Will Pharma go down in Supplement War? - Health Supreme NewsGrabs Thursday, 4 March 2010
After Europe, it seems that the pharmaceutical industry, in collusion with certain lawmakers and regulators is now targeting the relative freedom of Americans to supplement their diet with nutrients. Do they really want to create a world wide black market in nutritional supplements? How crazy!Actions like that will only hasten the demise of pharma-controlled medicine ... as people continue to rebelliously insist on popping those nasty vitamins and herbs.
USA: Goverment to Abolish Freedom of Access to Nutritional Supplements
If Arizona Senator John McCain has his way, many of the supplements you rely on for good health will disappear. And the cost of the few you can still get will explode in price.
Earlier this month, Sen. McCain introduced a bill falsely labeled the “Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010” (S. 3002). Sounds good, right? Nothing to worry about .McCain says: “Legitimate dietary supplement companies should have nothing to fear from this legislation. The purpose of the bill is not to create a sweeping regulatory structure, but instead a targeted structure that provides for openness, transparency and safety.”Well, here’s what McCain didn’t say...
Robert Scott Bell Exclusive - Attack of the FDA
They came for our tryptophan, and I said nothing…
They came for our ephedra, and I said nothing…
They came for our vitamin B, and I said nothing…Now the FDA is coming for you – and every natural remedy you trust and have relied on for years and decades!
What can you do to stop it? Listen to Robert Scott Bell on the fight to protect Liberty and Freedom of Choice in health care!
Aloe Vera: FDA Shut Down a Surprisingly Effective Natural Cancer Cure
A terrorist attack exactly one month after 9/11 occurred in Tampa, Florida. But these terrorists were from the FDA, state health services bureaucrats and local sheriffs. The target of this attack was two highly successful, inexpensive experimental alternative cancer clinics using aloe vera extract. Some who were responding favorably to the treatments were now cut off and effectively sentenced to death by the federal and state governments.My comment: For a great "do it yourself" method of curing with aloe, search Father Romano Zago aloe cancer
IV Vitamin C Used to Recover Terminal Swine Flu Case
Patient recovery continued to the point where he could be transferred to Waikato (closer to home). He was still on a ventilator and NG tube feeding. The doctors there were more receptive to vitamin C, but wouldn't agree to continue the treatment.The family got a high profile lawyer involved who wrote a letter about patient rights and called the hospital to recommend that they sort it out with the family.
As a result, the hospital continued with IVC, albeit at a much lower dose. A CAM doctor traveled to Waikato to endorse the treatment and recommend IVC at higher doses. The patient continued to recover -- he was now conscious.
The hospital staff was stunned -- they had never seen anything like this.
Vaccine Resistance Movement Website up and running
We are at a cross roads in history. Our basic freedoms, those which we possess from birth, are now being challenged globally. The inherent right to sovrenty/sovereignty of the body is one of them. The World Health Organization, acting in co-ordination with 194 signatory nations means to crush those rights and reshape the very essence of life as we know it by claiming ownership over self determination of our own bodies. Never has a groundswell of this magnitude been so prescient, never has the urgency of our times demanded greater action, or threatened the very fabric of our existence to such an extent.
Video: Questions about Gardasil - massive adverse events
UK: Cervical Cancer Vaccine Blinds 16 Year-Old Girl
We report the course of a 16-year-old girl who presented with near complete visual loss associated with chiasmal neuritis and a biopsy proven tumefactive demyelinating lesion on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in association with a recent immunization against human papilloma virus.She had received her second vaccination against human papilloma virus 10 days prior to her presentation. There was no family history of demyelinating disease, collagen-vascular disease, or rheumatological disorders.
Video: Vaccinated By FORCE, NOW AUTISTIC
This little girl was taken out of the arms of her mother who didn't want her vaccinated, forcibly given vaccines, and ended up in critical condition that very day!
Was German Regulator Fired To Appease Pharma?
The German government has sacked the head of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWIG) to placate the drug industry, a German MP and professor alleged in an interview with the BMJ.
Influential US anaesthesia professor faked drug research over 12 years
We are also told that Dr Reuben was a member of Pfizer’s speakers’ bureau, and as such, would have been expected to give talks about its drugs to colleagues for financial reward.Between 2002 and 2007, it seems he was given five research grants by Pfizer. With so much money being handed out, why would Pfizer not have any input into, or overseen how these funds were being used? It may never be known just how much of a hand Pfizer had in influencing Reuben’s research. And how many other Prof Reuben’s have yet to be identified?
'Manufacturing Depression': Are Doctors Overprescribing Antidepressants to the Tune of $10 Billion a Year for Drug Companies?
Is depression manufactured? Two decades after the introduction of antidepressants, it’s become commonplace to assume that our sadness can be explained in terms of a disease called depression. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates more than 14 million Americans suffer from major depression every year and more than three million suffer from minor depression. Some 30 million Americans take antidepressants at a cost of over $10 billion a year.
Vitamin D lifts mood during cold weather months
A daily dose of vitamin D may just be what Chicagoans need to get through the long winter, according to researchers at Loyola University Chicago Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing (MNSON). This nutrient lifts mood during cold weather months when days are short and more time is spent indoors.
200,000 Americans Killed Each Year in Hospitals by Medical Error
According to “Dead By Mistake,” a report detailing the findings of an investigation by the Hearst Corporation, approximately 200,000 people die in the United States every year from hospital infections and preventable medical errors. To make matters worse, the situation has not changed from 10 years ago, when the recommendations of a similar report by the federal government went ignored.Car accidents, often classified as the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, kill fewer than 50,000 people per year.
“Ten years ago, the highly-publicized federal report, ‘To Err Is Human,’ highlighted the alarming death toll from preventable medical injuries and called on the medical community to cut it in half in five years,” the new report says. “Its authors and patient safety advocates believed that its release would spur a revolution in patient safety. But … the federal government and most states have made little or no progress in improving patient safety through accountability mechanisms or other measures.”
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just tell me about a link to an article or a site you think is interesting. Email me at (sepp -at- lastrega -dot- com)
facebook (facebook.com/hasslberger)And, by the way, there is much more information out there...
There is a lot I cannot cover but other sources for this kind of information exist.
Dr Mercola's health blog, Mike Adams' Natural News and the One Click Group in the UK have good health information. The Dr Rath Foundation is also putting out a weekly collection of health related news. Here is the link to their Newsletter Archive.
For the influence of electromagnetic waves from radio, mobile phones and other radio emitting devices, check out the emr-updates group on Yahoo. Genetic modification and issues around agriculture and foods are reported on the Organic Consumers Association site.
A few sites to keep up to date with the other side of world affairs, the stuff you won't necessarily find on your tv or in the papers:
http://www.truthout.org/- - -
and remember...
The individual is supreme and finds its way through intuition
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Thursday March 4 2010
updated on Wednesday December 15 2010URL of this article: