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October 11, 2004

Neurontin Suicides: FDA Still Turning A Deaf Ear Charges Rep Hinchey

Maurice Hinchey, Representative of the 22nd Congressional District of New York is calling for a thorough examination of the link between Neurontin, an anti-epilepsy drug that has been made a block-buster seller by off-label marketing, and suicides. The lawmaker blasted the FDA's failure to act in this matter in a letter to FDA acting Commissioner Lester Crawford dated 7 September 2004.

According to a report by the Alliance for Human Research Protection, Andrew Finkelstein, of the New York Law firm Finkelstein & Partners "knew of 160 Americans who, having never attempted any form of suicide before taking Neurontin, committed suicide while on the drug, as well as over two thousand (2,000) Americans who, having never attempted suicide before taking Neurontin, were hospitalized following a suicide attempt while on the drug."

One would think that 160 deaths and two thousand attempted suicides should lead to immediate action on the part of the FDA. Not so, as a matter of fact Teva Pharmaceuticals received FDA approval for its launch of a generic versions of Neurontin, also known as gabapentin.

The drug, which apparently nets Pfizer 1.7 billion $ a year, was originally approved only for epilepsy, but was illegally promoted by Warner Lambert's Parke Davis for other, non-approved uses. According to an article in the San Francisco Gate:

Prosecutors in the case said Warner-Lambert turned Neurontin into a blockbuster drug with tactics like paying doctors to listen to pitches for unapproved uses and treating them to luxury trips to Hawaii, Florida or the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. One doctor received almost $308,000 to tout Neurontin at conferences. "This illegal and fraudulent promotion scheme corrupted the information process relied on by doctors in their medical decision making, thereby putting patients at risk,'' said U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan, chief prosecutor for the federal district based in Boston.

While Pfizer had to pay more than 400 million $ to settle the suit over its illegal promotion of the drug, it would appear that the suicide allegations clearly warrant serious investigation, but for now, the FDA is going in the opposite direction - the agency has been intervening in liability lawsuits in defense of drug companies and medical device manufacturers sued by individuals who have been harmed.

Neurontin safety

It may be instructive to look at Pfizer's product warnings on Neurontin:

Neuropsychiatric Adverse Events—Pediatric Patients 3-12 years of age

Gabapentin use in pediatric patients with epilepsy 3–12 years of age is associated with the occurrence of central nervous system related adverse events. The most significant of these can be classified into the following categories:

1) emotional lability (primarily behavioral problems),
2) hostility, including aggressive behaviors,
3) thought disorder, including concentration problems and change in school performance, and
4) hyperkinesia (primarily restlessness and hyperactivity).

Among the gabapentin-treated patients, most of the events were mild to moderate
in intensity. In controlled trials in pediatric patients 3–12 years of age the incidence of these adverse events was: emotional lability 6% (gabapentin-treated patients) vs 1.3% (placebo-treated patients); hostility 5.2% vs 1.3%; hyperkinesia 4.7% vs 2.9%; and thought disorder 1.7% vs 0%. One of these events, a report of hostility, was considered serious. Discontinuation of gabapentin treatment occurred in 1.3% of patients reporting emotional lability and hyperkinesia and 0.9% of gabapentin-treated patients reporting hostility and thought disorder. One placebo-treated patient (0.4%) withdrew due to emotional lability.

Withdrawal Precipitated Seizure, Status Epilepticus

Antiepileptic drugs should not be abruptly discontinued because of the possibility of increasing seizure frequency.

In the placebo-controlled studies in patients >12 years of age, the incidence of status epilepticus in patients receiving Neurontin® was 0.6% (3 of 543) versus 0.5% in patients receiving placebo (2 of 378). Among the 2074 patients >12 years of age treated with Neurontin® across all studies (controlled and uncontrolled) 31 (1.5%) had status epilepticus. Of these, 14 patients had no prior history of status epilepticus either before treatment or while on other medications. Because adequate historical data are not available, it is impossible to say whether or not treatment with Neurontin® is associated with a higher or lower rate of status epilepticus than would be expected
to occur in a similar population not treated with Neurontin®.

Tumorigenic Potential

In standard preclinical in vivo lifetime carcinogenicity studies, an unexpectedly high incidence of pancreatic acinar adenocarcinomas was identified in male, but not female, rats. (See PRECAUTIONS: Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility.) The clinical significance of this finding is unknown. Clinical experience during gabapentin’s premarketing development provides no direct means to assess its potential for inducing tumors in humans.

In clinical studies in adjunctive therapy in epilepsy comprising 2085 patient-years of exposure in patients >12 years of age, new tumors were reported in 10 patients (2 breast, 3 brain, 2 lung, 1 adrenal, 1 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 1 endometrial carcinoma in situ), and preexisting tumors worsened in 11 patients (9 brain, 1 breast, 1 prostate) during or up to 2 years following discontinuation of Neurontin®. Without knowledge of the background incidence and recurrence in a similar population not treated with Neurontin®, it is impossible to know whether the incidence seen in this cohort is or is not affected by treatment.

Sudden and Unexplained Death in Patients With Epilepsy

During the course of premarketing development of Neurontin® 8 sudden and unexplained deaths were recorded among a cohort of 2203 patients treated (2103 patient-years of exposure). Some of these could represent seizure-related deaths in which the seizure was not observed, e.g., at night. This represents an incidence of 0.0038 deaths per patient-year. Although this rate exceeds that expected in a healthy population matched for age and sex, it is within the range of estimates for the incidence of sudden unexplained deaths in patients with epilepsy not receiving Neurontin® (ranging from 0.0005 for the general population of epileptics to 0.003 for a clinical trial population similar to that in the Neurontin® program, to 0.005 for patients with refractory epilepsy). Consequently, whether these figures are reassuring or raise further concern depends on comparability of the populations reported upon to the Neurontin® cohort and the accuracy of the estimates provided.

Documents and related articles:

Neurontin - HARD SELL
How Marketing Drives the Pharmaceutical Industry

Maurice Hinchey News Release

Maurice Hinchey's letter to FDA Commissioner Crawford

FDA requests anticonvulsants be reexamined
The Food and Drug Administration has asked the makers of epilepsy drugs, which are the fifth best-selling group of medications and are taken by millions of Americans, to reexamine their data to determine if the drugs increase patients' risk of suicide.

Pharma: Tame Watchdogs Not Protecting Public Health

FDA Covers Up Report - Mosholder: 'Antidepressants Double Suicides in Children'

Pfizer Sued in California: Covering up Zoloft Side Effects

Over-enthusiastic off-label prescribing of gabapentin

Pfizer Manipulated Neurontin Studies: Experts
Pfizer manipulated the publication of clinical trials to increase use of its Neurontin epilepsy pill for other illnesses, while suppressing studies that did not validate those uses, according to several experts who reviewed Pfizer documents for plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the drugmaker.

Pfizer's tactics included delaying publication of studies that had found no evidence the drug worked for some other disorders, "spinning" negative data to place it in a more positive light, and bundling negative findings with positive studies to neutralize the results, according to written reports by the experts, who analyzed the documents.


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Monday October 11 2004
updated on Monday December 6 2010

URL of this article:


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Readers' Comments

I've been taking Neurontin for three and a half years for neuropathic pain, which it does help, but I feel like a candidate for the Alzheimers home. It really renders me useless.

Posted by: Rob Mitchell on October 17, 2004 03:33 AM


I was given Neurontin for depression about two years ago. It immediately induced vertigo, nausea and intensified my depression. I lasted two or three days .... and I MIGHT have killed myself if I continued.
Last week I went to a Neurologist for severe spinal pain, sciatica and drop foot. He prescribed Neurontin. It was a battle with him to get a different anti-inflammatory.
What kind of hold does the manufacturer have on these physicians? And when will we start treating our doctors like technicians who know very little rather than the omniscient beings we think they are now?

Posted by: C. Ferrara on October 17, 2004 06:14 AM


I was diagnosed wiyh peripheral neuropathy 2 months ago because of severe pain. 3 different doctors said take neurontin without any tests at all besides blood which was normal. No relief,"take more" I was told 3 times. No relief. If it wasn't for one dr. prescribing tramadol i would be in bad shape. At this point and time I feel just like Mr. Mitchell. A normal life and work is next to impossible. I sure wish for once I could see a dr. that cared and would perform real tests to find out exactly what is wrong. I am a master auto tech and a dr. of motors, DANA corp. The way I pursue a difficult problem on an auto is performing thorough tests and analysis. I frequently chase an elusive problem on my own time and think about it a lot until it's solved. I wish I could find someone with these ethics, but it is expensive, time consuming, and so far futile.

Posted by: scott staege on November 2, 2004 01:32 PM


Hi Scott,

you are right - medicine has become largely a prescription action, rather than investigative and directed to resolution of the actual problem. The problem is widely felt, I think, and some change has to be made. Some propose to change around the whole way medicine and pharmaceuticals are paid for. See a more recent article, and especially some of the links at the end.

US Health System Needs Radical Overhaul: New York Times

Posted by: Sepp on November 2, 2004 03:07 PM


I had a fusion @L5S1 in 1999 & screws & plate used 14 mos after to that I have the next disc going bad, & have leg & hip pain, I was on 300 mg Nuerontin Mid July, I felt like a zombie, so took less...on only 200 mg a helps with pain, but I too feel like I am losing my mind & can't focus.....for pain this has been the most help I've had...but is losing my mind, feeling fatigued worth it?

Posted by: D Kruse on November 7, 2004 02:38 AM


I'm an LPN. Neurontin is the Drs drug of choice for psychiatric behaviors. Every single person that I've seen them put on Neurontin, has gotten worse.
They even bring these elderly people back in wheelchairs-when they could walk when they left.

Posted by: K Gade on November 8, 2004 07:28 PM


I know that some people react badly to Neurontin, but this drug seems to be saving my life after years of struggle with CFS, fibromyalgia, and severe depression and anxiety. It really does help some of us (lucky ones). What everyone needs to realize is that people vary widely in their reaction to medication. Traditional tricyclic antidepressants made me very suicidal, even though they "weren't supposed to." Doctors should never push Neurontin on anyone it isn't working for. And I hope Neurontin will always be available for me.

Posted by: Bonnie C. on November 11, 2004 04:36 PM


I have been on Neurontin 1800mg at bedtime for neouropathic pain due to several bad discs and pain down my left leg and fibromyalgia for several years. All I have read here is negative posts so I wonder if that is all that gets put up. I have had a very positive experience and would fight tooth and nail if someone said they were going to take my Neurontin away.

Posted by: Missyk10 on November 11, 2004 05:16 PM


When I was 18 years old I was dianogsed with Bipolar disorder. I was put into a mental hospital and perscibed Neurontin... After 3 months on the medication I felt 10x worse than i did before my doctor put me on Neurontin. I have tried to kill myself 4 times and have in and out of mental fascilities... Now before i start any medication i read up on it first.. People with mental disorders have enough to worry about without the risk associated to this medication.

