Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
June 10, 2005


..."As reported by the Parasitologist, Omar Amin, Ph.D., in a five-star restaurant, samples were taken from under the fingernails of the entire staff, and 100% of them tested positive for feces under their nails. "Bon Appetit!"...

...For example, Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, or even nerve disorders can often be directly linked to parasite infections. Parasite infestations can also be completely asymptomatic. This does not make them less hazardous. It was also found that lectins can block the "neurotransmitter uptake" to the brain. Some of these poor patients may just end up on Prozac....

...drug of choice is Metronidazole (Flagyl)2, 4 which yet seems to fail 90% of the time, particularly in chronic cases....

...In comparison to allopathic drugs, most herbal combinations are well tolerated. Some cases may experience a faster "die off." In such cases more burden is put on the detoxing organs and should always be supported with drainage remedies, particularly liver detox. Most "healing crises" will disappear after three days; however, they can also be minimized by decreasing the dosage momentarily....

...Avoid cold cereals because of rodent feces contamination."...

Here is another of the multitudes of things overlooked by the "holier than thau" mainstream medicine...

Chris Gupta

See also:

Health Canada Vs Unpasteurized Milk


by Andreas Marx, O.M.D.

Reprinted from Explore! ©Copyright 1996

The remark, "Don't we all have them," has started to spread even in the alternative medical community. Every veterinarian knows that one deworms horses two times a year. Most grandmas remember that in their time, at least once a year kids got some special deworming cocktail. But of course today, in our prepackaged and sterilized society, the issue of parasites seems to interest only some "odd holistic practitioners."

The recently published book The Cure for All Cancers by Hulda Clark1 adds even more confusion to this subject. Biological Medicine in the U.S. and its pioneer position already creates enough suspicion in the traditional medical community. Yet, if patients wave this book in front of their physician's face, it's like waving a red flag in front of a bull.

The statement in this book, that the organism "Fasciolopsis buski"1 (a blood fluke) is the cause of all cancer is definitely false. This parasite is only found in the southern hemisphere; so, one could ask, what about people who have cancer in Norway or Alaska?

Let's look at some facts:

According to the publication in 1995 "Parasitic Diseases2," reported infection rates are:

I. Nematodes (Round Worms) 1 billion individuals
II. Cestodes (Tape Worms) 300 million individuals
III. Tremadodes (Flukes) 300 million individuals
IV. Protozoa (Amoebas) 1 billion individuals
V. Arthropods (Insects para) 500 million individuals

It is dangerous and ironic to think this is only a Third World problem!

As reported by the Parasitologist, Omar Amin, Ph.D., in a five-star restaurant, samples were taken from under the fingernails of the entire staff, and 100% of them tested positive for feces under their nails. "Bon Appetit!"

Larger parasites like tape worms and round worms can be treated effectively in a short time with chemical drugs and even some natural products. Mostly overlooked however, because of inadequate laboratory procedures, are Amoebas.

The immune suppressive toxins (lectins) of pathogenic amoebas such as Blastocystis hominis, Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica3 ,4, 5 can cause numerous symptoms which are not associated with parasites. Unfortunately, these lectins can affect the exact areas of the body where one already has a constitutional (genetic) weakness.

For example, Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, or even nerve disorders can often be directly linked to parasite infections. Parasite infestations can also be completely asymptomatic. This does not make them less hazardous. It was also found that lectins can block the "neurotransmitter uptake" to the brain. Some of these poor patients may just end up on Prozac.

On the other hand, if correctly diagnosed, the main drug of choice is Metronidazole (Flagyl)2, 4 which yet seems to fail 90% of the time, particularly in chronic cases. I witnessed a family of 5 who were all unsuccessfully treated for over a two-month period with Flagyl.

Food Allergies

Chronic amoebiasis can perforate the intestinal wall.5 That enables larger food particles to prematurely enter into the blood stream, which then causes an immune response. Also fungus with "cork screw like roots" can be the cause of this problem.

Test Problems

Because antibody tests5 are not conclusive in regards to acute or past infections, stool tests are still the best method. Since the human error factor plays a major part, every sample has to be evaluated by a trained observer via microscope.

Purged tests (where the patient drinks a laxative) seem to be more accurate than the standard stool test. Because many of these organisms stay in the upper GI tract, rectal swabs are limited, particularly in Giardia infections.3, 4, 5

The method of the *IPD Lab in Phoenix, Arizona has shown the highest documented positive findings. This lab requires just a normal stool sample collected on two different days.

Practitioners rely completely on lab findings. Therefore, in order to find a good laboratory, take several samples from the same patient and send it to different laboratories. Then compare the results.


Empirical studies have proven that natural substances, such as herbs, can be very effective in treating parasites with limited side effects. Today more companies are producing natural parasite products than ever before. The effectiveness of these products can be easily verified by a good lab.

Although symptoms can disappear at an early stage in the therapy, this does not mean all parasites are successfully eliminated. In fact, pathogenic amoebas such as Entamoeba histolytica, seem to have collective consciousness. Using therapy which targets only the GI tract, these organisms can withdraw into the liver ducts, "waiting until it's safe to go home again." Protozoa, and also round worms,2, 4, 5 can migrate into other organs such as heart, lung, liver, ovaries, prostate, and even into the brain where they can cause cysts and even tumors. Keep in mind that treatment using herbal capsules has only a local effect, mainly in the GI tract. Digestive weakness from Dysbiosis created by parasites will limit the systemic effect of herbal capsules. Treatment with herbal tinctures has shown superior results because even a weak digestive system is still able to absorb liquids.

Parasites are also carriers of viruses and bacteria. Because of the anti-microbial nature of the trace elements Copper-Gold-Silver, they should be added to the therapy. Ionized trace elements are easily absorbed and have a far better systemic effect than colloidal elements.6, 7

Treatment Duration

Acute infections can effectively be treated in as short a time as 4 to 6 weeks. Even if symptoms subside in the first two weeks, the therapy should be continued. A retest after two months is advisable.

If the retest comes back positive, which occurs in 40% to 50% of cases, the infestation most likely is systemic. So, simply continue the therapy for about two more months. Be aware that re-infection via lifestyle, spouse, etc., is a considerable issue.2,3

Therapy Side Effects

In comparison to allopathic drugs, most herbal combinations are well tolerated. Some cases may experience a faster "die off." In such cases more burden is put on the detoxing organs and should always be supported with drainage remedies, particularly liver detox. Most "healing crises" will disappear after three days; however, they can also be minimized by decreasing the dosage momentarily.

Yeast and Fungus Overgrowth

Candida albicans 4 which occurs naturally in every mucous membrane of every human body often overgrows during a parasite infection because of Dysbiosis. Parasite treatments, because of their antibiotic properties, can contribute to an overgrowth as well.

Resistant Cases

Under normal conditions parasites can be eliminated in about two months. If the patient is therapy resistant and, even after several months still tests positive, three main obstacles can be responsible:

Heavy metal poisoning (check via hair analysis, DMPS, etc.) in particular Mercury (dental materials) which can often be the cause of chronic candidiases.

Amoebic gingivitis can cause reinfections and it is advised to add some concentrated drops of etheric oils to the toothbrush.

Reinfection through family members, partners, pets, water.

The spouse or partners should always undergo the same treatment protocol.

Diet Recommendations

Avoid any protein after 3 PM, and avoid tap and distilled water.

No sugar products, including orange juice. Reduce all wheat products.

Hypoglycemic patients should eat a rich breakfast and carry some unsulfured, dried apricots as an emergency food (small amounts to be chewed like chewing gum).


After each bathroom visit, one should clean fingernails using a nail brush. To disinfect the nail brush, store it in a 10% Clorox/water solution.

Avoid raw foods in restaurants (salad bars, sushi, rare meats, etc.).

Organic vegetables in particular should be cleaned very thoroughly.

Avoid cold cereals because of rodent feces contamination.

Joke of the Month

Warning! "The following information may not be politically correct!"

In July 1996 some acute cases of Cyclospora cayetanesis, a pathogenic amoeba were reported in California. For over one week the local news media gave daily panic reports. Finally, the infections were linked to strawberries. On TV, serious looking physicians in white coats advised the public not to eat strawberries and recommended taking antibiotics as a preventive measure!!!

The Facts Are:
1. Amoebas do not live in strawberries. The main fertilizer for strawberries and blueberries is manure.
2. Many of the workers who pick strawberries may have no other choice than to perform their bowel movements in the fields. Toilets as well as water and soap to wash their hands are limited.
3. Since when does just any antibiotic kill amoebas?
4. Out of 10 random stool tests, approximately 2 to 3 will test positive for Cyclospora cayetanesis without California strawberries being consumed. 50% of individuals who test positive are symptom-free for this type of amoeba.

Question: Is it true that medicine is supposed to be a science???

See also: Health Canada Vs Unpasteurized Milk

1. Clark, 1993, The Cure for All Cancers, p. 2-10.
2. Despommier, Gwadz, Hotez, 1995, Parasitic Diseases, Springer Verlag, NY, 3:11-16, 144-150, 151-158.
3. Amin, 1944-1995, Explore Publishing, 5:5-8, 6:19-22.
4. Zinsser, 1980, Microbiology, Appleton Century Crofts, NY, 7:1414, 1431-1435, 1438.
5. Wolfe, 1984, Diseases of travelers, Clinical Symposia CIBA, 36:12-25.
6. Deville, 1978, Die Wirkliche Aufgabe der Spurenelemente, Corliaz S.A. Montreux, p. 60-65.
7. Muschlien, 1995, Explore Publishing, 6:24-25.

* IPD LAB (602) 955-4211


posted by Chris Gupta on Friday June 10 2005
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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Readers' Comments

Cindy see:

Posted by: Mandy Mankowska on November 27, 2005 09:38 PM


Cindy see:

Posted by: Cindy on December 4, 2005 02:30 PM


Cindy see:

Posted by: Chris Gupta on December 4, 2005 10:20 PM


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