Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
December 14, 2010

Breakthrough Power:


"How quantum-leap new energy inventions can transform our world" by Jeane Manning & Joel Garbon is a non technical and easy to understand book that contains a fantastic summary of "free energy*" devices. The authors have done a superb job of making this difficult and somewhat esoteric information accessible to all. Both the experienced and those new and/or starting out in this exciting area of research will find the book eminently suitable. I have always loved Jeane's writings. She has an uncanny ability to explain complex scientific and mathematical concepts to the lay person that most scientists and mathematicians simply can't do! This combined with Joel's industry background makes this work even better.

*Free Energy does not mean that you get something for nothing it simply means that you get more energy then what you put in. This can be done for example by using very little energy to access are larger pool of existing energy source.

A distinguishing feature of clean technologies is how they harmoniously work with nature. Unlike legacy technologies which are inclined to disregard and/or override natural phenomena. Much of the confusion on free energy stems from the interpretation, or should I say misinterpretation, of second law of thermodynamics (which essentially states that you cannot get more energy out than is put into the system). The book does an excellent job of getting to the root of this misunderstanding in lay and professional terms and explains why it is possible to get more energy than one puts into a system when we harnesses the "wheel works of nature". See:

Jeane Manning Answers Frequently Asked Questions About Breakthrough Power

Many diverse devices are discussed, this is sure to accelerate the reader's and/or budding inventor's learning process a step beyond normal understanding on the free energy issue. Given the current Internet information overload, the book goes a long way to put the whole area of free energy in a eminently digestible form. "Breakthrough Power" can serve as a guide to streamline research thus saving valuable time by preventing wild goose chases. The references alone are worth the price of the book!

Many environmental groups, and those who, are intimidated by technology, tend inadvertently to lump breakthrough devices with, the existing environmentally unfriendly legacy technologies of oil, nuclear, coal, among others they will now be able to understand the potential clean technology holds. Conservation is easy for most to understand but the ramification of abundant clean energy is far far more than conservation alone. Availability of "Breakthrough Power" will open many eyes and literally show the potential these technologies hold to solve many of our current problems. Thus fulfilling the wildest dreams of any hard core environmentalist... Coupling conservation with clean energy sources makes owning affordable decentralized energy producing devices possilbe - even if we only use solar, wind, etcetera, not only that, these technologies themselves can be enhanced. However, with abundant low cost clean energy, we can have fresh local food along with the reduction of long distance transportation; clean water from air; even heal our environment by cleaning our waste, soil, water and much more. Imagine being self sufficient; having a world without hunger and a higher standard of living leading to stable populations and so on. So what is stopping these technologies?

Thanks to the conservatism, dogma, power and the protectionist grip of "consensus science" (political science) much of this information simply does not get though to the public. Many scientists and institutions are threatened by new technologies. They protect their own interests, such as, funding, status and egos (Not Invented Here (NIH) syndrome) with zeal and virtually blackball any type of competition. Then there is the whole gamete of vested economic interests who are not only too happy with the status quo but generously reward all to maintain it. As a result many of these technologies languish on drawing boards or worse get reinvented over and over but never see the light of the day. This is not only the case with energy but is true in health or anywhere else that "consensus science" raises its ugly head. This forces us to actually live hundreds of years behind from what we actually know and can do.

There are some who should love to see this change but are simply not able to bring such technologies in the open. They are not only hampered by the current self serving "consensus science" based system, not mention the pressures from vested interests, the technical nature of these technologies just makes if very difficult to get the message out in plain language to the population at large. Follow the money and its leaders keeps the media pretty much silent on this and many important issues.

Clearly this information badly needs to become common knowledge (mainstream) so pressure can be applied to our "stick in the mud" institutions and policy makers to change. We need a tool to break this stranglehold and "Breakthrough Power" is it, as it along with the Internet can be used to crack the said barriers. As a minimum we require to bring this knowledge into mainstream, educate and persevere if we want to see change. The last chapter in the book discusses "What You Can Do". To get a taste of what the book contains you can see the first chapter here.

This is a superb piece of work and a, much needed, catalyst for change - a must read.

Chris Gupta

See also:

Breakthrough Power: How quantum leap new energy inventions can transform our world - Co-authors to discuss their new book that provides a fascinating overview of the new energy field and the obstacles faced by many of the more unusual or disruptive technology inventors, and how their emergence will change the planet.


posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday December 14 2010

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Readers' Comments

I wonder if anyone know a book about medicine using un-told therapies: like salt spray for asthma, etc... instead of costly phamacuticals that kill more patients than they cure.
Thank you in advance.


Yes see:

Politics in Healing : The Suppression & Manipulation of American Medicine

Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs

And Nothing Happened But You Can Make It Happen


Posted by: Spirulina on August 29, 2012 09:42 AM


Perhaps you would consider giving small tips for free in order to generate a viable wave of interest in these alternative energies, especially that you are going against a huge tide, humm a tsunami really, of brainwashing from various sources all culminating in brainwashing the poor citizen into submission.


See: Patrick Kelly's superb free ebook:


Posted by: Spirulina on August 29, 2012 10:28 AM


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