The Story of Vitamin C and Cancer - NewsGrabs 10 August 2008
Vitamin C injections slow tumor growth in mice
The team then tested ascorbate injections in immune-deficient mice with rapidly spreading ovarian, pancreatic, and glioblastoma (brain) tumors. The ascorbate injections reduced tumor growth and weight by 41 to 53 percent. In 30 percent of glioblastoma controls, the cancer had spread to other organs, but the ascorbate-treated animals had no signs of disseminated cancer. "These pre-clinical data provide the first firm basis for advancing pharmacologic ascorbate in cancer treatment in humans," the researchers conclude.It would certainly be preferable to use Vitamin C in mega doses in case of cancer than killing the patient together with the tumor by toxic chemicals and radiation... but then, supplementation of our foods with vitamin C, distributed over the whole day, might do the trick and prevent, rather than cure, the big C. See Dr. Hickey's article just next here.
The real story of vitamin C and cancer
You will be heartened to find out ... that oral doses of vitamin C are effective and in fact are often preferable when consistently high blood levels need to be maintained. Intravenous application has its place, but will give a high spike of vitamin C that then tails off dramatically and is therefore difficult to maintain. What wasn't made clear in the study or the news stories is that cancer patients generally require massive intakes of vitamin C, resulting in steady high blood levels, which tumour tissues absorb, and which then generate the hydrogen peroxide that kills the cancer cells.
Monsanto Dumps Controversial Bovine Growth Hormone
The decision comes as more retailers, saying they are responding to consumer demand, are selling dairy products from cows not treated with the artificial hormone."I think they saw the handwriting on the wall and gave up," said Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of the Center for Food Safety, a consumer advocacy group based in Washington. "It's a major victory for consumers."
Colloidal Silver: Small Texas Company confronts the FDA
The persecution of Utopia Silver began five years or so ago, about the same time that the FDA began renewed targeting of colloidal silver because of its effectiveness as a natural anti-biotic and rising popularity -- and, coincidentally, as a threat to the profits of Big Pharma and mainstream medicine -- the FDA sent an email to the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) essentially complaining that Utopia Silver was making medical claims which, in the eyes of the FDA turned their supplements into drugs.
Wikipedia - just another way of supporting the scientific, political and social status quo?
So far as its healthcare-related articles are concerned, the reality is that by effectively forcing its contributors to rely on what it sees as "reliable sources" for their material and references – e.g. orthodox medical journals, books published by "respected publishing houses", mainstream newspapers and so on – far from providing free access to the sum of all human knowledge, Wikipedia is essentially just supporting the same the same pro-pharmaceutical and corporatist ideologies as are pumped out on a daily basis through the world's Big Media and publishing outlets.
Cold Meds May Be Life-Threatening For Babies
About 7,000 children under age 11 — including 1,500 under age 2 — go to hospital emergency rooms each year after taking cold and cough medicines, USA Today writes, citing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About two-thirds of these children took the meds without a parent or caregiver nearby. A recent CDC study found that cold and cough meds caused the deaths of three babies under age 6 months, found dead in their homes, in 2005, USA Today continues.
Danger Ahead: Mixing Statins And Other Meds
First, the FDA has issued public an advisory about the risk of rhabdomyolysis, a type of muscle injury that can lead to kidney failure of death, when Zocor, or simvastatin, is combined with Amiodarone, a heart med. Meanwhile, the Irish Medicines Board is looking into the death of a 58-year-old man who developed rhabdomyolysis after combining Lipitor and an antibiotic, Fusidic Acid, and three similar cases.
Fluoride's Impact on Brain
"It is hard to believe that any "weight of evidence" analysis could possibly dismiss fluoride's neurological impacts. There have now been over 40 animal studies which show that fluoride can damage the brain, and no less than 18 studies which show that fluoride lowers IQ in children, and only 2 that don't. I look forward to reading the full report when it is made available," says Paul Connett, PhD, FAN Executive Director.
‘Drug Disasters Are Built Into The System’
Systematic reviews indicate that one in seven new drugs is superior to existing drugs, but two in every seven new drugs result in side effects serious enough for the FDA to issue Black Box warnings, adverse reaction warnings, or even withdrawal of the drug. Based on this system, Light maintains new drugs are twice as likely to harm patients as provide benefits superior to existing drugs.
AstraZeneca defends soaring Seroquel sales
The company says Seroquel's amazing run is a result of its effectiveness across a variety of mental illnesses and better tolerability for many patients than its competitors.
Abuse of Seroquel in prisons reported
In separate letters in The American Journal of Psychiatry, psychiatrists in California and Ohio detail drug-seeking behavior, abuse and addiction to Seroquel among inmates at prisons in those two states.Something doesn't sound right here. Seroquel is a runaway sales success. And it's also a drug with abuse potential, as we now hear from prison psychiatrists. Can you say 'drug pushers'?
Medication increasingly replaces psychotherapy
The percentage of patients who received psychotherapy fell to 28.9% in 2004-05 from 44.4% in 1996-97, the report in Archives of General Psychiatry said. Researchers attributed the shift to insurance reimbursement policies that favor short medication visits compared with longer psychotherapy sessions, and to the introduction of a new generation of psychotropic medications with fewer side effects.
Psychiatrists Who prescribe make more $ in 15 minutes than 45min therapy
Psychiatry's most prescribed drugs, the second generation antidepressants (SSRIs), antipsychotics (so-called atypicals), and anti-seizure drugs have failed to demonstrate a sustained clinical benefit. However, the debilitating adverse effects of these drugs are amply documented in controlled clinical trials and patient outcome studies.
Teen Screen Lawsuit Advances: Federal Court Affirms Family’s Right to Sue School
After completing the examination and being escorted into a private hallway by an employee of Madison Center, Chelsea was informed that, based on her responses that she liked to clean and didn’t like to party very much, she suffered from at least two mental health problems, obsessive compulsive disorder and social anxiety disorder. Chelsea was also told that if her condition worsened, her mother should take her to the Madison Center for treatment.
Freebirthing - madness or the ideal way to give birth?
'Everything about childbirth in this country is overmedicalised and regimented...'Medicine is useful but it should not be a dictator of what we do with out health and ... how children get born.
AIDS - The 'Threat' from Tijuana
Tijuana is only about 1/3 more “infected” than the United States as a whole. And there’s no reason to assume that it hasn’t been like that for many years, is there? So where’s the threat? There are no AIDS epidemics in the United States, in Mexico, or in any other countries in Latin America. The differences in “infection” rates between Mexico’s 0.3% and the United States 0.6% and the others’ 0.7, 0.9, and 1.1% are hardly anything to make a fuss about. After all, middle-aged people test HIV-positive 10 times as often as teenagers do, and more than twice as often as people in their twenties...
Indian HIV parents kill children
A Indian couple who were infected with the virus that can lead to Aids have committed suicide after killing their three children, police in Mumbai say. Relatives say the couple had been depressed by news that their daughter also had the HIV virus.A completely unnecessary tragedy. HIV tests do NOT establish that a person has AIDS. They are subject to numerous ways of showing falsely positive results, for example pregnant women test positive, someone who has recently been vaccinated tests positive - over 70 such conditions are known. So people die because of a very likely false test result. Barbaric medicine.
HPV Vaccine Adverse Events Worrisome Says Key Investigator (Mescape)
This article was on Medscape's site but apparently was pulled without explanation. The link is to another site that archived it."News reports of adverse events, teen paralysis, and death have fueled public concern. Back-to-school immunization clinics are stocking up on Merck’s Gardasil and more than16 million doses have reportedly already been distributed in the United States alone. But many parents are questioning whether their children should be vaccinated. And many women are wondering whether they should be vaccinated too.
According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as of June 30, 2008, more than 9700 adverse events have been reported since the vaccine was approved 2 years ago. Of these, 94% were classified as nonserious events and 6% as severe."
National Academy of Science report shows psychiatric illness increases several-fold after anthrax vaccination
In those who received 1-3 doses of vaccine, hospitalizations for affective psychosis were 4.95 times greater after vaccination than before receiving any anthrax vaccine. For other nonorganic psychoses, the rate was 4.82 times higher. Hospitalizations for neurotic disorders were 2.63 times higher. Hospitalizations for personality disorders were 4.66 times higher. Hospitalizations for drug dependence were 5.64 times higher. Hospitalizations for adjustment reaction were 2.96 times higher. For depressive disorder, not otherwise classified, the rate was 2.76 times higher.Amazing statistics.
Bush and Cheney Prepare For Nuclear War Before November 4!
Dr Rath publishes an open letter in the New York Times and says "Yes, We Can Prevent Their WW III Plans!"As usual, it seems to be up to us to make that difference ...- - -
More information out there...
There is much I cannot cover but other sources for this kind of information exist and are active.
Dr Mercola's health blog and Mike Adams' Natural News have great health information.
The Alternative Medicine Yahoo Group is a place where you can discuss and exchange information on what is happening in the world of natural health.
For the influence of electromagnetic waves from radio, mobile phones and other radio emitting devices, check out the emfrefugee group on Yahoo.
If you are interested in a different take on the news that isn't health centered but is certainly fun, check out Robin Good TV News.
A few sites to keep up to date with the other side of world affairs, the stuff you won't necessarily find on your tv or in the papers: and remember:
The individual is supreme and finds its way through intuition
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Sunday August 10 2008
updated on Wednesday August 15 2012URL of this article: