Health Supreme by Sepp Hasslberger

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June 02, 2005

Epidemics: Chemical Causes Or Virus Scares?

The question of disease causation is a big issue. On its answer depend fortunes and - unfortunately - millions of lives.

"What if we had strong evidence that, in fact, Aids is a multifactorial syndrome caused by drugs, malnutrition, toxic Aids medicine and the psychological devastation induced by the Hiv+ diagnosis, and that those who don’t get sick aren’t protected by a genetic factor, but by the common factor of refusing to take toxic Aids drugs? What if polio is actually caused by pesticides, vaccinations and tonsillectomies; diabetes by antibiotics, other medicines and organocholorine chemicals in the environment; leukemia and most cancers by a wide variety of toxic chemicals that governments permit in food; hepatitis by medicine and chemicals in the environment..."

asks Marcel Girodian, a writer on Aids and other health issues, in a thought provoking essay that examines the question of whether the answers we are given about disease causation might really have a political motivation, rather than being determined by altruistic concerns for our health. His conclusions leave little room for doubt:

"Microbial and genetic disease causations predominate in science not because they are the real causes of disease, but because of a variety of economic and political factors. The primary factors are:

1) the enormous power wielded by the pharmaceutical and chemical industries;

2) the willingness of government, the medical and scientific establishments, the media and the NGO sector to prostitute themselves to these industries;

3) the need to keep the population frightened and bewildered in order to strengthen the government-corporate alliance’s power, deny people true freedom, justify interference in people’s private lives and provide a rationale for transferring the public’s financial assets to corporations;

4) The fact that professionals involved in all these endeavors have attained wealth, power and status; and

5) the fact that they don’t want to lose their wealth, power and status."

Hard to swallow you say? Well, read the essay and draw your own conclusions or better yet, if what Girodian says does not tally with your own experience and knowledge, do your own research on the areas he points to.

Certainly there is motive - on the part of the petrochemical and pharma complex of industries - to hide chemical causes and point to the ubiquitous threat of "viral agents". Such a slant on disease causation would protect chemical and nuclear pollution from blame and require ever new and expensive "anti-viral" treatments. Good business practice if nothing else.

Here is the article...

- - -

by Marcel Girodian
May 5, 2005

“Why do current AIDS researchers not investigate, and not even consider the role of chemicals in AIDS or study other non-HIV AIDS theories to solve the AIDS dilemma?”
— Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Director, Institute of Science in Society, London

Aids is caused by a virus, Hiv. Those who “catch” Hiv and don’t get sick have a genetic factor that protects them. Monkeys get sick because they catch the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (Siv), cats get sick from the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (Fiv), and cows get sick when they catch the Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus (Biv). Polio is caused by a virus. Cancer is caused by viruses and genetic predisposition. “We are closing in on the genetic causes of cancer,” said Bill Clinton in 1998...

read on here

See also:

Harmless Virus Kills Some Cancers


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Thursday June 2 2005
updated on Tuesday December 21 2010

URL of this article:


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