Water Fluoridation Causes Cancer & Increases Tumor Growth Rate By 25%
"Taylor Study, University of Austin: fluoride concentration of 1PPM (parts per million) increases tumor growth rate by 25%"
Not only should we be concerned about drinking fluoridated water but those who have cancer are not likely to contain their cancers over the long term regardless of treatment should they not stop ingesting fluoride particularly form fluoridated water. We all need to get active in removing this toxin from all water!
See also:
Fluoride & Bone Cancer by Dr. Paul Connett, Professor of Chemistry, St. Lawrence University.
Fluoride-Cancer Study Cover UpDr. David Kennedy On The Fluoride Myth
Contrary to the Rhetoric Water Fluoridation Damages Teeth & Health
It amazes me that mainstream medicine with its dismal track record is totally oblivious to these facts and simply ignores the originating causes such as depleted and toxic foods; and other environmental impacts including Chemotherapy, Radiation and surgery. If the original cause is not removed and the nutrients needed to repair the damage from disease not available then how on earth is one to cure or even prevent future reoccurrences???? Clearly these basics are not generally addressed by even the so called best experts hence roundly putting them in the category of bumbling buffoons!
Chris Gupta
------------------------The most thorough explanation of the origin, action, diseases, and politics of fluoride was presented in a book called Fluoride the Aging Factor by John Yiamouyiannis, PhD.
This book is the result of 25 years of research and working behind the scenes of the fluoride phenomenon. Big money generally means big monkey business, you may have noticed by now, and fluoride is right up there.
Dr. Yiamouyiannis was the science director of the National Health Federation. He then went on to head the Safe Water Foundation. Dr Y can tell you all about monkey business.
No one can comment intelligently about fluoride in the U.S. without dealing with the issues raised in his pivotal book. It is simply a review of the literature on fluoride up to 1994.
Dr. Y starts by citing hundreds of international studies of fluoridation that have been conducted all over the world since the 1930s. After awhile, there seem to be just two types:
* Studies that were really looking to find out about fluoride
* Studies that were trying to cover up what had already been discoveredExamples Of The Former:
Taylor Study, University of Austin: fluoride concentration of 1PPM (parts per million) increases tumor growth rate by 25%
Note even those cities like London Ont. Canada that are using lower amounts such as 0.7PPM need to be concerned when other sources such as foods particularly soft drinks some of them can be as high as 1.28PPM
See: Assessing fluoride levels of carbonated soft drinks. CG
Fluoride is more poisonous than lead, and just less poisonous than arsenic - Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products -- 1984
"A seven ounce tube of toothpaste, theoretically at least, contains enough fluoride to kill a small child." - Procter&Gamble, quoted in Fluoride the Aging Factor p14
Fluoride supplements should not be given to children under three years old - 1992 Canadian Dental Association Proposed Fluoride Guidelines, Dr. Limeback
Cancer And Fluoride
By now we all know how cancer begins with one cell whose inner blueprint - its DNA - has been screwed with....
...Austrian and Japanese researchers both found that a concentration of 1 PPM fluoride causes disruption of the body's ability to repair its own DNA. Without this most basic cell function, cancer is promoted, and tumor growth is accelerated.
That's standard fluoride level in US city water: one part per million.
On p. 65 of his book, Dr. Yiamouyiannis provides an amazing chart of some 19 major scientific studies conducted in universities all over the world, together proving beyond a doubt that fluoride causes genetic damage.
End of story.
Except that on p 68, there is another list of world studies proving the same thing with plants and insects - genetic alteration from fluoride.
Chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Dean Burk when confronted with mountains of data, stated before Congress:
"In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical."
- Congressional Record 21 July 1976
Can That Be Misconstrued?
Burk and Yiamouyiannis completed a monumental research project in 1977 in which they compared cancer death rates in 10 fluoridated and 10 non-fluoridated US cities between 1940 and 1970. The results are on p75 of Fluoride the Aging Factor.
The unmistakable fact is that the graph shows that for the first ten years (1940-1950), when none of the 20 cities fluoridated, the average cancer deaths were virtually identical. But after 1950, there is a major increase in cancer deaths in every single one of the fluoridated cities, while the nonfluoridated cities remain clustered together at a much lower level of death.They actually put a number on it:
" ... 30,000 to 50,000 deaths each year from various causes may now be attributable to fluoridation. This total includes 10,000 to 20,000 deaths attributable to fluoride-induced cancer every year."
These findings were first confirmed, then denied by the National Cancer Institute (what a surprise). Finally the research was upheld as valid in two separate state courts, Pennsylvania and Illinois.
Ask yourself, why are findings of a scientific study being disputed in court? The usual pattern whenever valid research threatens big money.
Another study by the New Jersey Health Dept., cited by Dr. Y, found a 50% increase in bone cancer among young men in fluoridated areas. (Cohn)
Dr. William Hirzy, an officer in the EPA explains:
"Fluoride is a broad-spectrum mutagen. It can cause genetic damage in both plant and animal cells."
Once again, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Hundreds of scientific studies conducted and reported in the most credible universities and agencies throughout the world for the past 25 years have found an unmistakable correlation between fluoridation and cancer deaths. Even the professional opinion makers can't just make all this data vanish.
All they can do is what they're trained to do: change the subject. And keep repeating how safe and effective (When it is neither! CG).
Adapted from a must read 3 part series "Is Fluoride Really As Safe As You Are Told?"
See also: Does water fluoridation have negative side effects?
See also:
Fluoride is a human carcinogen.
Fluoride has repeatedly been shown to be a carcinogen in cell cultures, animals and humans. In 1956 Dr. John Chaffey, a professor of clinical pediatrics at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, noted cortical defects in the bone x-rays of 13.5% of the children living in fluoridated Newburgh, compared to only 7.5% in the neighboring nonfluoridated Kingston. He also noted the lesions were strikingly similar to osteosarcoma. Studies have now confirmed a dramatic increase in osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in young males exposed to fluoride during growth of the bones and a 5% increase in all types of cancers in fluoridated communities.
Cancer Alert: Does your Toothpaste contain Flouride?
posted by Chris Gupta on Monday March 12 2007
updated on Friday November 23 2007URL of this article:
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