Or Any Expending Pandemic
The Meningococcal Gold Rush - Pushing the Vaccine Agenda
Chris Gupta
-----------------Free flu vaccine fails to reduce cases
study: 'Rates haven't decreased and there's been lots of money spent'National Post Tuesday, May 2, 2006 Page: A1 Byline: Tom Blackwell
Canada's first experiment in universal, free flu vaccine has cost Ontario taxpayers more than $200-million, but appears to have done nothing to cut the spread of influenza, a new study suggests.
Per-capita flu rates in the province have not fallen at all since the program was introduced in 2000, concluded the University of Ottawa research, published in the journal Vaccine.
In fact, the average monthly incidence of the virus jumped over the first five years of the program, though researchers say it is too early to say that numbers are really on the rise.
"All we do know is rates haven't decreased, and there has been a lot of money spent," said Dianne Groll, the University of Ottawa professor who led the study. "The program was designed to reduce the incidence of flu, and this hasn't yet happened."
posted by Chris Gupta on Wednesday May 10 2006
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January 14, 2008 - Chris GuptaRe: Vaccines
At 02:16 PM 29/05/2007, you wrote: Why do you lump all vaccines together as a category that is dangerous rather than treating them as individual cases? Is that a good way to find out if vaccines are dangerous in your opinion? Also, why would you trust eyewitness accounts rather than treat them with a well needed grain of salt? If I found eyewitness accounts that contradicted your opinion would you... [read more]
May 29, 2007 - Chris Gupta