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June 22, 2005

Tea Tree Oil: EU Science Committee Challenged

Tea Tree Oil has been used in Europe for decades, both pure and as an ingredient in cosmetic products. The extract prepared from the leaves of the melaleuca alternifolia tree native to Australia is an antiseptic remedy, used by aboriginees for centuries. The British explorer Captain Cook "discovered" the extract in 1770. He apparently had run out of tea and ended up brewing melaleuca leaves into a refreshing drink, during a voyage of discovery into the vast Australian continent. The essential oil obtained by steam distillation was subsequently introduced into western culture as a remedy with antiseptic and antifungal properties. Its use as a folk remedy for cold, flu, and systemic fungal infections spread by word of mouth.

These properties put Tea Tree Oil in perhaps involuntary competition with pharmaceutical medicine but also into direct jeopardy from pharmaceutically inspired regulation. In fact, the European Union's Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP) announced in its opinion adopted in December 2004, that "the use of undiluted Tea Tree Oil as a commercial product is not safe".

- - -

There are some who don't agree: "The SCCP Opinion on Tea Tree Oil – perhaps the most extensively researched essential oil - is riddled with political overtones, which potentially pander to the interests of big pharmaceutical business" charges Tony Burfield of Cropwatch, a group described on their site as an Independent Watchdog for Endangered & Vulnerable Natural Aromatic Products used in the Aroma (Perfumes, Flavours, Aromatherapy, Cosmetics), Herbal, Traditional Medicine & Phytochemical Industries.

Burfield says that a full scientific critique of the SCCP opinion is in preparation. However he opens a wider question, whether the system of evaluation by "advisory ‘expert’ committees of academics" should be ended, because findings are often divorced from reality.

In a related case, the European rules on biocidal products - those are disinfectants, wood preservatives, and pest control substances - prohibit the use of a number of traditionally used natural extracts. Affected are Basil oil, Cajuput oil, Cedarwood oil, Celery oil, Chamomile oil, Citronella oil, Clove leaf oil, Coriander oil, Cornmint oil, Cumin oil, Cypress oil, Eucalyptus oil, Juniperberry oil, Neem oil, Pinus oils, Lavender oil, Lemongrass oil, Geranium oil, Litsea cubeba oil, Melaleuca oil, Pine oil, Black pepper oil, Palmarosa oil, Patchouli oil, Pennyroyal oil, Peppermint oil, Rosewood oil, Rue oil, Spearmint oil, Thyme oil, Valeriana officinalis oil, and a host of others.

The conclusion that the community legislator may be more or less openly protecting friends in the pharmaceutical industry isn't easy to avoid.

A similar thing has been happening in the area of food supplements, where a European directive restricts the vitamin and mineral ingredients to those few that have been traditionally used by the pharmaceutical industry to formulate its products, excluding the natural forms of vitamin E, for example, and many bioavailable forms of minerals, as well as a great number of trace elements.

What seems to be missing in the rather heavy-handed European approach to legislation on health related risks is a correct application of the science of risk analysis. Rather than searching the scientific literature for all kinds of theoretical risks that might be associated with a substance and then summarily executing the culprit, perhaps it would be better to start by exactly characterizing the risk. How big is it? How many people have died or suffered other severe consequences? How many people are using the substance and are there reported positive effects? What is the balance between positive and negative. Do we have to intervene at all? Those are some of the initial questions that should be asked, and the answers to these should be documented, before there is any action, much less a generalized prohibition, of any natural substance that is is use.


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Wednesday June 22 2005
updated on Wednesday November 24 2010

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Readers' Comments

There is a 120-year old technique to improve agricultural soils without the use of chemical salts. It consists in scraping whatever rocky outcrop is found in situ with a tractor-driven (300hp) cylindrical scraper roller (2.9 x 0.65m). The scraping action pulverises the rock which is later incorporated into the soil. Not only minerals but also trace elements re-mineralise a poor soil, which with organic fertilisers begins to give superior, healthy crops. The technique was invented by Julius Hensel (19th C) who successfully challenged von Liebig. His book (Bread from Stone) is in print again after a cover up of more than 100 years. Getting health crops is the answer towards bypassing both Big Pharma and Food Supplement industries.
Silvano Borruso

Posted by: Silvano Borruso on June 23, 2005 02:16 PM


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