Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
June 08, 2004

Martin Promises Billion $ Health-Care Illusion

Here is a perfect example of government shenanigans regarding sickness care exaggerated under the pretense of health care.  The, tongue and cheek, translation between the lines (in red) of the CBC news release is an attempt to expose this deception.

The following is equally applicable to any politician and not necessarily only to Martin. To really understand why and how the governments have been usurped by psychopathic Corporations one must listen to and digest the following 3 short Audio Lectures:

The Nature of Government

The Source of Government Power

What is the Right Amount of Government?

As said below "we can't learn from history if don't know it."  A good time to bone up before the elections....

Chris Gupta

Martin Promises Billion Dollar Health-care Boost

Written by CBC News Online staff

Copyright © 2004 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - All Rights Reserved

Tue, 25 May 2004 15:08:42

"COBOURG, ONT. - With the election campaign barely three days old, Liberal Leader Paul Martin promised to deliver what he hopes will prove the party's show-stopper: a multibillion-dollar injection of cash for Canada's health-care system."

The actual impact on health is besides the point we will still continue feeding the our pharma/medical friends and this can only continue though a  solid deception of sickness care Opps "heath-care system".

Never mind that:

"The fact that the cost of prescription drugs in Canada increased between 1985 and 2000 a whopping 344% and that drugs alone cost the state more than fees for doctors and hospital care combined" won't stop us from wasting more money...

Chronic disease and antibiotic-resistant illness continues to increase constantly; even though the population has not increased proportionately

"Martin said health care "will be our number one priority as government." "

Sickness business is "the mother of all lotteries". We we have them (the trusting citizens) by their shorts and we had better make sure it remains that way."

Our plan has been created to achieve real results in the real world," Martin said."

"multimillion-dollar injection of cash" for the business with disease will sure "achieve real results"  watch the boost in stocks of our friends.

"He said his plan would not require any tax increases or health premiums but would be funded out of projected future surpluses, he said."

We will just print more money so taxes won't need to be increased. Never mind if the Canadian dollar gets it's shit kicked in (i.e. devalued along with our standard of living through inflation generated by printing money out of thin air). Never mind the fact that taxation already is robbery of the first order and is the single largest cause of inflation.

Under their 10-year plan, the Liberals would spend billions to create a national home-care program, reduce waiting times, train new doctors and regularly make new cash injections.

We will do everything but actually cure our patients after all the illusion to cure, through the management of the disease, is what drives this industry. Never mind that we could actually reduce spending - even though for peanuts - we could nearly end:

- Heart disease through nutrients and or chelation

- Arthritis through nutrients

- Pain though electromedicine

- Much of mental disease through nutrients and electromedicine (see the CES segment)

- Disinfect Blood with 10 grams of ascorbic acid/bag as has been done in Japan for years. (
[1] Morishige F, Murata A. Vitamin C for prophylaxis of viral hepatitis B in transfused patients. J Intl Acad Prev Med 1979; 5:54-58.). Or Ozonize it as was done in our own Canadian Army.

"Ministry of National Defence used monkeys to show that ozone could achieve 100% sterilization of blood contaminated with a deadly version of HIV, and make it safe for transfusions. Other research indicates ozone's ability to strengthen key factors of the immune system including interferon and Interleukin-2. However, ozone remains unapproved for general medical use, the media have ignored the issue, and the public remains uninformed."

- Infectious diseases with IV vitamin C and/or blood UV, Hydrogen peroxide.

- Removal of poisons such as Fluoride and cosmetic pesticide use.

- Use of Ozone to disinfect water instead of toxic Chlorine

These and other effective and low cost treatments/health measures are already used in some enlightened countries.

Martin pledged "major waiting time reductions" in cancer and heart care, diagnostic imaging, joint replacements and sight restoration. He said his government will set targets for reduced waiting times by the end of 2005 and meet those targets by the end of 2009.

We will reduce waiting time so we can kill our patients faster, with our profitable but generally ineffective treatments, this will certainly reduce health care expense in the long run but keep the cash flow! Or is it the we can make them more sicker faster so we can milk them by managing their diseases and added side effects earlier instead of curing them? You decide. Either way you pay!

Paul Martin called for increased federal-provincial co-operation in a national effort to revitalize health care.

Like the new 2004 Ontario government's tax to improve pharma health (poison our trusting sheep with the generally untested vaccines) while cutting those effective but competitive alternative treatments in addition to chiropractic and eye care for most. Did Martin say "sight restoration" above?

Never mind that we already know
vaccines and medicines are largely useless we need to maintain the illusion of efficacy for our benefactors... and to hell with the risks. Risks of course can be managed by gutting our regulations

"In Canada, there is NO mandatory reporting system of vaccine or similar reactions and injuries. Canadian health officials have NO idea what the real numbers of vaccine reactions and injuries are in this country, and they don't want to know! Whatever poor vaccine reaction records that  may exist are closely guarded by Health Canada and are
virtually inaccessible to the public." From VRAN

His plan includes the following offers of funding to the provinces:

$3 billion in each of the next two years.

Plus the additional tax grab in Ontario to add to this pot for our pharma/medical friends.

$4 billion for a national fund to reduce waiting times

Snag them NOW to generate quick cash flow - before they find something that really works and are forever lost form our profits - and if we knock them off faster we will do it laughing all the way to the bank - thanks to our lucrative immune damaging treatments - Never mind the many improperly fast tracked drugs and other iatrogenic (drug induced injuries) side effects. And if we get sued we will simply change the rules. We will let nothing stop our mission of milking our citizens period.

$2 billion for a national home-care program.

Get them out of the hospital and transfer the cost to family members so that these newly generated hospital saving can be redirected to coffers of our friends. Another good business initiative - wouldn't you say?

$2 billion over five years for specific priorities like intensive care and mental illness.

To keep competition away from generally effective nutrient and electromedicine (not to be confused with the barbaric practice of shock therapy) based solutions.

Of course
Martin blatantly continues to ignore/overlook: the mandate to protect the public through the basic health improvement measures (such as record keeping on efficacy, post injury and associated investigations). "Imagine an aeroplane crash, or telephone, electricity service interruptions without follow up investigation and through incidence record keeping to develop solid future preventative measures. These basics are the corner stones of any other industry. So why not in health care? The answer - remain unaccountable by design!"  Clearly bailing the water without repairing a hole in the boat is the game plane as it's all about illusion and not health. It's only a crime if you are caught - so don't let  them look and catch us.

The Liberals would also create up to 1,000 new places for students in medical schools and push for faster recognition of foreign medical qualifications.

To train more henchmen for our pharma friends, who will be thoroughly be trained to discourage any competition form alternatives let alone research the most elementary and simple truths that are historically available free for the taking. Instead we have to throw roadblock after roadblock to prevent their use. Our henchmen will subtilely be trained to create more regulatory obstructions, falsify data, prevent confirmation and or improvements by never allowing clinical trials, on all low cost remedies. We will never train them on nutrition as we need to keep all in the dark about health through nutrition etc.

Martin also pledged to implement a national drug strategy between now and 2006, saying costly medication "should not be the cause of financial ruin for families."

We will sneakily use tax dollars to pay our pharma friends while pretending to look after those who can't pay. Never mind drug toxicity and the palliative nature of our 'make belief' treatments. The aim is to keep as many as possible dependent and use more drugs. Heaven's we can't loose all those poor patients by having them find out about vitamins and other alternatives that may actually cure them for peanuts. Our game plan is to: manage the disease but never cure it (far more lucrative for our friends in the medical industry)!

Martin said his government would better enforce the Canada Health Act by creating dispute-resolution panels. These three-member panels would assess whether there was a breech of the Act, although the minister of health would have the final say, Martin said.

Of course if we really get caught we will just veto and get out of the soup and continue business as usual...

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper dismissed the health platform, saying with all his big-ticket election promises, the prime minister must think he's won "the mother of all lotteries."

Don't know what Harper is smoking the medical business is "the mother of all lotteries."

He said Martin cut funding to fight the deficit and wasted money on the gun registry, the HRDC job training boondoggle and the scandal-plagued sponsorship program.

As usual Harper speaks from both sides of his mouth knowing full well that the governments need to know who owns the guns so they can prevent them from coming after them on the day of reckoning (revolution). In an magnanimous gesture Martin will now allow free(?) registration. Once most guns are registered we will be told that the registration did not reduce crimes (for once the truth) so they can now ask the owners to turn them in - implying that surely this will reduce the crime. Bingo no more armed citizens to protect themselves. Never mind the fact the only real detriment to criminals (that includes the governments) is an armed victim.... Sadly, we can't learn from history if don't know it. 

NDP Leader Jack Layton also rejected Martin's pledge, saying his government has a history of broken health care promises.

He said the Liberal record includes $25 billion cuts in funding, a 1997 broken promise for a pharmacare program and allowing private delivery of health services.

Gee Wiz we just don't have any choice with the pharma gun behind us. What no registry for that? tsk tsk

See also:

Health Canada Harassment to Stop Vitamin Supplements that Work

See also:

M.P.'s that Vote against Health Freedom


posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday June 8 2004
updated on Tuesday September 13 2011

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Readers' Comments

In my view these kinds of issues are not good of years past, but they are problematic and makes it that much harder of government to provide good services like road maintenance, bridge repairs or other infrastructure and as well as health care facility.

Posted by: Susan R on January 30, 2006 11:02 PM


We need to change the health system and aware people to any change circumstances in health care.

Posted by: Andrew Spark on March 27, 2006 12:07 AM


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