EU Food Safety has it wrong on fluoride toxicity - Health Supreme NewsGrabs Tuesday, 11 May 2010
EFSA - the European Food Safety Authority, which has been accused of pro-industry bias by anti-GMO campaigners (they are supposed to protect consumer health) has it wrong on fluoride. The agency has negated that there is any long term risk in fluoride being blown all over Europe with the Icelandic volcanic ash cloud. According to Robert Pocock, consumers can't trust the EFSA assessment as its basic stance on fluoride toxicity is deeply flawed. Despite fluoride toxicity causing mottling of the teeth (fluoridosis), EFSA sees nothing wrong with fluoride in dental products, food supplements and in the drinking water.
Moderate fluorosis - pitting and discoloration of teeth. It is actually caused by fluoride
Fluoride risks in volcanic ash expose incompetence of EU food safety authority
“Given EFSA’s grave failings in risk assessment of fluoride from food,water and other sources, it is deeply worrying that the Commission directed the scientists who began work in April 2009 on a separate risk assessment on fluorides in drinking water, to collaborate closely with EFSA. And now whatever these new volcanic fluoride risks turn out to be, the fact remains that thousands of children in Ireland as well as a few fluoridated areas of England, are already at risk from over-exposure to fluorides from their drinking water. Once again we appeal to Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner John Dalli to act immediately against these unsafe and unlicensed fluorides.”
New vitamin D recommendations for older men and women
The lead author of the statement, Professor Bess Dawson-Hughes of Tufts University, US, stated that, "Global vitamin D status shows widespread insufficiency and deficiency. This high prevalence of suboptimal levels raises the possibility that many falls and fractures can be prevented with vitamin D supplementation. This is a relatively easy public health measure that could have significant positive effects on the incidence of osteoporotic fractures."
NASA Studies Find Omega-3 May Help Reduce Bone Loss
"These results are very exciting, and provide initial evidence that nutrition may be a key factor in mitigating bone loss in astronauts." said Scott Smith, a nutritionist at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston and one of the paper's authors.
European Court rules on French vitamin case
The ruling relates to a case brought by the vitamin company, Solgar, and a range of other food supplement interests challenging decisions by France to set highly restrictive maximum levels for vitamins and minerals prior to the European Commission's planned EU-wide harmonisation of Maximum Permitted Levels (MPLs).In a nutshell, the European Court of Justice has further cemented a fundamentally flawed approach to risk management, which is in the process of being developed for EU-wide implementation by the European Commission. There is however, the glimmer of a silver lining...
US Food Safety Bill - Senate vote coming up
Despite the NHF’s, and other health-freedom groups’, successful lobbying efforts and grassroots letter writing campaign to protect the intent and letter of the DSHEA law, the so-called Food Safety Act (S.510) is still a threat to our health and health freedoms. To block the FDA from its goal of harmonizing U.S. food law to international food standards, via use of the Codex mechanisms, the NHF still opposes the intent and purposes of S.510. The bill fundamentally only addresses conventional foods, and not supplements; but it is still a bill that will adversely affect all of our health, unnecessarily raise food costs, put chains upon domestic food producers, and increase yet again our costly, parasitic Federal bureaucracy.Take action now by writing your Senators stating your firm opposition to S.510.
Codex: The GM foods labeling battle
While you may be hearing “woe is me” information about the recent Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL) meeting being held at the Quebec City Convention Centre here in Quebec City, Canada this week, the truth is actually quite different. Far from being a situation where the anti-genetically-modified (GM) food labeling forces (i.e., pro-GM foods) are advancing, they are in headlong retreat!
EU’s Pro-Industry GMO Regulators Endanger Public Health
“There is a clear attempt here to water down the requirements of safety studies and toxicological tests placed on applicants, making it much easier and faster for them to gain approvals for GM products, regardless of risks to the public.”
GMO: Farmers Battle With Roundup-Resistant Weeds
Just as the heavy use of antibiotics contributed to the rise of drug-resistant supergerms, American farmers’ near-ubiquitous use of the weedkiller Roundup has led to the rapid growth of tenacious new superweeds.To fight them, Mr. Anderson and farmers throughout the East, Midwest and South are being forced to spray fields with more toxic herbicides, pull weeds by hand and return to more labor-intensive methods like regular plowing.
How the financial markets create hunger and make huge profits
Food is produced by farmers everywhere in the world; but it is mostly bought and sold as commodities by ‘middlemen’, now mostly big corporations that trade globally, not just in a commodities market, but also in an elaborate financial derivatives market that pushes food prices up and creates price volatility.I believe the proper answer to food being controlled by finance (through a few transnational corporations) is not more regulation, but to localize food. Grow the food where it is going to be used. Trade only what you cannot grow.
Orthomolecular Medicine - What's Going on at WIKIPEDIA?
Wikipedia is a popular internet site for those seeking information on a very wide variety of subjects. What is unique about it is that anyone, it is said, can contribute to or edit its content. The Orthomolecular Medicine News Service has received complaints from readers who have tried, and failed, to correct what they think are a number of strongly biased declarations at the Wikipedia page on Orthomolecular Medicine are some of those statements. How many do you agree with?
US School Tortures Disabled Children
Mental Disability Rights International (MDRI) has filed a report and urgent appeal with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture alleging that the Judge Rotenberg Center for the disabled, located in Massachusetts, violates the UN Convention against Torture.The rights group submitted their report this week, titled "Torture not Treatment: Electric Shock and Long-Term Restraint in the United States on Children and Adults with Disabilities at the Judge Rotenberg Center," after an in-depth investigation revealed use of restraint boards, isolation, food deprivation and electric shocks in efforts to control the behaviors of its disabled and emotionally troubled students.
Ugly Truth About the American Cancer Society
Who stands to lose? How could a group stand to lose? Here is the dirty secret of the big cancer groups; they receive funding from the polluters who are kind enough to wreck our environment and make it dangerous in the first place. They hide behind "positions" that state in essence, that the deadly polluters are somehow not at fault, and as a result the financial support continues, and their mission erodes.The American Cancer Society's Michael Thun, V.P. Emeritus, Epidemiology & Surv. Research at the ACS National Home Office, almost immediately criticized these unpopular findings of the Carter Panel. Regarding these top level researchers, convened by a U.S. President, Thun said, "the perspective of the report is unbalanced, in that it communicates that pollution is the major cause of cancer and that the impact of pollution on cancer has been greatly underestimated."
How to Stop Epidemic Antipsychotic Drug Prescribing
Any FDA-approved drug, whose manufacturer has been found by a court of law or the Department of Justice--to have illegally marketed the drug by concealing risks or incidence of adverse effects, or making unsupported claims of clinical benefit--should be denied coverage by taxpayer funded insurance programs--including Medicaid, Medicare, Veterans Affairs.
Book: Big Pharma, Bad Medicine
"Medical centers increasingly act as though meeting industry’s needs is a legitimate purpose of an academic institution.""The pharmaceutical industry devotes much, if not most, of its vast marketing budget to what it calls the ‘education’ of doctors."
"Drugs licensed from academic institutions are supposed to be made ‘available on reasonable terms’ to the public, but that legal requirement has been ignored."
Forced Vaccinations, Government, and the Public Interest
One quickly concludes that if the vaccines are as effective as being touted by the public-health officials, then why should one fear the unvaccinated? Obviously the vaccinated would have at least 95% protection. This question puts them in a very difficult position. Their usual response is that a “small” percentage of the vaccinated will not have sufficient protection and would still be at risk. Now, if they admit what the literature shows, that vaccine failure rates are much higher than the 5% they claim, they must face the next obvious question – then why should anyone take the vaccine if there is a significant chance it will not protect?
The Emotional Truth of HIV Testing
That is how HIV testing works – and it does work in that sense. We need it to keep us believing in some limit to libidinousness. The science of it, the technical reality of it is all a sham, but that doesn’t matter at all.What matters is our belief in the angry God who punishes us for our sexual misconduct. We need a code of rules. We need a rule of law. We have one. It’s that simple. “HIV tests” test for no specific particle, that is not reasonably contestable. But they do test for one specific thing: Fear, guilt, and a need to do penance for our disembodied chemical libertinism.
10 Reasons Why Black People Should Not Take The HIV Tests!
1. None of the manufacturers of the HIV tests guarantee the accuracy of their tests. In fact, they warn that their tests should not be used alone to determine if someone is HIV positive or negative. If the manufacturers of the HIV tests don't have confidence in their own product then why should Black People?2. There are about 70 different things that can trigger a false positive...
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"The individual is supreme and finds the way through intuition"
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Tuesday May 11 2010
updated on Monday November 22 2010URL of this article: