Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
August 29, 2006

"Crime" Of Healing - Michael Forrest Update

Further to Michael Forrest Is In Jail For Making And Selling Electromedicine Devices, having served nearly all of his essentially illegal jail term he is out. Following is the current status:

"So how is my life now? Well, my family completely rejected me and will give me no help. But luckily I was offered a stay with friends in north Texas but I am almost broke, with no car, just a few clothes, and no job (because I am still trying to recover my health after 21 months of incorrect diet and medical neglect). I am just now getting over chronic fatigue syndrome again by use of my devices (blood electrifier and magnetic pulser), which I reacquired while in jail. My friends are putting me up for now but I wish I didn't have to lean on them. I work some for them w/o pay at their health food store to help pay them back. I recently started to offer Electrotherapy devices only for veterinary use, but am having trouble getting traffic to it.

If you want to write me you can just email me at and we can chat."

After being bullied by the FDA thugs Michael survives by the skin of his teeth and is desperately in need of money. Those who have benefited from this site by learning about electromidince etc. could really help him and our cause by at least purchasing some of his great electromed device plans. He is selling them for a measly $10 a each (see bottom of post). Many of you have asked for the Brain Tuner (CES) circuit, andI know I promised to put it up but simply have not got around to doing so, now is your chance to get it from Michael and help him to boot.

Chris Gupta

Michael Forrest's story


In 1977, after my having suffered 16 years with the viral form of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I paid $10 for the Beck information about blood electrification and magnetic pulsing. Being an able electronics technician, I then constructed the devices and used them faithfully on myself. After 2 months of use my health improved so much that I was sure that the virus was gone from my body since the flu-like symptoms stopped. I then mailed about 12 letters out to all the main CFS support groups around the country to inform them of my success and to see if they were interested in the devices. No one replied. Then I decided to start an internet-based business making/promoting/selling the Beck devices. The most important business goal I had was that of education, providing as much useful information on the subject from my own and my customers experiences, and from other internet sites with electromedicine info. It took 2 years before I even started to make a profit. After a year in the business, knowing I may attract some ruthless FDA "investigators" who could come in and rob everything (computer, electronic parts, devices) and leave me without any legal recourse, I moved to Costa Rica, not only for safety, but to experience the latino culture since my mother was Mexican. While there I also started making/selling my own Rife Frequency Generators which boosted my income enough to finally live off of it. I also used one for myself to combat an ongoing candida intestinal infection since I still had reduced immune function as a result of having had CFS for 16 years. In 2000 I received a letter from the Federal Trade Commission informing me that I needed to sign and comply with a "consent agreement" or else I would face criminal charges. The agreement ordered me to remove all information about what the devices did, offer refunds to all customers, remove all internet advertising (which included all search engine listings which was impossible to completely do), give them one each of my devices, and keep them fully informed of where I lived and what I was doing for money for the next 10 years. I knew that the devices were still too unknown to be able to sell them without full information and I didn't want to fold and go back to the States (for financial and personal reasons) and so I decided to keep on going. Also I was hooked on having the personal satisfaction of helping people who the doctors couldn't help. So I signed the agreement and then took off to Paraguay. I needed to move anyway because the air pollution in Costa Rica was worsening my health. In Paraguay my health improved and I continued to sell the devices till 2004 when the migrations office found out I wasn't leaving the country every 3 months to maintain my tourist status. So I went to the Argentina border to update my passport and there they arrested me because I had an outstanding arrest warrant in Wisconsin (where I had a bank account and helper). The U.S. embassy officials lied to the Paraguayans and said that I also was $5000 behind in child support payments which wasn't true because I had never fathered a child. They had no extradition papers because my "crime" wasn't enough to vindicate such papers. So the Paraguayans deported me to Argentina by plane where I was locked up in a secure room by the FBI and then flown back back to New York where I was arrested for selling unapproved medical devices. Here are the laws listed on my indictment:

U.S. Code, Title 21 § 331. Prohibited acts
(a) The introduction or delivery for introduction into interstate commerce of any food, drug, device, or cosmetic that is adulterated or misbranded. (a device not approved by the FDA falls into the category of "unapproved")

U.S. Code, Title 21 § 333. Penalties
(a) Violation of section 331 of this title; second violation; intent to defraud or mislead
(1) Any person who violates a provision of section 331 of this title shall be imprisoned for not more than one year or fined not more than $1,000, or both.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this section, if any person commits such a violation after a conviction of him under this section has become final, or commits such a violation with the intent to defraud or mislead, such person shall be imprisoned for not more than three years or fined not more than $10,000, or both.

