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September 08, 2010

A daily drink for longer life - Health Supreme NewsGrabs Wednesday, 8 September 2010


A glass of wine with a meal - image by Sepp

Older Alcohol Drinkers Live Longer Than Teetotalers
... a recent study set out to find the truth by factoring in all those rationalizations. The results are startling. Without question, in older adults, moderate drinkers have less than half the risk of death than do abstainers when confounders are not factored in, and they do 51% better when confounders are included.

‘Magic mushrooms’ ingredient beneficial to cancer patients
The study is considered a first step in restoring the hallucinogen’s respectability.The psychedelic drug psilocybin, the active ingredient in “magic mushrooms,” can improve mood and reduce anxiety and depression in terminal cancer patients, Los Angeles researchers reported Monday.

A single modest dose of the hallucinogen, whose reputation was severely tarnished by widespread nonmedical use in the psychedelic ’60s and ethical lapses by researchers such as Timothy Leary, can improve patients’ functioning for as long as six months, allowing them to spend their last days with more peace, researchers said.

Natural health movement achieving key victories
It's hard to see it sometimes, but the natural health community has achieved many important victories over the last few years in exposing the truth about dangerous chemicals and food ingredients. Here are some of the major victories we've collectively achieved...

Caring For Your Cholesterol
Cholesterol was not created to give us health problems. Au contraire! Cholesterol is the essential precursor to all the hormones that our body produces. Therefore, it’s crucial to your body’s operating system. Lowering it unnecessarily can cause hormone deficiency symptoms and brain neurotransmitter misfiring.

The normal cholesterol when I was in medical school was about 240. Since the introduction of statin drugs, pharmaceutical companies have been clamoring to create a new rating system for high cholesterol. Consequently, your doctor may tell you that a level of 200 is in fact too high...

Ban TV to protect children's health, top psychologist tells EU politicians
Dr Aric Sigman claims that millions of children spending hours slumped in front of TVs and computers is 'the greatest unacknowledged health scandal of our time'.
He says it is linked to ills ranging from obesity and heart disease to poor grades and lack of empathy.

Dr Sigman, an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, believes that the youngest children, whose brains are undergoing massive development, should not watch any TV at all.

150,000 Farmer Suicides in India - Monsanto blamed
Since GM seeds are patented by Monsanto, their repeated use each year requires constant licensing fees that keep farmers impoverished. One bad yield due to drought or other reasons, plunges farmers so deep into debt that they resort to suicide. One study estimates that 150,000 farmers have killed themselves in the past ten years.

Genetically Manipulated Crops: GMO Catastrophe in US a Lesson for the World
What is carefully kept out of the Monsanto and other agribusiness propaganda in promoting genetically manipulated crops as an alternative to conventional is the fact that in the entire world until the present, all GMO crops have been manipulated and patented for only two things—to be resistant or “tolerant” to the patented highly toxic herbicide glyphosate chemicals that Monsanto and the others force farmers to buy as condition for buying their patented GMO seeds. The second trait is GMO seeds that have been engineered genetically to resist specific insects. Contrary to public relations myths promoted by the agribusiness giants in their own self-interest, there exists not oné single GMO seed that provides a greater harvest yield than conventional, nor one that requires less toxic chemical herbicides.

Video: Genetically modified trees: the growing threat - David Suzuki
"This isn't science fiction. There are currently hundreds, perhaps thousands of test plots of GE trees already being grown in the open around the world. My name is David Suzuki. I am, by training and profession, a geneticist. And for 25 years, I had an active career in science, once having the largest genetics lab in Canada. I'm narrating this film because I am concerned about the unseemly haste with which my colleagues and my peer group seem to be ready to rush in and begin to apply ideas, in this revolutionary area, to apply ideas that I think are far too early to expose people either in our drugs, in our food or out in open fields."

Pressures mount against EU herb laws
The European Benefyt Foundation and the Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH-Intl) presented yesterday their united strategy to a range of stakeholders representing Chinese and Ayurvedic traditions of herbal medicines.

The proposed strategy aims in particular to address the grave regulatory situation facing thousands of products representing non-European herb-based healthcare traditions. It will also help to keep on the market products associated with minor European herbal traditions that are struggling to cope with the raft of EU laws affecting them.

Pharma Companies mess with research safety data
An editorial in The New England Journal of Medicine, by its editor Jeffrey M. Drazen, M.D., and Alastair J.J. Wood, M.D. calls attention to the fact that pharmaceutical companies have tampered with the independent function of the DSMB (data safety monitoring board), and have planted promotional reports in The NEJM--and other scientific journals-- thereby undermining the integrity of "the whole clinical-trial enterprise."

DSMBs are charged with protecting human subjects, being privy to the ongoing trial data so as to ensure that clinical equipoise is maintained during the course of a clinical trial. That is, the DSMB is supposed to ensure that uncertainty continues to exist about which treatment is safer and effective.

