Is Daylight Savings Time Bad for Your Health? - Health Supreme NewsGrabs Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Daylight Saving Time may bring health problems
Kazakhstan abolished the time change after a survey found 51 percent of Kazakhs reacted badly to it.After the Kazakh winter, the appearance of sunshine alone is probably enough for most of them. It found that traffic accidents actually increased with the time change.
Sundown on Terceira island - by Sepp
A Swedish study suggested that on the Monday after the time-change, accidents increased because people had lost an hour's sleep over the weekend.More seriously, there is our health and our body clocks...
The changing of the clocks is a constant (twice a year) stress as we force our body clocks to adjust, all because we want to save some electricity. It's a permanent, low intensity stress on our bodies, added to pollution - chemical and otherwise - that already weakens us and the rat race that keeps us working nine to five just to make ends meet. It takes several days, if not a week or more, to get back to normal.True there is a saying that "what doesn't kill you makes you strong", but I would prefer less stress rather than more... what do You think?
Patents system has had its day
It is unbelievable that economists have not attempted to analyse the ever-growing costs and distortions of intellectual property rights when it forms a colossal foundation of our modern economies. These problems aren't just limited to the pharmaceutical industry: the software, journal, textbook, book, game, comic, film and fashion industries also have tremendous distortions present. Intellectual property rights should be at the forefront of economic debate, not languishing on the sidelines.Are Patents Best Way to Finance Pharmaceutical Research? Not according to this author. The same or better results in health could be achieved without granting a patent protected monopoly on medicines to pharmaceutical companies.
US judge strikes down patent on cancer genes
The decision by U.S. District Judge Robert Sweet challenging whether anyone can hold patents on human genes was expected to have broad implications for the biotechnology industry and genetics-based medical research.Sweet said he invalidated the patents because DNA's existence in an isolated form does not alter the fundamental quality of DNA as it exists in the body nor the information it encodes.
A step in the right direction ... now the principle of the patentability of life need to be deleted from our patent laws. See Bolivia Challenges Patentability of Life Forms
The Role of Magnesium in the Prevention of Coronary Disease and other Disorders
(link from - blog censored by Blogger. Check out his other site at )
Magnesium deficiency plays several critical roles in the maintenance of a healthy heart. Heart muscle cells require magnesium as do smooth muscle cells and elastica in coronary arteries.Although most doctors are unaware, magnesium chloride is the single best treatment following myocardial infarction (heart attack) prior to reperfusion (getting blood back to the affected area).
Honey & Cinnamon - Natural Cures
Ayurvedic as well as Yunani medicine have been using honey as a vital medicine for centuries. Scientists today also accept honey as a very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without any side effects for many diseases. Science says that even though honey is sweet, if taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients.
Pomegranate Effective In Fight Against MRSA
(link from - blog censored by Blogger. Check out his other site at )
Pomegranates have already been hailed as a super-food but a team of scientists from Kingston University in South West London has found a new use for the deep red fruit. The team, led by Professor Declan Naughton, has discovered that the rind can be turned into an ointment for treating MRSA and other common hospital infections.
Amid Nanotech's Dazzling Promise, Health Risks Grow
Halfway through, Trouiller became alarmed: Consuming the nano-titanium dioxide was damaging or destroying the animals' DNA and chromosomes. The biological havoc continued as she repeated the studies again and again.Nano-titanium dioxide is so pervasive that the Environmental Working Group says it has calculated that close to 10,000 over-the-counter products use it in one form or another. Other public health specialists put the number even higher. It's "in everything from medicine capsules and nutritional supplements, to food icing and additives, to skin creams, oils and toothpaste," Schiestl says. He adds that at least 2 million pounds of nanosized titanium dioxide are produced and used in the U.S. each year.
Ireland: Review highlights fluoride risks to children
Study author and scientific director of the Alliance for Natural Health, Dr Robert Verkerk, argues that if the same methods used by European and American authorities for risk assessment of vitamins and minerals are applied to fluoride, then fluoridation of the water supply would need to be banned due to the high risk of dental fluorosis in children. Said Dr Verkerk “Under current risk management criteria, the dental fluorosis risk to children, which is the most sensitive risk factor, should mean that mass fluoridation of the public water supply is stopped immediately. This is borne out by actual data from Ireland which shows that every third child is affected”.
USA: Why Are So Many Soldiers On Antipsychotics?
Orders for antipsychotics, including Seroquel and Risperdal, jumped by more than 200 percent, and annual spending more than quadrupled, from $4 million to $16 million. Orders for anti-anxiety drugs and sedatives such as Valium and Ambien rose 170 percent, and spending climbed from $6 million to about $17 million. Annual orders anti-epileptics increased about 70 percent, while spending more than doubled, from $16 million to $35 million.Brisk business for pharma. But underneath all that ... is it only greed that pushes up prescriptions or could there be something fatally wrong with the kind of wars the US is fighting?
Can a pill cure Bashful? How drugs companies are turning personality traits into ailments
Ten years ago, if you described shyness or restless legs as a bona fide illness, people would have laughed.But these conditions are just part of an epidemic of newly-invented illnesses sweeping Britain.
And we take them so seriously we're prepared to swallow handfuls of strong and sometimes harmful pills.
Anatomy of an Epidemic: The Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America
During the past 20 years, the number of people on government disability due to “mental illness” has soared, rising from around 1.25 million people in 1987 to more than four million today. The number of children on the SSI rolls due to severe mental illness has increased more than 35-fold since 1987. Those numbers tell of an “epidemic,” and the book then asks this heretical question: Could our drug-based paradigm of care be fueling that epidemic?
Vaccine makers settle France's H1N1 bill
France has struck a deal to pay several large vaccine makers just 16 percent of the amount it had contracted to pay after canceling a huge order of swine flu vaccine. According to Le Figaro, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi will get €48 million in payment for €358 million of vaccine that the country had ordered and then cancelled.
Mother Of Brain-Damaged British Teen Calls For Vaccine Ban
The mother of a teenager left brain-damaged after falling ill within days of being given Cervarix, the controversial cervical cancer vaccine, has called for the jab to be banned in schools.
Video: Are vaccines to blame for infant deaths?
Finding your baby dead in his crib is a horrible image but it was a reality for three North Idaho families who found their infant sons dead last fall...
WHO accused of losing public confidence over flu pandemic
The World Health Organisation and other public health bodies have "gambled away" public confidence by overstating the dangers of the flu pandemic, according to a draft report to the Council of Europe.One of the central questions of the Council of Europe inquiry, says Flynn, "concerns the possibility for representatives of the pharmaceutical industry to directly influence public decisions taken with regard to the H1N1 influenza, and the question of whether some of their statements had been adopted as public health recommendations without being based on sufficient scientific evidence".
Does Tuberculosis cause "HIV"?
Henry Bauer asks the right questions...
Thus the tendency of people with bacterial pneumonia to test “HIV-positive” was attributed to “HIV-associated immunedeficiency” predisposing people to infection by pneumonia bacteria.In “One fact, two interpretations”, 2009/04/26, I pointed out that such associations can equally be explained by noting that people who are ill from virtually any ailment tend to test “HIV-positive” more often than others. That is notably the case with tuberculosis. Results of “HIV” tests in the United States show members of 3 groups testing “HIV-positive” as frequently as 50% or more: gay men, drug abusers, and TB patients. That led me to ask rhetorically: Is tuberculosis an aphrodisiac?
Depleted Uranium: A War Crime Within a War Crime
“Forget about oil, occupation, terrorism or even Al-Qaeda. The real hazard for Iraqis these days is cancer. Cancer is spreading like wildfire in Iraq. Thousands of infants are being born with deformities. Doctors say they are struggling to cope with the rise of cancer and birth defects, especially in cities subjected to heavy American and British bombardment.”- - -
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"The individual is supreme and finds the way through intuition"
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Tuesday March 30 2010
updated on Sunday December 5 2010URL of this article: