Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
April 10, 2006

Toxic Colon Flush - Fibromyalgia Alternative Network

Recently I was delighted to have an opportunity to read the Fibromyalgia Alternative Network (FAN) newsletter. It was particularly thrilling to see so many self empowering articles and their zeal to get down to earth regarding the complex issues related to Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. Issues which like most natural health solutions have a common thread hence, are of interest to all. The range and depth of the articles incorporate the whole, comprising the mind, body and soul. Articles are directed more towards the underling causes rather than, the typically shallow politically correct, management of and/or masking of the symptoms. However, if safe non toxic safe mainstream treatments are/or become available these will surely be accorded their due.

"Toxic Colon Flush" is one example of many from their newsletter. And is a great match to my own self empowerment efforts, like many of their articles a perfect shoe in for the "Self-Sufficiency Is The Key To Empowerment And Freedom" theme of my site...

The lack of advertisements or paid product/supplement endorsements is particularly important in disseminating unbiased, objective, pertinent and practical information. A truly impressive resource, not only for the FAN but the community at large. If this issue is any indication then it and all subsequent newsletters have the potential to be reference issues. Highly recommended!

Chris Gupta

Good adjunct posts on detoxification are:

Sauna Therapy for Detoxification & Healing

Liver Cleanse And Gallstone Removal

Coffee Enema Detoxification Regimen

In addition to those already imbedded in the article below, here are some additional chronic disease related posts:

Environmental Disease

Dr. FR Klenner's Protocol for Multiple Sclerosis

Waste, Want Not
Toxic Colon Flush*

by Suzanne Barston
The concept of detoxification is something that extends far beyond the body. Think of this past New Year's Eve. Did you make resolutions? Why is it that we all are encouraged to make changes on the first of the year? Perhaps it's just the notion that we are starting anew that inspires the hope and stamina necessary to make major life changes.
When detoxifying, the colon is the best place to start. Talking about colon health is not something that most of us do easily. After all, when was the last time you brought up your regularity in polite conversation? But the truth is one of the simplest and most vital ways to begin improving your health begins with the little-discussed, often mysterious colon.
If we did talk more openly about our bowels, we may have discovered that the colon is responsible for 50-90 percent of immune-system function, depending on what source you refer to. Small surprise then, that when bowels are not functioning properly, the rest of our body suffers dire consequences. Constipation causes more than just an uncomfortable feeling, according to Dr. Sherry Rogers. In her book, No More Heartburn, she explains "…The longer food sits rotting in the constipated colon, the more it will release bowel-paralyzing must get the food within you moving again….your general strength can also suffer as the build up of toxins enters the system, triggering achiness, fatigue, and mood swings." Sound familiar?
Okay, so we have established that colon health is the key to overall health. But how do we begin cleansing our colons? The easiest solution is to perform a colon flush – a short-term program to clean the colon.
There are numerous ways to approach a colon flush, two of which we'll focus on here: the vitamin C flush and the magnesium flush. Vitamin C taken in high doses not only aids in detoxification, but also provides antioxidant protection for the immune system. Think of it as a 2-for-1 deal. Dr. Joseph Mercola uses a great analogy: "Think of vitamin C as the gas in the dump truck carrying toxins to the waste dump. Without the gas the truck is not going to remove wastes or move at all. Without vitamin C our body is not going to 'dump' its toxic load. Therefore, ensure adequate vitamin C and always take vitamin C with bioflavonoid for optimal benefit."
Dr. Mercola suggests taking vitamin C in very high doses "until the bowel tolerance level, or BTL, is achieved." Unfortunately for us, the real-world meaning of finding your BTL is discovering how much vitamin C you can take before you get diarrhea. While the concept is unpleasant, the goal of colon flush is to induce diarrhea. Once you have gotten to this point you can cut your dosage of vitamin C to a point where you are simply having two normal bowel movements a day. (This should be your target goal. As a general rule, a healthy colon produces two movements a day.)
To find your BTL, Dr. Rogers advises taking one heaping teaspoon of vitamin C powder in a large 8-oz. glass of water, repeating every hour until you get diarrhea. It is best to avoid powdered sources made from cassava root (if you have low thyroid) and corn (known to be allergenic and highly processed). A whole-foods vitamin C powder prepared from fruit, such as Now Foods Acerola Powder available from Needs, is the good choice. However, if you don't like mixing powders, you can also try Optimal Health System's Whole C chewable tablets following the every hour protocol until the desired results are achieved. I know it sounds unpleasant, but think of how much better you are going to feel in the long run (no pun intended), once those nasty toxins are out of your body!
Magnesium can be used in much the same way. Due to our average diets of processed, nutrient-depleted foods, most of us are very low in magnesium. Dr. Rogers suggests taking one teaspoon of liquid 18 percent magnesium two or three times a day in a large glass of water. Adding large amounts of magnesium to your diet should induce diarrhea much like vitamin C, but has additional health benefits, according to Dr. Rogers, who believes a long-standing magnesium deficiency can cause health problems in many people. She claims that as a result of using magnesium in your cleanse, "you will sleep better, feel less edgy and depressed, and experience less back spasms (and) headaches."
These colon-flush programs should be used to give your body a "fresh start," after which you can start eating better and building a healthier colon. There is no real danger in continuing to take supplements of magnesium and C (although in more conservative doses, as to avoid stomach upset) as both have additional health benefits. Be sure to consult with your doctor or nutritionist to determine your individual needs for these supplements.
Eliminating toxins will improve your health, but it is important to view a flush as a healthy start, rather than a quick fix. Once you have begun to clean your colon using vitamin C or magnesium, then you can start a longer-term detoxification program.
Dr. Rogers says, "Constipation is a sure road to ill health." Let's make it a resolution, no matter what time of year it is, to take the high road to a healthier colon, no matter how long or difficult it may be!
*"Toxic Colon Flush" is published with written permission from the Fibromyalgia Alternative Network (FAN). This article was originally pub! lished in FAN News, a bimonthly alternative health newsletter for those with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.


posted by Chris Gupta on Monday April 10 2006

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