Diabetes #1 Shame Of The "Orthodox" Doctors - Chromium & More
"DIABETES is the number one shame of the "orthodox" doctors in the 20th century. Diabetes is easy to prevent, easy to cure and treat (in laboratory animals and probably in humans) so you can avoid all of the terrible side effects (i.e. blindness, hypertension, amputations, early death, etc.). Since 1958, it has been known that supplemental chromium will prevent and treat diabetes as well as hypoglycemia. Just ask any health food store owner or N.D.! Walter Mertz (the director of the U.S.D.A. field services) published the facts associated with chromium and diabetes in the Federation Proceeding. Here is the ultimate case of a whole specialty of medicine which could be wiped out by universal chromium supplementation Nevertheless these facts are kept secret and away from the public for purely economic reasons.. Additionally, in 1985, the medical school at the University of Vancouver, BC, Canada stated that "vanadium will replace insulin for adult onset diabetics." Chromium/vanadium and the diabetes story should be on the front page of the newspaper in the same bold print as VE DAY instead of announcing things like artificial heart pumps that will temporarily save one life for $250,000!"
There are many minerals that seem to have been systematically removed form our diets. I say systematically as the root causes for Diabetes, heart disease, AIDs, cancer are clearly known and many of these diseases have been resolved in animals already*. Clearly the current disease epidemic is not merely a "mistake" made by well intentioned, albeit misguided mad scientists.
In addition to Chromium, Iodine that used be available in bread has been replaced with the toxic Bromine and now in some instances even removed from salt, when it is known that iodine is an essential element for the thyroid - on which our immune system literally depends! To further add insult to injury, the unsuspecting public yet again knowing subjected to water fluoridation to further depress the thyroid... It is a real testimonial to the creator given that with all these induced insults our bodies still continues to function. Sadly allowing continued abuse by the vested interests...
We also know from human and animal studies that essential minerals never occur in a uniform blanket around the crust of the Earth, they occur in veins like chocolate ripple ice cream. Whatever essential minerals might have been in the Earth's crust also have pretty much now pretty much depleted. An example of one such mineral is Selenium. See Harold Foster's (medical geographer) work that so clearly delineates diseases based on soil mineral geographies.
*Selenium deficiency causes infertility, miscarriages, cystic fibrosis of the pancreas, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in animals, liver cirrhosis, stiff lamb disease, white muscle disease, muscular dystrophy, anemias, encephalomalacia (Alzheimer's disease), cardiomyopathy heart disease, and mulberry heart disease. In each case, selenium supplementation prevented the disease and in many cases reversed or cured existing diseases, which were all significant causes of animal losses to the livestock industry. (Page 33)
JAMA Dec. 25, 1996, Selenium Supplemented At 250 Mcg/Day Will Reduce Ones Risk Of Developing Prostate Cancer By 69 Percent.
This should have been and still be front page news! No drug, I repeat no drug, has, can or ever approach such a feat! Yet the thugs continue to clamour for these generally toxic solutions....
Athletes sweat out more minerals in five years than couch potatoes sweat out in 50 years. If you sweat out all of your copper and don't replace it you are at high risk of dying of a ruptured aneurysm. If you sweat out all of your selenium and don't replace it you're at high risk of developing a cardiomyopathy heart attack or cancer. If you sweat out all of your chromium and vanadium and don't replace it you're at high risk of developing adult onset or type 2 diabetes. If you sweat out all of your calcium, magnesium, and sulfur and don't replace them, you are at high risk of developing arthritis, osteoporosis, and kidney stones. (Page 141) QED
"....Almost 50 years ago the mineral chromium was established as an essential nutrient at the federal offices of the National Institutes of Health by Dr. Klaus Schwarz. It was precisely for its role in blood sugar metabolism that this trace element chromium was established as essential.
A molecule named Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF) that corrected abnormal sugar metabolism was found to be composed primarily of the mineral chromium. Dr. Walter Mertz, then an assistant to Dr. Schwarz, reportedly noted at that time in 1959 "Type II diabetes is not a disease. It is the lack of a natural ingredient, known as GTF Chromium."....
....Chromium works together with insulin in providing sugar to the cells for energy. If chromium levels decrease then sugar delivery to the cells from insulin decrease accordingly.
Modern medical terms such as "insulin resistance" and "insulin sensitivity" should be replaced by "gross chromium deficiency". It is not that insulin is "resistant" or lacks "sensitivity," but rather that insulin is lacking a vital – in fact essential – component for sugar metabolism that is this mineral chromium.
Insulin is a transport mechanism. It is like a truck that transports glucose to the cell. At the cell destination there is an insulin receptor site that is comparable to a loading dock. This is where the glucose is unloaded and passed into the cell. Chromium rich GTF molecules are in essence dock workers that assist the sugar (glucose) from the insulin "truck" at the insulin receptor site "loading dock" into the cell. If there are less and less GTF chromium "dock workers" then the work of providing sugar to the cells for energy slows and becomes unproductive. A traffic jam of insulin "trucks" in the blood stream results in higher and higher levels of blood sugar as the problem of chromium deficiency increases with the passing of time.....
....Whole wheat and raw sugar from sugar cane are rich in chromium. The refining of whole wheat into bleached, white flour removes 91 per cent of that chromium. The refining of raw sugar into white sugar removes 98 per cent of that chromium.
The refined flour and refined sugar are quickly reduced in the body into simple sugars that require chromium to be efficiently metabolized – chromium that is substantially no longer there. The most important component for your body to use the refined flour and refined sugar is very nearly entirely removed. This turns foods wholly good for you into those which are essentially unholy foods to you.....
...Quite literally every time you consume a refined, white flour or refined, white sugar product your body loses chromium....
....Dr. Henry Alfred Schroeder, M.D., Ph.D., graduate of Columbia and Yale, and professor at Dartmouth medical school wrote more than 30 years ago that "the typical American diet, with about 60 per cent of its calories from refined sugar, refined flour, and fat … was apparently designed not only to provide as little chromium as feasible, but to cause depletion of body stores of chromium."
Dr. Schroeder compared tissue levels of chromium in teenagers and those 40 years of age in Americans to those of three other cultures that did not follow after Westernized dietary choices in Mideast, southeast Asian, and African communities. He discovered very little change in the non-American cultures but dramatic decreases in Americans. Almost 25 per cent of Americans had no detectable levels of chromium at all by the age of 40! That was more than 30 years ago and things have not gotten any better – if anything things are worse.
This is a significant part of the reason that the average age of adult onset (Type II) diabetes is continually decreasing. A hundred years ago diabetes was a disease primarily of old age. Now the average age is approaching 40.
There is a dramatic increase of children developing adult onset diabetes in the last ten years. Imagine that. Children are developing adult onset diabetes before they even become adults! The field of medicine is baffled but I am not baffled at all. This is only the logical end result of the SAD choices of the past 80+ years....
....Few, if any, scientific researchers of the last 100 years were more accredited and experienced researchers regarding cardiovascular health than the late Dr. Henry Alfred Schroeder, M.D., a long time Dartmouth University professor. Dr. Schroeder identified chromium deficiency as the primary cause of heart disease. I think that is a little overly simplistic, but chromium deficiency is most certainly a primary part of the problem with heart disease. Dr. Schroeder noted that cholesterol increases were linked to sinking levels of the trace element chromium more than 30 years ago.
Schroeder discovered that chromium was the factor that managed cholesterol as he wrote, "We found that chromium in the aorta was not detected (too low to be found) in almost every person dying of coronary artery disease, one manifestation of atherosclerosis, and was present in almost every aorta of persons dying accidentally."
Cholesterol has been blamed for decades as a primary cause of heart disease. However, cholesterol problems are only an effect caused by a deficiency of chromium.
