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October 05, 2010

Monsanto’s Fortunes Turn Sour - Health Supreme NewsGrabs Tuesday, 5 October 2010


Photo: James A. Finley / AP

Monsanto’s Fortunes Turn Sour
Monsanto has been buffeted by setbacks this year that have prompted analysts to question whether its winning streak from creating ever more expensive genetically engineered crops is coming to an end, the New York Times reports.

Seeds too expensive, don't perform as they should, profits are down as well as market share, and the US Justice department is investigating them for possible anti-trust violations.

This Supermarket "Health Food" Killed These Baby Rats in Three Weeks
Biologist Arpad Pusztai had more than 300 articles and 12 books to his credit and was the world’s top expert in his field.

But when he accidentally discovered that genetically modified (GM) foods are dangerous, he became the biotech industry’s bad-boy poster child, setting an example for other scientists thinking about blowing the whistle...

Study Establishes Glyphosate (Monsanto's 'Roundup' herbicide) Link to Birth Defects
It started in 2002, two years after the large scale introduction of Roundup Ready soybeans to Argentina. People were reporting birth defects from exposure to glyphosate sprays during pregnancy; and the problem got worse.

In regions where glyphosate-based herbicides are used, specific neural defects and craniofacial malformations were reported. This prompted Prof. Andrés Carrasco, director of the Laboratory of Molecular Embryology at the University of Buenos Aires Medical School into action. He and his colleagues carried out a laboratory study on the effects of glyphosate on the development of frog embryos. They found the same kinds of abnormalities in frog embryos incubated with a 5 000 fold diluted solution of the Roundup herbicide. The findings were so serious that Carrasco decided to release the results before publication, and in May 2009, the Environmental Lawyers Association of Argentina initiated a lawsuit to ban the herbicide.

Video: Codex, Food & Monsanto
Dr Robert Verkerk talks about Codex Alimentarius, antibiotics for animals, food irradiation and how industry - Monsanto is the example here - influences Codex proceedings in its favor

Attorney Jonathan Emord on the great pharma health information monopoly and the role of the Alliance for Natural Health in the fight against it

Around the world, wherever drugs are regulated, governments provide drug companies a monopoly on the right to communicate therapeutic information. Indeed, wherever drugs are regulated governments define them not by their biochemistry and effect on disease but by the claims made for them. Any claim that a substance treats, mitigates, or cures disease makes it a drug by legal definition. Thus, anything, even a food or a dietary ingredient in food, if truthfully advertised or labeled as affecting a disease, becomes an unapproved drug by operation of law and illegal to hold, distribute, or sell. Declare in the market that prune juice treats chronic constipation, albeit we all know that to be true, and off you go in cuffs to the hoosegow for a violation of anti-competitive laws that keep drug companies exclusive purveyors of treatment information.

"From 1946 to 1948, American public health doctors deliberately infected nearly 700 Guatemalans — prison inmates, mental patients and soldiers — with venereal diseases in what was meant as an effort to test the effectiveness of penicillin. ... some prisoners had the bacteria poured onto scrapes made on their penises, faces or arms, and in some cases it was injected by spinal puncture."

The experiments were overseen by Dr. John Cutler a United States Public Health Service Physician who would later serve as assistant Surgeon General of the Public Health Service. This individual also oversaw the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments, while ancillary funding for his work in Guatemala came from the National Institutes of Health.

To exercise longer, try beetroot juice
Bailey said the high nitrate content of beetroot juice is responsible for its athletic benefits. Scientists aren't exactly sure how it works, but suspect having more nitric oxide in your body, a byproduct of nitrate, helps you exercise with less oxygen. Bailey said the same effects might be possible if people ate more nitrate-rich foods like beetroot, lettuce or spinach.

X-rays linked to increased childhood leukemia risk
Diagnostic X-rays may increase the risk of developing childhood leukemia, according to a new study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley’s School of Public Health.

Specifically, the researchers found that children with acute lymphoid leukemia had almost twice the chance of having been exposed to three or more X-rays compared with children who did not have leukemia.

Birth Control Pills Shown to Alter Structure of Women's Brains
But women who have gone on hormones can point to the effects that have stubbornly endured: moodiness, depression, decreased libido. (This last one makes some birth control pills perversely effective. Not only do they protect you from pregnancy if you do have sex, they also zap your desire to have sex in the first place -- and turn you into an unstable mess, which may in turn zap your partner's interest in sex.) But believe it or not, we still know very little about the consequences of taking daily hormones on a woman's brain.

Researchers Push Treating Pregnant Women With Antidepressants
A metastudy on the effects of depression in pregnant women found what the authors termed only "modest" risks of preterm and low birth weight infants. So, their conclusion is to screen all pregnant women for depression—and treat them with antidepressants. They didn't bother to consider the risks of antidepressants taken during pregnancy. They simply decided that depression in pregnant women, no matter what the cause, should be drugged, no matter how severe the adverse effects.

Science for Sale: Protect Yourself From Medical Research Deception
A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found over 40 percent of the best designed, peer-reviewed scientific papers published in the world's top medical journals misrepresented the actual findings of the research. The "spin doctors" writing the papers found a way to show treatments worked, when in fact, they didn't.

Drug Firms Face Bribery Probe
Federal investigators are looking at ways that drug makers could be paying bribes overseas to boost sales and speed approvals, according to letters sent to the companies and people close to the matter.

Big companies — including Merck & Co., AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb and GlaxoSmithKline — in recent months have disclosed they are being investigated for possible violations of a 1977 law that makes it illegal for companies whose stock is traded in the U.S. to bribe government officials in other countries to get business.

Pharma Invented Female 'Sexual Dysfunction' For Money

You are ill — because we say you are
Untold millions of people around the world are both “HIV-positive” and perfectly healthy.

UNAIDS estimates around 30-35 million total “HIV-positives” globally.

It’s claimed by UNAIDS and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that no less than one quarter and up to half of those don’t know they’re “HIV-positive”. So those who don’t know their “poz” status number anywhere between about 8 and 18 million.

Once you are ill, of course, you find out whether you’re “poz”.

Therefore a significant proportion of those 8-18 million are perfectly healthy “HIV-positives” ...

Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Based on data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, as of March 28, 2008, there were 7,379 reported adverse incidents, 124 disabled, and 13 deaths. Here is the scary part, it is estimated that only 1% to 10% of medical professionals report these incents to VAERS for numerous reasons...

World Health Organization's Immunization Practices Advisory Committee Warned By Doctors
Dr Jacob Puliyel writes: The WHO has set up a new committee to advise it on immunization. We wrote about our serious concerns. This letter was sent to TechNet21 but the moderator is yet to post it. TechNet21 was supposed to be a discussion forum for those involved with immunization. Perhaps the WHO did not approve of what was said and does not want a discussion on these issues. We have however sent it by email to the committee and we hope it has reached at least a few of them in time to inform the meeting.

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More information out there...

There is a lot I cannot cover but other sources for this kind of information exist.

Dr Mercola has a good health blog
Mike Adams publishes Natural News.
In the UK we have the One Click Group.
The Dr Rath Foundation campaigns for a New Healthcare System.
Natural health and nutrition on La Leva di Archimede
Food, Agriculture and more on the Organic Consumers Association site.

"The individual is supreme and finds the way through intuition"


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Tuesday October 5 2010
updated on Wednesday November 17 2010

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The Individual Is Supreme And Finds Its Way Through Intuition


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