Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
December 12, 2003

Medical Liars - Vaccines

..."Based on the best available scientific evidence," concludes Dr. Offit, "parents can be confident that vaccines are overwhelmingly safe, as well as effective in preventing infectious diseases."...

I have yet to see any convincing evidence of safety or efficacy on Vaccines yet we continue to be abused with above lies. by these so called "experts" assume they are experts at lying...

..."The FDA's VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System) receives about 12,000 and 14,000 reports of serious adverse reactions to vaccination annually, approximately 1% of which are deaths from vaccine reactions. The evidence is there right in front of our noses that serious side effects from vaccine usage are occurring much more than the "rare" occurrences of problems that doctors and government officials are admitting to yet medical people like Offit still think they can get up on a pulpit and promote vaccine safety with outrageous and dangerous lies. So dangerous are vaccines that in the United States alone it is estimated that there are between 120,000 to 140,000 adverse vaccine reactions because the FDA recently acknowledged that 90 percent of doctors do not report vaccine reactions so these numbers of 12 to 14 thousand cases per year only reflect approximately 10 percent of the damage being done. According to Dr. David Kessler, former head of the Food and Drug Administration, the picture is really a whole lot worse because according to him "Only about 1 percent of serious events [adverse drug reactions] are reported to the FDA."...

But their is ample evidence of adverse effects - but they still have the audacity to lie to us

Chris Gupta

Medical News - December 11, 2003 Mark Sircus AC., OMD

Medical Liars

How harmful are additives and preservatives in childhood vaccines? According to the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia parents have nothing to worry about. "Parents can be reassured that the trace quantities of mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde contained in vaccines will not harm their children," said Paul A. Offit, M.D., chief of Infectious Diseases and director of the Vaccine Education Center at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. According to Offit the preservatives, additives and other substances contained in vaccines pose very little risk to children receiving those vaccines. "Based on the best available scientific evidence," concludes Dr. Offit, "parents can be confident that vaccines are overwhelmingly safe, as well as effective in preventing infectious diseases."

"I can assure you that death from vaccination is neither quick nor painless. I helplessly watched my daughter suffer an excruciatingly slow death as she screamed and arched her back in pain, while the vaccine did as it was intended to do and assaulted her immature immune system. The poisons used as preservatives seeped through her tiny body, overwhelming her vital organs one by one until they collapsed. It is an image that will haunt me forever and I hope no other parent ever has to witness it. A death sentence considered too inhumane for this county's (Canada) most violent criminals was handed down to my beautiful, innocent, infant daughter, death by lethal injection," wrote Christine Colebeck whose daughter died twenty-four hours after receiving DPT OPV vaccinations.

It is absolutely incredible that we now live in a world where we have doctors like Offit assuring parents that vaccines are overwhelmingly safe while literally thousands of parents like Christine Colebeck report on personal tragedies few of us are equipped to handle emotionally. Someone is lying or is so grossly twisted in a perversion of medical intelligence that they should be held accountable for crimes against humanity like the Nazi doctors were by the Americans at the Nuremberg Trials.

Christine Colebeck is not lying and neither are thousands of parents who have filed complaints with the American government who keep records and pay out fortunes to parents who have lost their children due to vaccine damages. In 1986, Congress officially acknowledged the reality of vaccine-caused injuries and death by creating and passing The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act Public Law 99-660. To date, under this law, more than $1 billion has been paid out for hundreds of injuries and deaths caused by mandated vaccines and thousands of cases are pending. That billion makes Offit a criminal liar. It indicts and damns him as a kind of Nazi type doctor who promotes the use of injections that are on more than rare occasions lethal.

The FDA's VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System) receives about 12,000 and 14,000 reports of serious adverse reactions to vaccination annually, approximately 1% of which are deaths from vaccine reactions. The evidence is there right in front of our noses that serious side effects from vaccine usage are occurring much more than the "rare" occurrences of problems that doctors and government officials are admitting to yet medical people like Offit still think they can get up on a pulpit and promote vaccine safety with outrageous and dangerous lies. So dangerous are vaccines that in the United States alone it is estimated that there are between 120,000 to 140,000 adverse vaccine reactions because the FDA recently acknowledged that 90 percent of doctors do not report vaccine reactions so these numbers of 12 to 14 thousand cases per year only reflect approximately 10 percent of the damage being done. According to Dr. David Kessler, former head of the Food and Drug Administration, the picture is really a whole lot worse because according to him "Only about 1 percent of serious events [adverse drug reactions] are reported to the FDA."

As of the end of 2002, the VAERS system contained 244,424 total reports of possible reactions to vaccines, including 99,145 emergency room visits, 5,149 life-threatening reactions, 27,925 hospitalizations, 5,775 disabilities, and 5,309 deaths, according to data compiled by Dr. Mark Geier, a vaccine researcher in Silver Spring, Md. "They," says an incensed Dr. Geier on national radio this month (referring to the CDC, FDA, NIH and drug companies), "go around lying about this. It's an absolute straight out lie. They fully know that the Thimerosal is causing the problem. Why are they covering it up? They have to cover it up because it if becomes known then we'll all realize what a terrible thing they have done to us." Geier, a physician and board certified geneticist, has been a vaccine researcher since 1970 and is published in over 30 different peer-reviewed publications.

"I've looked into the eyes of hundreds of parents of injured and dead children, and I know first hand that when your child is affected, the risks are 100%," said Lou Addington, RN, CLNC. So how safe are vaccines? Can a prominent doctor from a major hospital stand up and really have us believe him on such an important issue when we have other even more prominent doctors in the vaccine field contradict him? Above Offit is quoted as saying there is only trace amounts of mercury but Dr Neal Halsey, who heads the Hopkins Institute for Vaccine Safety said, ''My first reaction was simply disbelief, which was the reaction of almost everybody involved in vaccines. In most vaccine containers, thimerosal is listed as a mercury derivative, a hundredth of a percent. And what I believed, and what everybody else believed, was that it was truly a trace, a biologically insignificant amount. My honest belief is that if the labels had had the mercury content in micrograms, this would have been uncovered years ago. But the fact is, no one did the calculation."

The issue here is enormous and there are now approximately 1 million families with an autistic child who are climbing the walls in frustration and pain. Mercury from vaccines is thought to be the main instigator in this rapidly expanding autism epidemic. Since people like Dr. Halsey voted in big increases in the amount of vaccines given (and thus mercury) to very young children, including the dreaded hepatitis B shot, the numbers of autism cases has exploded from about 1 in 10,000 to about 1 in two hundred. Are vaccines safe? I wouldn't bet your child's life on it. Is Dr. Offit a liar or worse? Popcorn is safe, we could agree on that and no one has ever suggested that we need federal databases to record adverse reactions to popcorn. There are no reported deaths from popcorn nor has one billion been paid out to parents who have faced horrors no parent should have to face. Perhaps Dr. Offit was confused when he recently made his statements about vaccines; perhaps he was really referring to popcorn.

See also:

UPI Investigates: The vaccine conflict

Re: Canadian Vaccine Laws

Flu Mist anyone?

What Vaccines Can Do To Your Child


posted by Chris Gupta on Friday December 12 2003
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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Readers' Comments

I developed a natural inhaler formulation that obviates the need for flu vaccination because of it's immediate effect of reducing the flu symptoms, vaccinating against the virus and preventing pneumonia, with no side effects at all.
I am looking forward to have this product promonted for the safety and health of those concerned about the vaccine dangers.
Please check for the nasal link on this website:
My phone is 323 937 6401

Posted by: sami yanikian on December 17, 2003 07:21 AM


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