Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
October 27, 2004

Meningococcal Disease at 10 to 13 Year Lows - Yet The Vaccine Propaganda Continues

Further to: "Vaccine Shenanigans - Meningococcal Disease" the following is a through analysis that clearly demonstrates how the authorities cherry pick information to appease their cronies at the expense of their constituents who then are left to fend for themselves after the fact! So why do we continue to trust the authorities when time and again they have been shown to be both incompetent and fraudulent?

Chris Gupta

...""If a listed company was to make such false and misleading messages to the market place trading in its share would be halted and there would be an immediate 'please explain,'" says Ron Law. The numbers appear to be false by omission and commission and warrant a closer look by the Audit Office at least.

"The fact that a $250 million mass experiment, that at most will save one or two lives, has been launched on 1.15 million otherwise healthy children in New Zealand based on false, incomplete and misleading information, and courtesy of a mass-fear campaign is a travesty of good policy making, totally unethical and warrants a full Royal Commission of Inquiry," says Ron Law (09-832 4773)

In explaining the rationale to invade Iraq, based on false evidence that weapons of mass destruction existed, the Telegraph reported a former secretary to the UK Joint Intelligence Committee, as saying, "interested policy-makers quickly learn that intelligence can be used the way a drunk uses a lamppost - for support rather than illumination".

This would appear to be how the meningococcal disease statistics have been used in New Zealand.

All of this major and ongoing reduction in the cases and deaths relating to Meningococcal Disease has occurred before the introduction of the MeNZB vaccination experiment.

"There is simply no credible scientific evidence that, placed before an unbiased panel of politicians, scientists, economists or a jury of ordinary citizens, could justify the continuation of the existing mass vaccination experiment," says Ron Law"

Media Release
Ron Law
Risk & Policy Analyst

"Detailed analysis of Ministry of Health data reveals that notified meningococcal disease cases are at a 10 year low, and deaths are at a 13 year low," says risk & policy analyst Ron Law.

It doesn't matter how one looks at the data... Year-to-date, rolling 12 month totals, yearly total, adjusted for laboratory typing, etc, the picture is clearly the same.

[See 7 page pdf attachment here - also available on request from Beyond Alternative Solutions,]

These are astonishing facts that appear to have been kept out of sight of politicians and the New Zealand community, and do not appear to have been included in any epidemiological report found on the Ministry of Health and ESR websites or in information received to date under the Official Information Act.

"The question begging an urgent answer is, 'Why?'" asks Ron Law.

"I'm sure that if the Cabinet had known theses facts it would not have approved the rollout of the mass vaccination experiment currently underway; just as the Minister of Health has noted in Parliament that the Norwegian Government rejected mass vaccination in 1990/1991," says Ron Law.

This latest evidence further confirms that the Minister of Health's 7 July statement that there is no evidence of the disease abating, is patently untrue and should be immediately retracted.

The ESR itself estimates that between 10% and 26% of cases notified have been misdiagnosed and are not meningococcal disease.

Analysis of available data shows that nationally, less than 50% of the total notified cases have been confirmed as being caused by the MeNZB type meningococcal bacteria. In Auckland, fewer than 40% have been confirmed as MeNZB-type.

Analysis of Auckland data shows what seem to be significant problems relating to diagnosis within the Pacific Island community, (and less so within the Maori community).

This data suggests one of four possible scenarios;

1. There is serious over diagnosis of meningococcal disease among Pacific Islanders,

2. Confirmation of diagnosis in Pacific Islanders is pursued less vigorously than in other ethnic groups,

3. There is an as yet unidentified meningococcal-type disease affecting the Pacific Island community,

4. There is some environmental factor affecting Pacific Island communities (and to a lesser extent Maori communities) that is not affecting other groups, especially outside of Auckland, and especially in 1997.

The meningococcal B strain alleged to be the cause of the meningococcal epidemic is a mild strain of meningococcal disease compared to other sub-types, and based on available data, is responsible for less than 50% of fatalities.

Meningococcal disease researchers have consistently said, "New Zealand has been experiencing a monoclonal epidemic of Neisseria meningitidis B:4:P1.7b,4 which has resulted in more than 5000 cases and over 200 deaths since 1991."

The researchers have presented the exact same statement at the following conferences in 2004

1. 42nd Annual Meeting of IDSA,September 30October 3, 2004 Boston, USA

2. Pediatric Academic Societies Conference, Annual Meeting, May 14, 2004, San Francisco,

3. World Health Organisation/UNICEF meeting, 10th March 2004, Auckland.

"This statement is simply untrue and scientifically indefensible," says Ron Law.

"If a listed company was to make such false and misleading messages to the market place trading in its share would be halted and there would be an immediate 'please explain,'" says Ron Law. The numbers appear to be false by omission and commission and warrant a closer look by the Audit Office at least.

"The fact that a $250 million mass experiment, that at most will save one or two lives, has been launched on 1.15 million otherwise healthy children in New Zealand based on false, incomplete and misleading information, and courtesy of a mass-fear campaign is a travesty of good policy making, totally unethical and warrants a full Royal Commission of Inquiry," says Ron Law (09-832 4773)

In explaining the rationale to invade Iraq, based on false evidence that weapons of mass destruction existed, the Telegraph reported a former secretary to the UK Joint Intelligence Committee, as saying, "interested policy-makers quickly learn that intelligence can be used the way a drunk uses a lamppost - for support rather than illumination"

This would appear to be how the meningococcal disease statistics have been used in New Zealand.

All of this major and ongoing reduction in the cases and deaths relating to Meningococcal Disease has occurred before the introduction of the MeNZB vaccination experiment.

"There is simply no credible scientific evidence that, placed before an unbiased panel of politicians, scientists, economists or a jury of ordinary citizens, could justify the continuation of the existing mass vaccination experiment," says Ron Law

See also: New Zealand: Meningococcal Mass Vaccination Experiment Scientifically Unjustifiable


posted by Chris Gupta on Wednesday October 27 2004
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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