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August 22, 2005

WHO 'Mental Health' Program Pushing Psychiatric Drugs

The World Health Organization's report "Nations For Mental Health" is ostensibly raising awareness on issues of mental health, but the program seems to be designed to ensure conformity and promote psychiatric drugs. The principal sponsors of the program were Eli Lilly and Johnson and Johnson, according to Vera Hassner Sharav of the ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION (AHRP) major producers of just such conformity promoting psychotropic medications. According to the report

The World Bank’s World Development Report 1993 publishes startling statistics on the global burden on mental disorders. It is estimated that 8 percent of the global burden of disability and morbidity in the world is due to mental and neurological disorders. Adding behaviour-related illnesses, the figure rises to 42 percent.


WHO estimates that at any one time, as many as one in four of the world's population suffer from different forms of mental, behavioural and neurological disorders, including affective disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, epilepsy, dementias, mental retardation, schizophrenia and stress-related disorders.

This WHO initiative precedes the more recent US program to establish "evidence based guidelines" for mental health "treatment", the Texas Medication Algorithm, and its companion, the TeenScreen program. These US initiatives are designed to make sure everyone who does not conform, including children, receive their drugs.

"Mental Health" has become synonymous for drugging people so they "fit into society", to eliminate those elements that are a disturbance. We can intuit that much from Gro Harlem Brundtland's statement, who said that

mental disorders are one of the most significant contributors to the global burden of disease. And, she underlines, “All predictions are that the future will bring an exponential increase in mental problems. The most important reasons include the ageing of the population, exacerbating social problems and unrest, including the rising number of persons affected by violent conflicts, civil wars and disasters and the growing number of displaced persons.”

My suggestion to the UN would be to eliminate the real problems, such as violent conflicts, civil wars and disasters and the growing number of displaced persons, rather than continue our sorry state of affairs and merely drug people into better accepting the current state of affairs. Perhaps, if psychiatric drugs really did work, one could tolerate a program of this kind as a temporary solution, but since these drugs do increase both the number of suicides and the occurrence of abominable violence, such as shooting sprees by "unbalanced individuals", the UN's love for drug treatments and its motivations must be closely examined.

Here is Vera Hassner Sharav's comment:

- - -

The credibility of the World Health Organization (WHO) is in doubt since its financial ties to Eli Lilly and Johnson and Johnson.

The reach of Big Pharma is indeed all-encompassing. NOTHING written in the mental health field by professional associations, such as the American Psychiatric Association, or government agencies, such as the National Institute of Mental Health, or "non-profit" NGOs such as the Mental Health Association, or even the WHO is to be trusted because all of these organizations are under the influence of Big Pharma.

The Final Report -- "Nations for Mental Health" -- issued by the WHO Mental Health Policy and Service Development, Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence (2002), was underwritten by Eli Lilly and Johnson & Johnson. 


WHO gratefully acknowledges the financial support of Nations for Mental Health by the Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, the Johnson and Johnson Corporate Contributions Europe Committee, the Government of Italy, the Government of Japan, the Government of Norway, the Government of Australia and the Brocher Foundation.

The introduction states:

Nations for Mental Health was to pursue the following goals:

1. To raise awareness of the people and governments of the world to the effects of mental health problems and substance abuse on the psychosocial well–being of the world's underserved populations.

2. To stimulate innovative approaches to the promotion of mental health and the prevention and control of mental disorders.

3. To generate the human capital able to lead innovation in the mental health promotion and care provision.

4. To promote service development at country level through technical demonstration projects.

A three-step approach was envisaged to create a process leading to put mental health in the political agenda.

The first step was to increase the general awareness of the importance of mental health through a series of key high profile events to focus public attention.

Second, it was planned that efforts would be devoted to building the will of the key political authorities to participate.

Third, and finally, efforts were directed towards securing political commitments by decision-makers (e.g., legislative measures, policy undertakings, and performance of specific initiatives in favour of mental health, such as a campaign to destigmatize mental disorders). Alliances with the scientific community and policy–makers were seen as achievable in the context of demonstration projects and through the effects of awareness-raising efforts."

Nations for Mental Health is, therefore, a covert promotional marketing tool masquerading as an objective credible source of information.

**Reminder: Eli Lilly and Johnson & Johnson are not charities. 

Lilly and J & J are in business to increase drug sales and profits., They manufacture blockbuster drugs such as: Prozac, Cymbalta, Straterra, Zyprexa (Lilly) and Risperdal (J & J). 

When pharmaceutical companies provide provides "gifts" to individual physicians, government or Not fror profit organizations -- they do so for but one purpose only: That purpose is to promote their drugs so that sales will increase. Drug manufacturers love to fund "anti-stigma" campaigns -- thereby ensuring an ever increasing customer base.

Every one who accepts financial support from a pharmaceutical company --no matter what the stated "educational" goal -- becomes a promoter of the company's drugs -- whether the receipients acknowledge that fact or not. 

Vera Hassner Sharav

See also:

Are we all going meshuggah, or are the experts crazy?
Psychiatric researchers recently estimated that half of the American population has had or will have a mental disorder at some time in their life. A generation ago, by contrast, only a small percentage of the American population was considered mentally ill. Are we all going mad?

Jorge A. Costa e Silva, M.D.
Mental Health: A Worthwhile Investment
Dr. Costa e Silva is a world-renowned expert in psychiatry, having held a variety of senior-level posts in the World Health Organization and in mental health-related NGO's (Non Governmental Organizations) accredited to the United Nations. Since 1999, he has served as Director of the World Health Organization / New York University (WHO/NYU) International Center for Mental Health Policy and Research and is also a Professor of Psychiatry at New York University Medical School.

Top-selling drug linked to increased suicide risk

Antidepressant Seroxat linked to suicide attempts among adults

August 24 DC Protest - Activists Against TeenScreen Will Attend

James Torlakson: Look what Celexa caused Elizabeth to do

Psychiatric Drugs: An Assault on the Human Condition
Interview by Terry Messman

Why are atypical drug users angry?

Warning: Psychiatric Treatments For Depression May Be Hazardous To Your Health

What happens when drugs are found to be unsafe and ineffective? Not much.

Street Spirit: Psychiatric Abuses and the Homeless Community

Brain Nutrients
edited by Michael LeVesque


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Monday August 22 2005
updated on Wednesday December 8 2010

URL of this article:


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Readers' Comments

WHO also has a program developed after the above called MHGAP, which is divided into 10 books as of today, 8-22-05, with each book addressing such products as Essential Drugs, and

Promoting Mental Health (PDF file)

Mental Health Policy, Updated

Posted by: Ayala Karsh on August 23, 2005 12:53 AM


I have 2 questions:

1. How can poor countries pay for the new anti psychotics cited in the WHO documents?

2. Why would the whole world be so obligated to the pharmaceutical companies? Why not some other trades, i.e. the food companies? Is there another reason behind all the drugging, especially children, besides money for the pharmaceuticals?

I would love to hear other people's opinions.

Best, Ayala Karsh

Posted by: Ayala Karsh on August 23, 2005 12:56 AM


Dear Ayala,

as I have just answered another email about this article, let me give my view to the points you make.

1. Of course the poor countries cannot afford the medications, especially at current prices. The programs will get them deeper into debt than they already are, as all medications have to come from western producers.

2. There seems to be a second part of the agenda, here's what I said to the other reader:

"... apart from the money that is being made from (dangerous) drugs, there is another aspect, which is conformity, ultimately forwarding the goal of a controlled society, where those that don't "fit in" are incapacitated by drugging them enough to deprive them of initiative. Looking at the side effects of these drugs, that seems to be exactly their purpose."

Posted by: Sepp on August 23, 2005 04:05 PM


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