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July 15, 2006

Fluoridated Water Kills Horses, Dogs

Horse breeder Kathy Justus and her husband Wayne bought a property and moved to Pagosa Springs in the late 1970s. They came from Southern California, where water had not been fluoridated to their new location, thinking they had found the ideal spot for raising their show-quality quarter horses. Little did they know that the pure mountain spring water at their new place, located at the foot of the Continental Divide and at the headwaters of a clean fresh stream coming from the mountains, had been fluoridated by the Pagosa Springs city council.


Disaster crept up slowly on the newly relocated farm. Horses got more and more sick, had frequent colics, infections and thyroid problems. They suffered bone deformity, breathing problems and their foals were born weak and deformed. Eventually, after several horses and four dogs had died of mysterious deaths, Kathy found the source of her animals' problems:

I knew our water was fluoridated, and that it would be a major undertaking to get fluoridation stopped, so I tried other avenues to see if anything else could be the culprit of our animals’ many problems. Wayne and I drink distilled water, so it wasn't affecting us. To distill enough water for our animals was impossible - horses drink between ten to twelve gallons of water a day. That means they can accumulate far more fluoride in a smaller amount of time than people. As Dr. Krook said, “Horses are like the canaries in the mines. What shows up in them is manifesting in those people who drink fluoridated water too... but at a faster pace in horses."

After asking vets what could be the problem and getting no answer, trying different feed, homeopathic and other remedies, fluoridation of the water was pinpointed as the culprit. One winter, which brought more snow than usual, provided the decisive clue:

- - -

The winter of 2003/04 was the first in over 10 that we had snow on the ground all winter. We noticed our outside 100-gallon heated water tank of city water only needed filling every 18 days instead of the usual every day and a half. The horses were eating snow instead of drinking the heated fluoridated water. They knew it was poison. The symptoms in all the horses started leaving. The improvement in Baby Doe was miraculous. She put on weight and started shedding the "Cushings Symptom" hair and shed all winter long. This was the first winter in over 10 years that we didn't have one single colic. The lack of them drinking the city water was the only thing that had changed.

One and a half weeks after all the snow was gone in the spring of 2004 and all the horses had to drink the city water again we had our first colic; 9 1/2 hours worth of cramping stomach and intestinal cramping. We were finally able to find a source of river water the middle of March 2004 and that was the last colic we have had.

Kathy Justus campaigned to end fluoridation of the local water supply and finally did succeed. Her story and that of her horses' suffering and the eventual relief after eliminating the poison is told in detail on this page on the site of the Fluoride Toxicity Research Collaborative.

I want to thank Edward Griffin and his Unfiltered News from the Reality Zone for the pointer to this story.


Deadly Remedy: Strange illnesses lead horse breeder to challenge fluoridation of Pagosa's water

See also related:

An ancient city's tale of too much flouride
As a waypoint on the ancient Silk Road, the metropolis of Palmyra had it all, broad towers, impressive temples and enviable trade. Water from local wells even contained fluoride, limiting that scourge of the ancients — tooth decay. But just as the wealth of Palmyra vanished, leaving behind ruins in the Syrian desert, a new study suggests its waters may also have been ruinous in the end for the city's inhabitants.

Andrew Saul of on Water Fluoridation

Video: Poisoned Horses


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Saturday July 15 2006
updated on Tuesday December 21 2010

URL of this article:


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Readers' Comments

I would like to suggest:

1) The AARP be an active participant in the campaign agains flouridated water. Significant healt problems attend older Americans which can only be increased by the detrimental effects of flouridation. Consider also how fragile the visiting grandchildren would be drinking this flouridated water.

Retirement communities should consider the flouridation of water one of the primary detriments of devoloped communities.

Small town desiring to draw older retirement age Americans should be aware that flouridation is a question that will be asked due to the health consideration flouridation brings with it.

Politicos and local officials should be aware that interested potential residents consider flouridation a danger to themselves and their children.

Flouridation is an issue the educated and affluent consider when making a choice of a future retirement home. Spread the word!

Posted by: kathleen sisco on July 17, 2006 05:23 PM


I wonder if anyone knows - what cities and states (US) flouridate their water?

Which countries do?

Which don't?

I am currently under the perhaps incorrect impression that a little flouride (applied externally - not ingested) is good for the teeth (hardens bone, kills bacteria in mouth), but more than a little is not.

Yes, no, maybe so?

Posted by: LS on July 19, 2006 10:29 AM


The CDC provides a database that shows where water is fluoridated.

There is some controversy over just how many countries fluoridate their water, according to this article on the Fluoride Action Network site:

How Many Nations Fluoridate Their Water?

Most of Europe tried and abandoned fluoridation, with the notable exception of the UK and Ireland.

The benefits of fluoridation are a big maybe. Yes, not ingested is certainly better, as the mineral accumulates in organisms and wreaks increasing havoc with time.

The "good for the teeth" mantra seems to have come out of studies performed by industry and the US government, when fluoride contamination (!) was becoming a big issue in the 1950s. The studies, which many call a cover-up were necessary to avoid large liabilities for contamination. Fluoride is needed for nuclear bomb manufacture.

See Fluoride and the A-Bomb Program

Posted by: Sepp on July 19, 2006 05:21 PM


this is a recovered comment (the system has swallowed up some of them) ...

I need everyone's help. Please go to and type in your zip code. Send an email to both of your US senators and tell them to STOP HORSE SLAUGHTERING in the USA. The vote is coming before the Senate in early October so please do it NOW! :-) Thanks!!!

Posted by: ??? on October 6, 2006 09:23 AM


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