Posted by: Kate on November 24, 2004 12:41 AM


I was on Nerontin for 2 years in 1998-2000, and I feel personally responsible for half of the bad side effects NOW listed in the Doctor's PDR! I have been speaking against Neuronton for years! I had a benign spinal tumor taken from out of my spinal cord at T-11 in 1994. Originally, the doctors put me on Klonopin and Baclofen for nerve pain , which I tried to do for 2 years, then because I was a zombie, I was switched to Ultram and Neurontin in 1998. I actually was up to 1800 mg. in one day of Neurontin at one point, and when I realized that no matter how much they gave me, it was NOT eliminating pain at all, I told THEM that I was going to go down to nothing on these meds-- That's when I was told that I should have been taken off of Ultram after 3 MONTHS! (I only found out about this prescibed amount of Ultram by reading up on that drug..., and then confirming if this info. was true by these doctors! You see, they never would have informed me of that, since they get something from these pharmaceutical companies for keeping patients on these drugs!) It took me another 2 years to totally then get off of Ultram and then Neurontin very slowly! At one point, I went to go see a doctor that did many, many tests on me about my memory, concentration, etc. on Neurontin because I had basically no memory, couldn't remember anything, had very bad hair loss, and thought I was losing my mind! The tests proved I was on way too much of the drug, since I couldn't even remember several sets of numbers in a row when they asked me-- BUT, I was the one that had to bring it to THIER attention! They didn't care about how I felt- I do not recommend staying on any medicine as a guinea pig. I even held off this one doctor from recommending Neurontin when it first came out around 1997, because they really had no data on side effects at that point.
So, rt. now, I feel just as much nerve stuff as I did when I was on any of these drugs, but I have my mental faculties, and am SO much better not having them in my body!! I am doing different Nerve therapies (Integrative Manual Therapy), and taking supplements, and homeopathics, and those work for me SO much better than any meds. EVER did, and believe me, I know!! (since I was pretty much very reliant upon meds. in the 2 1/2 years years rt. after my surgery, while I was learning how to walk again--) At this point, I am also about to start trying Yoga, which will help with even better re-alignment of my spine. Even though all those doctors think I am the one who is crazy for not being on any Western Meds., I think THEY are nuts for assuming patients WANT to stay on these meds forever! Keep searching no matter what, for new methods, and new ways to not HAVE to rely on meds., even if rt. now some of you are still on them-- keep reading up on things, and continuuing to try new things/ therapies!

Posted by: Heidi S. on January 2, 2005 11:24 PM


I am trying to find out if Nuerontin is what killed my husband. He was doing well till he started taking it, in which his seizures worsen till he ended up dying from a stroke induced seizure killing him. He was only 33 years old and in average shape.

Posted by: Deanne Ford on February 4, 2005 12:28 AM


My 60 yr old husband....healthy,happy,strong and working as volunteer for city police auxillary. This takes training with gun, etc. He had an injury to his back last Oct. 2004. Was put on Viagra just to be able to get him out of bed and to the M.D. He went through tests and MRI and was told to see a neurosurgeon. It was a month before he could get in on Dec. 16. By this time most of his hip and leg pain was gone. They could not find any disc damage, thought he might have bruised a nerve. Put him on Neurotin and another anti-inflammatory, saying he didn't need to stop the viagra or his sleeping pill. It was making him so out of it that he quit it after a week and a half. All he could do was cry and be confused. A week later he asked to have the guns and all knives removed from the house. His thoughts were scaring him so bad. It has thrown him in the black hole of hell emotionally. Now on anti-anxiety, Ativan, and Fluoxitine. I thought this would be helping by now...he has been on it for 2 weeks...Dr. keeps saying will take a full month. After reading the above material I'm more scared than ever. I feel I'm sinking sometimes into the hole with him. What a horrible thing to have on the market.

Posted by: Donna S. on February 6, 2005 09:03 AM


I am just starting to learn about Neurontin as my mother is having serious withdrawal symptoms. If I hadn't found this web-site, I might have thought that I was fighting for nothing - that perhaps my mother is just paranoid! Her psychiatrist was completely emphatic in using Neurontin as the cure-all mind drug. What the hell are these physicians thinking?! Now, I'm not sure what I can do to help my mother who is obviously incapable (at this time) to help herself because mentally she is just completely wasted and scared! I thought about sending her back to her psychiatrist who prescribed Neurontin to her but I don't think this will be useful. Does anyone have any suggestions on who my mother can see? In addition to my mother taking Neurontin for the past 1 year or so, she has been taking Valium on a regular basis as well. And I'm not educated enough to know that potential detrimental effects of using both drugs together. If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate your time.

Posted by: Bailey on February 7, 2005 09:41 PM


I also was prescribe neurontin and got suicidal I end up in the hospital three times, I also don't know where Dr. come from .I heard they get kick backs for pushing the drugs and I believed that, I just fund out he change the med. togabapentin which is the genetic for neurontin, really pisssis me offfff just so you'll know .

Posted by: JUAN F. CARDENAS on February 18, 2005 12:34 AM


Facial Nerve damage after surgrey. I am taking five 800mg Neurontin daily plus three 100gm Zoloft.

Please would you advise if this will cause damage to my body organs.
Thank you

Posted by: howard on February 21, 2005 07:30 AM


the crap drs give us are no longer to help us its to make them money!!! thats my opinion!!!!!!!!

Posted by: ray on October 5, 2005 05:58 AM


I have been taking neurontin for about 3 years now & am all messed up! I can no longer remember anything that has happened to me in the past, developed blood clots in both legs along with lymphedema, think of suicide quite often & am now trying to get off of this crap! I was taking 900 mg. daily & am now down to 600 mg. daily. I even have been in touch with lawyers who have been bringing lawsuits against Psfzer. If I'm about to do something I forget to do it within a moment's notice. I now write down evrything & carry notes with me. Originally, I was put on neurontin when I wanted to get off of Klonopin. Now, I have to go BACK onto Klonopin because of the side effects of Neurontin. What a mess!

Posted by: Diceman341 on December 16, 2005 07:55 AM


I have been put on ultram,celebrex and they all was taken off the market, now neurontin in which it makes me feel disoriented and sleepy. I couldn't tend to my children, my family had to come over and help my children with thier homework and cook dinner.

Posted by: cathy on January 18, 2006 01:20 AM


I have been taking gabapentin (Neurontin) since 2002 and can't understand why I allowed myself to continue taking it for so long. My doctor intially precribed it to help with pain in my lower back and help with sleep. I have had three back surgeries including a spinal fussion at L5-S1 Initially the dose was started at 300mg, once per day, at night. I explained to my doctor that it made me too groggy and he advised me to up the dose to 600mg at night and that would probably relief the grogginess at a higher dosage. I then increased the dosage, but the grogginess feeling didn't clear up. I just didn't notice it as much because I was then entering a mental fog. It didn't appear to help the pain or sleeping problems at all. But since I was so mentally foggy from the drug effects, it just didn't seem to mentally bother me as much. Then my primary care doctor started being the only prescribing physician and decided to increase the dosage even more. She eventually had me on two 600mg tablets twice a day for a total of 2400mg per day. Every time I complained about the side effects of this drug, the doctors just increased the dosage. It never improved my pain. It just made me feel something akin to a chemical lobotomy. I seemed to lose touch with myself, my personality. I thought of suicide almost every day. My memory was almost nonexist. I couldn't keep up with what day it was or remember to pay my bills on time. I couldn't even remember if I had eaten anything on any given day but really couldn't care less about it. Fortunately, I'm on disability because I most definitely wouldn't have been able to hold down a job. I am now gradually discontinuing this medication on my own. I want to reclaim what little life I once had before taking this drug. I am just hoping that none of the side effects I experienced from this drug are permanent. I feel that this drug has interferred with the very core of my soul in a very negative way. I am not sure it should be considered safe for anyone, much less children.

Posted by: Gwen on February 14, 2006 08:23 PM


i was on nuerontin for 4 months and it made me suicidal and violent and want to hurt other people and myself, i told the doctor what was happening and all she said was you have to let nuerontin get into your system, so i did and i got worse, i wanted to kill myself.i think i should be compensated for all i went through . if i didnt stop the drug on my own i would be dead today,

Posted by: susan kelly on April 4, 2006 09:46 PM


2.5yrs ago, I was perscribed Neurontin after being diagnosed with wet-foot(an infection due to moisture making contact with the incision area from a recent surgery - on the foot). My doctor, even after blaming the infection on me, said in to many words that I was a hypercondriac and the pain I've been complaining about didn't really exist. As a result of his "professional diagnosis", I filed with the insurance (Worker's Comp)Co. to find another doctor. A bad bed-side manner along with a "God complex", just some of the explanations I was sure to include in the request to change doctors.
My next doctor continued on with the same treatment, Celebrex and Neurontin. My complaints of discomfort and bouts of extreme pain were always addressed with, "lets wait and see what happens". A few months of that changed me. I was either extremely angry or bed ridden and over emotional. Then one night I felt compelled to see if I could push every one of my fiances buttons. Then it was over, everything happened so fast. I remember the sofa cushions scattered, the over stuffed chair in the hallway, wine all over the walls and sofa back, and finally, salt piles everywhere, ment to absorb the red wine spots. On his way to a motel, my fiance was gone. I was just thinking of taking some aspirin for my head ache, all the sudden I couldn't control myself. I remember it seemed like an out-of-body type experience. I was watching from above, unable to do or say anything to make things go back to normal. Then I had a box cutter in my right hand, I set the blade down so that the tip was firmly piercing my left wrist...I pressed firmly, closed my eyes and put my left arm flat across my body to rest on my right thigh...I pushed down with the blade and swiftly jerked my left arm up towards the sky. Everything was really warm and then I felt relaxed, staring blindly at the red sea now dripping onto the floor. All of the sudden my best-friend is standing in the doorway talking and then laughing. She thought I was listening to her come in, why wasn't I laughing too? She turns and sees me on the floor and quickly sits next to me. While holding my arm someone starts telling me step-by-step, exactly how to get to her car and when the best time to go there would be. Next thing I know we're at the hospital and I'm laughing. Before ya know it, I'm in my body again. The pain was a sure sign that I wasn't going anywhere for the moment, thank god.!.
Well, need-less to say, I convinced my doctor that I was not okay. Following a psychological test by means of a computer program and a psychological eval., the results were in...I was found to be severely stressed, severely depressed and to also have a severe anxiety level...Depression doesn't run in my family and I'd never had it, as far as I knew. And for these reasons, Workers Comp will not allow for any form of treatment to be authorized. To think, after 2 surgeries and 3 series of back injections (to stop the pain)along with an attempted suicide, I still don't meet the requirements needed to recieve treatment and medications.
I had enough, I quit taking all the medications that I was on and informed the doctor that his "wait and see attitude" wasn't working for me. Therefore, I would like to be released from his care to find alternate means of treatment.
That was when things started improving (for the most part). I'm finally seeing the world in color again and I've also started living thru every day without sleeping it away. Strength will keep me alive and kicking. Don't live everyday not knowing if ..... Know!!!

Posted by: Shayna on April 5, 2006 05:04 PM


I was persribed neurontin two and half years ago for nerve pain from ms. I have thougts of killing myself and others. I am hateful to my wife and daughter in which I dearly love. This medication has caused a lot of problems in my life. And no one deserves to feel like this. I would also like to be compensated for what it has done to my life.

Posted by: jason fleming on May 9, 2006 06:06 AM


My husband 51 years old died
of a stroke / brain dead lack of oxygen. Never had heart problems.
Was on tramadol and effevor and other junk, I feel killed him. Also got so depressed earlier in year
ETC was started to stop depression. Lawsuit here somewhere Anyone can help me email

Posted by: Jan Cordell on May 17, 2006 11:02 PM


I suffer from manic-depression (Bipolar Type I), with a severity of case that has yet to be gotten a hold, or even explanation of.

I also have been diagnosed, both seperately, and in a co-morbid manner, many other lovely ticks. Such as Anxiety, & Panic Disorder, Night Terrors, O.C.D., Insomnia, O.D.D., Agorophobia, Hallucinations, and severe, non-seizural episodes when in a Panic Attack. Not to mention all of the physical ills that go along with a trial.

Every Psychiatrist just either passes you a different named pill, (same compounds usually), or tells me to look for another Dr. Basically, admitting they are stumped, and rarely are proactive enough in order to help better stabalise you.

It is all a scam. Researchers study with Placebo patients involved. How is that going to determine anything, by simply giving someone something they are receiving without knowledge of whether or not its' the real thing.

It'd be more productive to focus in studies involving only persons suffering from BiPolar disorder, or any mental condition that may include Neurontin.

If it affects patients taking it for anything other than psychiatric related purpouses; then one can only imagine how difficult it is to have a mental disorder, already be on a varied medication trial of other pills, and just hope all goes well.

Half of the time for us, we are guaranteed a half and half life. I cannot emphasise strongly enough how patients with BiPolar, seriously research this for themselves.

Do not simply swallow whatever they push over to you, and end up like a zombie.

Suicidal ideation, violent thoughts, and or behaviour. These are issues that are only part of the problem I feel this drug causes. All of the other damage Neurontin may be doing to us is more obscure than any definitive results on the study of its' side effects.

I have experienced mixed, rapid cycling. I started taking Neurontin just over a year ago now @ 1,200 mg.'s per. To replace the Ativan that my body had become physically addicted to. I did not want to go through detox, so I somehow managed to wean myself off. But, as anyone whos' tried it can attest to, it was a living hell. That only caused me non-seizural episodes, and severe episodes of psychotic states, that if not looked after by another, could very easily end up being a very dangerous tightrope of various negative situations towards oneself, and or others as well.

Neurontin needs to be investigated properly. This is obvious. But, for all of the suicides, or illegal acts acted upon by persons whom are mentally unstable, you would think society, and the Gov.'t would make this a priority.

It only leads to more problems in the end. But, I guess they do not know, or have a loved one with such a severely debilitating illness such as B.P.

I hope all who have taken, or are currently taking this drug, monitor themselves.
I have had episodes where I have gone from Hyper-Manic, to lethargically Depressed. Sometimes literally in a manner of minutes, but more frequently, on an hourly, or day to day basis.

Also, look into the book, "Your Drug May be Your Problem", by authors Peter R. Breggin, M.D. and David Cohen, Ph.D. It describes a lot regarding primarily psychiatric drugs, and investigating into its negative, or adverse side effects.

It also details possible long-term damage of the brain, kidneys, liver, and thyroid.
A very good informative read.

My regards and sympathies to all who have suffered due to the pharamceutical industry, the F.D.A., psychiatrists, and their drug reps. All have helped contribute to causing another problem, with another drug that is supposed to at least alleviate whatever symptoms it may be attempting to treat.

Take care to all, and be mindful as possible, or bring a trusted person with you, anytime, you have a problem with your Dr., and their medication suggestions.
Talk to you psychologist, your primary Dr., etc. research lietrature, online articles from reliable sources, and so forth.

The best course, I've found, is to be as informed as your dDr. is, if not equal or more. In the case of psychiatry, dr.'s don't usually see persons with same diagnois exclusively. So, their knowledge will vary.

Yet, the quick fix always seems to be the initial plan. We are the guinea pigs from where they gain their profits, and so called "research."

It's your life. Don't allow a drug like Neurontin to take over you in a negative way. There are plenty of other medications.

(That no doubt will cause bad side effects, yet, it just may be better for us all)

Posted by: paul cannella on October 26, 2006 09:40 AM


I am a victim of Neurotin's side effects. I had two suicide attempts in 2000 and 2001 which esulted in me being treated & placed on a 72 hr. hold. After information was made available to my doctor he removed that drug as a source of pain control.zi am writing to ask ifI have any legal recourse with regsrds to the effect of this drug. A response would be truely appreciated. Thank you, Pamela Henry

Posted by: Pamela Henry on December 7, 2007 12:03 PM


I have been taking Neurontin since October 2008 for nerve pain associated with 1. Bil. Brachial Plexoneuropathy; 2. Bil. Cervical Radiculoneuropathy; and 3. Bil Mononeuritis Multiplex of the Upper Extremities. Following a fender-bender that resulted in, untreated whiplash and unnecessary shoulder decomression surgery exacerbated what I can only describe as exquisite pain. After nerve conduction and EMG tests I was diagnosed with the three aforementioned neuropathies, put on Vicodin (75/350 1-2 3x/day) and Neurontin (300 mg 2x/day increased to 3x/day by the office RN instead of presenting the physician with the vicodin refill request). While I can't feel the Neurontin "hit me" after taking it, I can feel the second it starts to wear off. Before Thanksgiving I called in the refill. After 10 days multiple refax's and 3 days without ANY Neurontin, I left a voicemail for the nurses - Let's just say it was NOT a very nice v/m. After 3 days of going without a medication that I was used to taking 3x/day, I can say in all honesty, suicide was my prevelant thought. Going to the Dr.'s ofc. with my 9mm and MAKING them address my needs was my only other thought.

Instead of listening to my hysterical v/m and recogizing that "something" was incredibly wrong, they refilled the Rx and sent me a reg. letter dropping me as a patient for being rude and disruptive. After reading everything that has been posted, empathizing with every single person who has experienced this HELL, I feel like the Dr. should have recognized this abnormal behaviour, made an appt. for me to come in and discuss alternative medication.

There is a sticker right on the bottle about notifying your Dr. if there is a change in mood or you have thoughts of suicide. Now, I don't even have a physician that I can follow-up with. The day before Christmas I will be out of Neurontin. Don't know what is worse, the feelings of intense anger at the world when I take it or the suicidal ideations when I don't.

This drug is BAD NEWS! I would very interested in participating in a Class Action suit against the Pfizer and I haven't ruled out Medical Malpractice against the prescribing physician. Thank you to everyone who shared their experience. I wouldn't wish these feelings on anyone and at the same time, it's good to know that I'm not crazy and alone.

Bright blessings,
K. White

Posted by: Kristen White on December 12, 2008 07:58 PM


I am on Neurontin for very very bad trigger point headaches, even though I get Botox shots and trigger point Lidocaine shots. If I wasn't able to take the Neurontin off label for these I would have to be on narcotics. It does make you a bit fuzzy but that's a whole lot better than feeling like something put an axe in your skull.
I have no suicidal feelings and I should know--I tried to kill myself once before. It may well be that in some cases doctors have to be more careful in prescribing this and other medications but if the FDA severely limits this and other drugs used to treat various forms of headaches, then people like me will really suffer.

Posted by: Betsy Malavet on June 18, 2009 04:50 PM


@Betsy, thank you for sharing your view on Neurontin. Why is it that I get a suspicion when reading your comment that you may be campaigning in favor of a drug manufacturer?

Posted by: Sepp on June 19, 2009 04:13 AM


i take neurontin for back pain. i was never told of any serious side effects. in fact, two different doctors both said it had a very "benign" side effect profile. 7 months later and im a complete wreck. i feel more addicted to neurontin than i ever felt with opiates and benzos. the second it starts to wear off, i get feelings of despair, sadness, suicide, agitation, etc. its unbelievable that this drug made it onto the market. the medical community needs to wake up and realize this is not the "modern snake oil" that pfizer made it out to be.

Posted by: sleigh on July 19, 2009 02:52 PM


Sepp--Unless you have walked 10 miles in my shoes I don't think you have any right to judge me. I have excellent doctors whom I trust--I would like to be on topomax for my headaches but it suppresses my bone marrow--are you telling me the drug manufacturers made that happen so I would have to be on neurontin instead? BTW I never attempted to commit suicide before my first real try either and I wasn't even on neurontin then.

Posted by: Betsy Malavet on March 9, 2010 11:10 AM


Sepp--One more comment--I am going to see my former neurologist about putting neural stimulators in my head--in other words wires in my brain--do you think that is better than neurontin?

Posted by: Betsy Malavet on March 9, 2010 11:18 AM


Betsy, since you have excellent doctors, you obviously will be following their advice. My ideas or the experience of others on neurontin may not really be relevant to your own case. I wish you well.

Posted by: Sepp on March 10, 2010 05:14 AM


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