I was guilty of introducing into interstate commerce adulterated (unapproved) devices. The penalty should have been 333 (1) which is a misdemeanor because they couldn't prove any fraud against the customers. Out of 270 customers they couldn't find anyone to claim they were defrauded. That is because, although I did make some strong claims about device effectiveness, I stated on the web site that the devices were being sold for experimentation and personal research. But the 5th, 7th, and 9th Circuit holds the interpretation that if the seller willfully avoids the FDA, then the person is guilty of defrauding the FDA. The 10th Circuit opposes that view if the seller never had any deceitful communication with the FDA. They say that there is no fraud where there is no direct deceit. And the Supreme Court, back in the 20's in the Kietel case, said the same thing. But most of the Circuits nowadays are rebellious and ignore the Supreme Court and do what they want to. Knowing I couldn't fight the Circuits interpretation without a good lawyer, I went ahead and signed an agreement saying I was guilty. The only other way would be to go to trial, but I would have lost without a good lawyer to tell the jury that they could ignore the judges instructions concerning fraud against the FDA if it was contrary to former Supreme Court rulings. When a person loses in trial they get sentenced to more time locked up than if they had signed an agreement. That would have been 6-12 months more for me. I was sentenced to 24 months and did 21 months, seventeen of which were spent in a Wisconsin county jail with bad insufficient food and water that tasted like it had poison in it. (Maybe they put extra fluoride in their well water to make the inmates more subdued. That's what the Germans did to make people more submissive to Hitler. There are dozens of scientific papers attesting to the neurotoxic effects of fluoride.) 4 months were spent in a Texas prison. The only good part is that since they couldn't prove fraud against my clients, they couldn't make me return their money to them (as restitution). But they did order me to return $540 to the FDA to repay them for the money they spent buying products from me so they could have solid evidence I was selling the devices. That too is baloney because other Circuits have ruled that that is a normal government expense that shouldn't be passed on to the defendant. But it really doesn't surprise me, given how far from the constitution most of the country is. So now I am a "felon" for having helped people in an alternative way. They would rather that all those people wasted their life savings trying to get a smidgeon of help from the conventional medical system instead of paying just a few hundred buying effective alternative products.

So how is my life now? Well, my family completely rejected me and will give me no help. But luckily I was offered a stay with friends in north Texas but I am almost broke, with no car, just a few clothes, and no job (because I am still trying to recover my health after 21 months of incorrect diet and medical neglect). I am just now getting over chronic fatigue syndrome again by use of my devices (blood electrifier and magnetic pulser), which I reacquired while in jail. My friends are putting me up for now but I wish I didn't have to lean on them. I work some for them w/o pay at their health food store to help pay them back. I recently started to offer Electrotherapy devices only for veterinary use, but am having trouble getting traffic to it.

If you want to write me you can just email me at and we can chat.

For public comments/questions to me you can go to my blog.

Here's something legal I can sell for your own self-experimentation. No claims are being made.:

Construction Plans for Electromedicine Devices

The following plans are available for $10 each via pdf files (attached to email):

Construction Plans are available to make the following devices:

Blood Electrifier, with controllable output current at AC line frequency (50 or 60 hz) or at DC current. Powered by AC adaptor. (9 electronic parts)

Beck style Magnetic Pulser, outputs a single unipolar magnetic pulse every 3 seconds. Powered by AC adaptor. 32K gauss magnetic output. (17 parts)

Magnetic Multi-Pulser, outputs a single burst of declining strength oscillating magnetic field pulses every 1½ second. Powered by AC adaptor. 5.4 Tesla output. (19 parts)

Rife Frequency Amplifier, which accepts any 5 volt peak audio frequency signal from a computer (with frequency generator software) or separate frequency generator. Output is a variable voltage (max 30) dual polarity square wave to wet pad electrodes. Powered by four 9 volt batteries. (33 parts)

EMEM2 (Electro Magnetic Experimental Machine 2), a dual output (contact with wet pad electrodes or non-contact with light waves) Rife frequency generator device. Powered by AC adaptor. (33 parts)

Cranial Electro-Stimulator (CES), outputs a mixed frequency signal via wet electrodes to the brain. Powered by rechargeable 9 volt battery. (47 parts)

Skin Electrifier, outputs a milliampere DC current to skin between its wet cloth covered electrodes. Powered by a 9 volt battery. (5 parts)

Infra-Red Relaxer, outputs infrared and near-infrared light via two light emitting diodes switched on and off at 80 hz. Powered by AC adaptor. (17 parts)

You can pay me via Western Union or PayPal (to

These construction plans are as simple as possible but only the plans for the Blood Electrifier, both Pulsers, InfraRed Relaxer, and Skin Electrifier are truly easy. If you are inexperienced with soldering electronic parts together then you may want to hand the parts and the plans over to a radio/TV repair technician to assemble the devices for you.

Online soldering tutorials for beginners are here, here and here.

For a soldering iron I recommend a dual output (20/40 watt) one, # 64-2184, for $23 from Radio Shack. A good cheap .05" diameter solder is available from Radio Shack (locally or online at, #64-015) for $3.


posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday August 29 2006

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Readers' Comments

does the electrifier really work, cuz it wouldnt wan to waste my money?

Posted by: juan on December 12, 2007 11:15 AM


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Be sure to consult your health practitioner of choice prior to any specific use of any of the non drug device or food based medicinal products referenced herein.



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