UK: Heart attack risk of diabetes drug: Experts call for Avandia to be withdrawn
Diabetes expert Professor Edwin Gale told Panorama the drug should already have been withdrawn.
'How long do you wait, how important is it to be absolutely certain and at what point do you start saying this game isn't worth it, people's lives may be at risk,' he said.
Clinical pharmacologist Dr Yoon Loke, of the University of East Anglia, estimated that the drug causes around 1,000 extra heart attacks and another 600 extra cases of heart failure a year.

GlaxoSmithKline's Avandia. Are the Regulators in Bed With the Industry?
If investigative journalists such as Evelyn Pringle and Shelley Jofre [BBC] can expose dangerous drugs then questions should be asked why the MHRA are not doing the same.

UK Regulator Says Avandia Should Go
There is a flurry of activity surrounding the controversial Avandia diabetes pill. The UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency says the GlaxoSmithKline drug “no longer has a place on the UK market.” The chair of the European Medicines Agency scientific advisory group on diabetes argues the pill should be withdrawn. And the same sentiment is expressed by the BMJ, a leading medical journal, in an editorial that accompanies an investigation into regulatory footdragging.

Moreover, the EMA on Wednesday will hold an extraordinary meeting to review Avandia in advance of a regularly scheduled meeting later this month...

Child’s Ordeal Shows Risks of Antipsychotic Drugs
A “must read” front page article by New York Times reporter, Duff Wilson, “Child’s Ordeal Shows Risks of Antipsychotic Drugs,” (below) should prompt responsible public health officials to take action to protect children from irresponsible doctors who prescribe dangerous toxic drugs to control behavior—not for any medical justification.

In particular, children need to be protected from child psychiatrists whose radical prescribing practices have caused children irreparable harm.

The article describes the plight of Kyle Warren, a young boy who, at 18 months was prescribed Risperdal, a powerful antipsychotic drug that had been approved only for adults with schizophrenia or acute manic episodes. However, by age 3, he was on a regimen that included 5 psychotropic drugs--including Risperdal, Prozac, two sleeping pills, and a drug for so-called attention-deficit disorder.

Latest Report on Flu Fatalities: A Shocking Fabrication
Last week the CDC released new figures: rather than 36,000, the three-decade average is actually 23,607 deaths, a full one-third fewer people than previously cited.

But even these new figures are actually fabricated and false. The CDC has always used a mathematical estimate based on an assumption that if a death certificate had “respiratory or circulatory disease” listed as a cause of death, then it should be counted as a “flu-related” death! The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons has been highly critical of the CDC’s methodology.

A closer examination of the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) figures shows that in 2001, there were only 257 deaths directly attributable to flu, and in only eighteen cases was the flu virus positively identified.

Cancer vaccine warning - MEET the Gardasil girls
Jessica Ericzon was one of the first recorded Gardasil-associated fatalities. Until receiving her third injection of HPV vaccine, Jessica was healthy, happy, active, never smoked or took drugs. On February 20, 2008, less than 48 hours after her last Gardasil shot, her parents found her dead on the bathroom floor. She was only 17. According to her coroner, the death was unexplainable.

Vaccine Pushed On Infants Causes Drug-Resistant Pneumonia: JAMA Study
A drug-resistant strain of pneumonia is the result of a highly-praised vaccine routinely given to infants three times in their first year of life, according to a study that will be published in today's Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). There can be no reasonable doubt that pneumonia vaccinations are creating a new, more virulent and less treatable form of the disease.

Human Endogenous Retroviruses can resolve HIV/AIDS puzzles
The beautiful photographs of HIV published in both lay and scientific journals are embellished with special effects from computerized image reconstruction. Since they come from cell cultures, which are likely to be contaminated, the particles may be “elegant artifacts” rather than the exogenous virus—a virus of external origin—believed to cause AIDS, de Harven states.

About 8 percent of the human genome consists of sequences incorporated from retroviruses. When cells break down, DNA fragments are released into the circulation—including these viral sequences. Patients with clinical AIDS carry a large spectrum of infectious diseases, so a high level of circulating DNA is expected.

HAART Exposed: Sustiva Causes AIDS Symptoms
Last year, OMSJ identified the HIV drug Sustiva (Efavirenz) as little more than a highly addictive anti-retroviral (ARV) placebo that, when interrupted, produces withdrawal symptoms that AIDS clinicians routinely use to misdiagnose the onset of AIDS.

When HIV clinicians identify these signs, they typically inform patients that the symptoms are directly “related to the onset of AIDS.” Some clinicians get angry, warning that unless they resume treatment of Sustiva drugs (like Atripla) “they will be dead within months.” When terrified patients resume their addiction, the symptoms subside – leading many to believe that the drug is staving off the effects of AIDS rather than perpetuating a physician-caused addiction.

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More information out there...

There is a lot I cannot cover but other sources for this kind of information exist.

Dr Mercola has a good health blog
Mike Adams publishes Natural News.
In the UK we have the One Click Group.
The Dr Rath Foundation campaigns for a New Healthcare System.
Natural health and nutrition on La Leva di Archimede
Food, Agriculture and more on the Organic Consumers Association site.

"The individual is supreme and finds the way through intuition"


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Wednesday September 8 2010

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The Individual Is Supreme And Finds Its Way Through Intuition


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