Small farming solution for world hunger - NewsGrabs Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Chinese Proverb
U.N. chief: Hunger kills 17,000 kids daily
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U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon laid out this sobering statistic as he kicked off a three-day summit on world food security Monday in Rome.Urgent action is critical, Ban said. In 2050, the world will need to feed 2 billion more mouths -- 9.1 billion in all.
The steps Ban proposed included providing farmers with seeds and land and offering them access to better markets and fairer trade.
"These small-holder farmers are the heart and soul of food security and poverty reduction," he said. "Our job is not just to feed the hungry but to empower the hungry to feed themselves."
H1N1 a 'dud' pandemic, Ont. health official says
"It's really not causing — and is not going to cause and nowhere has caused — significant levels of illness or death," said Dr. Richard Schabas, Ontario's former chief medical officer of health."But governments moved ahead regardless. They ramped up their response, spent a huge amount of money on vaccines and other things. I'm not sure the $1.5 billion includes the cost of new ventilators, the cost of Tamiflu stockpiles … the huge investment that's been put into planning for what has ultimately turned out to be, from a pandemic perspective, a dud."
Flu, Viruses, and Vitamin C Megadoses
Like most Americans, throughout most of my life I have occasionally been down with a virus. But for a long time, a simple cold for me started as a headache, sore throat and congestion in my nasal passages, and typically progressed to prolonged infection in my lungs, and a terrible cough. The whole experience took up to two weeks for recovery from the virus, and several more weeks for my lungs to recover.
Vaccines Didn't Save Us
It is a common misconception that vaccines eradicated the diseases that plagued humanity. In actual fact, it was not vaccines, but better sanitation and hygiene in the cities that prevented the spread of diseases. These charts, from official sources, show us that vaccines (1) were not responsible, and are not necessary, for eliminating infectious diseases, (2) are not effective, and (3) are dangerous.
CDC Will No Longer Require HPV Vaccine for Immigrant Girls / Women
The Associated Press reports that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will no longer require immigrant girls and women to be vaccinated against the human papilloma virus (HPV). The CDC's discriminatory administrative directive MANDATING immigrant girls who posed no risk to the community to be vaccinated with Merck's HPV Gardasil vaccine was put into effect, July, 2008.
Acute heart attack patients receiving high ionizing radiation dose
Acute heart attack patients received an average total dose of ionizing radiation equal to 725 chest X-rays from medical tests during their hospital stay, according to research presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2009.Physicians tend to focus on the radiation dose of each procedure rather than the cumulative dose a patient will receive, he said. "This makes the risk seem smaller to patients than it actually is. The risk at an individual level is small with one test, but with multiple tests the risk likely increases.
What Obama's Health Care Reform is Missing
A lot of very smart people I know think that the so-called Swine Flu "pandemic" is a simple marketing ploy created by the foreign owned pharmaceutical industry to sell, nearly useless, and untested, dangerous vaccines to an unsuspecting US public. In fact, it looks as though about 50% of the people in North America think so.I don't disagree with that - but I think there is more to this. I think this "pandemic" campaign is a not-so-subtle threat to President Barack Obama and the US Congress...
An Odd Mix: Health Care Reform & Higher Drug Prices
Even as drug makers promised to support health care reform by slashing $8 billion annually from drug costs, wholesale prices of prescription drugs rose by about 9 percent - and this can add more than $10 billion to the nation’s drug bill, which could exceed $300 billion this year, The New York Times reports.
'Superweeds' jam the pesticide treadmill
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Palmer amaranth has become resistant to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's flagship herbicide Roundup. Amaranth and other so-called "superweeds" have thrown a wrench in the machine of industrial agriculture.The qualities that make amaranth a particularly pesky weed are the same ones reasons it has been cultivated as a food source by Indigenous peoples in the Americas since 3400 BC: it is prolific (producing up to 10,000 seeds at a time), drought resistant, reaches maturity quickly, and has an extended period of germination. It is also exceptionally nutritious; containing 30% more protein than other cereals and, like other native grains such as quinoa, it is a complete protein. The Aztecs used it as a food staple but when the Spanish priests discovered that they were also using it in religious ceremonies, they banned the sale, consumption, and cultivation of amaranth.
Book: Understanding Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
It is not so long ago that the medical world had no compassion for those suffering from the effects of the ever growing pollution in the environment, telling them nothing was really wrong with them. "It's all in your mind" was the mantra and the "treatment most often administered to overcoming the accompanying immense fatigue was to tell people to exercise, with predictably mediocre results.
Els Valkenburg's book provides a personal view of multiple chemical sensitivity and environmental illness and related research. In a question-and-answer format, the effects of exposure to perfume, smoke, air fresheners, cleaning products, exhaust, and other air contaminants are examined and linked to symptoms such as headaches, allergies, asthma, and fatigue. The book contains additional testimony and reports from 37 sufferers, as well as listings of resources and an index of related scientific articles.
The Family of Rethinking AIDS
RA2009, the conference held by Rethinking AIDS (RA) in Oakland, 6-8 November, was an extraordinary success in every possible way. It exceeded wildly any reasonable expectations.We come away from RA2009 with renewed determination, as well as with a number of new ideas and plans for constructive action (plans for actions DEstructive of HIV/AIDS theory and practice). I found myself wondering what might have happened if some mainstreamers had been in attendance; surely their baseless and mistaken beliefs would have become somewhat unsettled, at the very least subconsciously.
British Government To Limit Antipsychotic Use For Dementia
Bloomberg reports on the British government taking steps to drastically reduce the use of antipsychotics in treating elders with dementia. A recent report estimated that upwards of 1,800 Brits die each year after getting the drugs for dementia and another 1,620 suffer strokes. Keep in mind that all that dementia-Rxing would be off-label both in the UK and USA.
France - 70% Refusing Swine Flu Vaccine
An online poll carried in today’s issue of French daily Le Figaro, which tends to draw an informed, educated readership, asks “H1N1: Should we get (our) children vaccinated?”Currently running 70 percent “non” (no) the non-scientific poll has drawn not only comments negative toward the vaccine, but often virulent attacks against the vaccination policy.
Swiss left unimpressed by swine flu policy
Government calls for at-risk individuals to get vaccinated against H1N1 have fallen largely on deaf Swiss ears, with many believing the threat is exaggerated.A doctor in Bern told that the Federal Health Office's policy was "catastrophic", and at a drop-in centre for children not one parent could be found who intended to vaccinate either themselves or their children.
US: Nearly half of adults don’t plan to get H1N1 vaccine
The top reasons adults have found to skip the vaccine include concern about the safety of the vaccine and a general sense that they simply do not need the vaccine. Of those surveyed, 38 percent are worried about the vaccine’s safety, and 32 percent feel they don’t need it.
14 Year-Old Boy Jumps From Apartment Window After Taking Tamiflu
A South Korean teenager who took Tamiflu, an antiviral drug, leaped from an apartment window after suffering from auditory hallucination, China's Xinhua news agency said citing a local media report on Saturday.
Child of two and woman of 18 die after getting swine flu shot in Finland
At least two people have died in Finland after getting the swine flu jab. A two-year-old child died one week after getting the shot. According to the local media, the shot "came too late and couldn't save the child."In addition, an 18-year-woman died in the Päijät-Häme Hospital District in Lahti one week after getting the jab, according to the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, which, however, attributes the death to the swine flu virus and not the vaccine.
What the Inventor of the Flu Shot NOW Thinks of the Vaccine
(link from - blog censored by Blogger. Check out his other site at )
Increasing numbers of scientists and doctors are issuing harsh criticisms of the government's plan to vaccinate virtually the entire U.S. population with a poorly tested vaccine that is not only ineffective against swine flu, but could cripple and even kill many more people than it helps.
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There is a lot I cannot cover but other sources for this kind of information exist.
Dr Mercola's health blog, Mike Adams' Natural News and the One Click Group in the UK have good health information. The Dr Rath Foundation is also putting out a weekly collection of health related news. Here is the link to their Newsletter Archive.
For the influence of electromagnetic waves from radio, mobile phones and other radio emitting devices, check out the emr-updates group on Yahoo. Genetic modification and issues around agriculture and foods are reported on the Organic Consumers Association site.
A few sites to keep up to date with the other side of world affairs, the stuff you won't necessarily find on your tv or in the papers: - -
The individual is supreme and finds its way through intuition
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Wednesday November 18 2009
updated on Wednesday August 15 2012URL of this article: