European law discriminates against herbal traditions - Health Supreme NewsGrabs Friday, 18 June 2010
EU Herb Laws Discriminate Against Millennial Herbal Traditions
The Chinese and Indian (Ayurvedic) medicinal traditions are amongst the oldest surviving health care traditions on the planet. Both have a documented history of more than 4,000 years, and both are truly holistic traditions in which consideration is given to the physical, mental and spiritual state. It is an irony that the failing western medicinal model, which is reliant heavily on new-to-nature molecules (pharmaceuticals), now provides the greatest threat to these age-old medical traditions.
My personal take on this is that the European law, called the Herbal Medicines Directive, discriminates against any herbal tradition that isn't the German one. The directive in fact was drawn up and lobbied into existence by German pharmaceutical interests to protect their herbal products from extinction. In the '90s the UK started complaining that Germany was not properly applying the European law on medicines, at the time called directive 65/65, and had to therefore take all those remedies registered under a simplified regime in Germany as "natural medicines", off the market.
So the European herbal medicines law was made expressly on the insistence of those pharma manufacturers to provide a place for THEIR herbal medicines under European law. There was no consideration of other herbal traditions. Who can blame them ... wouldn't want to invite any competition to mainstream medicine, would we?
China FDA Official Is Fired And Under Investigation
Will another official from the Chinese Food and Drug Administration be executed? The latest scandal involves Zhang Jingli, 55, a deputy director of State Food and Drug Administration since 2003, who is being investigated by the Communist Party of China Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, The Shanghai Daily reports. Jingli was recently dismissed for unspecified disciplinary violations.For those who may not recall, China executed Zheng Xiaoyu, the former head of its FDA, for approving untested medicine in exchange for cash. During his tenure, the agency approved six meds that turned out to be fake, and drugmakers had used falsified documents to apply for approvals (background). After that embarrassing episode, China placed its FDA under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, although the move apparently has not produced the desired result.
What is it about pharmaceutical medicine that appears to corrupt people working with it, even in the face of a threat of serious disciplinary consequences?
USA: The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare
While we clearly need health-care reform, the last thing our country needs is a massive new health-care entitlement that will create hundreds of billions of dollars of new unfunded deficits and move us much closer to a government takeover of our health-care system. Instead, we should be trying to achieve reforms by moving in the opposite direction—toward less government control and more individual empowerment. Here are eight reforms that would greatly lower the cost of health care for everyone...
Book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins
"Curing the Incurable" is the definitive textbook on the therapeutic properties of vitamin C. And to accept what Dr. Levy is relating is to, at the least, consider that an extremely important drug has been for the most part, studiously ignored in the clinical realm for over half a century. More dramatically, accepting the findings in this book has the potential to put end-over-end what one thinks about what might be the best initial approach to healing in a majority if not the large majority of disease.
Blueberry ameliorates hepatic fibrosis
A research team from China examined the effect of blueberry on hepatic fibrosis and detoxification enzyme systems in rats. The results demonstrated that blueberry has a therapeutic effect on CCl4-induced hepatic fibrosis by reducing hepatocyte injury and lipid peroxidation.
A nutritional supplement for treating chronic hepatitis C: Viusid
A research team from Cuba investigated the efficacy of Viusid, a nutritional supplement, as an antioxidant and an immunomodulator in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Their results showed that treatment with Viusid leads to a notable improvement of oxidative stress and immunological parameters in such patients.
Good news for smokers: Lung cancer risk could be halved by taking vitamin B6
Smokers with plenty of a B-vitamin in their blood have a lower risk of getting lung cancer, a European study suggests.High levels of Vitamin B6 and the amino acid methionine cut the risk by half, according to the study of 400,000 people.
The Brothers Flexner - The hidden history of modern medicine
As the 20th century unfolded, three brothers, Abraham, Simon and Bernard Flexner played a sinister hand in shaping the outline of the next 100 years in the areas of medicine, politics and international intrigue. These brothers intensified the fire that was set to heat the cauldron from which arose the toxic brew known as HIV/AIDS. The idea for and the need to create such madness arose out of a historical, political, social, economic and spiritual milieu. It is the culmination of various historical trends merging into the present reality that were set in place by these three men. Simon, a pathologist, became director of the laboratories at Rockefeller Institute that were deeply involved in the racist and elitist eugenics movement; Abraham became education expert for the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and set in motion the downward spiral of the quality of U.S. education, including medical education; Bernard, an ardent Zionist, was part of the Zionist delegation to the 1919 Paris Peace Conference held at the Versailles Palace following WWI...
