Health Supreme by Sepp Hasslberger

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May 26, 2006

Toxic Dentistry May Be Major Threat To Health

Most of us have heard about the epidemic of prescription drugs and the associated hospitalizations and deaths from toxic medicines, that have made modern medicine the leading cause of death, ahead of heart disease and cancer. Bringing dentistry into the equation, this headline may raise some eyebrows. Certainly you'd think we have come a long way since the dark ages. But Tim Bolen is serious about what he says - dentistry may be THE major underlying cause for our bad health, and reading his article, I tend to agree. There are several ways dentists today are contributing to bad health - just the opposite of what's advertised.

click for full size

The dentist - Image credit: Web Gallery of Art

Perhaps if we were not under such heavy toxic assault from fluoride, mercury amalgams and hidden tooth decay, we'd be using much less of the pharmaceutical remedies that merely treat our symptoms - the pains, aches and organ degradation which have become part of our daily lives - and make matters worse for our health over all.

See what Tim Bolen has to say about dentistry and how come he thinks it may be a major determinant of our bad state of health in the Western World...

- - -

2006 Biggest Health Threat to the United States - US Dentistry...

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 
Monday, May 22nd, 2006

The US Health Care System, rated 72nd in quality, but number one in cost - worldwide, is known, by government reports, to be the NUMBER ONE KILLER of Americans - ahead of heart disease, cancer, and strokes. There is no argument against facts.

But what is up for speculation are the REASONS why this is so. No one I know of (government agencies, think tanks, etc.) has taken the time to describe, and rate, the reasons why US citizens are being so short-changed.

It is easy to point fingers at the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and show their faults. We could point with certainty at those industries that spew their toxic waste into society. We could certainly talk endlessly about the greed and corruption in the health insurance industry, and their penchant to offer the crappiest of health care paradigms as the only choices they'll pay for. We could point our fingers at the hospital system, our nursing homes, and the tendency towards "five-minute medicine." We could talk about State Regulatory Boards and their inability, and unwillingness to cull out bad practitioners, and bad practices. We could talk about the intentional actions of the sleazy "quackbuster" operation to stop any innovation in health care.

I've written about all of these problems - and so have many others.

But what if there is an industry, completely trusted by the public, that knowingly, and intentionally, is causing significant harm to America's health?

There is one. It is called "Official dentistry" and I believe that this entity, by itself, is the number one problem in American health care. 

Let me tell you why I think so...

The Self-Serving Dental Bureaucracy  - "Official dentistry" is not now, and has not been for some time, about Dentists or dentistry. It is about the Dental Bureaucracy protecting the IMMENSE CASH FLOW FROM OUTSIDE SOURCES, into that bureaucratic system. That huge amount of cash sets "Official dentistry's" priorities, and THOSE PRIORITIES do not serve the needs of America's Dentists, and certainly not the needs of the American public. Dentists, within the system, have little, or no, control over what happens in American Dentistry...

(Read the whole article on Tim Bolen's site...)

More than half of US dentistry now mercury-free
A dentist magazine surveyed its dentist readers, and finds that 52% of American dentists now are mercury-free. This new dentist majority brings colossal ramifications upon America 's protectors of mercury fillings -- the American Dental Association and the Food and Drug Administration.

See also:

Cure Tooth Decay!
Heal And Prevent Cavities With Nutrition


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Friday May 26 2006
updated on Wednesday February 13 2008

URL of this article:


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Readers' Comments

Refer to an authentic source in a yoga text, and it elaborates on how to select a tooth brush & a dentifrice.

And obviously eat unprocessed food and follow the simple rules of cleaning the teeth after every meal.

Probably too much for the modern world, and so we have dentistry, since prevention is forgotten in the mad rush for cure :-)

Posted by: yogi on May 29, 2006 10:35 AM


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