Schroeder wrote of "the typical American diet, with about 60 per cent of its calories from refined sugar, refined flour, and fat". He noted that this diet "was apparently designed not only to provide as little chromium as feasible, but to cause depletion of body stores of chromium."
"The result is a prevalent disease, in this case, atherosclerosis," concluded Schroeder, about chromium deficiency.
Schroeder noted chromium supplements that are grown rather than concocted by man in his laboratories to be "100 times more active". He expressed great hope for atherosclerosis and diabetes when these grown source chromium supplements became available. It was not until after his death during the 1970s that these supplements became available. They have been tragically ignored ever since.
My own personal observations with a great many individuals have confirmed the postulations from Dr. Schroeder and his research. Reductions of LDL and total cholesterol levels, and increases in HDL levels are consistently noted with use of chromium supplements from grown origins. Reductions of triglyceride levels have been noted as well.
It is the right form of chromium (that which is grown) in the right amount (100 micrograms three times daily) that has been consistently shown to help diabetics – and almost any and every other individual for their life and living.
I should note that I did not pull out of a hat 100 micrograms three times daily or through some extensive trial and error. Human studies 40 years ago determined that 200 to 290 micrograms of dietary chromium intake "maintained chromium equilibrium". In other words, that is how much chromium you need to take in so that you don't lose more than you use.
It was noted that chromium intake from SAD choices at that time varied from 50 to 200 micrograms daily with an average of about 60 micrograms daily. However, it was also noted that a diet considered adequate in all other nutrients could contain as little as 5 micrograms of chromium. This deficiency of chromium is a very serious one of very long standing. Today the average chromium intake is noted as much less than even 60 micrograms daily.
As for chromium and other diseases – that is a very long list. Chromium has great importance at the cellular level from before you are born until the day you die.
Briefly, there is gestational diabetes and prevention of birth defects regarding the beginning of new life. Then there is energy production. OK, that is not a disease matter UNLESS you want to get into hypoglycemia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. People have greater energy and also feel better due to mental health issues. You know, the brain uses more sugar than any other organ in the body.
Vision loss is another hallmark of chromium deficiency and that is why there is much more vision loss with diabetics than with non-diabetics.
Cancer is another condition in which chromium is of profound importance.
There is so much I could get into that it would approach the size of a Sunday newspaper to explain everything. I strongly encourage your readers to obtain a copy of my book on chromium through Crusador to learn more about why everyone should be taking this wonder element in a food grown form every day."
Condensed form a must read interview: Chromium: Your Body Needs It, You're Probably Not Getting Enough of It, and Without It, You Cannot Survive
Chris Gupta
"DIABETES is the number one shame of the "orthodox" doctors in the 20th century. Diabetes is easy to prevent, easy to cure and treat (in laboratory animals and probably in humans) so you can avoid all of the terrible side effects (i.e. blindness, hypertension, amputations, early death, etc.). Since 1958, it has been known that supplemental chromium will prevent and treat diabetes as well as hypoglycemia. Just ask any health food store owner or N.D.! Walter Mertz (the director of the U.S.D.A. field services) published the facts associated with chromium and diabetes in the Federation Proceeding. Here is the ultimate case of a whole specialty of medicine which could be wiped out by universal chromium supplementation. Nevertheless these facts are kept secret and away from the public for purely economic reasons. Additionally, in 1985, the medical school at the University of Vancouver, BC, Canada stated that "vanadium will replace insulin for adult onset diabetics." Chromium/vanadium and the diabetes story should be on the front page of the newspaper in the same bold print as VE DAY instead of announcing things like artificial heart pumps that will temporarily save one life for $250,000!
