May 17, 2006
Muscle Side Effects Of Statins
And the saga continues. "The brain (a high site for cholesterol) and nerves require cholesterol to function. Cholesterol is the raw material for hormone production, vitamin D synthesis, and maintains the integrity of cell membranes." Croft Woodruff
Low cholesterol is associated with significant associations with death from cancer, liver diseases, and mental diseases.*
Dr. Mirkin's blind faith in the safety of statins is truly staggering not to mention his utter lack of knowledge about the role and the importance of cholesterol in health.
Chris Gupta
See also:
WHO-US Adverse Reaction Reports For Statins - When Where What?
Frequently Asked Questions About Statins
Bad News About Statin Drugs
*Ulmer H, et al. Why Eve is not Adam: prospective follow-up in 149650 women and men of cholesterol and other risk factors related to cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. Journal of Womens Health, Jan-Feb. 2004; 13 (1): 41-53.
Gabe Mirkin, M.D.
A report from Austria confirms that statin drugs, used to lower blood cholesterol, can cause muscle pain and injuries. Statin drugs, such as Zocor, Pravachol, Mevacor, Lescol, Lipitor, and Alatocor save lives by lowering blood cholesterol levels, even in people who have normal values. These drugs are safe, but on rare occasions, can cause nerve damage and muscle pain.
Most people who take cholesterol-lowering drugs do not suffer muscle pain unless they exercise. Hard exercise damages muscles, causing soreness on the next day. Most exercisers work out intensely enough to cause muscle soreness for one or two days and then, exercise at a reduced intensity until the soreness goes away, usually in a couple for days. Statin drugs delay recovery often taking more than a week for the soreness to go away so a person can exercise intensely again. Exercising intensely when muscles are sore can cause muscle injuries.
Statin-induced myositis migrans. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 2002, Vol 114, Iss 21-22, pp 943-944. H Sinzinger. Sinzinger H, Wilhelm Auerswald Atherosclerosis Res Grp, ASF, Nadlergasse 1, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA
posted by Chris Gupta on Wednesday May 17 2006
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Readers' Comments
I have been taking pravecol (20 mg) and Welchol and am experiencing headaches, stiff neck and sore back. My doctor is unsympathetic. Are these related to the drugs I take?
Posted by: fred pfisterr on June 22, 2006 08:06 AM
trying to prove that my joint problems ar staton related
Posted by: gordon gregory on August 4, 2006 04:04 AM
my husband has been on lipitor for approx 6 years. he was recently diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica and placed on high dose steroids. his symptoms were severe muscle pain of the upper arms and the thighs. the steroids are only slightly helping, even after increasing the dosage. could this be a statin side-effect after all these years? please help. he is so down and depressed from this constant pain!
Posted by: Larry Fleming on July 14, 2007 10:49 PM
my husband has been on lipitor for approx 6 years. he was recently diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica and placed on high dose steroids. his symptoms were severe muscle pain of the upper arms and the thighs. the steroids are only slightly helping, even after increasing the dosage. could this be a statin side-effect after all these years? please help. he is so down and depressed from this constant pain!
Posted by: Ruth Neal on July 31, 2007 11:05 AM
my husband has been on lipitor for approx 6 years. he was recently diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica and placed on high dose steroids. his symptoms were severe muscle pain of the upper arms and the thighs. the steroids are only slightly helping, even after increasing the dosage. could this be a statin side-effect after all these years? please help. he is so down and depressed from this constant pain!
Posted by: nancy niemiec on August 4, 2007 10:20 PM
my husband has been on lipitor for approx 6 years. he was recently diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica and placed on high dose steroids. his symptoms were severe muscle pain of the upper arms and the thighs. the steroids are only slightly helping, even after increasing the dosage. could this be a statin side-effect after all these years? please help. he is so down and depressed from this constant pain!
Posted by: Bradley J Blazoff on November 7, 2007 10:22 PM
My sister has been taking Pravachol since 4/08 & started experience muscle pain, stiffness, smelly urine & some urinary incontinence. Dr. does not think the statin is the problem. We believe that it is a side effect of statin with a name Rhabdomyelysis. We need help.
Posted by: M. Marbut on September 5, 2008 12:33 AM
I believe that my muscles have been badly damaged due to a prolonged treatment with Statin. I have stopped taking it for two years. My son, a doctor, advised me to take Co Enzyme Q10. I found by trial and error that 100mg BD keeps me free of pain. But I still suffer with pain in the calf muscles and the back of my thighs if I am late in taking Q10. Please tell me whether I will ever be free of pain or there is anything better and curative for this problem.
Posted by: Dr Tariq Rajbee on November 2, 2008 05:34 PM
Back in April, I was started on Vytorin (on a Wednesday)ater seeing my doctor and then went out of town. Over the weekend I began swelling. It started with my feet and worked its way up my leg, then into my abdomen. I had extreem pain and had difficulty walking. All I did was sit with my feet up. By the time we got back in town, I was having some difficulty breathing. This was Monday. Sunday, after taking my pill, my husband and I realized it could be the pill that was doing it, so I took no more. (So I took only a total of 5).
When I saw my doctor on Monday he said to take no more Vytorin, and started me on Lasix and Potassium. Well the swelling slowly went down but the severe pain has continued. I am still having difficulty walking. My doctor did do a test to check if it is PAD, but hasn't called back. Said he would call if it showed anything. Said if not it must be arthritis. He says it's not from the vytorin or it would have stopped when I stopped the med. My problem is that if it wasn't from the vytorin, why would it have started when I started the vytorin. Arthritis doesn't start on one day in both feet. Any suggestions??
Many Things,
Please see: Cholesterol: Myths and Truths. It is a fact that the older one gets, the higher their cholesterol is - the body's own innate wisdom always has a good reason for this. Further there is no evidence having high cholesterol in women at any age and older males is associated with heart disease - in fact is protective for those over 65 particularly for women! To go about manipulating it without addressing the cause is asking for trouble.
Class Action - Statins Increases Heart Disease By 10% In Women
Yet Another Study Shows Low Cholesterol Increases Risk Of Early Death!
FAQ about Cholesterol & Heart Disease
Chris Gupta
Posted by: Elizabeth Podgurski on September 14, 2010 05:05 PM
I have taken several different statins over the past 10 years. Every time I stopped taking them was because of muscle pain. Unfortunately I would start taking them again when my Dr told me I needed to lower my Cholesterol. Stupid me. I have now been off taking any statin for about a year, will never take one again but suffer what I believe to be permanent muscle damage. Is there anything I can do for relief or repair of my damaged muscles.
Posted by: Darrell on June 1, 2012 09:26 AM
If you, like me, have 300+ cholesterol, please take statins. Believe me, low brain fucntion because of cholesterol defiency is not your priority risk right now... Low Cholesterol is an unrealistic risk for most people that are taking statins. It is unlikely you will be prescribed them when lower than 200.
Doctors would usually monitor your cholesterol monthly (early when starting statins) and yearly (later). I am pretty sure that if they see you dropping your levels too low they will reduce the statins dose and maybe stop it. I mean, really.
You need to see: STATIN NATION: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up (Full Movie)
One does not go around meddling with the body's chemistry without addressing the cause!
Highly recommend that you read Is Your Cardiologist Killing You by Dr. Sherry Rogers MD despite the name, this is a must read. It is short (less than 200 pages but full of useful references)
Chris Gupta
Posted by: vexorian on April 22, 2013 12:05 PM

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