Europeans want freedom of choice, national sovereignty - NewsGrabs Sunday 14 June 2009
European election results: People want freedom of choice, national sovereignty
It seems that the European people are beginning to wake up to the fact that their national sovereignty has been almost completely eroded in recent years and putting their head in the sand and ignoring what’s going on in Brussels won’t make things any better. It is a matter of rescuing the last remnants of democracy from a system that’s been rapidly moving towards totalitarianism.For European citizens who care about their futures and those of their children, 2009-14 will need to be a time of engagement with their European elected representatives. People will need to make clear what it is that they want, and what they don’t want, making their case as solidly as they can. We at the ANH look forward to working with the people of Europe, as well as with those Members of the European Parliament who are concerned about our disconnection from nature, about the chemicals in our food and our water, about the healthiness of the food in our supermarkets—and about the attacks on natural healthcare.
Codex Alimentarius – A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
A well written and factually accurate overview on CODEX ALIMENTARIUS and its damaging influence on natural health world wide, written by Baron Rudi C. Loehwing - Managing Director for a non-profit campaign organization; the World Institute of Natural Health Sciences. Producer and narrative director of documentary films, radio and television programs. Publisher, Publicist and Marketing / Strategic PR Consultant.
Label for first homoeopathic product illegal, says scientist
In a letter published in this week's BMJ, Professor David Colquhoun from University College London says the MHRA "has made a mockery of its own aims" by allowing Arnica 30C pills to be labelled "a homoeopathic medicinal product used with the homoeopathic tradition for the symptomatic relief of sprains, muscular aches, and bruising or swelling after contusions."This label should be illegal, he says, because the pills contain no trace of the ingredient on the label...
My comment: It should be clear even to the most obtuse medical "authority" that homeopathic remedies do not pretend to contain the actual molecules of the starting substance. They work because they have been homeopathically diluted until there are only traces or not even those of the actual substance. They work on the information principle. But then - information seems to be a scarce thing in mainstream medicine.If a law was made to allow registration of homeopathic medicinal products, how can it then be illegal to make one? Come on. Pharma isn't the only game in town!
Multivitamins in pregnancy reduce risk of low birth weights
"Low birth weight and related complications are considered the most common cause of global infant mortality under the age of 5 years," write Dr. Prakash Shah and study coauthors from Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. "With the possibility of reducing low birth weight rates by 17%, micronutrients supplementation to pregnant women, we believe, offers the highest possible return for the investment.
Natural bleach 'key to healing'
In the human body, hydrogen peroxide is produced primarily in three places - the lung, gut and thyroid gland.Professor Mitchison said: "Perhaps in conditions like asthma, the lung epithelia is producing too much hydrogen peroxide because it's chronically irritated, which, if our findings translate to humans, would explain inappropriate levels of white blood cells.
New antibiotics: a DNA binding compound kills bacteria
The compound [Fe2L3]4+ is an iron triple helicate with three organic strands wrapped around two iron centres to give a helix which looks cylindrical in shape and neatly fits within the major groove of a DNA helix. It is about the same size as the parts of a protein that recognise and bind with particular sequences of DNA. The high positive charge of the compound enhances its ability to bind to DNA which is negatively charged.When the iron-helicate binds to the major groove of DNA it coils the DNA so that it is no longer available to bind to anything else and is not able to drive biological or chemical processes.
EFSA defends aspartame (again)
EFSA, the European Commission's Food Safety Agency, sided with the FDA (the US regulator), Ajinomoto (the aspartame manufacturer), Coca-Cola (the major marketer) and the many hundreds of food companies that profit from including aspartame in their products. In a travesty to science, EFSA, like the FDA, with which it has signed an agreement of cooperation in 2007, has rejected the Ramazzini findings, despite they being the most thorough investigations yet conducted into the carcinogenic potential of aspartame.
Coke Zero Banned As a Health Threat by Venezuela
Health Minister Jesus Mantilla said the zero-calorie Coke Zero should no longer be sold and stocks of the drink removed from store shelves.“The product should be withdrawn from circulation to preserve the health of Venezuelans,” the minister said in comments reported by the government’s news agency.
A comment by Betty Martini (
Coca Cola Zero banned in Venezuela due to aspartame. It would be nice if the US thought as much about its consumers. Millions of pages on the Internet tell the story of this deadly addictive genetically engineered excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug that interacts with drugs and vaccines...
Venezuela: Coca-Cola Zero has harmful sweetener
According to this AP article, the issue seems to be not aspartame but another sweetener - sodium cyclamate.Health officials said tests show the cola contains sodium cyclamate. Coca-Cola Co. disputes that, saying the product sold in Venezuela uses different artificial sweeteners, Acesulfame-K and Aspartame.
Cyclamate is not prohibited in Venezuela. But the ministry said the company failed to report sodium cyclamate as an ingredient in Coca-Cola Zero when it received its initial health permit to begin selling the drink in April.
Big Pharma and the FDA: Suppress the Science, Ban the Natural Substances, Sell the Drugs!
As one newspaper columnist humorously put it, “One of these things is not like the others: morphine, penicillin, aspirin, Cheerios. Most drugs, if taken improperly, will kill the consumer or cause substantial bodily harm. An entire bottle of aspirin at one sitting will harm or kill. If Cheerios is a drug, therefore, one should be able to commit suicide by consuming the entire box.”
Seroquel, Geodon Tied To Death Of 3-Year-Old "Bipolar Child" In Kansas
The parents do as instructed, taking their daughter to a 70-something psych doc who prescribes both Seroquel and Geodon to control Destiny, who weighs 37 pounds. The article doesn't specify what diagnosis the child was given, but based upon the meds we're in bipolar child country here. Eventually, the doctor ups the Seroquel dosage to 600 mgs. a day--yes, in a 3-year-old, 37 pound girl--and that's the high end of adult dosages of the drug...
Video: Zombie Nation"Do you know anyone who has been diagnosed with a pyschological illness?"
"All my friends."
Also on YouTube as Psychiatry: An Industry of Death
Drug addicts getting high on mental health pills
"Addicts will experiment with anything they find in a medicine cupboard."If they get a high they like from a drug such as Seroquel, it becomes popular through word of mouth.
"The problem is that when they become addicted to the new drug, they cannot control the side-effects.
France Considers Mandatory Flu Vaccinations
The French government will spend nearly a billion euros on a mandatory flu vaccination this autumn, a French website reported on May 30. “France is preparing a battle plan without precedent for this autumn, including an obligatory vaccination campaign for all French of more than 3 months of age,” writes Marie-Christine Tabet for Le Journal du Dimanche.
The WHO's askew flu fears
LA Times opinion piece by Michael Fumento
How bizarre! The World Health Organization has declared swine flu a "pandemic," signaling governments worldwide to launch emergency response plans.The mildest pandemics of the 20th century killed at least a million people worldwide, according to the WHO's data, while old-fashioned seasonal flu strikes every nation yearly and kills an estimated 250,000 to 500,000. As of Thursday, when the pandemic was declared, H1N1 swine flu had killed only 144 people total -- fewer than succumb daily to seasonal flu annually.
Question: Do we really need a World Health Organization to tell us we should prepare for a pandemic because pharma manufacturers have been losing business and governments should make up for that by buying huge stocks of vaccines that do not yet exist so we can eventually get vaccinated against a disease that expresses itself - in the vast majority of cases - as a mild indisposition?
Fear Itself
This is an excerpt from Sissy Nation: How America Became a Culture of Wimps and Stoopits, published by Virgin Books USA in 2007.
By the time the daily threat of nuclear annihilation faded into the background, we'd become such Sissies, so used to feeling threatened all the time, that we began to fill in with a long list of other "threats" to worry or panic about. Many of them played on our Sissy dread of disease and our own mortality — not to mention our fear of direct contact with others — by scaring us with threats of some kind of infection. In 1976, the Centers for Disease Control threw the entire nation into a mass panic about swine flu, after a single soldier at Fort Dix died of it. President Gerald Ford, dutifully citing the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 — a real epidemic that killed at least 50 million people worldwide, including more than half a million Americans — declared that every man, woman and child in the United States must be inoculated immediately. Millions of dollars' worth of vaccine was hastily prepared and rushed out, and worried Sissies stood in long lines to get their shots.
Gardasil in the spotlight
Does it work on young teenage girls? - We don’t know.
How long will the immunity last? - We don’t know.
Might it cause other strains of the virus to increase in importance? - We don’t know.
What effect will it have on our already efficient screening service? - We don’t know.
What other risk factors are there for cervical cancer? - Several important ones.
Can the vaccine have serious adverse effects? - This we do know. There has been a high rate of reports of adverse effects...
Money 3.0 - The Community IS the Currency
This is a presentation of slides by Chris Cook who predicts that money will change from the current bank-issued kind to a direct, peer-to-peer relationship between capital and use of that capital by using a guarantee-supplying intermediary that is formed in partnership... Interesting point of view.- - -
More information out there...
There is much I cannot cover but other sources for this kind of information exist and are active.
Dr Mercola's health blog, Mike Adams' Natural News and the One Click Group in the UK have good health information. The Dr Rath Foundation is also putting out a weekly collection of health related news. Here is the link to their Newsletter Archive.
The Alternative Medicine Yahoo Group and the healthfreedom ning group are places to discuss and exchange information on what is happening in the world of natural health.
For the influence of electromagnetic waves from radio, mobile phones and other radio emitting devices, check out the emr-updates group on Yahoo. Genetic modification and issues around agriculture and foods are reported on the Organic Consumers Association site.
A few sites to keep up to date with the other side of world affairs, the stuff you won't necessarily find on your tv or in the papers: individual is supreme and finds its way through intuition
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Sunday June 14 2009
updated on Wednesday August 15 2012URL of this article: