European research shows Antiacids kill cancer cells - Health Supreme NewsGrabs Sunday, 3 October 2010
Cancer: Italian research into antiacid based cancer therapy
Proton pump inhibitors, generally used to treat stomach ulcers, could perhaps replace chemotherapy drugs. This is the direction of new research several Italian scientists are pursuing. Those products could be effective without damaging side effects and at a cost much lower than conventional cancer meds.
US FTC targets Pomegranate juice health claims - makers fight back
The Federal Trade Commission has filed a complaint against Los Angeles-based pomegranate juice maker Pom Wonderful and its billionaire owners, Lynda and Stewart Resnick, alleging that they violated federal law by making "false and unsubstantiated claims" about the health benefits of their products.The company, according to its website, has spent more than $34 million to back pomegranate-based scientific research.
And two weeks ago, Pom Wonderful filed a lawsuit against the FTC, accusing the commission of overstepping its authority. The complaint alleged that the FTC was imposing a new, unfair standard on food and supplement producers by requiring them to get FDA approval for claims involving effectiveness in treating disease.
Garlic oil shows protective effect against heart disease in diabetes
Garlic has "significant" potential for preventing cardiomyopathy, a form of heart disease that is a leading cause of death in people with diabetes, scientists have concluded in a new study. Their report, which also explains why people with diabetes are at high risk for diabetic cardiomyopathy, appears in ACS' bi-weekly Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Think saturated fat contributes to heart disease? Think again
As long as saturated fat targets remain firmly rooted in dietary advice, nutrient-rich foods that contribute saturated fat to the diet, like full-fat dairy products, will continue to be unduly criticized regardless of their health benefits.A recent meta-analysis of epidemiological and intervention studies of milk fat conducted by Peter Elwood, DSc, MD, FRCP, FFPHM, DUniv, Hon DSc, Honorary Professor at the School of Medicine, Cardiff University, found that milk and dairy consumption actually was associated with a decrease in cardio vascular disease risk.
Autism and retroviruses...
The way I've started thinking about why retroviruses appear in certain cells is this: Upon cell death caused by DNA Hypomethylation, retroviruses come out and dismantle the dying cells. As there is an interplay normally between retroviruses and apoptotic dying cells when lab scientists expose healthy cells to retroviruses without the normal protections the cells take this as a signal to shut up shop. But the retroviruses also signal to cytokines which are growth hormones, to start regrowth. And retroviruses are also kicked into action by estrogen so why on earth would growth hormones make them transcribe? Because retroviruses are part and parcel of cell growth.
Pharmaceutical ‘Advertising In Disguise’ European Parliament Says No
The European Parliament has rejected a controversial proposal by the European Commission that would have allowed drug makers to publish product info in consumer newspapers and magazines. The effort was designed to provide more reliable medical advice at a time when the Internet allows widespread dissemination of questionable info, since drug makers are prevented from circulating data.However, the proposal, which was first introduced nearly two years ago, was criticized for weakening existing EU restrictions on contacts between drug makers and patients, including a strict ban on US-style direct-to-consumer advertising.
EPA Will Propose Rule to Protect Waterways by Reducing Mercury from Dental Offices
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced it intends to propose a rule to reduce mercury waste from dental offices. Dental amalgams, or fillings containing mercury, account for 3.7 tons of mercury discharged from dental offices each year. The mercury waste results when old mercury fillings are replaced with new ones. The mercury in dental fillings is flushed into chair-side drains and enters the wastewater systems, making its way into the environment through discharges to rivers and lakes, incineration or land application of sewage sludge. Mercury released through amalgam discharges can be easily managed and prevented.Is there anyone besides myself who is disturbed by the obvious insanity of treating mercury in our teeth as beneficial ... while that same mercury ending up in a water stream needs to be restricted because it's highly toxic to aquatic life and the environment?
5 Steps to Kill Hidden Bugs in Your Gut That Make You Sick
Doctors are trained to identify diseases by where they are located. If you have asthma, it's considered a lung problem; if you have rheumatoid arthritis, it must be a joint problem; if you have acne, doctors see it as a skin problem; if you are overweight, you must have a metabolism problem; if you have allergies, immune imbalance is blamed. Doctors who understand health this way are both right and wrong. Sometimes the causes of your symptoms do have some relationship to their location, but that's far from the whole story.
'Ghostwriting' skews medical literature for profit
The "peer-reviewed" medical literature is nearly universally held up as the gold standard for medical research. The end all, be all, for evidence based inquiry into and reasoned discussion of medical diseases and health. How often does one hear the rebuttal from non-skeptical adherents of the conventional wisdom, "show me the peer-reviewed studies" (often times, strangely enough, even when the overwhelming peer reviewed literature does in fact contradict their claptrap). There is also however great unease on the part of those outside of medicine, which if anything is less voiced but more strongly held by those in medicine, that the medical literature is itself very often biased and compromised by many competing interests, the greatest of these being large financial interests...
Prescriptions supplanting illegal substances as drugs of choice
"Unlike illicit drug use, which shows a continuing downward trend, prescription drug abuse . . . has seen a continual rise through the 1990s and has remained stubbornly steady . . . during recent years," Dr. Nora D. Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, told a congressional hearing in March.And local law enforcement officials cite a surge in the use of prescription drugs as street narcotics.
"What we are seeing is that prescription drugs . . . are quickly becoming the drug of choice and abuse," said Murrieta Police Lt. Dennis Vrooman.
Video: The War on Drugs: What a Joke!
A collection of clips about prescription pharmaceuticals, marijuana, and the hypocrisy of the War on Drugs.
Pharma must be held more accountable to its human rights responsibilities
In this week's PLoS Medicine, the Editors argue that drug companies should be held much more accountable for their human rights responsibilities to make medicines available and accessible to those in need."The importance and significance of accountability in this area cannot be overstated," say the Editors. "Beyond an add-on or peripheral activity, the acknowledgement and promotion of human rights must become a regular, integrated aspect of the work of pharmaceutical companies. Better yet would also be an external, international body charged explicitly with monitoring the policies and practices of pharmaceutical companies and reporting publicly on the discharge of their right-to-health responsibilities."
The Shocking Truth About Free Lunches And Pens
“Exposing manipulative industry methods is an effective way to teach physicians and trainees to understand the possible negative ramifications of seeing drug representatives, accepting gifts, and other industry entanglements,” the paper concludes.Adriane Fugh-Berman, who heads PharmedOut, adds: “When physicians learn what industry says about them behind their backs, they get angry. And when they realize they’re being fooled, they’ll reject those industry relationships. Most physicians want to do the best thing for their patients, but don’t realize information they’re getting is misleading or wrong.”
More Than 15% of Patients Report Medical Mistakes Each Year: JAMA
The implications are stunning. It means that people who do as they're told by routinely visiting their doctors will almost certainly suffer from medical mistakes during their lives.
Australia: A flu jab too close for comfort
JUST hours after a doctor jabbed Sharron Coppin's children with a world-first flu vaccine, her three-year-old daughter Alivia turned purple.As Coppin raced the shivering Alivia to a Perth hospital emergency ward, her husband called an ambulance for their one-year-old twins, Byron and Lateesha, who had begun convulsing and vomiting at home.
Little did the panicked parents realise that the flu shot, provided free by West Australian health authorities, had never been tested in children through clinical trials.
"No one warned us this could happen," Coppin says of the febrile convulsions that afflicted one in every 110 Australian children injected with Fluvax, which combines three strains of seasonal and swine flu.
Video: Vaccines: Bad Combination?
Could simultaneous vaccines cause autism?- - -
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"The individual is supreme and finds the way through intuition"
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Sunday October 3 2010
updated on Wednesday November 17 2010URL of this article: