February 16, 2004
South Africa: Traditional Medicine to Fight AIDS, Poverty
The South African Health Minister says that the use of African traditional medicines may eventually replace anti-retrovirals in the treatment of HIV and Aids.
Now that is a novel thought.
Aids drugs have long been accused of being worse than the disease, their highly toxic shotgun approach kills cells pretty much indiscriminately. A less damaging approach to healing those affected would certainly be welcome.
According to this recent article on BBC News, "Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang has previously been quoted as saying that she would not be hurried into providing anti-retroviral drugs, and that beetroot and lemons were part of an ideal diet for people who were HIV positive." It may be interesting to note that apparently, Beetroot has for many years been used as a treatment for cancer. Specific anti-carcinogens are bound to the red colouring matter which supposedly helps fight against cancer and beetroot also increases the uptake of oxygen by as much as 400 percent." That would fit with the finding that most symptomatic Aids patients are found to have elevated levels of ferric iron (fe+++) instead of ferrous iron (fe++) in their blood. This change impedes blood transportation of oxygen and thus starves the cells leading to all kinds of symptoms. Nothing to do with a virus that must be killed.
Minister urges of traditional medicines
February 16, 2004
By Nazma Dreyer
Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang has suggested that the use of African traditional medicines may eventually replace anti-retrovirals in the treatment of HIV and Aids.
She also stressed that traditional medicine should not be integrated into western medicine, as it was a science "in its own right".
The minister was speaking at the Medical Research Council (MRC) to traditional healers and community members at the launch of the National Reference Centre for African Traditional Medicine (NRCATM) in the Western Cape on Sunday.
Sunday's provincial launch follows the national launch in August of the NRCATM in Pretoria.
'We can't ignore their immense contribution'
Tshabalala-Msimang said the provincial launches were aimed at helping the Department of Health to reach stakeholders throughout the country.
"Our primary objective is to establish a burgeoning centre of excellence that advances the contribution of African traditional medicines by addressing the health and economic needs of this country and the continent."
Tshabalala-Msimang said current estimates suggested that more than 60 percent of the world's population relied on traditional medicines, and in South Africa, this figure was over 80 percent.
"For the first time in our history, the potential of traditional medicines is being recognised and they are taking their rightful place in our health system."
The minister said there were 200 000 traditional healers in South Africa and they were the first healthcare providers to be consulted in up to 80 percent of cases, especially in rural areas.
"I hope all of them are genuine. We can't ignore their immense contribution in primary healthcare over the centuries," she said.
The centre would also provide potential for trade, job creation and poverty alleviation.
It would establish an information system on African traditional medicines; research medicinal plants; identify education and training on traditional medicines; protect indigenous knowledge through patents and intellectual property rights; promote research into diseases; and establish a processing business.
The centre is led by the Department of Health, the MRC and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, and will be used by traditional healers, the government, regulatory authorities, scientists, medical professionals, conservation authorities, communities and businesses.
The head of indigenous knowledge systems of health at the MRC, Gilbert Matsabisa, said solutions to the treatment of HIV and Aids could come from trees and plants.
* This article was originally published on page 3 of The Star on February 16,
Update September 2004:
Message from Boyd Graves, dated 9/26/04, received by e-mail:
Yesterday I gave a presentation in Toronto to the "South African Development and Education Center". I presented info on the below listed patented cure for AIDS. U.S. patent #5676977. I believe it is imperative the world responds to this U.S.-patented cure for AIDS. I have taken this cure myself, now some thirty four months ago. I KNOW it works. Thank you. Boyd Ed Graves
United States Patent 5,676,977 Antelman October 14, 1997
Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices
The diamagnetic semiconducting molecular crystal tetrasilver tetroxide (Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4) is utilized for destroying the AIDS virus, destroying AIDS synergistic pathogens and immunity suppressing moieties (ISM) in humans. A single intravenous injection of the devices is all that is required for efficacy at levels of about 40 PPM of human blood. The device molecular crystal contains two mono and two trivalent silver ions capable of "firing" electrons capable of electrocuting the AIDS virus, pathogens and ISM. When administered into the bloodstream, the device electrons will be triggered by pathogens, a proliferating virus and ISM, and when fired will simultaneously trigger a redox chelation mechanism resulting in divalent silver moieties which chelate and bind active sites of the entities destroying them. The devices are completely non-toxic. However, they put stress on the liver causing hepatomegaly, but there is no loss of liver function.
Inventors: Antelman; Marvin S. (Rehovot, IL) Assignee: Antelman Technologies Ltd. (Providence, RI) Appl. No.: 658955 Filed: May 31, 1996
Current U.S. Class: 424/618; 514/495 Intern'l Class: A61K 033/38 Field of Search: 424/618 514/495
My (Sepp Hasslberger's) comment:
Since tetrasilver tetroxide is not a pharmaceutical company money maker, it will have an uphill battle in being accepted, just like prevention and cure of the aids symptoms based on nutrients as described elsewhere on this site.
See also:
Aids pressure groups have said they will battle the move away from pharmaceutical drugs to natural methods, according to a recent BBC article.
S Africa gives out free Aids drugs
SA group to sue over Aids drugs - Pressure is mounting on the South African government to hasten the distribution of drugs to combat HIV/Aids at public hospitals.
Zambia tests HIV 'herbal remedy'
Zambia has begun trials of three herbal medicines to see if they can be used to treat HIV/Aids, it says. Twenty-five people with HIV will take part in the three-month trial, which the health minister said conforms to World Health Organization guidelines.
Doctor must stop SA Aids adverts
A South African court has ordered a German doctor to stop publishing statements critical of the country's leading Aids campaign group. Dr Mattias Rath accused the Treatment Action Campaign of being funded by international drugs firms to help sell their products in South Africa. The Cape Town high court rejected Dr Rath's argument that his claim was part of a necessary debate on HIV/Aids. The Rath Foundation says its vitamin supplements can help stop Aids.
Can herbal medicine combat Aids?
Africa relies on herbalists and traditional healers for much of its primary health care.
A recent World Health Organization (WHO) research revealed that the vast majority of medicines taken in developing countries are traditional medicines. In Ethiopia the figure is 90% ... Could traditional medicine have a role to play in combating HIV/Aids in Africa?
This article has a series of readers' comments - most of them favourable to the use of herbal medicine...
South Africa: Health Minister Says Unfair to criticise traditional health cures
Director-general of health Thami Mseleku described as "colonialist" the mentality of conventional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.
"They see it threatening certain things. They want to condemn it." Traditional medicine was "happy" to subject itself to rigorous testing, provided the intellectual property rights of traditional healers were protected, Mseleku said. However, there was no money to establish such processes because the conventional pharmaceutical industry wanted to protect its own turf, he said.
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Monday February 16 2004
updated on Thursday December 16 2010
URL of this article:
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January 10, 2004 - Sepp Hasslberger
Readers' Comments
Before the 2000 Durban UN-AIDS conference I recommended the South African government to adapt the therapy recommendations of the Swiss Study Group for AIDS therapy. As I just learned, the recommendations have been adapted, too, and now list a product extracted from an african indigenous plant (Uwemba Pastilles).
Please don't get me wrong, I'd never claim any influence in that case, but since then I'm watching the (media coverage of the) South African AIDS policy and this is really good news to me!
Your blog is the first private weblog I can find with a critical view on AIDS causes and treatment. Do you know any other? I'd like to link some (and start writing asap in my own blog).
Posted by: Tom Radau on March 18, 2004 08:40 PM
Thank you for your comment, Tom.
I have also been watching the African - especially South African - change of approach on Aids, and I'm happy to see the changes.
As for blogs, I think there is precious little around by way of aids criticism. Chris Gupta has an interesting article on his blog. (http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/chris/)
And there is my friend Ivan here in Italy, who has several critical articles - but in Italian on his site.
I haven't come across any other ones yet. There are plenty of normal websites though...
Posted by: Sepp on March 18, 2004 11:35 PM
This is a phenomenally great idea. It would also help to have more websites to describe these natural / nutritional methods. I have a friend in Europe who works in this field. The best part of using these techniques, is that it helps replenish the earth when they are replanted and harvested. So by helping to heal people, we also help to heal the earth. If the pharmaceutical folks were smart enough to see the dead-end nature of their drugs, and the farsighted possibilities of the alternatives, they would jump on the nutriceutical bandwagon. Oops! I think they just missed their ride!!
Posted by: Brent Bielema on April 29, 2004 12:09 AM
Posted by: asasasas on June 3, 2004 08:26 PM
Information sent by Anthony Rees from South Africa:
July 12 2004 at 07:03PM
The Medicines Control Council (MCC) has changed its mind on the use of nevirapine to reduce the risk of transmission of HIV from mother to child.
"Council believes that the risk-benefit profile of nevirapine monotherapy has changed and therefore no longer recommends its use for the prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV," the medicines regulator said in a statement on Monday.
The announcement follows on the heels of Minister of Health Manto Tshabalala-Msimang saying at her arrival at the 15th World Aids conference in Bangkok, Thailand, that there was "ever-growing resistance against the prescription of nevirapine" for pregnant women who are HIV positive.
She also said there was a growing body of evidence that breast-feeding might be a better feeding option for HIV-positive women than the formula milk that government provided as part of its programme to prevent mother-to-child transmission of the virus.
'Council's decision applies to all monotherapy interventions'
At a meeting on July 2, the MCC recommended that nevirapine and zidovudine (AZT), previously approved for monotherapy in PMTCT, only be used in combination therapy.
"The approval of nevirapine as monotherapy for this indication, in April 2001, was conditional upon monitoring of resistance and its impact on efficacy," the MCC added.
The MCC said significant numbers of mothers and babies built up resistance to Nevirapine when exposed to it as a monotherapy to reduce the risk of the child contracting HIV from its mother during birth.
Recent studies conducted in South Africa, using nevirapine as a monotherapy for this purpose, showed up to half of patients treated became resistant to the medication, the MCC said in a statement.
"The clinical significance of these findings needs further investigation as the efficacy of future treatment options in mothers or babies who have nevirapine-resistant HIV may be compromised," the regulator added.
"Council's decision applies to all monotherapy interventions when used to reduce the risk of transmission of HIV from mother to child during labour. Council is of the view that combination therapy should be considered for this indication."
It was not immediately clear from the statement what impact the decision would have on the health department's Comprehensive Plan for Management,Care and Treatment of HIV and Aids. - Sapa
Posted by: Sepp on July 13, 2004 06:01 PM
This is one of the best private blogs available when it comes to critically examining haelth issues. I first learnt of the 'dissident' theorists here and I'm learning new things everyday. My major worry is that the alternative views and approaches exlored here shall forever remain a shadowy backwater when it comes to academic debate and policy making at national and international level. What can be done to make the public more aware of these issues? As a journalist I have attempted this on several occasions but have met with little success.
Mabasa Sasa
Senior Features Writer
The Sunday Mirror
Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted by: Mabasa Sasa on August 9, 2004 11:42 AM
Dear Mabasa Sasa,
thank you very much for your comment. I am happy that my site is providing a window into a world that, as you say, is (still) in a shadowy backwater when it comes to academic debate and policy making at a national and international level. My hope is, that by stimulating that debate - and here help from journalists such as yourself would be very welcome - the issue will indeed emerge into public consciousness and scientific debate will ensure we progress from highly toxic remedies to actual prevention and real cures.
Perhaps it would be best for you to link up with some of the people who are discussing the scientific aspects of AIDS and who, for now, are frozen out of the policy making debate.
I am copying this response to some of these people in the hopes that you may get in direct contact with them, and see what they have to say. My role in this can only be to stimulate. Others are dedicating much more time to the issue and may be able to supply you with more "ammunition" in this matter.
Christine Maggiore is a long time aids surviver and has a website:
Harold Foster is a Canadian scientist who has written a book on how to reverse aids by the use of some simple nutrients that are deficient in most or all aids patients. His site:
Joan Shenton is a British journalist who has been writing and making films about the aids issue. You can see references to some of her work at this site:
Liam Sheff is a US journalist who has exposed the experiments done on children in New York:
Neville Hodgkinson is another UK journalist who has investigated the aids epidemic and written an excellent overview of the science on aids and hiv:
and on the flaws in aids testing:
Robert Giraldo is a medical doctor and has written much on aids. His informative website:
David Rasnick is a scientist who has done much work on aids. Some links are on this site:
Robert Laarhoven is the webmaster of what is perhaps the most informative site on aids issues:
Val Turner is an emergency Physician at the Perth Royal Hospital and works with what is known as the Perth Group, a group of scientists challenging conventional aids wisdom:
Not to forget Mark Griffiths, aids surviver and initiator of a very informative site on aids - AltHeal:
Posted by: Sepp on August 9, 2004 10:16 PM
I've posted some relevent aids research involving Imusil, the Antleman patent and a response from the company on my blog. I will continue to periodically cover uses of Ag I since I and the family use it.
Now I have a hunch that Ag I, commonly known as colloidal silver and more accurately know as EIS (electrically isolated silver, 10-20 ppm), can be boosted significantly by adding MSM.
I'm continually experimenting and will be adding links on my blog to the research that's already been done on CS.
Don't worry about overdosing. The research so far shows that you'd have to take 3.8 grams a day to do it. At 10 ppm strength that would take around 200 gallons a day.
Posted by: jomama on December 16, 2004 10:22 PM
I would like all the African Countries to integrate their traditional healers and modern doctors to fight against this epidemic.the governments should involve tradional healers in policy formulation and in tranings about the pandemic. this is the problem which is facing all of us and it needs the collaboration ao al stakeholders.
there is no cure yet what we can do as Africans is to weak up and teach our communities and the political leaders should spearhead some of the activities which will show that we have heard enough. if we cannot take serious step we will fade and our Beautyful Africa will turn into a desert.
Youth are the leaders of tomorrow , its high time for them to weak up and fight against this pandemic.
Motlatsi Lesotho
Posted by: motlatsi on January 10, 2005 12:11 PM
Looking for information on the Uwemba pastilles
Posted by: ade coker on January 8, 2006 07:18 PM
Preventing, Treating AIDS with Ayurveda
A group in India has started treating "HIV positive" people with traditional ayurvedic medicine. Here is what they say:
We have started a unique, effective way for HIV positive patients in Pune, India. It's very effective, we treat patients with the help of traditional Ayurvedic medicine, without any side effect. We take classes and provide training for HIV positive patients "How to Be Healthy and Fit, on body and mind level for lifetime". If you have patients in huge quantity, We can travel to your city to provide these training sessions to them. You can send sponsor letter to our trust.
"Shriram Seva bhavi Sanstha" (Regd. with Goverment of India)
Regd. No. : 1118/2003 Maharastra.
Addr:- Vishwa Aids jagruti Abhiyan
near somnath temple, somnath nagar,
Vadgaonsheri, Pune- 411014
Maharastra, India
Email: vishvaaidsabhiyan@yahoo.co.in or vishvaaidsabhiyan@rediffmail.com
Tel:- 00912032314556
Mob:- 00919370189743
Posted by: Sepp on May 14, 2007 04:04 AM
like to know much on African traditional medcine
Posted by: Tarla Musa on October 17, 2007 08:09 AM
There is also alternative medicine by holistic treatment for 100 days and the virus is ousted from ones body.I have benefited with my wife.You can get more information by sending an email to 'holisticcures@gmail.com' There are no side effects and in comfort of you home.
Posted by: Darlington L. Kapasu on March 14, 2009 04:37 AM
With all the information l read and garthered, l belive in the alternative and holistic treatment of HIV. You guys should continue the good work and forget about all those phamacitical firms, they are out to kill people and enrich their pockets.
Posted by: Steve Elijah on December 28, 2009 10:45 AM
My name is Mike.This is a testimony i want to make. I was an HIV positive for 8 years taking anti retrovirus. As i was reading online some 5 months ago i saw a testimony on cure of HIV. I decided to give a try. Now as am telling you am very negative tested 4 times in 5 months after finishing me cure. The cure is a pure herbs the great dr send it to me through DHL. Dear brothers and sisters if you are out there, please the cure is out and rush to have yours. If you are interested, email the researcher using dr.ukpoyanspellhome@gmail.com I will encourage every person who come across this mail to cure yourself if you are positive dr.ukpoyanspellhome@gmail.com
Posted by: mike on October 10, 2014 08:22 AM

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