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July 28, 2003

Greek lawyers initiate case before International Criminal Court

Monday, 28 July 2003 - according to a BBC report, top Greek lawyers are travelling to the International Criminal Court in The Hague to file a lawsuit against senior UK officials, charging that by initiating the war against Iraq the British government acted in breach of international treaties such as the Charter of the United Nations, the Geneva Conventions and the ICC's statute.

The Greek action comes less than two months after a similar complaint for war crimes and genocide lodged by Dr. Matthias Rath and others. The complaint alleges that multinational pharmaceutical and petrochemical corporations and world financial interests helped Bush and Blair into office and were actively pushing for the Iraq war in an effort to further their own interests.

Rath charges that these corporations are committing genocide through their business with disease, which he says is responsible for millions of untimely deaths through imposing the use of ineffective and dangerous pharmaceutical drugs and through the contemporary suppression of natural health alternatives as "unscientific" and "unsafe".

Lawyers to sue Blair over war

By Richard Galpin
BBC Athens correspondent

Top lawyers from Greece are travelling to the International Criminal Court in The Hague on Monday to file a lawsuit against senior UK officials.

They will accuse the prime minister and other senior members of the government and military of breaching international law by attacking Iraq.

The Athens Bar Association (ABA) believes it has strong evidence and is seeking the indictment of Mr Blair.

The ABA will file the lawsuit with the prosecutor of the ICC who will then have to decide whether it merits further investigation.

The court was established to try cases of war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.

Among those named in the lawsuit are Mr Blair, Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon and Foreign Secretary Jack Straw.

The Greek lawyers announced in May they would try to take legal action against the British Government and military.

They said the war in Iraq breached international treaties such as the Charter of the United Nations, the Geneva Conventions and the ICC's own Statute.

But the British Government has always argued that the invasion of Iraq was in accordance with international law.

See also:

UK aid funds Iraqi torture units
Peter Beaumont in Baghdad and Martin Bright
Sunday July 3, 2005 - Observer
British and American aid intended for Iraq's hard-pressed police service is being diverted to paramilitary commando units accused of widespread human rights abuses, including torture and extra-judicial killings, The Observer can reveal.


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Monday July 28 2003
updated on Wednesday October 5 2005

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Readers' Comments

I fully support the course of action proposed by the Greek lawyers. The entire fabric of one of the benifits of 'civilised' society lies in the evolution of the concept of justice- not perpetrated by the masses in the heat of a situation nor the manipulation of large or wealthy organisations- but the accumulation of objective wisdom, which when fully understood, evolved into a sense of justice, which through a succession of objectively assessed judgements laid the framework of international laws. Herein lies the answer to meaningfully addressing humanitarian issues- not the destructive, inhumane, vengeful concept of kill or be killed, or might is right.

Posted by: Anonymous on August 20, 2003 05:18 AM


Democracy is build upon legal and moral values where human beings are based on. Taking legal actions against persons who are on the top of the hierachy confirms that democratic values are observed. Hence, international treaties are mainly based on the human rights, such regulations must be strictly obeyed from everybody.

Posted by: Demetris Achilleos on March 4, 2005 06:37 PM


what are the names of the lawyers prosecuting this case.

Posted by: maria on August 29, 2006 03:03 PM



here is a collection of articles that appeared at the time, where you can find at least some of the names...

a href="" target="_blank"

Posted by: Sepp on August 31, 2006 06:50 AM


Dear Partner,

Since the United Nations determined in 1960 that colonialism is a crime against humanity, there is no longer a need for plebiscites. The solution is to give Puerto Rico her sovereignty.

But being the United States government does not want to, it continues to advocate the use of plebiscites to find out what Puerto Ricans want. Even if 100 of Puerto Ricans would want to continue being a US colony, Puerto Rico would still be obligated to accept her sovereignty to then decide what she wants to do.

The only thing these plebiscites are good for is to divide Puerto Ricans. A Puerto Rican didn't invade us to make us a colony. When will we understand that we need to unite?

This is why we must peacefully protest at least 3 times a year until Puerto Rico is decolonized!

José M López Sierra

Posted by: Jose M Lopez Sierra on September 19, 2014 04:20 PM


Why does Puerto Rico have a higher voter turnout than USA?

Puerto Ricans have a voter turnout of about 80. The United States (US) citizens have a voter turnout of about 50. What accounts for this 30 disparity? Could it be that Puerto Rican believe in democracy more than US mainland citizens?

Puerto Rico is a colony of the United States since 1898. Since that time, Puerto Ricans who have wanted to decolonize their country have been either assassinated or imprisoned. Many Puerto Ricans are terrified of independence for Puerto Rico as a result of 116 years of repression.

Since colonialism is always for exploitation, there are no opportunities in Puerto Rico for Puerto Ricans. That is why there are now more Puerto Ricans out, than in Puerto Rico. Therefore, Puerto Ricans are desperate to find a political solution to our eternal colonialism!

Most Puerto Ricans believe that decolonization can be achieved through the electoral process. But the electoral process is ultimately under the control of the government of the United States. Since the US government has ignored 33 United Nations resolutions asking it to immediately decolonize Puerto Rico, and it has maintained incarcerated Puerto Rico political prisoner Oscar López Rivera for 33 years despite worldwide support to free him, there should be no doubt that the US government will never allow decolonization via the electoral process. If it were possible to do it that way, we would not have it!

The better way to decolonize is for that 80 of the Puerto Rico voter turnout to instead protest in the streets to demand our inalienable right to self-determination and independence, and insist that the UN do the decolonization in conformity to international law. After all, colonialism is within the jurisdiction of international law and never under national law. That is why it is a crime against humanity to have a colony under international law, but not so under US law.

José M López Sierra

Posted by: Jose M Lopez Sierra on December 3, 2014 08:24 AM


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