GM DNA Jumps Species - Antibiotic Resistance is not the Only Risk
Horizontal gene transfer – DNA being taken up and integrating into the genome of cells – came under scrutiny by the European food Safety Authority (EFSA) in relation the safety of antibiotic resistance marker genes in genetically modified (GM) crops grown commercially or entering the market. EFSA failed to reach a unanimous opinion. The published Statement [1] acknowledged scientific uncertainties, but claims it is “unlikely” that antibiotic resistance genes in GM crops pose health and environment risks.However, two senior scientists on EFSA’s biohazard panel, which carried out the assessment jointly with the GMO panel, did not agree with the conclusion and issued a minority opinion included in an annex to the Statement. The key issue is the probability that the antibiotic resistance genes could transfer from plant to bacteria. The two scientists stated that the adverse effects cannot be assessed, and that the probability of gene transfer from plants to bacteria ranges widely “from unlikely to high.”
Is Secrecy Hurting Drug Research?
The big question in the drug industry is why nobody seems to be able to invent any new drugs. Big Pharma is going to lose billions of dollars to patent expirations over the next five years, but fewer products are emerging from drug company labs, and those that reach the market are not selling as well as they used to. What has gone wrong?One surprising answer: It may be that companies' tendency to keep their research under wraps is holding them back. Secrecy leads companies to race down the same blind alleys, to miss opportunities and to understand biology less than they otherwise might.
It seems the proprietary model of pharmaceutical drugs is running into its final barrier - no more discoveries to be made down that blind alley. We need research not to find ever new patentable drugs but to better understand the ins and outs of human physiology so we can intervene in a targeted manner - and it won't always be drugs!
Psychiatric drugs linked to host of deadly side effects
The risk of coronary heart disease and a cluster of conditions known as metabolic syndrome increases soon after otherwise healthy, but depressed people are started on psychiatric drugs, putting them at risk for an early death, Canadian researchers are reporting.Antidepressants, antipsychotics and other psychoactive drugs are the second most-prescribed drug class in the country, second only to cardiovasculars, according to prescription drug-tracking firm IMS Health Canada.
On May 6, 2007, Sara Carlin, a beautiful 18-year-old girl with everything to live for, grabbed a piece of electrical wiring, fashioned a crude noose and hanged herself in the basement of her parents house while under the influence of the antidepressant drug Paxil (Seroxat in the UK). Paxil/Seroxat is an antidepressant documented by international drug regulatory agencies as causing worsening depression and suicide particularly in children and young adults.Please help inform others of the risks of these drugs.
New Theory of Alzheimer's Explains Drug Failures
The Wall Street Journal reports (below) that: "A group of major pharmaceutical companies will share pooled data from failed clinical trials in an attempt to figure out what is going wrong in the studies and what can be done to improve drug development.""Companies said they're running into a stone wall with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's," said Ray Woosley, chief executive of the Critical Path Institute, which oversees the coalition. "We really believe drugs are failing because we honestly don't understand the disease."
Book: Aids, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire - The Deadly Virus of International Greed
Dr. Nancy Banks is a Harvard- trained specialist in obstetrics-gynaecology, now retired from practice, who was struck by the prevalence of “HIV/AIDS” among African-American women in the MD region, contrasting with what she had experienced in her own practice. She started to look into the HIV/AIDS literature and came to recognize that the mainstream is wrong.
Nutrition Essentials for AIDS Dissidents (and Everyone)
AIDS dissidence, in my opinion, has often failed because it does not offer a method of treatment or healing for the people with immune deficiency who are now called ‘AIDS patients.’ AIDS dissidence tends to hold the line that what people have to do is to reject a dogma, and then they will be saved.While there are very good reasons for rejecting HIV tests and AIDS drugs, it is harder to reject a label of illness, when illness is real. AIDS is immune deficiency, and it is real for millions of people around the world.
Healing with Whole Foods, by Paul Pitchford (at
Please get this book. I consider it to be a non-optional book for all people concerned about the AIDS diagnosis, and who want to better understand how to use their kitchens to come to better personal health.
Mobile phone users 'five times more likely to develop a brain tumour'
People who talk on mobile phones are up to five times more likely to develop brain tumours than those who stick to landlines, academics have warned.They say a number of previous studies into mobile phone safety 'substantially underestimated' the cancer risks and that tumours are much more common on the side of the head to which the mobile is held than on the other side.
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"The individual is supreme and finds the way through intuition"
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Friday June 18 2010
updated on Thursday December 2 2010URL of this article: