Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Therapy Successful: Paralysed Patient Walks After 19 Years
Korean researchers, using stem cells isolated from umbilical cord blood, succeeded in reversing the paralysis of the lower limbs caused by spinal cord injury, of a 37-year-old female patient. The feat was announced at a press conference last week and reported in the Korea Times.
The link was forwarded by Paul Taylor, who also had a comment on the ethical implications of stem cell therapy:
"Whilst stem cell therapy naturally instigates passionately polarised views when the cells are harvested from embryos, it is notable that stem cells derived from umbilical cords do not receive anything like the same attention in the media at present.
Given that umbilical cords are generally discarded after the birth of a baby, and that cells derived from these do not present the same ethical dilemmas as those from embryos, I was particularly interested to read recently that researchers in Korea have successfully treated a case of paralysis due to spinal injury with stem cell transplantation from umbilical cord blood.
The 37 year-old patient, who could not even stand up for the last 19 years due to a spinal injury, received stem cells from umbilical cord blood in early October and can now walk with the aid of a walker."
It would indeed be great if the use of umbilical cord banks, such as in Korea, could help avoid the deeply divisive ethical implications of the use of embryos as the source of stem cells and could make therapeutic advances of this type accessible on a large scale.
Here is a copy of the article in the Korea Times:
Korean Scientists Succeed in Stem Cell Therapy
(See original here)
By Kim Tae-gyu
Staff Reporter
A team of Korean researchers claimed Thursday they had performed a miracle by enabling a patient, who could not even stand up for the last 19 years, to walk with stem cell therapy.
During a press conference, the scientists said they had last month transplanted multi-potent stem cells from umbilical cord blood to the 37-year-old female patient suffering from a spinal cord injury and she can now walk on her own.
The team was co-headed by Chosun University professor Song Chang-hun, Seoul National University professor Kang Kyung-sun and Han Hoon, Ph.D, from the Seoul Cord Blood Bank (SCB).
"The stem cell transplantation was performed on Oct. 12 this year and in just three weeks she started to walk with the help of a walker," Song said.
The patient’s lower limbs were paralyzed after an accident in 1985 damaged her lower back and hips. Afterward she spent her life in bed or in a wheelchair.
For the unprecedented clinical test, the scientists isolated stem cells from umbilical cord blood and then injected them into the damaged part of the spinal cord.
The sensory and motor nerves of the patient started to improve 15 days after the operation and she could move her hips. After 25 days, her feet responded to stimulation.
Earlier in October 2003, Song’s team also staged a clinical test with stem cells originating from umbilical cord blood by injecting them into another patient’s spine.
"Back then we injected stem cells into spinal fluid and failed to get a good result. This time around, we directly targeted the spine and the method made a difference," Song said.
Song’s team look to further test efficiency of the new therapy with four more patients as soon as they get the green light from Chosun University ethics board and the government.
Song’s team plan to report their research to the scientific world within the first half of next year.
Immeasurable Upside Potential
Professor Kang and Han, Song’s colleagues who co-led the research, noted the new therapy has a huge upside potential when applied to real treatments, without arousing ethical disputes.
Seoul National University professor Hwang Woo-suk surprised the world last February by announcing his groundbreaking exploit of cloning a human embryo and taking stem cells from it.
The technology is expected to lead to breakthrough treatments for many hard-to-cure diseases, for instance, by creating replacement organs and tissues.
At the same time, however, the feat also fueled an ethical debate that spans science, politics and religion, especially regarding the possibility of reproductive human cloning.
In comparison, Kang said stem cells originating from the blood of umbilical cords would not raise such problems since that blood is routinely discarded after the birth of a baby.
"There have been many controversial debates on embryonic stem cells and also such stem cells are not practical due to their property of possibly causing teratoma (cancer of cells)," he explained.
Kang added that since cord blood stem cells are later than embryonic stem cells, they have little chance of causing the fatal teratoma.
"Embryonic stem cells are omni-potent in that they can divide into any thing even including a tumor cell. But cord blood stem cells are developed enough not to cause such troubles while retaining as powerful a differentiation capacity at the same time," he claimed.
Another upside of cord blood stem cells is that they can adapt to the injected bodies without triggering a big negative inner reaction, which are common in other transplantations, according to Han, Ph.D, of the SCB.
"We don’t need a strict match between cord blood stem cell type and the immune system of a patient because the latter accepts the former pretty well thanks to its immaturity," Han said.
In other transplantation operations, just a slight mismatch based on the human leukocyte antigen test would cause a catastrophic result due to immune system’s resistance.
The SCB currently retains blood from about 45,000 umbilical cords and they are enough to cover all Koreans, amply demonstrating the immeasurable potential of the new therapy.
11-26-2004 17:59
See also:
After Baby's Grim Diagnosis, Parents Try Drastic Treatment
A baby with a rare genetic disorder - missing an enzyme needed to break down a fatty molecule which builds up and damages organs leading to death - received umbilical cord stem cell treatment at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
Quasi Unlimited Quantities of Human Red Blood Cells Produced from Stem Cells
Le Monde - Monday 27 December 2004
A world breakthrough achieved by French hematologists could transform blood transfusion
Patient's Own Stem Cells Mend Heart
Stem cells used to restore vision
A hospital in West Sussex is pioneering the use of stem cells to restore the eyesight of patients. The trial, being carried out at the Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, has already helped 40 people see again.
May 2005: Stem cells tailored to patients
South Korean scientists say they have made stem cells tailored to match the individual for the first time. Patient-specific stem cells could avoid rejection problems.
In Pitt study, adult stem cells show potential for therapeutic use
June 24, 2005
Stem cells obtained from adult muscle can multiply as often as stem cells from embryos, indicating that adult-derived cells could be cultivated for treatment purposes.
Wired News: New Stem-Cell Bill Gains Support By Kristen Philipkoski
02:00 AM Jul. 13, 2005 PT
A new bill proposing research into obtaining "morally acceptable" embryonic stem cells could give anti-abortion senators the out they've been hoping for.
18 August 2005: Umbilical cord 'stem cell' hope
The researchers plan to make tissues for transplant from the cells. Scientists believe they have found a way to get plentiful stem cells from umbilical cord blood to treat people with diseases.
October 2005: International stem cell bank open
A bank that will create and supply new lines of embryonic stem cells for research around the world has been opened in Seoul, South Korea.
The project is being led by cloning expert Dr Woo Suk Hwang, who has pioneered the development of stem cells tailored to individual patients.
It will serve as the main centre for an international consortium, including the US and the UK.
Critics say using human embryos in research is unnecessary and unethical.
S Korea cloning pioneer disgraced
A cloning pioneer regarded as a hero in his South Korean homeland has resigned and apologised for using human eggs from his own researchers.
Professor Hwang Woo-suk was chairman of the World Stem Cell Hub, which opened this month, based in Seoul. "I am very sorry that I have to tell the public words that are too shameful and horrible," he announced publicly...
Stem cell therapy helps MS woman
A young Inverness woman with multiple sclerosis has said she is able to walk for the first time in years only days after revolutionary stem cell therapy. Amanda Bryson paid £12,000 for a course of injections in the Netherlands, which she believes could cure her. She has now called on the UK Government to make the treatment available here, but it said more research was needed.
December 2005: New Jersey first US state to fund stem-cell research
New Jersey has become the first state to use public money to fund human stem cell research. The state announced $5 million in grants Friday to be split among 17 projects, the New York Times reported. Only three involve human embryonic stem cells, with others studying animals or using adult stem cells.
Jell-O Fix for Spinal Cords
Mar, 29, 2006
Stem cells embedded in futuristic materials may heal decades-old spinal cord injuries and rescue patients from paralysis, if recent experiments in rodents can be replicated in humans. Stem cells have cured many rats of spinal cord injuries, but the treatment has yet to benefit humans. When it does, most scientists say the first treatments will benefit only the newly injured.
UK: Women should donate umbilical cord blood to public
Mothers can donate their umbilical cord blood to the NHS Cord Blood Bank with the aim of helping others. Those from families with a high risk of a genetic disorder can also store the blood with the NHS in case they need to treat one of their children in the future.
Branson to launch stem-cell bank
Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson is set to launch a company which will let families bank and store stem cells from their child's umbilical cord. Virgin says its service is unique because it will offer a charitable element, allowing the NHS to use some of stem cells the company stores. Sir Richard explained: "We will take an individual's cord blood and we will divide it in two. "So, part of it will go into a national blood centre that anybody can get access to. And the other half will be put aside for the child."
Doubts over gene 'cures'
Sonya Smith, 45, an Australian mother of three, who broke her back in a car accident two years ago, was told she would never walk again by her doctors in Brisbane. Then she heard reports of Shroff's apparent success in treating other paraplegics and came to Delhi. After 10 weeks of treatment, Smith said she had regained enough control over her legs to begin walking with callipers. She was also regaining control over her bladder and bowel movements.
Researchers take first steps towards spinal cord reconstruction following injury
"When we block netrin-1 function, the adult stem cells remain at the injury site," says Dr. Tim Kennedy, co-lead investigator and neuroscientist at the Montreal Neurological Institute of McGill University. "This is a critical first step towards understanding the molecular events needed to repair the injured spinal cord and provides us with new targets for potential therapies."
Skin Cells Reprogrammed To Behave Like Embryonic Stem Cells
When University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers succeeded in reprogramming skin cells to behave like embryonic stem cells, they also began to redefine the political and ethical dynamics of the stem-cell debate, a leading bioethicist says. R. Alta Charo, a UW-Madison professor of law and bioethics, says the scientific finding could have far-reaching effects on the social dimensions of the ongoing controversy over embryonic stem cell research.
"This is a method for creating a stem cell line without ever having to work through, at any stage, an entity that is a viable embryo," Charo says. "Therefore, you manage to avoid many of those debates with the right-to life community."
I guess those researchers haven't been paying attention when umbilical cord stem cells were discovered three years ago. Perhaps the message got drowned out by the din of religious objections at the time. Or perhaps it was a case of "not invented here"...
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Monday November 29 2004
updated on Friday December 10 2010
URL of this article:
Readers' Comments
Posted by: ROBERT DEININGER on November 29, 2004 05:53 PM
George W. Bush is responsible for Christopher Reeve's Death.
Reeve's Death was so recent, there is now little doubt that without Bush's ban, this exciting new development would have come long enough ago, that Reeve would likely have been able to benefit from Stem Cell therapy.
Posted by: Andrew Tarr on December 2, 2004 08:47 PM
This is GREAT news!! It (the use of umbilical stem cells) appears to be a very promising approach to curing injuries and diseases without any ethical questions. The biggest problem, as I see it, is political resistance�?by the medical profession, the FDA, and BIG GOVERNMENT. These organizations are extremely sluggish, if not completely in opposition, in responding to anything new. Heaven forbid if something should work.
To those of you that suggest George W Bush is responsible for Christopher Reeve's death (or anybody else's) you are being naieve and judgmental, at best. Reeve received a spinal cord injury and became a quadraplegic as a result of an accident involving a horse. Then he died from disease related to his condition. Bush had nothing to do with his death, or anybody else's. Up to this point, stem cell research has involved big-time ethical issues. It is not only the right, but the RESPONSIBILITY, of government to make decisions concerning ethics.
Posted by: Sam from Rochester NY on December 3, 2004 07:00 PM
Dear sir or madam :
I am mehdi ramezanpor from IRAN . I accident by car in NOV 2001 which disorders in my spinal cord .
This is inform you that recently we were informed by local casters that your country has done a very successful operation on a patients with severe spinal cord injury,using new technology of planting base cells of embryo on injured parts of spinal cords . Please kindly inform us about Address,Telephone or E-MAIL doctors and hospital that to do this operation.
Posted by: mehdi ramezanpor on December 13, 2004 07:12 PM
Blaming Bush for Christopher Reeve's death shows how misinformed you are. There is no stem cell ban, just a ban on spending FEDERAL money on embryonic stem cell. This treatment which might have helped Reeve was stem cells obtained from the umbilical cord which BUSH NEVER BANNED.Also, embryonic stem cells have not produced a single cure in thelast 20 yrs compared to the many cures from umbilical & adult stem cells. NB another problem with embryonic stem cells is that they can cause cancer a problem u don't have with adult stem cells.
Posted by: Kate on December 22, 2004 01:43 PM
I my self am a diabetic and at the age of 18 the chance of getting a transplant would be great it would allow so many of us to live our lives like every one else, but the main reason that I am so intrested in this particular operation is that my boyfriend broke his neck while wrestling in high school. I would like to see congress and President Bush both pull their heads out of you know where and help their fellow americans out. If there was a way for my boyfriend to be cuered and could walk agian I would do anything for that chance.
Posted by: betsie on January 5, 2005 04:28 PM
I am Raj Thakur from INDIA . I accident by car in NOV 2001 which disorders in my spinal cord .
This is inform you that recently we were informed by local casters that your country has done a very successful operation on a patients with severe spinal cord injury,using new technology of planting base cells of embryo on injured parts of spinal cords . Please kindly inform us about Address,Telephone or E-MAIL doctors and hospital that to do this operation.
Posted by: RAJESH THAKUR on January 8, 2005 02:33 PM
Please inform of the Korean address. I am from Maldives and SCInjured for 12 years since a boat fell on my spine.
Posted by: Andrey on January 10, 2005 09:19 AM
I have a friend that has been in a wheelchair since he was 5 and he is now 17 almost 18. He has been interested in the stem cell research for quite sometime. I wish our government and whoever else is in this would look at the people that need the help the most actually do something to help our country out. Not a country overseas that is blowing themselves up with or without our help. Take a look at us for once people. We have problems to. We're not perfect. I'd like to see something done for those people that are our friends and family that can't live a normal life like the rest of us.
Posted by: McKenzie on January 11, 2005 01:34 AM
my son become paralysed in an car accident in June 2003, we will be grateful to U for providing us E-MAIL address of the research centre & the scientiests who have done this great work & miracle in the world ,i have no word of appreciation for the nobal work Korean researchers have done .Kindly E-MAIL at
Posted by: B.V.Singh on January 19, 2005 10:01 AM
There are two addresses which you can try. One is through the writer of the Korean Times article which I re-published, Kim Tae-gyu:
The other is through a commercial company called Histostem Inc. whose director is Richard H.K. Kim
Posted by: Sepp on January 19, 2005 10:20 AM
my name is eugene amaro i havnt been able to walk or write or play my intruments for 5 yeats i am 68 years old and runinng out of time could someone please dgive me an adress or phone # to cal to get cell theropy;. eugene
Posted by: eugene amao on January 20, 2005 04:55 PM
A recent comment received by email from Paul Taylor (January 2005):
Interesting to see that are reporting that Argentinian researchers have successfully used stem cells to reverse diabetes. (Link to story)
The treatment, in which stem cells are injected into the pancreas, supposedly involves no risks of rejection, requires no prolonged inpatient treatment, and any physician trained in and skilled with catheterization is said to be able to perform it.
The 42-year-old male patient, who had been insulin dependent since the age of 25, has so far seen his glucose levels return to normal with no need for medication.
The treatment involves extracting stem cells from the ilium, a bone in the hip, and after manipulating them in the laboratory, injecting them into the pancreas using a special catheter introduced through the femoral artery, which provides a direct route to the "tail" of the pancreas.
Perhaps most importantly however, because the stem cells used came from the patient himself, the technique does not present the ethical dilemas raised by the harvesting of stem cells from embryos. Along with the case of paralysis that was successfully treated recently by researchers in Korea using stem cells from umbilical cord blood it is beginning to look as if embryonic research is by no means as essential as some would have us believe.
Posted by: Sepp on January 24, 2005 06:28 PM
i think mr. bush is totally selfish. how can he let religion stand in the way of someones health & quality of life. my son has been in a chair for 7 yrs. he is only 22. i wish i could trade places with my son. better yet, mr. bush should.!!! BRIAN'S MOM
Posted by: rhonda cernius on January 30, 2005 07:30 AM
my cousin who is 19 yrs old has suffered from some spinal cord problem and is not able to walk.she is bed ridden from last couple of months. I heard that she could be treated with Stem Therapy.Can anyone tell me where and how to approach. I m from India.
Posted by: Puran on February 7, 2005 10:50 AM
After studying from 'Allow paralysed women to walk' dated 30/11/2004 in "The Telegraph" I got interested in the topic .I am a physically handicapped person,confined to wheel chairs for last 11yrs (80%). Hence I need the contact numbers of Prof. Song Chang-hun[Chosun Univ.-SEOUL]. Please do help me. Thank you.
Posted by: dibendu dutta on February 9, 2005 05:12 PM
I am Radha Krishna Singh from INDIA . I accident by car near 2 years back which disorders in my spinal cord .And now I am Unable to sit. This is inform you that recently we were informed by local casters that your country has done a very successful operation on a patients with severe spinal cord injury,using new technology of planting base cells of embryo on injured parts of spinal cords . Please kindly inform us about Address,Telephone or E-MAIL doctors and hospital that to do this operation.
Please do the needful help as soon as by giving such information which are given above and oblige me.
Posted by: Radha Krishna Singh on February 10, 2005 01:35 PM
Hi there I am From South-Africa and I struggle with paralisis in my right leg caused by injuries to my spine, never the less I know exactely what people go through when they suffer from spinal injuries, it is realy not a comfortable life!I am lucky i use to be in a wheelchair and I have somehow improved to the extend that I can walk without crutches and now only have a limping right leg, but I still have abnormal sensation from the nippleline down, cant feel the difference between hot and cold! Well I think the human body is the greatest invention ever and surely there is a way it can cure itself from any disease we just have to find out and we will, so never give up, never, never, never, well I know I won't, I will walk and run again, keep the faith!!!
Kind regards
your friend
Pieter Veldsman.
Posted by: Pieter Veldsman on February 11, 2005 05:33 AM
I am saeed from Iran and I have spinal cord injury.
please send me every information about cure spinal cord injury.
Posted by: saeed kalhori on February 16, 2005 11:12 AM
I am from India. I am 33yrs.Before three years I had an ADA(Atlantus Dis Location) operation. But after the operation my condition is worst than before.Now I can't move my neck, Pain in the knees and in my head.
This is inform you that recently we were informed by local casters that your country has done a very successful operation on a patients with severe spinal cord injury. Please kindly inform us about Address,Telephone or E-MAIL doctors and hospital that to do for the treatment operation.
Posted by: roli on February 17, 2005 10:37 AM
this is himanshu k patel from gujarat india .
i am suffring from spinal cord injury from 1993 . i hope in future i and other disable persons can walk again . please give us a healthy and self depand rest life .
Posted by: himanshu k patel on February 17, 2005 09:36 PM
please enclose the details of banking and retains th cord blood as in flow chart
Posted by: T.Diraviyam on February 18, 2005 01:29 PM
I am from India. Male 43 years suffering from hemiplegia from last 7 yaers. Awaiting for theraphy to improve quality of my life. The news gave strong concreate hope. I may offer myself as a subject of experiement if required.
Thanking You.
Posted by: Mr. Dinesh J. Shah on April 4, 2005 11:37 AM
Iam pralized from my waste down and lost the use of my left hand due to Transverse Myelitis.It has been near 7 years now,Iam 48 years old , still have 3 childen at home. I am glad someone has done something to try and help people like me, and others that have met with misfourtions. I hope this will help some , or all of us . I would love to do things with my childern again .
Thanks a lot,
Posted by: Ruby Pace on April 6, 2005 02:49 AM
Those who are agaist the stem cells and are complainig about its use those suckers are asked to sit on wheelchair
for a week and do all the cores that we spinal injured patients perform.
Posted by: mohit on April 6, 2005 12:15 PM
i am 30 years old male, suffering with spinal injury at the level c5,c6 and c7. please give the details to take treatment of stem cell theraphy any where near to india
Posted by: kiran kumar on April 25, 2005 04:45 PM
Dear friends,
This communication aims at our sharing of the latest
development in the discipline of "Genetic Engineering"
and information related to "Embryonic Stem Cell", "Cord
Blood Stem Cell" & "Life Cell Banks", with the sole
purpose of generating a public opinion, which in turn
shall aid us to arrive at a consensus on such an
It is widely accepted across the globe that "Stem-Cell
Research" shall result in breakthrough treatments for
many hard-to-cure diseases and that India offers great
potentials for such research. There are three sources from
which stem cells could be derived - adult, embryonic and
umbilical cord.
Stem cells derived from the adult tissues of the patients &
or donors are being used as repair agents to cure some
diseases. Stem cells derived from human embryos came
into vogue thereafter & such an usage attracted a lot of
debates and controversies from several lobbies and
therefore some countries banned embryonic stem cell
research and application.
In India there is no bar on the use of embryos and
aborted foetuses. Abortion is an accepted method of
family planning and is legal here. This is in the back-
drop of mushrooming fertility clinics all-over which are
largely unregulated. Such clinics are not even required
to tell a patient as to how many eggs have been
obtained from her. More embryos are created than are
actually used to produce babies. There is no constraint
on harvesting stem cells, be it from new embryos & or
from left-over embryos upon such fertility clinics. In
instances embryos are also being received from the
patients in the fertility clinics after their consent & are
purposefully harvested for stem cell extraction. Women
are also being exploited for securing eggs.
Our concern is that in India, where the prejudice
against female babies are intense and misuse of sex-
selective technology and sex-selective abortions are
rampant nationwide, this un-regulated up-date in
genetic engineering could lead on to further-
exploitation & un-scrupulous trade in human embryos
for stem cell research.
"Cord-Blood Stem Cells" are latest in the generation
subsequent to embryonic stem cells. Stem cells
derived from the umbilical cord is already receiving
the much-needed attention from the media at
India's premier private cord blood stem cell bank,
"Life Cell Bank" has been launched in Chennai
recently and by the end of the year it has been
planned to open about 20 such similar centres
across the country. These franchisees would strive
to collect cord blood stem cells and ship them
to Life Cell Bank for preservation.
India has no policies or guidelines for stem cell
research and application. Generally technology
runs at supersonic speed, yet, the application of
relevant jurisprudence is far more languid in India.
Clandestine are the ways & means of our medical-
personnel and have therefore managed to keep
issues pertaining to cord blood stem cells
application clean & away from any public debate,
yet, "The Hindu" and "Nakkeeran (12 march 2005)"
have come out with their thoughts in the most
Health and well-being of the newborn and women,
trading on the reproductive- capacities of women &
exploitation of technologies for commercial ends
raise health and ethical concern.
Some of you could have already read these and
collected more information on the issue. Please
reflect and initiate discussion on this issue within
your circle and kindly post your views for us to take
a firm-stance on this burning issue ( fax to 0091- 44-
22355905 or 0091- 452- 2530486 / 2524762 & or
e-mail to : ).
Warm regards,
Your's sincerely,
Convenor & Co - Convenor,
Save The Girl Child
Campaign Against Sex Selective Abortion,
11, Kamala 2nd Street,
Chinna Chokkikulam,
Madurai ( TN ) 625 002,
Cross - References (link no longer active) (link no longer active)
brought up for publication in the e-pages of antidoctor by :
ms p phavalam, convenor, cassa, madurai ( tn ) 625 002, india,
mr ossie fernandes, co-convenor, cassa, madurai ( tn ) 625 002,
fenix k ravichandran, social activist, erode ( tn ) 638 003, india,
mr kumar srinivas, social activist, kolathur, chennai ( tn )
600 099, india,
er senthil kumar, president, peakpoint technologies,
burlington ( ma ) 01803, usa / tyngsboro ( ma ) 01879, usa,
er a rajakumar, aeronautical / software engineer, lansing ( mi )
48917, usa &
dr s selvakumaran, psychiatrist, erode ( tn ) 638 003, india.
Posted by: sunitha rajakumar on May 10, 2005 12:58 PM
Posted by: DON POLLOCK on May 24, 2005 06:54 PM
For how long can the stem cells be preserved? Where in Hyderabad (or India) can I get the umbilical chord stem cells collected ?
Posted by: Chanderpreet on June 10, 2005 12:15 PM
I m 24 yrs old from DELHI (INDIA).My all body bone joints are fixed and r not movable like of knees,elbows,hip joints. I m also not able to walk from last 20 yrs.This disease increased and became worse as i grewed.My brother is also suffering from same disease .He is of 28 yrs.Today i cant even moveMy back bone is also not able to move.I can just crawl very little on the floor.
Posted by: Sandeep Arora on June 16, 2005 09:55 AM
i am 34 years old been paralyzed 4 21 months at c5 c6 would like info on were to get this surgery please
Posted by: warren nobles on July 12, 2005 01:46 AM
i am 25 years old. i am paralysed due to spinal injury over past 4 years.please tell me , where in india can i get help by stem cell therapy.i am ready for any experiment on me.please advice me.
Posted by: rajul shrivastavar on July 15, 2005 07:35 AM
Iam very much pleased to know about stem cells Therapy since i am a paralized patient suffreing for the last five years i need to know the nearest Treatment hospital
A. David raju.
Baer pet,
Chirala, prakasam (dist)
Andhra pradesh.
postal pin 523 155.
kindly help Thank you.
Posted by: A.David raj on July 20, 2005 07:26 PM
i would like to no where i could get stem cell treatment i am a paraplegic been paralyzed for six monthsplz contact me
Posted by: pernell long on July 24, 2005 06:06 AM
my dad has syringomylia that has destroyed his horn cells. he cannot use his left arm and leg and has damaged his spinal chord. his can walk only with support. can you guide me what srep should i take to make his life better
Posted by: sahil on August 9, 2005 06:00 PM
I am Omneya Ahmed from Egypt . I accident by car in NOV 2001 which disorders in my spinal cord .
This is inform you that recently we were informed by local casters that your country has done a very successful operation on a patients with severe spinal cord injury,using new technology of planting base cells of embryo on injured parts of spinal cords . Please kindly inform us about Address,Telephone or E-MAIL doctors and hospital that to do this operation.
pls reply to
Posted by: Omneya on September 9, 2005 06:53 PM
hy , i am from romania i am 18 ears old and 82% paralized from a spinal cord injury (c5.c6.c7) with a dangerously low blod presure (8.5) i cant sit in a weal chear and i can bearly move my hands. i had a swiming pool accident in 8/8/2003 and i am stuck in bed since that day. i want to know if i might stil have a chance to walk again or atleast go outside in a weal chair and loc at the sun and the sky before i family cant aford any kind of operation that exceades our monthly`s buget (abouth 300 us dolard). i dident postead this comment so that somebodi feal sorry for my and give my mony i just want to know if i stil have a chanse with so little financial resourches.PS. i am willing to try any experimental operations regardles of the danger involved believe my there are worst things than daing and beaing paralided is one of them.i am waiting for your reply on this forum and thank you for your time
Posted by: DORIN on September 30, 2005 05:55 AM
The treatment reported occured a year ago. Have you tried to find out what's happened since? I would be very interested in reporting the results in my stem cell blog.
Posted by: Marie Godfrey on October 10, 2005 05:27 PM
I have seen indications from time to time that there are similar efforts in other countries, I believe India and Turkey if I remember right, but have not followed this up closely.
Anyway, it seems that more and more ways are found to obtain stem cells without the need to kill off embryonic human life...
Posted by: Sepp on October 11, 2005 07:55 PM
please i need the address
Posted by: noble on October 15, 2005 02:41 AM
i loved ur article.. i live in india and would like to know the prospects of stem cell therapy in india.. and if its in use in india then where??
Posted by: hardik ganatra on October 16, 2005 01:43 PM
it seems like India would like to see stem cells used in therapy, but that the country is reluctant to get into direct experimentation, before ethical and scientific giudelines are in place. Here is an article that discusses the situation in India.
Posted by: Sepp on October 17, 2005 10:59 PM
hello friends,
iam sreedhar mailing from hyderabad. my friend is paraplegic person in an road acciedent in the year 2000 march. iam requesting each and every person if u have know any best possible treatment in india please give mail to me.
thanking you for everybody.
with best regards
g.sreedhar rao
Posted by: g sreedhar rao on October 24, 2005 05:58 PM
my wife had met with an accident on 2000 october 12 and has cord injury at c6-c7 level she is still quadriplegic. please inform me were this stem cell treatement is available
Posted by: danoj kumar on October 26, 2005 12:08 PM
Here is a comment published on a different article titled Life And Gravity: Sleeping In A Horizontal Position May Be Bad For You which is may be of relevance to this discussion...
Study aiming for significant Reversal of Spinal Cord Injuries using Gravity (Inclined Bed Study)
Posted by: Sepp on November 6, 2005 04:57 PM
my opinion on stem cell research is that it is bad for our society. Say you have a 25 year old with a heart that is failing, would you as a doctor give him/her a new heart with his/her stem cells. i sure wouldn't hessitate. now say the same problem occures with a 40 year old, once again i wouldn't hessitate. what about the same dalemma with a 90 year old. would you give that 90 year old a younger stronger heart out of his stem cells? i don't know if i would because it seems to me that he would live so long that literally the flesh off his body would rot away. so what makes it ok to give that 25 or 40 year old a new heart but not a 90 year old? it's not ok. and in doing this it is hiving doctors the power of god. and where do you draw the line and say at this sertain age you can have this kind of stem cell and at this one you can't? and who decides that? if they can change it after your born why not change it before you born? like if they can detect a malfunction in a childs brain before that child is born, just like they can now, then why not add more stem cells that are programed to fix that problem? and while there in there anyway why not make the kid 10 feet tall and very strong so he can be a professional bascketball player? why not make him smarter or faster? where do you draw the line? you can't and that is why i am opposed to stem cell research.
Posted by: who ever you want it to be posted by on November 10, 2005 08:53 AM
Great News.. I am from India . My father is
suffring from spinal cord injury from 1993 and paralyzed. please give him a healthy and self depand rest life .
Pls pls help us in getting any information regarding this treatment.
Posted by: nirmala mydukuri on November 11, 2005 11:39 AM
My contact number :
Nirmala Mydukuri
Posted by: nirmala mydukuri on November 11, 2005 11:41 AM
My reply to Nirmala:
unfortunately there does not seem to have been a lot of progress since that news came from Korea. There are little efforts here and there, but I am unable to point you where you could get that therapy today.
Please do read all the other comments to the article, perhaps you can find more information...
and Nirmala's, received by email:
Thanks alot sepp... If god askes me what is your wish?
I will ask him only one thing " Make all the paralysed persons in the world
WALK & Dance ".
Thanks & Regs
Nirmala Mydukuri.
Posted by: Sepp on November 13, 2005 10:31 PM
i am doing a term parper on the moral and ethical controversy of stem cell research
and i was wondering if you had any helpful information for me to use. any at this point will be helpful thankyou so much
Posted by: Christina Stover on November 14, 2005 11:43 PM
I cant see where the pres. could think that he has a right to step in and try to stop stem cell research. My boyfriend is 25 and was paralyzed at age 14 by transverse myelitis. Stem cell research and breakthroughs are his only hope to walk again..Who is the president to say that he doesnt deserve this chance..I say to the president...put yourself in his shoes for a day..then maybe you would see things a little differently..
Posted by: Amanda LaPasser on November 19, 2005 07:59 AM
please give me complete address for stem cell treatment in india or abroad for treatment of celebral brain hypoxia of my sister. i shall be very thankful to all for the information .
my mobile no is 09323737333
email is
salim ebrahim
Posted by: SALIM EBRAHIM on November 22, 2005 08:09 AM
Hey everyone,
I am doing a debate on Stem Cell Research and transplants and I am on the opposing side eventhough it is not a great side to be on. If I don't come up with some negative points I fail the year. Can anyone help me with some useful facts on the subject? Someday STem Cell research will be free, hopefully we are all still alive to be treated.
Thanks (
Posted by: Megan on December 5, 2005 08:42 PM
Please any one!!!!!!!! I'm 20 yers old my fiance and i had a serious car crash on the (A1) Motorway in london .My fiance suffer C5 five fracture C6 damaged and so C7 damaged. so which she had a operation which required the doctors to take a bone from her hip and putting it between the c6 and c7 to stablize the neck.there was no surgery on ther nerve or the spinal cord what so ever.anyways it's been 10 weeks since the accident and my fiance has come a long way from been able to move nothing to moving her arms and a bit of movement in the hands. the doctors said her injury has moved lower c7 and that only time could tell any thing. i have spoken to few people about a cure of her injury and many people have told me about stem cells. but i have no idea how to get in contact or meet or talk to any doctors who do this kind of surgery or if it's possible to get any information as there is so much to know about spinal cord injury. i just would like to thank to people who have suffred from spinal injury and are very strong and never give up and always full of hope because the only way forward is been positive. plzzz HELP!!! HELP!!! E-MAIL: DMX_BO@HOTMAIL.COM
Posted by: Gozde $engul on December 15, 2005 08:34 PM
i have a daughter of 8 years old. she has problam in spinal cord. we want to give her thropy of stem cell. please give swame stem cell bank in delhi.(india)
thanks with regards
( rajan khera )
Posted by: Rajan khera on January 19, 2006 11:38 AM
my brother is a transverse myelitis patient,and he is paraplegia since three years he is 17 years old he cant do any thing without assistance . i heard about stem cell therapy on 03-06-2003 .iam very happy on that day but how many days it will take toget treatment in india and how much it will be. we are hoping about that miracle . please help my brother to get treatment for that therapy we are poor-iam praying to god that my ears will soon hear the shouting of paralysed patients that "iam walking' iam walking".anyone in the world or in india tell me about any other informations on spinal cure. my adress 6-50 boya street adoni-518301 kurnool district, andhra pradesh my phone no.9109866040046,9109849824689
Posted by: mallikarjuna valmiki on February 8, 2006 01:13 PM
UK researcher looking for people with spinal cord injury to try simple, novel method of healing
A message from Andrew Fletcher who has devised an ingenious method of helping people overcome serious health problems. Some with spinal cord injury have apparently benefited from it. The method is described in a CARECURE Community Forum discussion and in this article: Life And Gravity: Sleeping In A Horizontal Position May Be Bad For You
See also:
To download the compressed file, which will expand into a quicktime video of 34 mega, click on the button named "free", (then wait for 30 seconds) and follow instructions.
Posted by: Sepp on February 16, 2006 04:14 PM
Unbelievable but excellent news of hope that a child with spinal chord injury can walk again. Stem cell treatment should be encouraged. Dumisani is 6 years old and injured in a car accident involving Cattle lying on the tarmac road at night.
Posted by: Dumisani Stanley Ngwira on February 22, 2006 06:16 AM
i am 22 years old. i have met an accident while trekking. i am t6 paraplegia and on whelchair. i am final year engineering student. i am interested in stem cell surgery if there is any chance of my slight improvement. i am also interested in helping out some disabled people if i am able to.
my address is:
plot 2b, near mariyam masjid, new mukundnagar, ahmednagar,maharashtra,india
my mobile no is +919860752729
email id
Posted by: imran on February 23, 2006 10:14 AM
i m 26 year old from india. I accident by car in feb 2004 which disorders in my spinal cord in c5 c6 i m paralysed and enable to do any thing.
i m trying to know about treatment with stem cell, if u get any information about spinal treatment with stem cell please give me information about that. i shall be very thankful to u.
Please kindly inform us about Address,Telephone or E-MAIL doctors and hospital that to do this operation.
my email id:
Posted by: Jai B sharma on February 24, 2006 04:40 AM
my father is on wheel chair since 16 1988 he felt numbness in lower abdominal region including legs.took different investigation and treatment in Pakistan in different hospital/clinic .the deterioration continued till my father under went spinal cord operation in London(England).a tumour found at leveled disk (T-11-12) was removed after MRI scan minnor improvement appered during radio therapy after which a static condition of numbness in lower abdominal region, persist since than.Please advice on further treatment.
Posted by: Rafique on February 28, 2006 04:58 PM
myself aged 30,incomplete pareplegia patient . Please kindly inform us about Address,Telephone or E-MAIL doctors and hospital whereto contact forstem cell therapy in inia.also inform if there is any risk factor involved
Please do the needful help as soon as by giving such information which are given above and oblige
Posted by: lalit on March 6, 2006 02:41 PM
its great that stem cells helped with this, but it seems as if there is a very slim chance they can work. In this case it did, but there are alot more factors to deal with. IS it logical? is it ethical?
Posted by: aarone on March 9, 2006 06:49 AM
i m asst. professor in finance and suffering from transverse myletis since last 10 years and on wheel chair. pl let me know the details of any treatment in this regard.
i m also interested in working for disabled people for their welfare. pl let me know how can i contribute in this regard. pn no: 091-0522-3239955, india
Posted by: Dr. Y.P.Singh on March 22, 2006 03:48 PM
my brother is 8 year old.he can't speak, can"t walk
but his body moving
he moves his hand,leg
he can't live his bed .plz give me any treatment it.i try delhi/jaipur/chindigarh. but we not succesful in it .
if anyone known its treatment concet me on 01552282522/9414222865/9414217719
Posted by: rock on March 30, 2006 10:30 AM
All the conclusions to the research being done in this field seem to be premature. Cell Bath [] is a place I check for info. I believe they chose the Cell Bath name because they don't know what the new technology is going to be called.
Posted by: jeff on April 3, 2006 04:48 PM
my brother's son master Naveen kumar of age 10years suffering from the dicease called muscular distropy (DMD). he is unable to stand and walk since last please any body help us by giving details of stem cell treatment in india to save the boy's life.
please mail the details to my email id:
Posted by: mamandi.k on April 7, 2006 03:37 PM
Please assist me to walk again. Iwas involved in a car accident at the age of 12 mnths. Now iam 7 years old.
I hear of stem cell treatment for spinal cord injury.
Please advise on How i could meet these doctors
Posted by: Dumisani Stanley Ngwira on May 17, 2006 08:07 AM
i have 15 year old cerebal palcy boy .i am interested in stem cell treatment ,.please gide me
Posted by: nita on October 7, 2006 04:45 AM
I am from pakistan one of my fellow is facing spinal cord problem, and doctors refused the treatment, i heard some where about spinal cord treatment through stem cell in india, i request you please give me the doctors names and the hospital in india related to spinal cord treatment through stem cell.
Posted by: Khurram Irshad on November 7, 2006 08:35 AM
My wife, Mrs. Nandini Ray was suffering from a low back side pain with day-by-day increasing intensity. On 4th April 2006 morning the patient suddenly lost senses at the lower portion of her body that includes loss of control of urination and bowel movement. Immediately MRI scan was done. The patient was then operated on 5th April 2006. The Schwannoma was removed which was located in between D-11 & D-12 region of the vertebral column. On 26th October 2006, MRI scan was done again.
As per report it has been observed cordal atrophy and myelomalacia at the D-11 & D-12 site of the spinal cord.
Present Condition:
The patient is undergoing physiotherapy, the concern physiotherapist and his team performing physiotherapy has given the following reports.
1. Flex : 1+
2. Abduction : 1+
3. Adduction : 1+
4. Extension : 1+
PERIANAL SENSATION: At present no sensation in perianal region.
URINE RETENTION POWER: Patient can hold urine up to 11/2 hour. Patient is taking bedpan at the time of passing urine and in most of the time she can make early call before passing urine. Patient is stopped using catheter for about a week.
Patient can sit smoothly on her own from horizontal position by her own effort.
Patient can sit at a stretch for 40 minutes without any discomfort.
Patient can shift from bed to wheelchair and vice versa on her own.
Patient is more than normal in breathing exercise and participates in deep breathing exercise in a positive and co-operative mood.
Patient can lift her hip approximately 4 inch and stay at this condition for 10 seconds
Due to continuous physiotherapy the patient has developed much strength in her shoulder and both the hands.
Patient can stand and walk at a stretch for 10 minutes within parallel bar with knee and back brace.
According to the patient while walking when she is touching her foot on the base she feels some sensation and heaviness of foot.
A very good blood flow in the lower trunk continues and the lower trunk is still very healthy.
Patient is not using catheter at present and urinating at bed pan at an interval of 1 & ½ hour.
Patient has a feeling of gaining little bit control of urine.
Patient cannot feel bowel passing but can feel something around rectum while practicing rectal muscle control exercise.
Note : We have come to know from different sources through internet and others that stem cell transplantation therapy to repair the nerve tissue damage is coming in India in a big way. We will be highly obliged if some light can be thrown on the said subject.
With regards.
Yours faithfully,
mrigankamauli (at ) yahoo (dot) co (dot) india
Posted by: MRIGANKAMAULI RAY on December 17, 2006 07:26 AM
my name is w.g. smith. im 24 years og age. i was recently in a motorcycle accident. a drunk driver pull out in front of me. my spine was severally brused at T1 level. i was just wondering if u may have any info. for the adult stem cell theropy. numbers,addresses, anything.
(dubsdeuces - [at] -
Posted by: W.G. SMITH on January 1, 2007 01:25 PM
I have MS ,I can only stand for 2 miniutes at a time ,my legs are so weak .I am going to Germany next month for live cell treatments. It's such a shame I live in the U. S. and have to go so far for a speck of hope. Wish me luck. Thanks
Posted by: Lola Veraldi on March 16, 2007 01:28 AM
I have some useful information for you all.
Just go thru the links.
I think Stem cell treatments available in Delhi. Chennai has stem cell transplant center .
Stem Cell Research Blog
Cure Paralysis Now
Thanks & Regs
Nirmala Mydukuri
Posted by: nirmala mydukuri on May 17, 2007 06:35 AM
After going thru this link i could not resist myself. Its good news for you all
Try this. And if its useful pls do let me know
Posted by: nirmala mydukuri on May 17, 2007 06:45 AM
I\'m 45yrs old,I had a spinalcord injury due to a 20 plus foot high fall,that left me paralized from the waist down in aug.of 1999.T10&T11 had to be repaired from bone from my hip&2rods&8screws.The pain from the injury has gotten worst day by day.I\'ve also have had 2 other surgerys due to pressure ulcers on my butt;which consisted of infections&over 300 staples&stitches.Before my injury I was a building contractor &also studied martial arts for over 10yrs.PLEASE LET ME BE YOUR NEXT GUINEA PIG.I WANT TO WALK AGAIN YESTERDAY OR ASAP!!! THANK UVERY MUCH USA!!!
Posted by: Michael J. Pinette on June 13, 2007 07:15 PM
Hi; just checking in.I\'ts been 2 days since I\'ve posted very anxious to hear from u. THANKS AGAIN!!!
Posted by: Michael J. Pinette on June 15, 2007 06:30 PM
Michael, you will have to do your own research on where to find stem cell therapy for your injury. All I can do is report about the possibility, but I can\'t make recommendations. It\'s up to you to search, or to wait until another reader provides more information...
Posted by: Sepp on June 17, 2007 03:53 AM
Hi again
Hope all are doing well. Sorry i tool lot of time to reply.
Recently my father took stem cell treatment in chennai.
well this is still under development , we have to take risk and they are not assuring the chances of recovery
Pls let me know if i can give further information on this.
Posted by: nirmala on August 20, 2007 05:59 AM
my child is 3 yars old. he is suffering from mild cerebal palsy.can Stem cell Treatment be done on him. iwould also like to know about special exercise for cerebal palsy child.
thanking u
Posted by: kumar kislay on October 11, 2007 02:26 PM
I am susanta das from INDIA . I have injury in c5-c7 level of spinal cord since sept-2005. This is inform you that recently we were informed by local casters that your country has done a very successful operation on a patients with severe spinal cord injury,using new technology of planting base cells of embryo on injured parts of spinal cords . Please kindly inform us about Address,Telephone or E-MAIL doctors and hospital that to do this operation.
Please do the needful help as soon as by giving such information which are given above and oblige me.
Posted by: susanta das on November 7, 2007 11:18 AM
I am paralyzed from the waist down (actually a little higher: just below the breast bone, so I'm paraplegic)
I desperately want help or surgery to reverse this and am willing to be a "guinea pig" Please call me at [415] 759-4614 and ask for Jeffrey Jones or write to me at 375 Laguna Honda Blvd. #F4, San Francisco, CA 94116
J. Jones
p.s. I was a victim of a hate crime and really need help desperately! MAY THE UNIVERSE OR YOUR GOD BLESS YOU MIGHTILY!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Jeffrey Michael Jones (aka Heather) on January 5, 2008 02:42 PM
I am a t-2 paraplgic because of a spinalcord disease called Transverse Myelitis.I am 40 years of age and this happened to me March 2002.I cannot feel anything from my chest down and have not walked since then.Are you taking any recruits right now?I have had adult stem cells and pig stem cells but there is no significants yet.I am up for any help or challenge that I can find.Will you accept me as your project to learn on?I am totally willing to try anything!Thank you
Posted by: Lori on June 21, 2008 07:13 PM
my brother is 40 years old. he fell from a table and his neck was he is not able to move his hands and other body part. i have heard about the treatment of damaged spinal chord in china. so help me in this problem. i shall be thankful. it is noble task
Posted by: azeem on August 21, 2008 01:56 PM
plzzzzzzzzz help! I a 26 year spinal injury female from India, would like to know, where can i get best stem cell therapy.......i am a tetraplegic, the only daughter of my aged parents. I am desperate to stand on my feet, for there's nobody to look after me after them. My injury was on C6-C7 level, and has been stabilised with titanium plates. My case is a 2year old case of RTA. At present i have some improvement in the strength and muscle power and functioning of my upper limbs. I have regained both long and high sitting balances.......somebody, please HELP!
Posted by: Moupee Deb Roy on January 11, 2009 12:44 AM
dear sir/madam
I am 34 year old married lady. From 3 years doctors sometime says lupas and sometime RA. I am suffering from accute pain in whole body with swelling on feets and hands. No use of medication. I an for your suggestion and how can I benifit from stem cell theraphy. Is this is available in Nepal since I am a resedent of Nepal.
Posted by: kedar singh thapa on March 25, 2010 08:30 AM
dear sirmadam
i am a resident of india my daughter is a patient of cerebal palcy as now she is 5 years old. i shall be oblige to you if you guide me about stem cell therapy in case of my daughter. please i am waiting for your reply.
Posted by: Mrs. jaggi on June 25, 2010 02:45 PM

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