Euro or Chiemgauer? - Alternative Currency To Support Waldorf School
"Euro or Chiemgauer?" you might hear that question asked when buying groceries in Prien, a town in the South of Germany, in the region of Bavaria called ... Chiemgau. Prien is a small town nestled close to the northern slopes of the Alps and situated at the Chiemsee, a wonderful lake complete with three islands, a historic monastery and a castle of King Ludwig, an attraction for holidaymakers from near and far.
In more than 70 businesses, clients can choose whether they would like to pay with Euro or with Chiemgauers. The Chiemgauer is a local currency that has been conceived, designed, promoted and brought into circulation by six girls, students of the local Waldorf high school in Prien and their teacher, Christian Gelleri.
Since its introduction seven months ago, nearly 50,000 chiemgauer or approximately $58,000 have been circulated. Bundles of 50 chiemgauer, sorted by denomination and held together by a rubber band, are available at the Waldorf School and at several other locations in Prien. Those who want to use it pay 50 euro for a bundle and spend them in the 80 local shops that accept the chiemgauer.The businesses include cafes, food markets, and clothing stores. An Indian restaurant was one of the latest to sign up.
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The school project with a serious background was conceived by Gelleri, based on the ideas of Bernd Lietaer, one of the principal contemporary thinkers behind the idea of a need for currency reform. The idea of alternative money that will support a local economy is not new. Here is a little introduction to the concept.See also related:
Conference on Complementary Currencies to be held in Germany, Bad Honnef, from 18 to 22 July 2004. Download PDF of announcement and program in 4 languages.
Christian Science Monitor: German teenagers invent a currency
Chiemgauer: A Currency for Waldorf Schools
UsuryFree Community Currencies
Canada: Usury Free Currencies - Hour time is NOW!
Alternative Trading Network and Specialized Direct Democracy
What Are Complementary Currency Systems?
Complementary Currency Systems are appropriately-designed social and economic networks which encourage cooperation and reciprocation, self-reliance and mutual aid, local production for local needs, socio-economic solidarity and economic justice for the meeting of needs, cultural revitalization, socio-economic harmony and rural reconstruction. They use a medium of exchange that circulates together with the national currency to support the local economy...Germans take pride in local money
"It's quite simple," he said. "The money you spend stays in the region. When I accept Urstromtaler in my shop, I then have to see how I can spend the local banknotes. You get to know everyone who's participating in this project, and at the end of the day, you have a good feeling about life." More than 200 businesses are using the regional currency, including shops, bakeries, florists, restaurants. There is even a cinema which accepts Urstromtaler.
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Friday March 12 2004
updated on Monday November 22 2010URL of this article:
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