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January 10, 2004

Survey confirms - Aids Numbers in Africa overestimated

As reported in the Daily Telegraph today, a recent report by the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey puts the number of HIV infected persons in that country at about one million, a third of the previous estimates of close to three million.

This is perfectly in line with what I reported at Christmas time, just over two weeks ago, in an article entitled "UNAIDS Grossly Overestimates Numbers - Africans not Dying of Aids".

Of course the problem of the notorious unreliability of the Aids Test remains, and with all probability the one million HIV positive people calculated from testing 3000 households in Kenya may well be subject to a further substantial reduction, once a standard test is made that does not react falsely positive to a plethora of common non-Aids-related conditions.

Daily Telegraph

Aids in Africa 'overestimated'

By Adrian Blomfield in Nairobi
(Filed: 09/01/2004)

Millions of Africans believed to have HIV/Aids are free of the disease, according to research published yesterday.

The survey will dismay those who claim the West is ignoring a pandemic so acute it could wipe out the populations of entire African states.

Scientists said the new report would force a rethink in the way the United Nations measures Aids prevalence on the continent.

The preliminary report of the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey suggested that HIV has infected about one million adults in the country. Previous estimates put the number at up to three million.

Earlier surveys in Mali, Zambia and South Africa hinted that Aids might not be as widespread as believed, but scientists said the new data provided conclusive evidence. It will allow them to extrapolate the findings across the continent, which would reduce infection estimates by at least a quarter.

A leading western expert on Aids said: "We have the same thing coming from the south of Africa, from the west, from the centre and now from the east."

Based on samples from pregnant women and extrapolated across the population - a method critics say is flawed - UN and World Health Organisation estimates found 29.4 million Africans had the HIV virus.

Researchers from the Kenyan survey, funded and backed by Centres for Disease Control (CDC), a US government agency, tested 3,000 households, a far more representative sample.

Dr Kevin deCock, CDC's Kenya director, said that even if currently accepted figures have exceeded reality by a quarter, that would still leave 22 million infected by the virus.

See also related articles:

Worldwide Rate of AIDS Cases Overestimated - Atlanta Journal Constitution


Africa isn't dying of Aids

Are 26 million Africans dying of AIDS? - "the biggest lie of the century" under fire
"HIV/Aids," the paragraph said, "has exacted a tremendous toll in human suffering, death and lost productivity. Currently, of the 31 million adults and children living with HIV/Aids worldwide, 21 million of them live in Africa. Eighty per cent of all women with HIV/Aids are in Africa. As a result, life expectancy is declining, infant and child mortality are on the rise, and individuals' productivity and economic development are threatened. The insidous effects of HIV/Aids affect the entire spectrum of economic and social activities." Only a passing reference was made to malaria, the scientifically proven single biggest killer on the African continent. Why, after the failures of the past decade in Aids research and forecast, UNAIDS still wants the world to concentrate billions of dollars on HIV/Aids - a "disease" that is yet to be scientifically proven - at the expense of malaria, the already proven "biggest killer" of Africans, should worry us all.

The global concern has been almost hysterical over these last couple of decades, about Africans dying from AIDS and the need for antiretroviral treatment that is only lately beginning to be met. Yet for all this time, in virtual absence of treatment against the raging epidemic, Africa's population has been growing at a few percent per year. This is beginning to pose a tangible threat to already overburdened economies: "Recent reports from Uganda, Kenya and Burkina Faso show that rapid population growth is once again becoming a matter of public concern".

The world's official left hands are telling us that Africa is being decimated by a fatal, incurable disease that in some countries like Botswana has infected a third of the population. The world's official right hands are wondering how to cope with the population explosion in Africa.

When will acknowledgment of reality, or just plain common sense, put an end to this nonsense? Instead of wasting money on antiretroviral drugs, will we ever address the need for food, clean water, and vitamins? Will officialdom ever concede that "HIV tests" don't detect HIV?


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Saturday January 10 2004
updated on Tuesday December 4 2007

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Readers' Comments

An email which contains relevant discussion of the theme of this article:

From: "Keidi Awadu" keidi@...
To: "Livingstone Tshenge" livingstone.tshenge@...
Subject: Re: Keidi Awadu Re: Boyd Graves
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005

To Livingstone Tshenge

Greetings My Brother,

I had said that I was finished with this line of debate but your position in Azania offers me a great opportunity to shine light where it is so needed. The figures coming out of Geneva on the "devastation from AIDS" in your country are indeed alarming. They are nearly all lies, distortions, fabrications, misdiagnosis, subterfuge or general deception - As you know your brilliant President Mbeki and the Minister of Health have been some of the most outspoken critics of the deception. How have all of the other causes of disease death in Africa taken a holiday so that AIDS can now claim those who previously succombed to pneumonia, tuberculosis, malaria, septicemia, ectopic pregnancy, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertensions, blood poisoning, kidney failure, asthma, meningitis, etc.

You talk of "people are dying and, dying like flies". While I disassociate comparing African morbidity with that of insects, I suggest that you would be as hard pressed to confirm these deaths as was the white South African Rian Malan, who wanted to humiliate Mbeki but found out otherwise after a 1 year sojourn to find these dead in South Africa (re: Rolling Stone Magazine, Nov. 22, 2001: AIDS In Africa, by Rian Malan).

Perhaps you would consult the highly reputed Ghanaian Dr. Felix I.D. Konotey-Ahulu, writing in The Lancet July 25, 1987, in an article entitled AIDS IN AFRICA: MISINFORMATION AND DISINFORMATION, in which he said, "

Today, because of AIDS, it seems that Africans are not allowed to die from these conditions any longer. If tens of thousands are dying from AIDS (and Africans do not cremate their dead) where are the graves?"

You may want to consult the World Health Organization's "Weekly Epidemiological Record", of December 7, 2001, Vol. No. 49, 2001, 73, 381-388, when they reported the "Cumulative number of reported AIDS cases as of 25 November 2001 [emphasis added] for all of Africa for the first 22 years of aids of 1.93 million reported AIDS cases, and South Africa with a cumulative total of 12, 825 AIDS cases, both the living and the dead.

You may want to refer to the London Spectator, December 14, 2003, and an article entitled "Africa Isn't Dying of AIDS" which contained the following about African "people are dying and, dying like flies":

...In 1993 our neighbor Botswana had an estimated population of 1.4 million. Today that figure is under a million and heading downwards. Doom merchants predict that Botswana may soon become the first nation in modern times literally to die out. This is AIDS in Africa.

Really? Botswana has just concluded a census that shows population growing at about 2.7 per cent a year, in spite of what is usually described as the worst AIDS problem on the planet. Total population has risen to 1.7 million in just a decade. If anything, Botswana is experiencing a minor population explosion.

There is similar bad news for the doomsayers in Tanzania's new census, which shows population growing at 2.9 per cent a year. Professional pessimists will be particularly discomforted by development sin the swamplands west of Lake Victoria, where HIV first emerged, and where the depopulated villages of popular mythology are supposedly located. Here, in the district of Kagera, population grew at 2.7 per cent a year before 1988, only to accelerate to 3.1 per cent even as the AIDS epidemic was supposedly peaking. Uganda's latest census tells a broadly similar story, as does South Africa's. [Uganda's estimated HIV infection rate has dropped from an alleged high of 26% of the population to a current 6% of the population without chemotherapies and condoms - Keidi]

I have over 10,000 pages to substantiate what I have shared herein; many of these documents fare more revealing. I have nearly all of the documents for which Boyd Graves claims are proof of the laboratory creation of the Pandemic. I have examined these documents carefully and come down on the side of The Great AIDS Hoax. Please verify these documents to which I have refered and then let me know what part of this argument am I not allowed to bring up in this Black-on-Black Internet discourse. I want to challenge our people to raise their scientific intelligence quotient. This can be very beneficial in the long run.

Keidi Obi Awadu
Black Star Media
Support LIBRadio
Ebonywood, Califa

Posted by: Sepp on June 19, 2005 06:13 PM


Crucial keidi crucial. keep up the Great work, peace, the sundancer.

Posted by: Earl Sundance on May 21, 2006 11:33 AM


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