The diagnosis of diabetes is very easy to make and it should be considered in any disease where there is a chronic weight loss or weight gain. Frequent urination and chronic thirst are warning signs that should be explored. A six-hour Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)** will show a steep rise of blood glucose at 30-60 minutes to over 275 mg % and may keep rising to over 350 and stay elevated after 4-6 hours. The urine should be tested for sugar with the "dipstick" test every time the blood is tested for sugar. A positive diabetic will always include a positive urine sugar during the six-hour GTT. A morning fasting urine sugar test is useless for the initial diagnosis of diabetes. Blood of the diabetic is also typical in that the lipids and cholesterol are elevated as well as the sugar.
Treatment of diabetes should include chromium and vanadium at 250 mcg/day in the initial stages to prevent "insulin shock" (sudden dropping of blood sugar because of a relative insulin overdose). Keep checking urine blood sugar before and after meals, and as the blood sugar level drops you can adjust your insulin or pill medication just like you have been taught. You will also need to deal with food allergies that cause celiac-type intestinal lesions (i.e. wheat gluten, cow's milk, soy, etc.) and supplement with betaine HCl and digestive enzymes at 75-200 mg t.i.d. (three times a day) before meals. Have patience; the intestinal lesions take 60-90 days to heal.
Treatment of diabetes should also include zinc at 50 mg t.i.d., B complex at 50 mg t.i.d. (be sure to include niacin which is part of the GTF "glucose tolerance factor"), essential fatty acids at 5 gm t.i.d., B12 at 1,000 mcg/day, bioflavonoids including quercetin at 150 mg/day, copper at 2-3 mg/day, lecithin at 2,500 mg t.i.d., and glutathione at 100 mg/day. High fiber, high complex carbohydrate diets are recommended. No natural or processed sugar and carbohydrates should be consumed. Eat meat, eggs, and poultry three to six times per day to stabilize blood sugar in the beginning stages of the therapy. Every time you eat processed carbohydrate (i.e. sugar, honey, alcohol, mashed potatoes, etc.), you will loose 300 percent more chromium in your urine than when you consume complex carbohydrates! Herbs are useful in treating diabetes and may include licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), jaborandi (Pilocarpus jaborandi), yarrow (Achillea Millefolium), Canadian fleabane (Erigeron canadense), and Jerusalem artichoke. Plant derived colloidal minerals are fantastic for diabetics!
Extracted from pages 319-320
**Six-hour GTT: A FASTING BLOOD SUGAR ALONE WILL NOT DIAGNOSE HYPOGLYCEMIA OR DIABETES IN 98 PERCENT OF THE CASES; THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS TO THIS DIAGNOSIS!!! A finger prick is done in the morning while fasting and the fasting blood sugar level is recorded (normal is 75 mg % give or take 5 points). Then 100 gm of glucose (Glucola) is ingested and a finger prick blood glucose is taken 30 minutes after ingestion and the results recorded. A finger prick blood glucose is taken at 60 minutes after ingestion of the glucose and at hourly intervals thereafter for a total of eight finger sticks (easy to remember as you have eight fingers!). It is of extreme importance to have an observer present during the entire test, not because the test is dangerous, rather because behavioral changes are best recognized by someone else. Having the "patient" write their name, draw pictures, etc. can be very useful, especially in children where they may have a difficult time describing how they feel. These tests and observations should be done every 30 minutes during the six-hour test. A chart is then developed using the numbers gathered to assess the patient's glucose status. Hypoglycemia exists when the low during the test drops below the level of the starting fasting blood sugar level. Elevated blood sugar can produce behavioral changes as the blood sugar rises after a meal much in the same way that alcohol or drugs do (in fact, many hypoglycemics are falsely accused of being intoxicated!). Diabetes can be diagnosed when the total of the results of the fasting, at the 30 minute, one hour, and the second hour blood sugar test exceeds 600 mg % and there is sugar in the urine during the test.
Extracted from pages 348-349
All page citations from from a must read Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel D Wallach (Author), Dr. Ma Lan (Author)
posted by Chris Gupta on Monday October 29 2007
updated on Thursday November 22 2007URL of this article:
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